OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I wish I could just change the definition of things whenever it suited me.

"You see officer, I actually wasn't going over the speed limit. The speed limit for me is the maximum speed of my car. Not the number posted on the sign that the rest of the world uses to define a speed limit".
I wish we put more effort into education so people could see the words JULY or MONTH and make better deductions.
Hilarious. Someone got cheated and when they attempt to bring the cheating to the forefront, you're viewing them as the aggressor.

This reminds me of last week when @carolinablue34 called Trump's brand of politics "revenge" politics. Like he was completely blind to the action that prompted the "revenge" he was railing about. In other words, as my friend here at OOTB used to say, "don't start none if you don't want none."
again, always playing the victim card. That has become the role of GOP politics. Don't offer solutions to any probs, just keep playing the victim card and pray on as many fears as possible (real or mythical).
don’t get the Vaseline out yet. The chances of trump accepting an inferior role in someone else’s cabinet is slim to none. Some sort of “behind the scenes influencer”? mehhh. I think you’re underestimating his ego and desantis’. I would guess desantis would throw a bone to trumpers to try and keep their support as some sort of homage. Maybe let trump speak at his rallies. But no way in hell desantis let’s himself be portrayed as a trump puppet and no way in hell trump accepts any lesser role that puppeteer

Trump and DeSantis HATE each other. They play nice for political reasons - but if DeSantis wins an election there's no way he'd put up with Trump for 4 years in his cabinet and the crap that goes with Trump supporters.
You must have said earlier in the thread, "I bet @strummingram is going to make senseless, irrelevant poasts." To which you've obviously been proven correct.

Or you might have said, "I bet @strummingram continues to use the word vitim incorrectly.". Again, as we've seen, you would have have been proven accurate on that one too.

Or you might have even said, "I bet @strummingram is just going to attempt to get in an argument today for no reason at all because he's a poor, lonely sap with nothing else to do." And while you would be right as the evidence shows, I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you credit on that one as pretty much anyone here would have made the same prediction.
Go on...
I wish we put more effort into education so people could see the words JULY or MONTH and make better deductions.
I can't fault them. Nowhere in Biden's speech did he say "compared to June", so there's no reason for anyone to believe that his 0% inflation comment was not referring to the standard measurement of "compared to the same period in the prior year". And even if he had said that, I still can't fault people being confused since they've never heard inflation measured in that fashion.

So yes, more effort in education is needed, but it seems like it's needed for the speech writers, not the speech listeners.
again, always playing the victim card. That has become the role of GOP politics. Don't offer solutions to any probs, just keep playing the victim card and pray on as many fears as possible (real or mythical).

You must have gone to the same grade school as @strummingram and both missed class the week that "victim" was a vocabulary word.
again, always playing the victim card. That has become the role of GOP politics. Don't offer solutions to any probs, just keep playing the victim card and pray on as many fears as possible (real or mythical).

I'm sorry I can't think of solutions to the problems your party has created. Why is that on us anyway?
Hilarious. Someone got cheated and when they attempt to bring the cheating to the forefront, you're viewing them as the aggressor.

This reminds me of last week when @carolinablue34 called Trump's brand of politics "revenge" politics. Like he was completely blind to the action that prompted the "revenge" he was railing about. In other words, as my friend here at OOTB used to say, "don't start none if you don't want none."
Bahahaha!! “Someone got cheated”. Good one
I wish we put more effort into education so people could see the words JULY or MONTH and make better deductions.
Happy Big Brother GIF by MOODMAN
Would you prefer I characterize it by saying, “they changed the rules after the game had begun and for no good reason.”?
"They..." It's always they, them, or some other pronoun that are the ones responsible for maligning, oppressing, putting their fingers on the scale, cheating, "changing the rules", or some other cop-out. Always, ALWAYS, the victim of "them." It's never just a matter of losing because Trump was the worse candidate. The table was tilted, the game was rigged... always a victim's excuse.
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A precedent which now means that anyone who evades the truth, attempts to help rig an election, molests little girls, manipulates the value of their policies and programs while trashing the economy, uses state resources to enrich themselves and intrudes into the sovereignty of a democratically elected government will not necessarily be subject to investigation, depending on political affiliation.
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"They..." It's always they, them, or some other pronoun that are the ones responsible for maligning, oppressing, putting their fingers on the scale, cheating, "changing the rules", or some other cop-out. Always, ALWAYS, the victim of "them." It's never just a matter of losing because Trump was the worse candidate. The table was tilted, the game was rigged... always a victim's excuse.

Whatever dude. I’m starting to not care about your repeated misuse of the word victim. And I don’t even care anymore about Trump’s chances at office again. The Dems overplayed their hand. And if you think Trump’s cult-like following was something before, this absurd fiasco only increased the numbers and strengthened the MAGA movement. Even if THEY plant some evidence or even if the evidence is compelling enough to believe, it won’t matter. The Trump/MAGA movement will only grow from here. Good for me and others that subscribe. And it’s good for you too. It will give you more material to act superior and give your pitiful life of solitude some meaning. We all win.

But just for fun, I’ll continue to entertain your dumb ass poasts and continue to shit on you.

Trump and DeSantis HATE each other. They play nice for political reasons - but if DeSantis wins an election there's no way he'd put up with Trump for 4 years in his cabinet and the crap that goes with Trump supporters.

Meh. He better cater to Trump supporters. His political future depends on how they feel about him. He won’t sniff a national office if he doesn’t placate Trump and his supporters.
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The Dems overplayed their hand. And if you think Trump’s cult-like following was something before, this absurd fiasco only increased the numbers and strengthened the MAGA movement. Even if THEY plant some evidence or even if the evidence is compelling enough to believe, it won’t matter. The Trump/MAGA movement will only grow from here.

Anyone that died from it was most likely gonna die anyway of something else.
Right you are gun, more than likely they will die of something else. Hell, I would go so far saying that it is a certainty. Good job gun. Your post shows why you are the leader of Trump’s squad here.
  • Haha
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Hilarious. Someone got cheated and when they attempt to bring the cheating to the forefront, you're viewing them as the aggressor.

This reminds me of last week when @carolinablue34 called Trump's brand of politics "revenge" politics. Like he was completely blind to the action that prompted the "revenge" he was railing about. In other words, as my friend here at OOTB used to say, "don't start none if you don't want none."

Don’t start none if you don’t want none. That’s rich.

Who cast doubt on the trustworthiness elections first? Who said if he didn’t win the game was rigged? And not just in 2020 but 2016 as well?

Your ilk threw the first haymaker pal. And for the record, you’re not stupid just biased to the point of irrationality. Because you refuse to consider Trump’s loss couldn’t possibly be due to the fact that he can’t keep his big mouth shut. That he’s inept at managing people. That he didn’t take covid seriously enough. That America didn’t want four more years of him.

MAGA is not a majority and never will be. It revolves around one man who cares nothing for the common good.

Trump won in 2016 because he motivated a section of people in this country on issues they felt were being ignored.

Trump lost in 2020 because he motivated enough people to fear what he might do next if he were given 4 more years. He got in his own way.

****in A just let it go. And let go of your weird hatred of people and things you don’t understand or don’t bother to.
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Meh. He better cater to Trump supporters. His political future depends on how they feel about him. He won’t sniff a national office if he doesn’t placate Trump and his supporters.
Of course - that's why I said if he wins, and not before.

Once he wins he'll drop Trump pandering to a bare minimum just to keep the hardcore Trumpers. I think most Trump supporters by that point will have shifted to DeSantis anyway.
Who cast doubt on the trustworthiness elections first? Who said if he didn’t win the game was rigged? And not just in 2020 but 2016 as well?


And for the record, you’re not stupid

Yeah, I know.

MAGA is not a majority and never will be.

But it’s big enough. And growing everyday. You’ll find out in November and then in 2024. DeSantis is Trump light. And the next President is one or the other. If it’s not Trump, DeSantis will have won because of Trump.

****in A just let it go. And let go of your weird hatred of people and things you don’t understand or don’t bother to.

When society has regained its wits and goes back to acknowledging gender dysphoria is a mental disorder that requires treatment instead of fairytale celebration, I will let it go. Until then, I will keep reminding people that promote mental Illness among kids is sick and twisted. And anyone doing so is the enemy of me and America.
Your ilk threw the first haymaker pal.

We can argue of who threw the first. But more importantly, I’m confident about who will throw the last.
Of course - that's why I said if he wins, and not before.

Once he wins he'll drop Trump pandering to a bare minimum just to keep the hardcore Trumpers. I think most Trump supporters by that point will have shifted to DeSantis anyway.

So we agree it’s MAGA who will decide Ron’s future.
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You must have said earlier in the thread, "I bet @strummingram is going to make senseless, irrelevant poasts." To which you've obviously been proven correct.

Or you might have said, "I bet @strummingram continues to use the word victim incorrectly.". Again, as we've seen, you would have have been proven accurate on that one too.

Or you might have even said, "I bet @strummingram is just going to attempt to get in an argument today for no reason at all because he's a poor, lonely sap with nothing else to do." And while you would be right as the evidence shows, I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you credit on that one as pretty much anyone here would have made the same prediction.
believe it or not, he was playing the victim card. I guess he just loves irony.
Would you prefer I characterize it by saying, “they changed the rules after the game had begun and for no good reason
So long as you mention that the changes were all scrutinized in the respective states, sometimes by repub election officials, before certifying results and taken to court over 60 times, sometimes with trump appointed judges, all the way up to heavy conservative leaning SCOTUS. There the changes YOU bitch and moan about ad nauseum were all found to be perfectly legal EVERY SINGLE TIME despite trumps open blatant and illegal tampering with officials in many cases. Also you could throw in the fact that trump won the majority of the states that “changed the rules”. (18 of 31) for good measure. So go ahead blame the officiating, the announcers, fauci, Biden’s laptop, the Russians, the voting machines, the media blah blah blah all you want, the bloated orange fpos wasn’t cheated out of jack shit. He got his fuking face kicked in fair and square by the lamest weakest candidate in modern history. And now we’re watching senile weak stuttering biden drag his shriveled nut sack across donny boy’s face courtesy of the DOJ. Glorious. GDTBAA
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So long as you mention that the changes were all scrutinized in the respective states, sometimes by repub election officials, before certifying results and taken to court over 60 times, sometimes with trump appointed judges, all the way up to heavy conservative leaning SCOTUS. There the changes YOU bitch and moan about ad nauseum were all found to be perfectly legal EVERY SINGLE TIME despite trumps open blatant and illegal tampering with officials in many cases. Also you could throw in the fact that trump won the majority of the states that “changed the rules”. (18 of 31) for good measure. So go ahead blame the officiating, the announcers, fauci, Biden’s laptop, the Russians, the voting machines, the media blah blah blah all you want, the bloated orange fpos wasn’t cheated out of jack shit. He got his fuking face kicked in fair and square by the lamest weakest candidate in modern history. And now we’re watching senile weak stuttering biden drag his shriveled nut sack across donny boy’s face courtesy of the DOJ. Glorious. GDTBAA
None of it was perfectly legal and most reasonable people recognize that and that the election was stolen and a farce.

You seem like the kind of lemming that insisted that Biden and the CDC were telling the truth when they insisted if you got the shots, you wouldn't and couldn't get Covid except in some rare breakthrough cases.

Anyone with a brain and some reasonable objectivity knew they were lying, and of course it's proven they were lying.
Prove it liar. You are the last person on the planet to speak for reasonable people idiot.
It's been proven just like Hunter's laptop was real and not Russian disinformation; Putin didn't meddle in the 2016 election; the CDC has been lying through their teeth about Covid and on and on.

All proven.

Your stance is just to push a lie until it is absolutely no longer tenable and then to push the new lie. No credibility whatsoever with people like yourself, and most of America recognizes that.
It's been proven just like Hunter's laptop was real and not Russian disinformation; Putin didn't meddle in the 2016 election; the CDC has been lying through their teeth about Covid and on and on.

All proven.

Your stance is just to push a lie until it is absolutely no longer tenable and then to push the new lie. No credibility whatsoever with people like yourself, and most of America recognizes that.
My stance is “prove it or stfu”. So prove trump won the election or stfu dipshit. Take your YouTube cartoon to Giuliani, bribe him with some hair dye and a $25 hooker. He’ll listen then RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! Bahahahahaha !!!!!!! Watching you fuk nuts is better than any clown show.
My stance is “prove it or stfu”. So prove trump won the election or stfu dipshit. Take your YouTube cartoon to Giuliani, bribe him with some hair dye and a $25 hooker. He’ll listen then RELEASE THE KRAKEN!! Bahahahahaha !!!!!!! Watching you fuk nuts is better than any clown show.
Dude, already proved it on this thread and of course, people like yourself complained about so many links and info.

It's proven.

Time for you to explain how the proofs in your view are incorrect.
Dude, already proved it on this thread and of course, people like yourself complained about so many links and info.

It's proven.

Time for you to explain how the proofs in your view are incorrect.
You haven’t proven jack fuking shit except that you’re a deluded partisan nut job who quotes Bible verses out of one side of his mouth and lies and slander out of the other.
Dude, already proved it on this thread and of course, people like yourself complained about so many links and info.

It's proven.

Time for you to explain how the proofs in your view are incorrect.

Do us all a favor and shut the f**k up.

You’re the biggest conman, sleazeball on here. You haven’t proved jack shit from those whackball conspiracy websites you worship so much.
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