OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I have downplayed nothing. YOU have constantly tried to dodge the fact that you said you knew of many that were seditious and treasonous, and then provided a link that indicated nothing of the sort. You provided a list of hundreds in answer to being asked for the names of the seditious and treasonous, yet that list only gave something like ten that were charged accordingly....and I honestly acknowledged those ten.

I am on record here as saying that the rioters should be punished according to the severity of what they did, just as I believe all rioters should be. This isn't about my attitude toward rioters ,whether they rioted at the Capitol or in the streets of L.A. or wherever. It's about your spurious argument that the rioters at the Capitol were greatly seditious and treasonous, in spite of proof indicating the opposite, provided by you.

I'm just only too happy to point it out when someone like you steps back in their own shit while virtue-signaling in overdrive.
"On record?" LOL

So, your pissing match in all of this is over your definition of "many?"

The 800 people arrested were there to see how far they could go. That's not even including those that weren't arrested, but were present and participating. They were part of an insurrection where the objective was abundantly clear. That insurrection objective was seditious. I don't care if the formal, criminal terminology, for all 800, says it on the docket or not. Their objective was to violently stop/impede the peaceful transition of power. That is seditious.
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"On record?" LOL

So, your pissing match in all of this is over your definition of "many?"

The 800 people arrested were there to see how far they could go. That's not even including those that weren't arrested, but were present and participating. They were part of an insurrection where the objective was abundantly clear. That insurrection objective was seditious. I don't care if the formal, criminal terminology, for all 800, says it on the docket or not. Their objective was to violently stop/impede the peaceful transition of power. That is seditious.
lol sure, that's believable. It was abundantly clear that they were out to overthrow the government of the United States of America, yet they were not charged accordingly. I can see why you don't care what's on the docket. LMAO.

It wasn't like there was a huge political push to paint the rioters as pawns of Donald Trump acting in a coordinated effort to undo the election and take over the government or anything like that. Had that been the case, those charges would have had the rioters headed for the gallows if at all possible, no doubt. LMAO,
It wasn't like there was a huge political push to paint the rioters as pawns of Donald Trump
The inevitable victimization rears its head. It didn't really happen like everyone saw it happen. In truth, it was the democrats/liberals/globalists/them/they that are out to get conservatives and out to get Trump, most of all.
The inevitable victimization rears its head. It didn't really happen like everyone saw it happen. In truth, it was the democrats/liberals/globalists/them/they that are out to get conservatives and out to get Trump, most of all.
and you the victim as is inevitable plays the victim card, because you have nothing else left to play. What a surprise. Won't work with me though. You shit and stepped in it, and that's a fact you can't deflect from.
and you the victim as is inevitable plays the victim card, because you have nothing else left to play. What a surprise. Won't work with me though. You shit and stepped in it, and that's a fact you can't deflect from.
well then, let me reiterate. Here's you;

I can think of a lot of people who decided that treason and violent sedition was a good idea

...that after a Trump tweet, the implication being that Trump incited a lot of people to treason and sedition..

So I challenged you for names of these seditious traitors and you provided a listing of those charged for J6 offenses; and out of the hundreds of names with their accompanying charges, only about ten had charges related to sedition....and that was for sedition conspiracy based on communications they had as a group, discovered after the fact. It wasn't for their actions that day.. You have been flailing away since then trying not to look like a virtue-signaling dolt caught laying down bullshit to virtue-signal over...

The rioters were mainly charged with rioting and being violent or disorderly, which of course is why they call it rioting. No sedition. No treason. I pointed out that in light of the political atmosphere, had they been able to reasonably charge sedition and treason, they surely would have. But they didn't.

And then you tried to play your pathetic and wimpy little victim card. LOL.
well then, let me reiterate. Here's you;

...that after a Trump tweet, the implication being that Trump incited a lot of people to treason and sedition..

So I challenged you for names of these seditious traitors and you provided a listing of those charged for J6 offenses; and out of the hundreds of names with their accompanying charges, only about ten had charges related to sedition....and that was for sedition conspiracy based on communications they had as a group, discovered after the fact. It wasn't for their actions that day.. You have been flailing away since then trying not to look like a virtue-signaling dolt caught laying down bullshit to virtue-signal over...

The rioters were mainly charged with rioting and being violent or disorderly, which of course is why they call it rioting. No sedition. No treason. I pointed out that in light of the political atmosphere, had they been able to reasonably charge sedition and treason, they surely would have. But they didn't.

And then you tried to play your pathetic and wimpy little victim card. LOL.
So, 11 with seditious conspiracy isn't "many" enough for you, and the other 745 were just "rioters." They were helping the seditious in their plot. Power in numbers! Hey, at least they're not tourists and loiterers anymore. That's progress!
So, 11 with seditious conspiracy isn't "many" enough for you, and the other 745 were just "rioters." They were helping the seditious in their plot. Power in numbers! Hey, at least they're not tourists and loiterers anymore. That's progress!
right. The other 745 were helping 'in a plot', except they weren't in a plot while they were helping in a plot. Yeah, that doesn't sound like you're still flailing away or anything.

I don't know who said they were tourists other than you being an idiot, but "Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building" is a fair description of loitering, and no they haven't progressed past that yet; that charge remains. Maybe Alice told you otherwise, when she was ten feet tall.
right. The other 745 were helping 'in a plot', except they weren't in a plot while they were helping in a plot. Yeah, that doesn't sound like you're still flailing away or anything.

I don't know who said they were tourists other than you being an idiot, but "Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building" is a fair description of loitering, and no they haven't progressed past that yet; that charge remains. Maybe Alice told you otherwise, when she was ten feet tall.
Helluva way to "enter and remain" isn't it. That's another reason why the language of their formal charges are just... formal.


"Hang Mike Pence!" was a new nursery rhyme, maybe?
Helluva way to "enter and remain" isn't it. That's another reason why the language of their formal charges are just... formal.


"Hang Mike Pence!" was a new nursery rhyme, maybe?
If saying 'Hang Mike Pence' is a crime amounting to treason, what would you say 'Fvck Joe Biden' is? Should we arrest half the country and charge it with sedition? I guess I'll go ahead and turn myself in.

It doesn't say anything in the charges about how they entered as part of 'entered and remained'. It just says 'entered and remained', like in loitering. Didn't you read your own link? Or did Alice say something about how they entered? Is that where you got that from? Was she ten feet tall when she said it? Maybe you shouldn't talk to Alice so much.


^^^^^you should have saved your words and posted this instead of your last thirteen posts.
So just to be clear

the classified docs the fbi planted were declassified by trump before they were planted. Also there was only one box of top secret classified docs that were declassified. So that’s not as bad. Anyway trump took them home to study them. The ones planted. Oh wait I mean before they were planted. Also obama took nuke docs home first. So there.

You really don’t know how this all works do you?

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If saying 'Hang Mike Pence' is a crime amounting to treason, what would you say 'Fvck Joe Biden' is? Should we arrest half the country and charge it with sedition? I guess I'll go ahead and turn myself in.

It doesn't say anything in the charges about how they entered as part of 'entered and remained'. It just says 'entered and remained', like in loitering. Didn't you read your own link? Or did Alice say something about how they entered? Is that where you got that from? Was she ten feet tall when she said it? Maybe you shouldn't talk to Alice so much.


^^^^^you should have saved your words and posted this instead of your last thirteen posts.
Blue boy, you’re getting bitch slapped in this thread, best to call it a day….
Blue boy, you’re getting bitch slapped in this thread, best to call it a day….
@strummingram isn‘t capable of bitch slapping anyone, except perhaps a fellow member of the Squad.

Dems allowed the demonstration to get out of hand by not responding correctly to intel that a potential break in might be planned. If there had been sufficient numbers of LEO’s present, it couldn’t have occurred. If one were a conspiracy theorist, one might almost think that was intentional. Were there “inciters” inserted to stir the demonstrators into a mob? I certainly wouldn’t put it past Soros to do that. I’ve often said that when it comes to the game of politics, Dems play chess while Pubs are playing checkers. They are much cleverer at politics. And they vote en masse. When Nancy gives them their marching orders, they all toe the party line. Rarely does that happen with Pubs.

Security breakdown
@strummingram isn‘t capable of bitch slapping anyone, except perhaps a fellow member of the Squad.

Dems allowed the demonstration to get out of hand by not responding correctly to intel that a potential break in might be planned. If there had been sufficient numbers of LEO’s present, it couldn’t have occurred. If one were a conspiracy theorist, one might almost think that was intentional. Were there “inciters” inserted to stir the demonstrators into a mob? I certainly wouldn’t put it past Soros to do that. I’ve often said that when it comes to the game of politics, Dems play chess while Pubs are playing checkers. They are much cleverer at politics. And they vote en masse. When Nancy gives them their marching orders, they all toe the party line. Rarely does that happen with Pubs.

Security breakdown
You left out Obama, and Clinton. Surely they were in on it, too. Soros- check... Pelosi-check... Antifa-check...

You partisan fools bitch-slap yourselves.
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You left out Obama, and Clinton. Surely they were in on it, too. Soros- check... Pelosi-check... Antifa-check...

You partisan fools bitch-slap yourselves.
I didn’t accuse Antifa of anything. I also didn’t accuse Pelosi of having anything to do with Jan6. I said Dems vote the way she tells them to vote. I know you’re dim witted but try to keep up and read before you respond. Tell me this, why was there insufficient security when they were forewarned? It was all very preventable if security protocols had been followed. Why weren’t they?

@strummingram ?
@prlyles ?
@blazers ?
@Heels Noir ?
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Why was there insufficient security when they were forewarned?
Because Nancy Pelosi ordered them to stand-down and then Soros slid a nice wad of cashish into her offshore account soon after, maybe even before. It's a proven fact. I think the freemasons actually ordered the troops to stand down.

I actually enjoy watching people draw totally different conclusions after witnessing an event. It helps prove that there is no such thing as objective reality. People invent whatever they need in order to feel comfortable.
I didn’t accuse Antifa of anything. I also didn’t accuse Pelosi of having anything to do with Jan6. I said Dems vote the way she tells them to vote. I know you’re dim witted but try to keep up and read before you respond. Tell me this, why was there insufficient security when they were forewarned? It was all very preventable if security protocols had been followed. Why weren’t they?

@strummingram ?
@prlyles ?
@blazers ?
@Heels Noir ?
Still crickets from the Squad?
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Of course we need term limits. This article is from 2016 but it shows how little support Pubs have gotten from Dems. Congress now represents it’s own selfish interests, not those of the people.

Term limits


“According to U.S. Term Limits, these senators and House members signed the term limits pledge (all but O’Rourke are Republicans):

Bill Cassidy, La.
Ted Cruz, Texas
Steve Daines, Mont.
Deb Fischer, Neb.
Rand Paul, Ky.
David Perdue, Ga.
Marco Rubio, Fla.
Ben Sasse, Neb.
Tim Scott, S.C.
Thom Tillis, N.C.
Pat Toomey, Pa.
Todd Young, Ind.

Rick Allen, Ga.
Don Bacon, Neb.
Andy Biggs, Ariz.
Rod Blum, Iowa
Dave Brat, Va.
Ken Buck, Colo.
Ted Budd, N.C.
James Comer, Ky.
Warren Davidson, Ohio
Ron DeSantis, Fla.
Jeff Duncan, S.C.
John Faso, N.Y.
Drew Ferguson, Ga.
Matt Gaetz, Fla.
Trey Gowdy, S.C.
Trey Hollingsworth, Ind.
Richard Hudson, N.C.
Darin LaHood, Ill.
Frank Lucas, Okla.
Roger Marshall, Kan.
Thomas Massie, Ky.
Brian Mast, Fla.
Alex Mooney, W.Va.
Markwayne Mullin, Okla.
Mick Mulvaney, S.C.
Beto O’Rourke, Texas
Gary Palmer, Ala.
Robert Pittenger, N.C.
Mike Pompeo, Kan.
John Ratcliffe, Texas
Tom Rice, S.C.
Tom Rooney, Fla.
Mark Sanford, S.C.
David Schweikert, Ariz.
Ann Wagner, Mo.
Lee Zeldin, N.Y.”
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What is there to respond to? Everything you posted is a lie. Feel better?
Per ABC news

So this article from ABC is a lie, that they’re not a credible news source? The bi-partisan Senate report is a lie? Is that what you’re saying? I’m interested in hearing what your fellow squad members have to say.
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Per ABC news

So this article from ABC is a lie, that they’re not a credible news source? The bi-partisan Senate report is a lie? Is that what you’re saying? I’m interested in hearing what your fellow squad members have to say.
That article has nothing to do with the lies you posted.
Per ABC news

So this article from ABC is a lie, that they’re not a credible news source? The bi-partisan Senate report is a lie? Is that what you’re saying? I’m interested in hearing what your fellow squad members have to say.
The problem with the ABC story on the bi-partisan Senate report is that it appeared on one of their media and, as such, it's a "trusted" news source for our squad and therefore unassailable. When they watch it, they find out that there were a whole host of problems with what others did, and did not do, in the time leading up to and on the day of 1/6. Since it doesn't fit the narrative of orangemanbad and doesn't lay blame solely at his feet such that he should be charged with insurrection and unable to run in '24, they ignore it and keep to the assignment.

The fact remains, even if all the allegations against he who shall not be reelected were true, had others competently done their jobs leading up to and on the day of 1/6, the events of that day are nothing but a distant memory.
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The problem with the ABC story on the bi-partisan Senate report is that it appeared on one of their media and, as such, it's a "trusted" news source for our squad and therefore unassailable. When they watch it, they find out that there were a whole host of problems with what others did, and did not do, in the time leading up to and on the day of 1/6. Since it doesn't fit the narrative of orangemanbad and doesn't lay blame solely at his feet such that he should be charged with insurrection and unable to run in '24, they ignore it and keep to the assignment.

The fact remains, even if all the allegations against he who shall not be reelected were true, had others competently done their jobs leading up to and on the day of 1/6, the events of that day are nothing but a distant memory.
Exactly. With tensions high, security should have been beefed up as a matter of course. With intelligence that something serious might be planned, security protocol says that you significantly increase security. Any logical Dems know this, but admitting it might lead to them having to question why security protocol was so blatantly disregarded.
Exactly. With tensions high, security should have been beefed up as a matter of course. With intelligence that something serious might be planned, security protocol says that you significantly increase security. Any logical Dems know this, but admitting it might lead to them having to question why security protocol was so blatantly disregarded.
My bottom line on all of this is that there is plenty of blame to go around - all around. 1/6 should never have happened for many reasons. Did Trump play a role? Of course and he has to shoulder his portion of things. The problem is the narrative pushed by the D's and their lapdogs in the msm that orangeman was solely and totally to blame. He must not be reelected!!!
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When you start to lose someone like Jenna Ellis, you know you're WAY WAY out there.
I'd say it's, sadly, just a sign of where the political world has moved. The standards, decorum, and limits that used to have some pretty bright lines have faded away. So, I don't think Ms. Ellis is wrong, but it's also reflective of the current state of affairs.
This is actually a really good question. If this was so important, why have they waited more than 18 months and even three days more after they had their warrant? Schiffty admits he doesn't know before he tries to divert the focus of the question.

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