"On record?" LOLI have downplayed nothing. YOU have constantly tried to dodge the fact that you said you knew of many that were seditious and treasonous, and then provided a link that indicated nothing of the sort. You provided a list of hundreds in answer to being asked for the names of the seditious and treasonous, yet that list only gave something like ten that were charged accordingly....and I honestly acknowledged those ten.
I am on record here as saying that the rioters should be punished according to the severity of what they did, just as I believe all rioters should be. This isn't about my attitude toward rioters ,whether they rioted at the Capitol or in the streets of L.A. or wherever. It's about your spurious argument that the rioters at the Capitol were greatly seditious and treasonous, in spite of proof indicating the opposite, provided by you.
I'm just only too happy to point it out when someone like you steps back in their own shit while virtue-signaling in overdrive.
So, your pissing match in all of this is over your definition of "many?"
The 800 people arrested were there to see how far they could go. That's not even including those that weren't arrested, but were present and participating. They were part of an insurrection where the objective was abundantly clear. That insurrection objective was seditious. I don't care if the formal, criminal terminology, for all 800, says it on the docket or not. Their objective was to violently stop/impede the peaceful transition of power. That is seditious.