OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Another long-winded post by our resident numbskull. You should bottle it and sell it as a cure for insomnia.
more ass for you to sniff; you should be happy. If I could bottle that fragrance, I bet It would help you with more than your insomnia.
You could bottle it and call your fragrance "putrid breath." I'm sure it would help anyone in warding off the opposite sex.
I can see why you would call the fragrance from my ass 'putrid breath', as much as you like breathing it......but I can't imagine you need any help warding off the opposite sex. LMAO, you truly are a special kind of stupid.
I do. But I think they’re closer to the center than CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABA, etc… They’re slanted to the right, those others are straight line left.

Dude, Fox News is koo koo for Cocoa Puffs. This isn’t a defense of left wing media. It’s that what you think is the center is way off. There isn’t a single reasonable voice left on that network.
You are clueless. Seems you watch The View too much.
It's making more sense, now. There's no objective understanding of the center. The compass is broken. A broken compass is difficult to overcome. For tribal Americans, it's virtually impossible.

At least the curtain call will be entertaining, I guess.
Good things just passed thru senate/WH!

Note though that Repubs fought hard to NOT cap insulin costs for the common man, and to NOT tax billionaires.

The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) has said that the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act will NOT reduce inflation in any meaningful way. Despite Joe's campaign lie that he would not raise taxes on anyone making less than 400k per year, this raises taxes on everyone except those making between 10 and 30K. Of the $739 billion, $369 billion goes to climate change initiatives and $64 billion goes to the Affordable Health Care Act. Oh, and the 15% minimum corporate tax that supposedly makes up for the size of the bill, who do you think ultimately pays those corporations when their costs go up?

I get that many of these items that have been funded are some of your pet causes and check off the "good" boxes for you, but how on earth can you consider it a good thing that they are raising taxes on everyone not very low middle class or worse during a recession? Oh, I forgot, they redefined the word so that you don't think we are in one.
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The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) has said that the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act will NOT reduce inflation in any meaningful way. Despite Joe's campaign lie that he would not raise taxes on anyone making less than 400k per year, this raises taxes on everyone except those making between 10 and 30K. Of the $739 billion, $369 billion goes to climate change initiatives and $64 billion goes to the Affordable Health Care Act. Oh, and the 15% minimum corporate tax that supposedly makes up for the size of the bill, who do you think ultimately pays those corporations when their costs go up?

I get that many of these items that have been funded are some of your pet causes and check off the "good" boxes for you, but how on earth can you consider it a good thing that they are raising taxes on everyone not very low middle class or worse during a recession? Oh, I forgot, they redefined the word so that you don't think we are in one.

Are you against corporations paying literally nothing in taxes?

And how much are taxes going up on each income bracket exactly?
Good things just passed thru senate/WH!

Note though that 1) Repubs fought hard to NOT cap insulin costs for the common man, and 2) to NOT tax billionaires.

(added numbers above)

1) good, that's why we elect them. We'll just have to keep explaining to the profoundly stupid that profits from insulin and other drugs fund the research that develops more life-saving drugs and therapies (not to mention that the dullards who whine about this would go absolutely berzerk if a cap on their pay was legislated. Is this capitalism or is it NOT capitalism?).

2) they did not fight for or even consider something as idiotic as not taxing billionaires. Just standard liberal doubletalk. It stems from that crazy liberal mindset that if I don't give you something, I'm stealing from you. If I don't heap more taxes on you, you're getting a tax break.
The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) has said that the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act will NOT reduce inflation in any meaningful way. Despite Joe's campaign lie that he would not raise taxes on anyone making less than 400k per year, this raises taxes on everyone except those making between 10 and 30K. Of the $739 billion, $369 billion goes to climate change initiatives and $64 billion goes to the Affordable Health Care Act. Oh, and the 15% minimum corporate tax that supposedly makes up for the size of the bill, who do you think ultimately pays those corporations when their costs go up?

I get that many of these items that have been funded are some of your pet causes and check off the "good" boxes for you, but how on earth can you consider it a good thing that they are raising taxes on everyone not very low middle class or worse during a recession? Oh, I forgot, they redefined the word so that you don't think we are in one.
30k-100k will pay less than 1% increase, however the tax credits for green stuff means no net loss. Check that bottom sentence.

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2) they did not fight for or even consider something as idiotic as not taxing billionaires. Just standard liberal doubletalk. It stems from that crazy liberal mindset that if I don't give you something, I'm stealing from you. If I don'teap more taxes on you, you're getting a tax break.
It was a vote to exempt private equity subsidiaries from the minimum corporate tax rate, which obviously helps the really, really wealthy.
(added numbers above)

1) good, that's why we elect them. We'll just have to keep explaining to the profoundly stupid that profits from insulin and other drugs fund the research that develops more life-saving drugs and therapies (not to mention that the dullards who whine about this would go absolutely berzerk if a cap on their pay was legislated. Is this capitalism or is it NOT capitalism?).

That's the usual garbage that pharmaceutical companies pay their politicians so they can screw as many people over as possible.

It's a typically banal, vague line of crap to make as much money as possible at the expense of working class folks who shouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for insulin. It's a medicine that should not exist for the sole purpose of profit.

These pharma folks aren't suffering because insulin would be theoretically cheaper. It's just greed and more greed.
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Why are Americans subsidizing the cost of drugs for other countries? We're also funding much of the research at NIH and universities. Squeezed on both ends with pharm execs (and maybe stockholders) making all the loot on the middle.

That's the usual garbage that pharmaceutical companies pay their politicians so they can screw as many people over as possible.

It's a typically banal, vague line of crap to make as much money as possible at the expense of working class folks who shouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for insulin. It's a medicine that should not exist for the sole purpose of profit.

These pharma folks aren't suffering because insulin would be theoretically cheaper. It's just greed and more greed.
lol, you are deranged. Where in the cosmos is it written that a profit shouldn't be made from producing a substance that saves peoples lives? In the sane world, we think that if ever a profit was to be made, it would be for providing a product or service that saves our very lives. Suppose the target of your irrational ire says fvck all this protest over profit, we are no longer going to produce insulin at all. What is your insulin-dependent ass going to do then? That's a serious question, and I'd appreciate a serious response.

Secondly; however you go about bringing home the bacon...suppose I step in and say you know what? You aren't exactly hurting, so we are going to cut your take-home in half because we think you shouldn't have it so good. You'd think that was fair, wouldn't you? I'd love to get a response to that as well. Then explain why you should be able to demand that of pharma but we can't demand that of you.

Last but not least....are you going to apply for a commie party card or do you already have one?
It was a vote to exempt private equity subsidiaries from the minimum corporate tax rate, which obviously helps the really, really wealthy.
it would have been nice to explain that to begin with instead of reaching down into the lib bag of hyperbole to say that republicans fought to not tax billionaires.. And in case it still needs explaining, billionaires are and always will be taxed plenty, and republicans (except maybe for billionaire republicans) will have little objection.

I haven't checked it out, but I'd be surprised if the idea was to not hinder or discourage investment in the growth or creation of business. I seriously doubt republicans felt that billionaires needed a helping hand, and I also doubt they were just going to stop taxing them..
30k-100k will pay less than 1% increase, however the tax credits for green stuff means no net loss. Check that bottom sentence.

The first response underneath your Twitter article sums up my feelings.

“Is this like when all those former intelligence experts told us Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation or when all those Nobel Laureates told us inflation was transitory or when, well you get the idea! I’m sort of done with former DC insiders telling me what’s a good idea!”
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I haven't checked it out, but I'd be surprised if the idea was to not hinder or discourage investment in the growth or creation of business. I seriously doubt republicans felt that billionaires needed a helping hand, and I also doubt they were just going to stop taxing them..
you should probably STFU until you check things out.
you should probably STFU until you check things out.
here you go. Read this article and tell me how I'm wrong...

Seven Dems vote for GOP amendment, forcing Democratic scramble​

" CORRECTION: Seven Democrats voted for the GOP amendment that would extend a cap on the SALT tax deduction. A previous version of this story included incorrect information.

Maverick Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) on Sunday backed a Republican amendment to shield businesses that rely on capital investment from private equity groups from the 15 percent corporate minimum tax that Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) included in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) and Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) also voted for the amendment.

The amendment was sponsored by Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.), who says the 15 percent corporate minimum tax would raise taxes on businesses with less than $1 billion in profits because it would apply to private equity groups that have partnership interests in those businesses. "
Partly because Manafort hid the truth, knowing he'd be pardoned.

He was pardoned, and now he is free to admit stuff, like
he's free to admit that you have to be an 'Insider' to read this crap? Thanks for the spam, but I don't think I'm going to be an Insider any time soon.

Meanwhile the earthshaking revelation seems to be that somebody passed some 'data' to a suspected Russian asset? Oh please God say it ain't so. My whole world has been turned upside down. Unleash the hounds. Fire all of your guns at once and.....explode into space. Just hold me......


.....and gimme a fvcking break.