OOTB's Political Thread . ..

If a black person came to his house, they came to the back door. And, people nowadays really never consider how deep something simple like that can leave a mark on a society.

And that's something that is seriously ****ed up. I guess we should be thankful that there's nothing like that happening anymore, and that people have to resort to being outraged over a fuggin statue to get their rocks off nowadays.
And that's something that is seriously ****ed up. I guess we should be thankful that there's nothing like that happening anymore, and that people have to resort to being outraged over a fuggin statue to get their rocks off nowadays.
Well, to clarify, if they came to his FATHER'S house- My grandfather... And, of course, he was from an older generation. He was born in rural SC in 1917, near Dillon.

But, back when my dad grew up in Petersburg, VA, there was no outrage over it. It was just "how it was." Now, I don't know how commonplace that kind of racial etiquette was, either. I mean, fromt he stories I've heard, my grandfather was very familiar with a great many black people. He sold them furniture and bedding and all kinds of stuff on credit. When he got killed, when the train hit his car, there was a black guy ("colored man") in the passenger seat with him who survived!
Are you assuming that one day there will be no racists living among us?
There will be prejudices and I'm sure that as long as people can convince other people that the ones who "look like we do" are better, then there will be racism.
One could argue that the harder you fight it, and more importantly, how public the fight is, will only produce more racism.
It will impact the end result, sure. Like I mentioned earlier, with the war. The upheaval and destruction that was endured made the "transition" a lot harder for everyone. There was animosity over the loss of life and lifestyle. There was poverty... you name it. And, if the black man was the scapegoat, even more difficult a struggle for them.

I don't know that it was ever going to be an easy transition because of the degree of the institution and the amount of time it had lasted. To them (white slave owners), it was perfectly natural. And, the Bible was used abundantly to back it up. It was a religious culture to boot.

But, if abolitionists had not "fought harder and harder" they'd likely still be in chains. And, if people in the 50s and 60s hadn't fought hard, they'd still be in their own segregated schools and everything else.
OK - you can't. No worries.

You've really got it bad for Trudeau. NTTAWWT


Want proof? Here you go then. I always knew Canadians were fat and drunk, but I didn't think it was this early in the day.

And I love Trudeau as long as he stays in Canada. The guy is better than Elizabeth Warren for a laugh.

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You mentioned that abolistionists fought “harder and harder” against slavery and if not for them, black folks would still be in chains. And you mentioned that folks in the 50s and 60s fought “harder and harder” against segregation. What are the people of today fighting harder and harder for?
I guess you'll have to ask them. Or, wait until you see/hear about it. Apparently, removing these statues, flags, and other monuments that commemorate the Confederacy is the current agenda. If the State of South Carolina can remove that battle flag from the state house, then anything is possible. 25 years ago, I never thought that could happen. In fact, in 1993 I marched in a counter-protest for the battle flag to remain over the state house. I'm ashamed of what I did, then. It finally came down and moved to where it was even more visible on the statehouse grounds. Now... it's completely gone. You can still read about how SC was the first state to secede from the union. No one has banned that from history books. No one is rewriting history. It seems that the present-day Old South is finally ashamed of the monuments to the things that made the Old South shameful.
The point I’m making that you seem to be evading is that there is nothing left to fight for. All is square. We have made things as right as we can make them.

Most black people very very very very much disagree with this statement.
Doubling down now. Yikes.
Double, triple, quadruple.......truth hurts. Good example is the school systems. There is a push to eliminate suspensions and expulsions because it effects a higher number of black kids. Well maybe the jackasses should consider acting appropriately in school and they wouldn't get kicked out.
Double, triple, quadruple.......truth hurts. Good example is the school systems. There is a push to eliminate suspensions and expulsions because it effects a higher number of black kids. Well maybe the jackasses should consider acting appropriately in school and they wouldn't get kicked out.

You guys are saying some racist shit. Don't feed into the middle aged southern white man stereotype talking about how equal everything is now.

You also sound like the dad in American History X.

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Right, no discussion, just attack. You’ve been conditioned well.

I'm not really attacking you...I think a lot of people (not on this board which leans toward actually agreeing with this...cuz, ya know, middle aged southern white people) would react much worse. I'm simply saying you guys are saying some racist shit, not that you're actually racist.

I have this discussion all the time with my friends. My 4 best friends are two Indians, a Colombian, and a black guy so we get all the different personal perspectives and absolutely bust on each others racial stereotypes.

One thing my black friend says and I've heard it from others is that it's impossible to know that feeling (being black in America) unless it's happening to you. He related it to a panic attack or depression or addiction in the sense that until you've experienced it, you can't really know from the outside what it feels like.

So this "we are equal" shit, in my experience discussing this at nauseam with friends, is that it is just that...shit. So nah, I don't really want to get into it with a middle aged southern white guy who I don't know on a message board.

Which is why I just left it at "not your best look" and not more of an attack. Worse shit is said in every thread on this board.
You have a black friend? No way! You might be the only one.

Nah, I’m kidding, I have black friends too. And they agree and feel more strongly than I that society is doing black folks no favors. In addition to my black friends that share my feelings, 4 of my 6 staff are black women who also share my feelings. They work everyday with a predominately black clientele and closely with our public school system. I’m guessing they have their finger on the pulse of this sort of thing better than you do.

What exactly was “racist” in any of my or @nctransplant ’s comments from this morning? Is it racist to believe things are equal? Is it racist to point out a school system policy that is forgiving to black students but punishes white students? Be explicit and tell me what you think is racist. And speak English please, because I don’t speak sheep.
Great poast. What a stretch some will go to to say what we've said is racist. I'll make sure to let my mixed race granddaughters know their Pa is a racist. And GFY with that bull$hit.
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His history continues to be almost shockingly bad.

The dude almost got killed fighting for the rights of the common man. The problem with the Indians wasn't started by him and it didn't end with him. That was a continuous war between multiple countries. Weren't you the one defending Napolean just the other day?
You have a black friend? No way! You might be the only one.

Nah, I’m kidding, I have black friends too. And they agree and feel more strongly than I that society is doing black folks no favors. In addition to my black friends that share my feelings, 4 of my 6 staff are black women who also share my feelings. They work everyday with a predominately black clientele and closely with our public school system. I’m guessing they have their finger on the pulse of this sort of thing better than you do.

What exactly was “racist” in any of my or @nctransplant ’s comments from this morning? Is it racist to believe things are equal? Is it racist to point out a school system policy that is forgiving to black students but punishes white students? Be explicit and tell me what you think is racist. And speak English please, because I don’t speak sheep.
Don't mean to butt in but if all things are equal, as you say now, how do you explain all the differences in everything from crime rate to std. of living, to educational level, etc. etc. Why are all these measures different?
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Don't mean to butt in but if all things are equal, as you say now, how do you explain all the differences in everything from crime rate to std. of living, to educational level, etc. etc. Why are all these measures different?

You realize that all that stuff has only gotten worse the more the government has tried to "help", right? The Great Society has decimated the Black community. Explain that.
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You realize that all that stuff has only gotten worse the more the government has tried to "help", right? The Great Society has decimated the Black community. Explain that.
That's not what I ask him and btw I didn't ask you...
That's not what I ask him and btw I didn't ask you...

The differences are due to choices made. If you really want to know why more black people have been jailed, you need to ask Bill and Hillary "Superpredator" Clinton who exploded the prison population during his term. Look, it's easier for black people to go to college than white people now. What else can we do as a society? They actually have an educational advantage over everyone else. At what point do you put the onus on the individual to do the right thing?
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As I said. Board comprising mostly southern white middle aged men I expected you to have support.

And the fact you claim that you speak to black people and they agree with you that it’s now “equal” means they are very lucky or (more likely) lying to you.
Blacks are pretty much treated equal as long as they act white and assimilate themselves into white culture. If they talk white, dress white, go to white churches...pretty much do all they can to water down their heritage and not act “uppity”, then they’re allowed to be equal ftmp.
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Blacks are pretty much treated equal as long as they act white and assimilate themselves into white culture. If they talk white, dress white, go to white churches...pretty much do all they can to water down their heritage and not act “uppity”, then they’re allowed to be equal ftmp.

Does it shock you that people who have the same culture tend to group together? Do you think black people that act "black" treat white people who act "white" any different than they would another black person who acts "black"? Hell, if a black person acts "white", the black community is the first to insult them, calling them an Uncle Tom or some other denigrating insult.
Blacks are pretty much treated equal as long as they act white and assimilate themselves into white culture. If they talk white, dress white, go to white churches...pretty much do all they can to water down their heritage and not act “uppity”, then they’re allowed to be equal ftmp.
That sounds racist. I believe all ethnicities are the same.
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But abolistionists fought to abolish slavery. People in the 50s and 60s fought for equal rights. The point I’m making that you seem to be evading is that there is nothing left to fight for. All is square. We have made things as right as we can make them. That’s why I can’t abide whatever fight the left thinks they’re fighting. And so, I will not support those efforts and even further, I will mock those that manufacture a plight.
Just because you refuse to acknowledge it, and you think everything is square, doesn't mean that's the reality that others observe.

The truth is; it's NEVER "square." It's never finished. It's a continuous process. I don't personally agree with some of the methods and remedies that are being used in some of the situations. But, I'm just glad that there's an incentive. If errors occur, then I hope they're addressed and don't become mistakes. But, the process never crosses the finish line. It's never perfect. It's up to us to keep trying to make it better.
I don't want to put words in @Terror Beard's mouth, but I think he was trying to say that black people have the same rights and opportunities as white people, so that makes things equal. It's not really debatable that the rights are equal. You could debate opportunities all day though because it's such a complex issue.
By that same token, just because some believe it is happening doesn’t make it so.
You're a lot like the character Hilly Holbrook in The Help... "Separate, but equal."

You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been eating too much pie.