OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Pic from covington high bball game. Interesting.


There are at least 2 options.

1- multiple children are being racist. In order to believe this, you must accept that all the other kids as well as parents and educators and everyone else is perfectly fine with these children being racist.

2- the school is having a “black out” because their school colors are black. You may have heard of these events. In order to believe this, you must see multiple others dressed from head to toe in black. Hmm....

I find it ironic that on the one hand, you lament the current political climate but on the other hand, you perpetuate that same climate.

I really am surprised. I would not have expected this from you. These are children you are going after and you are doing so without even giving one bit of sceptisicm to the stories and pics which you choose to parrot.
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There are at least 2 options.

1- multiple children are being racist. In order to believe this, you must accept that all the other kids as well as parents and educators and everyone else is perfectly fine with these children being racist.

2- the school is having a “black out” because their school colors are black. You may have heard of these events. In order to believe this, you must see multiple others dressed from head to toe in black. Hmm....

I find it ironic that on the one hand, you lament the current political climate but on the other hand, you perpetuate that same climate.

I really am surprised. I would not have expected this from you. These are children you are going after and you are doing so without even giving one bit of sceptisicm to the stories and pics which you choose to parrot.

given my firsthand experience with white racist christians, white racist christian schools, and white racist christian churches, i’m gonna assume that these white christians attending a white christian school in the racist hot bed of kentucky and attending a basketball game in black face are indeed in a racist culture at that school. And that the racist culture in that school explains in part the role of its students in the events with the indian. Thats what i “lament”. Certainly i could be wrong. But i seriously doubt it. My default position with people who act and look racist is that they’re racist. I’ve yet to be proven wrong.
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There are at least 2 options.

1- multiple children are being racist. In order to believe this, you must accept that all the other kids as well as parents and educators and everyone else is perfectly fine with these children being racist.

2- the school is having a “black out” because their school colors are black. You may have heard of these events. In order to believe this, you must see multiple others dressed from head to toe in black. Hmm....

I find it ironic that on the one hand, you lament the current political climate but on the other hand, you perpetuate that same climate.

I really am surprised. I would not have expected this from you. These are children you are going after and you are doing so without even giving one bit of sceptisicm to the stories and pics which you choose to parrot.

The kid pictured with the white around his eyes and mouth is in black face. You can feign naive ignorance of that fact all you like but that is as racist as any symbol out there. No way in hell i’m gonna believe that kid made up his face like that with any other reason other than to mock a black persons appearance. Maybe some people are mind numbingly stupid enough to think otherwise. People believe the earth is flat too so i guess its possible.
Are you talking about the guy in black body paint? There's at least 3 of them. I was assuming that was their school colors.

Lol. So yea the school did a “black out” theme despite their colors being blue and white. The kid pictured though is in black face. Thats not just painting your face black. Its painting your face black in such a manner as to ridicule a black persons appearance. With large White eyes, huge lips. Obviously he took advantage of the black out to make a racist statement.
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I may not be as smart as you think! Lol! But lets ask someone with first hand knowledge. What say you @truetarheelraider0806 ? Anything racist in this pic?
Lol no nothing at all it's all innocent fun no way those poor kids knew that the way he portrayed himself me be offensive to a certain ethnicity... and when the certain ethnicity calls said perpetrator on it it's we are overly sensitive... say nothing and it's we don't care... lose, lose situation..

If it was just black paint I could go with that even if he had like white striping but it's the way that particular kid painted himself... exaggerated lips, eyes,and nose... that is how Jim crow posters used to look when portraying black people... Hitler used the same propoga on Jews nothing to see there either right?
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Lol. So yea the school did a “black out” theme despite their colors being blue and white. The kid pictured though is in black face. Thats not just painting your face black. Its painting your face black in such a manner as to ridicule a black persons appearance. With large White eyes, huge lips. Obviously he took advantage of the black out to make a racist statement.
You're getting your posters mixed up. I didn't say they were having a blackout. Although that makes sense if their colors aren't black. The other two kids just seem to be painted black. Did they just mess up their racism attempt?
given my firsthand experience with white racist christians, white racist christian schools, and white racist christian churches, i’m gonna assume that these white christians attending a white christian school in the racist hot bed of kentucky and attending a basketball game in black face are indeed in a racist culture at that school. And that the racist culture in that school explains in part the role of its students in the events with the indian. Thats what i “lament”. Certainly i could be wrong. But i seriously doubt it. My default position with people who act and look racist is that they’re racist. I’ve yet to be proven wrong.
That's a shit ton of assumptions you are making. You're using your past bad experience to project things on these kids that would appear to be something totally innocent. Check your bias.You are reaching with this one, which isn't what you normally do.
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That’s black face. But no way anyone at a Christian school in Kentucky would be racist.

You are right. They are all racist. The kids are all racists and the parents and teachers and refs and fans of the other school and everyone else are all racist for condoning this behavior.

Amazing such racist behavior is now coming to light. I guess it’s all a conspiracy to be racist.

You fukkin people have all lost your minds.
Come on man that doesnt look anything like venom
I was being sarcastic. Listen, the word racist is an extremely loaded word. I don't just assume someone is racist. We don't know what this kids intent was and we don't know the context. We default to calling people racist too easily now. It's become a weapon to shut down discussion. This kid might be the most racist kid on the planet. He might also be a kid just trying to have fun at a basketball game.
You are right. They are all racist. The kids are all racists and the parents and teachers and refs and fans of the other school and everyone else are all racist for condoning this behavior.

Amazing such racist behavior is now coming to light. I guess it’s all a conspiracy to be racist.

You fukkin people have all lost your minds.
What’s so dangerous about it? Is someone going to be harmed because on some message board I think some white kids did black face?
Dangerous in the sense that you don't know anything about this kid and you're going to fall into this trap of calling people racist to shut down discussion. It also takes away the power of the word and people might not pay attention when a real racist pops up.
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I was being sarcastic. Listen, the word racist is an extremely loaded word. I don't just assume someone is racist. We don't know what this kids intent was and we don't know the context. We default to calling people racist too easily now. It's become a weapon to shut down discussion. This kid might be the most racist kid on the planet. He might also be a kid just trying to have fun at a basketball game.
I gotcha man we are good sorry I missed the sarcasm
First off... do we know for 100% certainty that the photo is not doctored, and is from that specific school? Someone said their colors are blue / white, not black.

But let's assume all the above is true, then we still don't know the context. Was it a blackout event for that game? Probably was; that makes sense.

So, there's nothing wrong at all with the kids being loud and trying to disrupt their opponent (as long as they're not shouting racial slurs, of course).

However... IMO, it is a poor decision for any white person to ever paint their face black - no matter what the reason. Didn't we learn anything from the Megyn Kelly incident recently?

I won't go so far as to call those kids racist - I don't know what's in their minds and heart. But the perception will certainly be there.
Dangerous in the sense that you don't know anything about this kid and you're going to fall into this trap of calling people racist to shut down discussion. It also takes away the power of the word and people might not pay attention when a real racist pops up.

I said it looks to me like he’s doing black face. That’s all. Relax, UNC is manhandling VT right now.
It’s not like they’re chanting “build the wall” at a Hispanic team or anything...
I was being sarcastic. Listen, the word racist is an extremely loaded word. I don't just assume someone is racist. We don't know what this kids intent was and we don't know the context. We default to calling people racist too easily now. It's become a weapon to shut down discussion. This kid might be the most racist kid on the planet. He might also be a kid just trying to have fun at a basketball game.

But it makes us feel good and will accomplish so much if we just assume racism and bash this kid relentlessly.
You all should watch the docu movie Dear White People it's funny yet serious, and its story line is all about how black people try to fit in and suppress the fact that they are black while in college. That is until they realize some are laughing at them not with them. At the end on the credits screen it actually goes through colleges where white students had race parties where they dressed up as blacks, painted faces, wore masks, tried talking, the way they feel blacks typically talk, even to the point of having freestyle contest and using the n word... Do I believe all those kids were racist? No I dont, but it also shows how little that we as black people in general garner any type of legitimate respect. It's quite amazing to see actually. And heaven forbid you talk normal then it's your an outlier. How come they cant all talk like you... (whispers) I talk like that too when im not working... it's called being professional when I'm in public especially dealing with my business. I wear hats, durags, and have cornrows in my head...
Those kids in those colleges probably aren't racist that doesnt mean they shouldnt be held accountable for their actions. That's part of the problem in America today kids are not held accountable for actions. Instead we make all kinds of excuses, and poopoo them away as kids being kids... they may not realize it is wrong, but when my kids do something that they don't know is wrong we have a sit down about it... it would seem (notice I said seem; not that you actually are doing) that we dont want to holdmkids accountable and have a teaching moment... but that's a whole different topic let's just try and handle the one we are already on.
And if u cover your eyes and ears and yell you can pretend you dont know whats going on around you.

I was raised in central ala in the 60’s. Then lived in the back woods of the nc mtns. I was raised racist with racist friends and went to racist churches. Put my kids in private racist christian schools. I could go on and on and on. But needless to say being racist and racism itself was accepted and encouraged in all walks of my life. Then my daughter started dating and eventually married a mixed race guy and man were my eyes opened. Its different when your own kid becomes a victim of it. So yea i’m hyper sensitive to it. Yea i look for it and when i see it i speak out. Not gonna apologize for it.

I’ll leave u guys with the discussion from here on.