OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What if I wore one of those faceless suits and it was black? Would that be racist?

Not to me. And the kids with black paint on their face... I don’t know them. I can’t judge them from a photo and say they’re racist. But I do think it’s a bad choice to do that because of how it is perceived.
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Quite consistent.

Good thing to know we have a board police officer again. Maybe they might make you a mod someday.
Not policing you. Just asking a question.

In other news, it seems these kids have been invited to the White House.
Holding them accountable for what? Thinking stuff you don't agree with? You can't hold people accountable for what's in their head or in their heart. We can only hold people accountable for behaviors.
I was responding to someone saying one of the kids said "it's not rape if you like it" so we shouldn't hold kids accountable for saying that??? @Terror Beard
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No, we are in this situation because adults thought they would try to provoke some kids who were guilty of the worst horror known to man- wearing a MAGA hat
Still doesnt excuse a kid saying its not rape if you like it... if the kid said that them they should be held accountable... dont act like this was about the maga hats it isn't that's not what inwas responding too... but go ahead and twist my words and then accuse me of being closed minded...what ever fits the narrative of racism is dead, no one knows why other ethnicities are in their feelings, we are all to sensitive... why are we being so hard to deal with...
Still doesnt excuse a kid saying its not rape if you like it... if the kid said that them they should be held accountable... dont act like this was about the maga hats it isn't that's not what inwas responding too... but go ahead and twist my words and then accuse me of being closed minded...what ever fits the narrative of racism is dead, no one knows why other ethnicities are in their feelings, we are all to sensitive... why are we being so hard to deal with...

Not at all what I am saying but by all means continue to martyr yourself.
I'm not holding any kids accountable for anything where the adults are the aggressors.

But hey- that poor native american is a victim because of Lewis and Clark.
Lewis & Clark weren't so bad, actually.

But, here ya go:

And, I'm sorry this is 30 minutes long. Unfortunately, sometimes being educated takes more than 3 or 4 minutes of your time.

I'm not holding any kids accountable for anything where the adults are the aggressors.

But hey- that poor native american is a victim because of Lewis and Clark.
I'm really interested to hear from him what the punishment for kids saying stupid shit should look like. Him being a former officer of the court and all.
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I'm not holding any kids accountable for anything where the adults are the aggressors.

But hey- that poor native american is a victim because of Lewis and Clark.
I'm really interested to hear from him what the punishment for kids saying stupid shit should look like. Him being a former officer of the court and all.
I'm sorry did I say they need prison time? Or to be arrested? I'm also a vet all for free speech and such... however if I walked up to say your daughter and said it's not rape if you enjoy it to her would you want something said or done about that? Or would youn stand there and be like baby girl there was nothing to hear there dont he hurt, dont be offended, infact what he said to you was perfectly fine...
I'm sorry did I say they need prison time? Or to be arrested? I'm also a vet all for free speech and such... however if I walked up to say your daughter and said it's not rape if you enjoy it to her would you want something said or done about that? Or would youn stand there and be like baby girl there was nothing to hear there dont he hurt, dont be offended, infact what he said to you was perfectly fine...

You two are just making my point for me... hold no one accountable each persons morals are theirs... no matter how despicable the things that come from kids mouths even kids who are borderline adults, we cant have a teaching moment and say hey what you said there is absolutely unacceptable. You 2 are the type to see the dad of the girl that kid was talking to punch said kid in the mouth then say he should be thrown under the priaon... law officer aside if some fool said those despicable words to my daughter he would still be looking for his two front teeth, I would gladly do time for her, and if my son said it to a female I would expect him to get the same treatment... then I would knock out his 2 bottom teeth for good measure...
I'm sorry did I say they need prison time? Or to be arrested? I'm also a vet all for free speech and such... however if I walked up to say your daughter and said it's not rape if you enjoy it to her would you want something said or done about that? Or would youn stand there and be like baby girl there was nothing to hear there dont he hurt, dont be offended, infact what he said to you was perfectly fine...
Point to where I said you stated anything about prison or arresting. I asked what you would want done. Instead of answering me, you asked me a question. I'll go ahead and politely answer your question however. I wouldn't do any of the things you laid out for me. My daughter would already know to ignore someone displaying that type of behavior, realizing he is an idiot not worth any more of her time. In the case we are talking about, the girl's father was not with her. But if he was, I hope he would show her how little words really mean when used by idiots.

Now what is it you would want done?
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You two are just making my point for me... hold no one accountable each persons morals are theirs... no matter how despicable the things that come from kids mouths even kids who are borderline adults, we cant have a teaching moment and say hey what you said there is absolutely unacceptable. You 2 are the type to see the dad of the girl that kid was talking to punch said kid in the mouth then say he should be thrown under the priaon... law officer aside if some fool said those despicable words to my daughter he would still be looking for his two front teeth, I would gladly do time for her, and if my son said it to a female I would expect him to get the same treatment... then I would knock out his 2 bottom teeth for good measure...
See how wrong you were? You got a lot of bias and it shows.
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Point to where I said you stated anything about prison or arresting. I asked what you would want done. Instead of answering me, you asked me a question. I'll go ahead and politely answer your question however. I wouldn't do any of the things you laid out for me. My daughter would already know to ignore someone displaying that type of behavior, realizing he is an idiot not worth any more of her time. In the case we are talking about, the girl's father was not with her. But if he was, I hope he would show her how little words really mean when used by idiots.

Now what is it you would want done?
Except I know from expereicene that words are way more than mean little... they leave scars on you heck just the use of the n word can cause recourse and reverberations through the black community... same with the s word for Mexican americans... to answer your question politely i never said punish what i said was hold accountable... those are 2 totally different things. But since we are here yeah there should be a punishment that kid should be suspended from school not expelled he should be made to apologize and go through sensitivity training maybe even work at a woman's rehab where there are numerous rape victims... just as like if my son calls some one a cracker or redneck he should be suspended be made to apologize, go through sensitivity training, and yes have to experience what a "rednecks" life is really like. Now info apologize for coming off as bias that is not st all how I intended it to he @UNC '92

Not to mention you watched a video of Black Hebrews and Native Americans go after kids and still think the kids started the whole thing.
No I dont and i for you to point to where i said the white kids started the whole thing... I'll wait
Except I know from expereicene that words are way more than mean little... they leave scars on you heck just the use of the n word can cause recourse and reverberations through the black community... same with the s word for Mexican americans... to answer your question politely i never said punish what i said was hold accountable... those are 2 totally different things. But since we are here yeah there should be a punishment that kid should be suspended from school not expelled he should be made to apologize and go through sensitivity training maybe even work at a woman's rehab where there are numerous rape victims... just as like if my son calls some one a cracker or redneck he should be suspended be made to apologize, go through sensitivity training, and yes have to experience what a "rednecks" life is really like. Now info apologize for coming off as bias that is not st all how I intended it to he @UNC '92
As long as you, the parent, are the one deciding and meting out your son's punishment would I agree with any of that. It's not for anyone to say how a parent decides to handle common juvenile insults from their kids.
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No I dont and i for you to point to where i said the white kids started the whole thing... I'll wait
White kids? I said kids. There's that bias showing we talked about.

Here are your thoughts on the incident.

I can see lots of things inappropriate in this video. But I will start with the obvious, the kids are quite literally mocking this NATIVE AMERICAN. You guys know the people who actually should have the right to say whether or not we build the wall (the wall arguement is for another day) second as you pan around students begin cracking their knuckles in a fist like motion, stretching their necks as if they are loosening up for a fight. This is an intimidation tactic. Any cop worth his/her salt recognizes tensed up muscles, knuckle cracking, and neck loosening as signs that it's getting ready to go down. Lastly notice the kid standing squarely in front of the elderly man, pretty much challenging him... that's so sad, to me the saddest part; no matter what an oeder person does they are elderly and at the least the age should be respected not taunted

Same video that is already on here just try and watch with a cops eye look at body language not just here voices... look at facial expressions, check how tense some of these students get, check how they taunt him by mocking his native songs then comes the knuckle cracking, and neck stretching... lastly the check the arrogant kid who absolutely refuses to move and just stands there trying to intimidate the poor old man into quitting, or maybe even physically attacking so he can feel justifed when he hits and elderly person. Not sure he even realizes no matter if the old man hits first or not it won't end well for him if he strikes someone that old.

This is the video I watched. From the beginning thebtaunting is going from the beginning the mockery of another persons ethnicity is going. At the about the 2:07 mark you see the knuckle popping and neck stretching starting. The kids are feeding off each other looking for one person to make a move and it was sad

Actually based off what you said I see nothing wrong. I saw an old man walk up not threateningly now the guy doing the commentary is an idiot and needs to shut up. It is what happened after he walked up PEACEFULLY... So my opinion hasn't changed. Now I'd you have a different angle that shows his side acting like the other my opinion will change. Do you have video angle?
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White kids? I said kids. There's that bias showing we talked about.

Here are your thoughts on the incident.
I do apologize I thought I read white kids. I am currnently in a er with my 2 yr old so am having to read and post quick...and you may want to check what I said there I said based off his own words...I also asked for a different angle if he had it... and upon seeing the beginning said the people sans the older gentlemen were just as wrong as the other kids. To be fair I never even acknowledged the fact that those kids were wearing hats
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I do apologize I thought I read white kids. I am currntkybin a er with my 2 yr old so am having to read and post quick...and you may want to check what I said there I said based off his own words...
Apology accepted.

Not sure what you are talking about here.
Gotcha you posted my responses to the video read the second one... sorry for any grammatical errors
Gotcha you posted my responses to the video read the second one... sorry for any grammatical errors
It doesn't change anything. They show what I believe to be part of your bias. Even when confronted with video evidence of the incident you are unwilling to concede the kids weren't the aggressors. You sided with the gang of adults because the Native American gentleman was old and deserved respect.
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It doesn't change anything. They show what I believe to be part of your bias. Even when confronted with video evidence of the incident you are unwilling to concede the kids weren't the aggressors. You sided with the gang of adults because the Native American gentleman was old and deserved respect.
I think you interpreted that wrong but that's ok... we cant all be perfect like me :p we simply disagree your still ok with me