OOTB's Political Thread . ..

And if u cover your eyes and ears and yell you can pretend you dont know whats going on around you.

I was raised in central ala in the 60’s. Then lived in the back woods of the nc mtns. I was raised racist with racist friends and went to racist churches. Put my kids in private racist christian schools. I could go on and on and on. But needless to say being racist and racism itself was accepted and encouraged in all walks of my life. Then my daughter started dating and eventually married a mixed race guy and man were my eyes opened. Its different when your own kid becomes a victim of it. So yea i’m hyper sensitive to it. Yea i look for it and when i see it i speak out. Not gonna apologize for it.

I’ll leave u guys with the discussion from here on.
But you can see your bias in that right? Your experiences shape your opinions. If all you do is hang around racist christians, then that's all you're going to know and default to. I'm not saying it's just you. Everyone has their bias, it's just human nature. Just need to try to be aware of it in every argument and use facts instead of emotion.
Wouldn't they have to be to sit idly by and watch these malicious kids dress in blackface? In this day and time, any non-racist worth his salt would have stopped the game and kicked the kids out of the gym for being racist. So @UNC71-00 makes a good point - the refs, other players and coaches and administration at the school must also be racist.

That's not a bad point at all.

I'm openly admitting to having no definitive knowledge on what they are doing. Maybe they do this every year and some games it's against all white teams and it's just a thing they do.

My point is that it sure as hell looks bad to have a big group of white people yelling at a black kid with some having their face painted black.
My point is that it sure as hell looks bad to have a big group of white people yelling at a black kid with some having their face painted black.
They aren't just yelling at some random black kid though. He's a player on the other team. And let's be honest here, your typical basketball team isn't going to be made up of a lot of white guys. If the same exact picture was taken, but the player was white would this be as big of a deal to you?
They aren't just yelling at some random black kid though. He's a player on the other team. And let's be honest here, your typical basketball team isn't going to be made up of a lot of white guys. If the same exact picture was taken, but the player was white would this be as big of a deal to you?

Those kids really left a mark in DC:

Idiot kid being an idiot kid. Nothing more, nothing less. I've heard 23409324x worse in any locker room, HS hallway, or school bus ride.

Now, if I'm the kids parents, I'd beat his ass. First, it's moronic. Second, everyone has everything on video these days and you could hurt yourself from getting in college or a job if it goes viral and you're identified.
Idiot kid being an idiot kid. Nothing more, nothing less. I've heard 23409324x worse in any locker room, HS hallway, or school bus ride.

Now, if I'm the kids parents, I'd beat his ass. First, it's moronic. Second, everyone has everything on video these days and you could hurt yourself from getting in college or a job if it goes viral and you're identified.

Agreed that it's a kid, and he's being an idiot. I also agree that most of us have heard worse. However I would contest that the fact that stupid shit like that is so common, is a reflection of a larger social problem.

I'd be more concerned about my kid having such a disgusting view on rape than the impact it would have on his ability to get into college. Anyone who genuinely believes something that stupid probably shouldn't be on a college campus anyways.
I'd be more concerned about my kid having such a disgusting view on rape than the impact it would have on his ability to get into college. Anyone who genuinely believes something that stupid probably shouldn't be on a college campus anyways.

As I said, if it's my kid I'd beat his ass. That said, I put zero stock into this one idiot representing society at all. He's a dumb kid that said something dumb and if he's remotely intelligent will realize in a few years how dumb he was for saying it.
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Idiot kid being an idiot kid. Nothing more, nothing less. I've heard 23409324x worse in any locker room, HS hallway, or school bus ride.

Now, if I'm the kids parents, I'd beat his ass. First, it's moronic. Second, everyone has everything on video these days and you could hurt yourself from getting in college or a job if it goes viral and you're identified.
I'm not sure that "I've heard worse" is the reaction that will stifle the behavior in the future.

I've heard worse, too. "Boys will be boys" is not the best excuse, or summation, in situations like that. I dunno to what extent that kid believes what he just said. I do know that the Covington Catholic High School already has an arrested, suspected rapist as a member of its alma mater.
As I said, if it's my kid I'd beat his ass. That said, I put zero stock into this one idiot representing society at all. He's a dumb kid that said something dumb and if he's remotely intelligent will realize in a few years how dumb he was for saying it.

No I agree that the kid is not necessarily representing society. But the fact that we all have heard worse is a representation of society. If it weren’t, then it would be rare to hear things that are worse.
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That said, I put zero stock into this one idiot representing society at all.
He DOES represent a portion of society, though. You think he's the only kid like that? I'm not trying to overreact, here... just, consider this. I don't think he represents a majority, by any means. And, that's a good thing. But, let's compare it to, say, cancer cells in a body... do you want a few lingering around like that? Of course not!

I don't have much need for nuance in my reaction to that. I guess it's just one of the things that I react to in a sorta "black or white" fashion. Maybe I should work on that.
That's not a bad point at all.

I'm openly admitting to having no definitive knowledge on what they are doing. Maybe they do this every year and some games it's against all white teams and it's just a thing they do.

My point is that it sure as hell looks bad to have a big group of white people yelling at a black kid with some having their face painted black.

Covington Catholic does themes at basketball games.
-blue out
-black out

It's in the video below- granted, this isn't a 40 minute video, but it still makes the point.

Meanwhile, school was cancelled for these kids today because of bomb and death threats.

Liberals are the biggest threat that our country has ever faced.
My point is that it sure as hell looks bad to have a big group of white people yelling at a black kid with some having their face painted black.

So one kid in the back row with his face painted black here turns this photo from being a bunch of douchebags being fans of a douche school to a bunch of vile racist pigs exerting their white privilege on an undeserving black kid?

So one kid in the back row with his face painted black here turns this photo from being a bunch of douchebags being fans of a douche school to a bunch of vile racist pigs exerting their white privilege on an undeserving black kid?

1. Not all white people.
2. I don't see anyone with black face in the back row. I'm sure I'm missing it but staring at that pic for too long is like one of those magic images where a sailboat appears and I'm getting Roy Williams style vertigo trying.
3. F Duke.
What if I wore one of those faceless suits and it was black? Would that be racist?


Depends on if you are white or black underneath that full body costume.
1. Not all white people.
2. I don't see anyone with black face in the back row. I'm sure I'm missing it but staring at that pic for too long is like one of those magic images where a sailboat appears and I'm getting Roy Williams style vertigo trying.
3. F Duke.
I couldn't find the black face, either.

And, the photo of the kid back in 2012, in blackface with exaggerated mouth and eyes, and a wig, really looks like he's trying to mimic minstrel-style blackface... to me.

I realize that it's not a good idea to claim racism when it doesn't exist. But, when it gets close, or is obviously being racist, then why the need to cover and make excuses? I think the sensitivity TO racism is better than being afraid to call it out.
1. Not all white people.
2. I don't see anyone with black face in the back row. I'm sure I'm missing it but staring at that pic for too long is like one of those magic images where a sailboat appears and I'm getting Roy Williams style vertigo trying.
3. F Duke.

True. But I don't see any black kids either. Maybe Covington should have brought an Asian or Indian in to give them the requisite diversity needed to be allowed to be racist.

And yes, F duke.
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newsweek poll shows trump approval at 40% with 44% favor impeaching. Fwiw i dont favor impeachment. I neither strongly approve nor disapprove of his time in office either. Some things i like some i dont. I’d give him a solid C grade on his politics with this shutdown hurting him imo more than anything last couple years. Now if they polled how you like him as a person....
I wasn't being deceptive. I posed a hypothetical. One that apparently wasn't as farfetched as I thought it was since you assumed it had already happened.
I didn't assume anything. You know exactly what you did. You attached a pic... then offered an opinion... attempting to deceive. Unless you enjoy sharing random dookie crazies pics.
Idiot kid being an idiot kid. Nothing more, nothing less. I've heard 23409324x worse in any locker room, HS hallway, or school bus ride.

Now, if I'm the kids parents, I'd beat his ass. First, it's moronic. Second, everyone has everything on video these days and you could hurt yourself from getting in college or a job if it goes viral and you're identified.
Again kids being kids is why we are in this situation now... gotta start holding kids accountable for stuff especially if they are old enough to know Better... guess what? By teenage years you know better
Again kids being kids is why we are in this situation now... gotta start holding kids accountable for stuff especially if they are old enough to know Better... guess what? By teenage years you know better

No, we are in this situation because adults thought they would try to provoke some kids who were guilty of the worst horror known to man- wearing a MAGA hat
And today's story gets even better. It appears that the Native American who claimed to be a Vietnam Vet was lying and did not actually serve in Vietnam.

Libs are trash.
It's crazy how this minor story has caused so much drama. That's the world we live in today I guess.

It's only bothering me because they have crossed the line and are now going after kids. That's my personal Rubicon.
It's only bothering me because they have crossed the line and are now going after kids. That's my personal Rubicon.
I wasn't necessarily talking about you. It's was more about the media covering this the way they have. I guess it's good click bait.
I didn't assume anything. You know exactly what you did. You attached a pic... then offered an opinion... attempting to deceive. Unless you enjoy sharing random dookie crazies pics.

I didn't offer an opinion either. I was trying to ask whether there had been a person with black face paint if that would change the meaning of the picture. I was not trying to deceive you into thinking there was indeed a person with black face paint in that picture. It was simply a "what if".

This miscommunication is on me though. I should know my audience by now, and make my commentary painfully obvious as a result.
Were you so outspoken when David Hogg and his classmates were getting crushed by the right media?

Do you really not see a difference between 18 year olds seeking out the cameras versus this?

You have already said you don’t care about any of this, so why are you commenting?
Do you really not see a difference between 18 year olds seeking out the cameras versus this?

You have already said you don’t care about any of this, so why are you commenting?
Just checking in to see how consistent your Rubicon is.