OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Thats a reasonable take. And reasonable educated people certainly disagree on this stuff. But to claim ss was erected to honor students who served BOTH sides is just a plain lie. And to blame “leftist media and educators” for manipulating people into thinking it just honors confederate soldiers just doubles down on the stupidity.

True. He's wearing a Confederate uniform, his canteen says "CSA", and I'm sure there are other parts that identify him as a Confederate solider. To claim he represents Union soldiers as well is stupid. Just as stupid as saying the statue represents support of slavery.
Civil War- especially Confederate- "memorials" are no longer a favorable... thing... in public areas. So, it might be in your best interest to acknowledge it. The South has had 150 years to glorify its past. You've been reconstructed and American for that same amount of time. The rest of America sees those images as an attempt to glorify slavery. If you don't like it when people think that way, tough shit. Your ancestors owned human beings and justified it and killed other people to maintain that right. It's not a good look, socially speaking, anymore. Sowwy...

You can still fly your rebel flags at home and wear clothes that let everyone know how cool you think the South was back in the antebellum era, and after the Yankees defeated it. But, don't be surprised if you get labeled a racist for wearing racist shit.

(this was brought to you by someone who used to feel the exact opposite and finally realized I was wrong)
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I've found a remedy, of sorts, that allows Southerners to realize where they actually are with the symbols of The Old South. I ask them, directly: "Are you glad that the South LOST the war?" If they pause... that tells them exactly where their conscience is regarding the matter, and if they feel like they can, or even should, change their view.
Thats a reasonable take. And reasonable educated people certainly disagree on this stuff. But to claim ss was erected to honor students who served BOTH sides is just a plain lie. And to blame “leftist media and educators” for manipulating people into thinking it just honors confederate soldiers just doubles down on the stupidity.
Of course silent Sam represents both sides. The statue can’t possibly be depicted wearing two uniforms at the same time, duh.
True. He's wearing a Confederate uniform, his canteen says "CSA", and I'm sure there are other parts that identify him as a Confederate solider. To claim he represents Union soldiers as well is stupid. Just as stupid as saying the statue represents support of slavery.

And to be clear...i dont feel it represents support of slavery. I feel it and others were erected to honor those who fought for the csa. That to me is enough to have them removed. The csa came into existence (in the states own words in their letters of secession) to protect the “god given institution of slavery”. If you and others want to claim the soldiers didnt understand this then so be it. I cant prove otherwise. But imo its not stupid to assume they did and certainly not stupid to assume there were racist motivations behind the conflict. Regardless, imo given what we know now with the benefit of hindsight and the way hate groups have adopted these symbols it’s inappropriate to honor those who died serving csa with statues no matter how noble or naive their intentions may have been at the time.
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Civil War- especially Confederate- "memorials" are no longer a favorable... thing... in public areas. So, it might be in your best interest to acknowledge it. The South has had 150 years to glorify its past. You've been reconstructed and American for that same amount of time. The rest of America sees those images as an attempt to glorify slavery. If you don't like it when people think that way, tough shit. Your ancestors owned human beings and justified it and killed other people to maintain that right. It's not a good look, socially speaking, anymore. Sowwy...

You can still fly your rebel flags at home and wear clothes that let everyone know how cool you think the South was back in the antebellum era, and after the Yankees defeated it. But, don't be surprised if you get labeled a racist for wearing racist shit.

(this was brought to you by someone who used to feel the exact opposite and finally realized I was wrong)
You started dating another black chick?
And to be clear...i dont feel it represents support of slavery. I feel it and others were erected to honor those who fought for the csa. The csa came into existence (in the states own words in their letters of secession) to protect the “god given institution of slavery”. If you and others want to claim the soldiers didnt know this then so be it. I cant prove otherwise. But imo its not stupid to assume they did. Regardless, given what we know now with the benefit of hindsight it’s inappropriate to honor those who died serving csa no matter how noble their intentions may have been at the time.
I honor them individually... because they were human beings, and for totally different reasons than what they were "fighting for." Personally, I find that glorifying people- any people- because they fought, killed and died in wars is archaic as hell and has also ceased to be a necessary piece of our culture. Wars are complex, multi-faceted, and achieve many things- good and bad. But, glorifying them just seems to be detrimental to the species, to me. Glorify the medical advancements, or the awareness of inhumanity and preference of "the better angels of our nature." The loss of life is borne by all sides, and it hurts the same regardless of the color uniform the soldier wore.

I have a framed muster roll that shows my great-great grandfather's enlistment in the 50th VA, Company K in June 1861, his capture at The Wilderness, incarceration at Elmira, NY POW camp, and release in July 1865. All my cousins have one, too. It has a Virginia State Seal and CSA battle flag in the corners. I even took that down and put it in a box. There are plenty more things he should be remembered for than what happened to him in those 4 years. I think he would even agree!
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I don't care if the wall is built or not. But I want Trump to continue to stump for it. I want him on Twitter everyday talking about our immigration problem. I want him to remind people everyday that our terrible border security has resulted in the murders of innocent Americans in their own country. I want Trump beating the immigration drum as much as possible.

So do i!
You're assuming that The Confederacy, had they won the war, would have continued to allow slavery. That's an assumption you shouldn't be making.
But, I am making it and did make it. If you say North, I drive South. If your advice is louder, I lower the volume. You're like a compass that works in reverse, but gets me where I know I want to be. You Thank.
You're assuming that The Confederacy, had they won the war, would have continued to allow slavery. That's an assumption you shouldn't be making.
I also KNOW the Confederacy took up arms against the USA because it wanted to maintain slavery and perpetuate it in the lands it may have acquired. This is no assumption or speculation... it's absolute fact.
Civil War- especially Confederate- "memorials" are no longer a favorable... thing... in public areas. So, it might be in your best interest to acknowledge it. The South has had 150 years to glorify its past. You've been reconstructed and American for that same amount of time. The rest of America sees those images as an attempt to glorify slavery. If you don't like it when people think that way, tough shit. Your ancestors owned human beings and justified it and killed other people to maintain that right. It's not a good look, socially speaking, anymore. Sowwy...

You can still fly your rebel flags at home and wear clothes that let everyone know how cool you think the South was back in the antebellum era, and after the Yankees defeated it. But, don't be surprised if you get labeled a racist for wearing racist shit.

(this was brought to you by someone who used to feel the exact opposite and finally realized I was wrong)

This would mean a lot more if most of the people screaming it also weren't trying to defend Muslim culture.
That could be debated. But what isn't debatable is that you can't read a history that didn't happen. The South was progressing too. I choose to assume that the South would have abolished slavery even if they had won the war. It might not have been as quickly, but I assume it would have happened.
So, you're pleased the the South lost the war?
That could be debated. But what isn't debatable is that you can't read a history that didn't happen. The South was progressing too. I choose to assume that the South would have abolished slavery even if they had won the war. It might not have been as quickly, but I assume it would have happened.

Did an alternate history paper on this in college.

I argued they would have abolished slavery sometime during WW1. So that's another 50 years of slavery...pretty awful.
I thought they didn't like the term "colored", but that seems to change all the time. I can't keep up.
It's hard to ask "they." You can ask them individually. I was being facetious when I wrote that. It's probably difficult to tell from written word.
Did an alternate history paper on this in college.

I argued they would have abolished slavery sometime during WW1. So that's another 50 years of slavery...pretty awful.
Especially since, by our filter now, it should never have happened in the first place.
You can assume whatever you want. I won't.
I choose to assume that the South would have abolished slavery even if they had won the war. It might not have been as quickly, but I assume it would have happened.

You don't have to assume anything. It was made abundantly clear in their constitution, their rhetoric for galvanizing secession, and maintaining the whole effort. They weren't cryptic either.




Yeah... they were really progressing.
You don't have to assume anything. It was made abundantly clear in their constitution, their rhetoric for galvanizing secession, and maintaining the whole effort. They weren't cryptic either.




Yeah... they were really progressing.

Eh, you only quoted 1 guy...I get Stephens was VP but he was also one of the shittier human beings in US political history.

I think it's natural that human/economic/social evolution would have caught up to slavery...quotes from racists in 1865 aside.
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That could be debated. But what isn't debatable is that you can't read a history that didn't happen. The South was progressing too. I choose to assume that the South would have abolished slavery even if they had won the war. It might not have been as quickly, but I assume it would have happened.

No that cant be debated. The states stated so in their letters of secession.
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It's hard to ask "they." You can ask them individually. I was being facetious when I wrote that. It's probably difficult to tell from written word.

Gotcha. I just use "black", but only if skin color actually pertains to the situation. Otherwise, I just omit the color if it doesn't. Just like with zhe, zhim, and all that garbage, I'm not learning 50 different ways to identify a black person.

Essentially, if I'm retelling a story of some black guy getting in a fight, I would just refer to him as a guy. If there were racial connotations about it, like he called some white guy a honkey, I would refer to him as a black guy calling a white guy a honkey, just to clarify the situation. I don't know if that makes sense at all?
Eh, you only quoted 1 guy...I get Stephens was VP but he was also one of the shittier human beings in US political history.

I think it's natural that human/economic/social evolution would have caught up to slavery...quotes from racists in 1865 aside.
Well, we don't have to wonder if it would have. The South lost the war and it was abolished.

The bigger impediment, to me, is that it took a slaughter like that to bring it to abolition, and at least 100 more to give the freed slaves equality under the law. I guess it was all the profits from all the land we had stolen from the Indians!
No that cant be debated. The states stated so in their letters of secession.

Slavery was already on its way out. The technology was already seeing to that. The succession was about states rights, plain and simple. And if you have issues with Trump's tariffs, then you definitely have to hate the North, because they put tariffs on farming equipment coming from England in order to prop up the industrial north. Essentially, the North was making it harder for the South to end slavery, and they did all of that for nothing more than more money.
Gotcha. I just use "black", but only if skin color actually pertains to the situation. Otherwise, I just omit the color if it doesn't. Just like with zhe, zhim, and all that garbage, I'm not learning 50 different ways to identify a black person.

Essentially, if I'm retelling a story of some black guy getting in a fight, I would just refer to him as a guy. If there were racial connotations about it, like he called some white guy a honkey, I would refer to him as a black guy calling a white guy a honkey, just to clarify the situation. I don't know if that makes sense at all?
That's ideal... just see a person.

My mother is a prime example. She was born in 1946, grew up in southern VA. Her senior year in high school, they were finally integrated. Anyway, she's probably less racist than many of her peers under the same conditions. But, she can be telling me about something that happened in the grocery store and "This black girl was ringing me up and..." kinda thing. I always stop her and laugh... "Why are you telling me she was black?" She doesn't even realize it.
Slavery was already on its way out. The technology was already seeing to that. The succession was about states rights, plain and simple. And if you have issues with Trump's tariffs, then you definitely have to hate the North, because they put tariffs on farming equipment coming from England in order to prop up the industrial north. Essentially, the North was making it harder for the South to end slavery, and they did all of that for nothing more than more money.

I’m just going by what the letters of secession state in a very plain and concise manner