OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Evidently the docs planted by the fbi as part of the ever expanding world wide conspiracy to defeat trump, Jesus, and the American way were only nuclear in nature. I mean how bad could that be? Nuclear secrets and shit in an unlocked room in trumps basement? Mehhhh. I gotta say I’m disappointed. I was hoping for epsteins flight log
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Evidently the docs planted by the fbi as part of the ever expanding world wide conspiracy to defeat trump, Jesus, and the American way were only nuclear in nature. I mean how bad could that be? Nuclear codes and shit in an unlocked room in trumps basement? Mehhhh. I gotta say I’m disappointed. I was hoping for epsteins flight log
I wonder when Trump was planning on faxing them to Putin? This breaking news more or less sums up the reason for a probable cause for the warrant.
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I think this FBI raid makes the election was stolen argument even more believable . Shows what they are capable of.
Really? So... if they indict him and prosecute him, I guess he'll part the Hudson River? "They" are capable of it? 45 is just the victim. He's perpetually being persecuted because... why? Because he "loves America?" What's the latest excuse for his perpetual victimization? Even HE admits that he's a victim.

This is what I love about the whole experience. When I step away from it all... and observe it objectively... it's pretty amazing.

It's really awesome to watch people see a ball of fire and expect to get cubed ice from it. One group sees, and even feels, the rain falling. The others are trying to get a suntan. Up is down, left is right. It's fun to witness so many people that lack objective reality. It is a little sobering, but still pretty cool.
Don't believe this shithead, good Lord. Think just a little bit.
He IS thinking. That's just it. I mean, sure, he's being persuaded and egged-on by the media he chooses to consume. But, that is a choice. People can be led to believe anything and everything.
I wonder when Trump was planning on faxing them to Putin? This breaking news more or less sums up the reason for a probable cause for the warrant.
Hey let’s do our own conspiracy spit balling! Remember when the saudis were Threatening to get nukes? Remember when kushner got a 2 BILLION dollar Saudi investment in his firm that made no sense at the time? Hmmmmm. Hmmmmm.
Hey let’s do our own conspiracy spit balling! Remember when the saudis were Threatening to get nukes? Remember when kushner got a 2 BILLION dollar Saudi investment in his firm that made no sense at the time? Hmmmmm. Hmmmmm.
Two billion dollars buys quite an arsenal of nuclear weapons, especially the smaller ones that can be easily stashed in the cargo hold of Saudi flights out of Dulles under the cover of darkness.
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No you flaming dumass that’s not what they expect us to believe. It’s what’s being reported that they were looking for. Is your brain capable of making that distinction? Fwiw as glorious as it would be for them to find some and see trump get perp walked handcuffed i refuse to believe that even he would be that stupid.
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I mean he can’t be that stupid can he? Taking nuclear secrets, the holy grail of classified docs, to your home and storing them in an unsecured loc? Holy crap that is terrifying. If it’s true he’s the stupidest mf’er to ever be president on top of being the biggest fpos as well.
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What a joke! The FBI and DOJ expect us to believe that Trump and his lawyers were hoarding top secret nuclear docs.


The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding.

This is the same guy who would sell his grandmother to the devil for a dollar if he was thirsty and needed a soda. He's completely motivated by money and has been all his life. He's an amoral person.

This guy can really do no wrong in your eyes. All hail the glorious Orange god lol.
Greetings from Mar-a-Lago!
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Not a peep from trump or any repub lawmaker tonight since the nuke doc report. Nothing. And now trumps lawyer (no
Lie-an OAN correspondent) wants the warrant to remain sealed. It just gets better and better.
trump makes a big deal posting about “encouraging the release of the warrant receipt”. Lmfao!!! He has the fuking receipt IN HIS POSSESSION and can release it whenever he likes. God what an IDIOT. And of course the sheep lap it up.
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Not a peep from trump or any repub lawmaker tonight since the nuke doc report. Nothing. And now trumps lawyer (no
Lie-an OAN correspondent) wants the warrant to remain sealed. It just gets better and better.
Does that mean no more donation emails from GOP beggars?

Did you let your premium expire?
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he looks and acts really, really, REALLY old. I sure hope he doesn't run for reelection.
I can't imagine he does...but the other options in that party are equally god awful.

The GOP primary is basically the election - unless the Dems can rally on abortion, which will bring women and young people to the polls in swing states. Doubtful it's enough though, especially if the economy is still hurting most Americans.
I can't imagine he does...but the other options in that party are equally god awful.

The GOP primary is basically the election - unless the Dems can rally on abortion, which will bring women and young people to the polls in swing states. Doubtful it's enough though, especially if the economy is still hurting most Americans.
Can't imagine they let Joe run. He'll make plenty of noise about it and wait, but they certainly don't won't to voluntarily be a lame duck until next year. And don't be so sure about what's gonna happen in 2024, it's a long way away politically speaking. Hell, hewhomustnotbereelected was an absolute slam dunk for '20 until the pandemic decided things otherwise. I'm not even sure about about the wave predictions for this November. Things are tightening up.
Can't imagine they let Joe run. He'll make plenty of noise about it and wait, but they certainly don't won't to voluntarily be a lame duck until next year. And don't be so sure about what's gonna happen in 2024, it's a long way away politically speaking. Hell, hewhomustnotbereelected was an absolute slam dunk for '20 until the pandemic decided things otherwise. I'm not even sure about about the wave predictions for this November. Things are tightening up.
Yeah that's fair - if the last 2 years have taught us anything it's that 2 years is an eternity these days.

Still though, unless we get attacked by someone and we get into a war that rallies the country together, I just don't see any way that Biden will win another election. That and when Pete Buttiegig is your saving grace, you're pretty screwed.

The real question becomes if Trump wins the GOP primary. As it stands right now, I don't think he can win a national election either. There's just too much shit out there right now on him to where anyone but his diehards probably won't vote for him. That said, I don't think Trump can beat DeSantis in a primary.
Yeah that's fair - if the last 2 years have taught us anything it's that 2 years is an eternity these days.

Still though, unless we get attacked by someone and we get into a war that rallies the country together, I just don't see any way that Biden will win another election. That and when Pete Buttiegig is your saving grace, you're pretty screwed.

The real question becomes if Trump wins the GOP primary. As it stands right now, I don't think he can win a national election either. There's just too much shit out there right now on him to where anyone but his diehards probably won't vote for him. That said, I don't think Trump can beat DeSantis in a primary.
I almost chuckled at the Pete comment, until I realized that it was true. The trump diehards don't matter as the entrenched D people don't matter. Both groups are always voting for their person. It's those swing people in the middle, a very small sliver of grey that flip back and forth at any given election. They decide. At the moment, I think it would be a toss-up. Biden and his side have certainly done themselves no favors, but it's not like they haven't continued to throw everything at the Donald except the kitchen sink.

I still believe trump's move should be to embrace the role of kingmaker rather than being king, but his ego won't let him. The really interesting part to me is the group who are terrified he might run again and are doing everything to prevent it. They want him to simply announce or not be able to run. I think they are actually much better off if a wounded, damaged orangeman runs versus a clean candidate like Desantis running with trump endorsing him.
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I still believe trump's move should be to embrace the role of kingmaker rather than being king, but his ego won't let him. The really interesting part to me is the group who are terrified he might run again and are doing everything to prevent it. They want him to simply announce or not be able to run. I think they are actually much better off if a wounded, damaged orangeman runs versus a clean candidate like Desantis running with trump endorsing him.
Completely agree with everything here.

Trump's best bet would be to basically make himself warden of the party, fully embrace DeSantis and just help by campaigning for him. Agree with you that I don't think his ego would allow it but stranger things have happened.

The Dems should want Trump to win the primary because as you said, DeSantis with Trump's endorsement probably wins in a landslide as things stand today.
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Still though, unless we get attacked by someone and we get into a war that rallies the country together, I just don't see any way that Biden will win another election.
Even hiding in the basement wouldn't get Biden another election. But let's not kid ourselves, he has gotten us into two wars. He has done everything he could in Ukraine except put our boots on the ground and literally escalate things into WWIII. He's also at war with the fossil fuel industry. Whether either of those things are good decisions is something to debate, but he's done them through his policy, regulatory actions, EO's and budget decisions.
Even hiding in the basement wouldn't get Biden another election. But let's not kid ourselves, he has gotten us into two wars. He has done everything he could in Ukraine except put our boots on the ground and literally escalate things into WWIII. He's also at war with the fossil fuel industry. Whether either of those things are good decisions is something to debate, but he's done them through his policy, regulatory actions, EO's and budget decisions.
My point is more something that unites the country. Defending Ukraine and fossil fuels won't bring either side to say "f everyone else, we're Americans together" the way a 9/11 or a WW2 did.

If Russia drops a nuke on Los Angeles in 2023, then all bets are off because we would unite and Biden (or Harris) could ride that and make it a tight election. Outside of something major like that, I don't see the Dems winning in 2024 against DeSantis.
My point is more something that unites the country. Defending Ukraine and fossil fuels won't bring either side to say "f everyone else, we're Americans together" the way a 9/11 or a WW2 did.

If Russia drops a nuke on Los Angeles in 2023, then all bets are off because we would unite and Biden (or Harris) could ride that and make it a tight election. Outside of something major like that, I don't see the Dems winning in 2024 against DeSantis.
If anyone were to drop a nuke on LA, I would say that there would be no future elections for the foreseeable future, if ever. But your point about a nationally uniting incident is certainly correct and valid. Considering the level of divisiveness that has been created, sadly, I'm not even sure what that would represent at this point. If we had something happen like 9-11 today, I truly wonder what the narrative and reaction would be. One thing is for certain, I could count on a few here saying it was all sleepy's fault and another few saying it was all colored orange, lol.
If we had something happen like 9-11 today, I truly wonder what the narrative and reaction would be.

Liberals would blame America. They tried to do that in 2001 but society had not completely lost its mind yet and those morons were shouted down. But now the America hate is so much stronger thanks to Obama and the recent liberals. It's taken a foothold and there would legit be a fairly large number of people that would blame America for an attack on America.
You must be talking about the super violent attack on January 6th that one.
January 6 stands out the most (and in fact there were a few who lost their lives), but also consider yesterday’s assault on the FBI field office in Ohio, the almost-daily mass shootings of crowds by deranged citizens, and don’t ignore the inflamed language we hear and read by other angry Americans (your posts here, for example) and even our politicians.
January 6 stands out the most (and in fact there were a few who lost their lives), but also consider yesterday’s assault on the FBI field office in Ohio, the almost-daily mass shootings of crowds by deranged citizens, and don’t ignore the inflamed language we hear and read by other angry Americans (your posts here, for example) and even our politicians.

Completely agree with everything here.

Trump's best bet would be to basically make himself warden of the party, fully embrace DeSantis and just help by campaigning for him. Agree with you that I don't think his ego would allow it but stranger things have happened.

The Dems should want Trump to win the primary because as you said, DeSantis with Trump's endorsement probably wins in a landslide as things stand today.

I could live with a DeSantis presidency even if he’d take a similar albeit more measured approach as Trump. As long as he’s not casting doubt on election integrity or corrosively dividing the country, I’m set. The wheel of politics will continue to turn and maybe we can all step back from the ledge.