OOTB's Political Thread . ..

My bottom line on all of this is that there is plenty of blame to go around - all around. 1/6 should never have happened for many reasons. Did Trump play a role? Of course and he has to shoulder his portion of things. The problem is the narrative pushed by the D's and their lapdogs in the msm that orangeman was solely and totally to blame. He must not be reelected!!!
I agree. There is beaucoup de blame to go around. Allowing Jan 6 to happen when there was advance warning is as irresponsible and despicable as the actions of the “insurrection” perps themselves. It need never have happened, it was completely avoidable. Again, why was it allowed to happen? I suggest it was allowed to happen in order to make Trump unelectable and further divide the country. Another reason why I want to see a DeSantis/Scott ticket in 2024(both of whom signed the term limits proposal BTW). Trump has said he would “do whatever he can to help the country”, I’m hoping that means possibly taking his hat out of the ring. Will his ego allow him to do that after being slapped with the gauntlet? I pray so but I have doubts.
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This is actually a really good question. If this was so important, why have they waited more than 18 months and even three days more after they had their warrant? Schiffty admits he doesn't know before he tries to divert the focus of the question.

that might have been the most dismissive 'I don't know' I've ever heard.
But they were mislead. The notion it was invalid or improperly conducted didn't have any truth to it. And after all the Court cases and lawsuits were over and done with, there was nothing to be done. Instead, they tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

Why do you think they were trying to barrel their way inside? To say hi? Imagine if they'd gotten their hands on Pence or Pelosi or any of the Congressmen. The entire motivation was to keep Trump in office.

So while the crowd itself wasn't super armed and not exactly a threat in terms of the ease of which they were swept aside once the national guard showed up, to say their intentions were anything but malicious is to ignore the circumstances surrounding that day.
Anyone claiming the elections were properly investigated is simply ignorant or lying.

It's very easy to change votes in the machines, for one thing, along with an avalanche of other techniques like illegal votes and ballot stuffing.

But it's worth noting that unless the physical ballot is examined and verified as legally cast AND counted, then there was no real audit. Examining ballot images doesn't cut it necessarily and this is why.

Voting machines should not be used in any legitimate democracy or republic.

" Here’s the scenario. Using a blue pen you fill in the “Trump” bubble on a ballot. Election officials insert this ballot into a tabulator. Those pixels surrounding the Trump bubble are swapped in milliseconds with the empty Biden bubble pixels. After these changes are made, the ballot image is saved to the EMS, and the candidate selections update the election totals. If an election jurisdiction uses their digital “Ballot Images” to conduct an audit, they WILL NOT find these changed ballots."

But they were mislead. The notion it was invalid or improperly conducted didn't have any truth to it. And after all the Court cases and lawsuits were over and done with, there was nothing to be done. Instead, they tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

Why do you think they were trying to barrel their way inside? To say hi? Imagine if they'd gotten their hands on Pence or Pelosi or any of the Congressmen. The entire motivation was to keep Trump in office.

So while the crowd itself wasn't super armed and not exactly a threat in terms of the ease of which they were swept aside once the national guard showed up, to say their intentions were anything but malicious is to ignore the circumstances surrounding that day.
Also, that is just boneheaded stupid.

1. They were not trying to "prevent the peaceful transfer of power." That is a bald-faced lie and libel.

2. They wanted a proper review of obvious election fraud, and a delay in certification to accomplish that, and there is absolutely nothing wrong or seditious in petitioning Congress for that.

3. At no point was there is any threat to the transfer of power since that would be impossible if there was no fraud, even if there was a delay in certification.

If the DC establishment and people like yourself really believe the election was clean, they'd welcome a proper investigation and delay in certification to settle the matter. You would want your fellow Americans to see it was clean. Obviously, you guys didn't want that. The most logical reason is most of you know it was rigged.
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You are downplaying it. Your whole participation in this exchange is to constantly downplay it. That is all you have done in post after post. Resorting to dragging-in a tired strawman like "people have been acting-out maliciously when they're angry throughout our history." Big fvcking deal. You know how many times American citizens violently stormed the US Capitol in order to keep a president in power (or any other reason)? Once... one time... in our nation's history. It happened on January 6th 2021. And, it was in large part due to the liar-in-chief, DJT trying to run his eternal con as far as he possibly could.
Why not downplay it? It was a dust-up. BLM literally tried to storm the White House and kill Trump, and he had to be removed to a secure location in the basement.

Nada about insurrection then.

You guys are abject hypocrities.
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Also, that is just boneheaded stupid.

1. They were not trying to "prevent the peaceful transfer of power." That is a bald-faced lie and libel.

2. They wanted a proper review of obvious election fraud, and a delay in certification to accomplish that, and there is absolutely nothing wrong or seditious in petitioning Congress for that.

3. At no point was there is any threat to the transfer of power since that would be impossible if there was no fraud, even if there was a delay in certification.

If the DC establishment and people like yourself really believe the election was clean, they'd welcome a proper investigation and delay in certification to settle the matter. You would want your fellow Americans to see it was clean. Obviously, you guys didn't want that. The most logical reason is most of you know it was rigged.
Damn man, you are really out there, even for this bunch.
BLM literally tried to storm the White House and kill Trump, and he had to be removed to a secure location in the basement.
I thought they teleported him to Alpha Centauri using Hunter's laptop. Remember? JFK Jr. showed up and did the whole LOTR thing...

This seems like a terrible thing but this could just be me being a victim again.

Just another attempt by liberals to legislate equality. Not equality of opportunity, but equality itself. Everyone should have equal opportunity, then let merit decide everything else. Otherwise, we might as well put quotas on everything based on racial demographic percentages.
I thought they teleported him to Alpha Centauri using Hunter's laptop. Remember? JFK Jr. showed up and did the whole LOTR thing...

When you can't debate facts, you always resort to this inanity.
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When you can't debate facts, you always resort to this inanity.
Facts? lol What facts? Whose facts?

There are no facts anymore. Facts are a relic, extinct. Ask KellyAnne...


There are no universal, objective facts. Inanity is more than he deserves, but I do what I can.
This seems like a terrible thing but this could just be me being a victim again.

"Students need educators who look like them and who they can relate to," the document says."

So rather than having a teacher that is qualified..

never mind
@strummingram runs from everyone but his fellow squad members. His balls would fit in a thimble. Come to think of it, his brain would fit in there with them.
If you think it's the Democrats fault that the insurrection occurred... fine with me. They've gotten tons of mileage from that investment, if they did.

But, the fact remains that there are no more facts in American social and political discourse.
"Students need educators who look like them and who they can relate to," the document says."
the hypocrisy astounds. On the one hand, bitch and gripe that we aren't all considered equally because of physical differences; on the other hand, make distinctions between people based on physical differences and treat them unequally.
If you think it's the Democrats fault that the insurrection occurred... fine with me. They've gotten tons of mileage from that investment, if they did.

But, the fact remains that there are no more facts in American social and political discourse.

"The fact is when talking about facts.. you have to look at all the facts, then together talk about the facts to get everyone to agree.. that the facts discussed are indeed facts we all should accept as facts"

- Kamala Harris
"The fact is when talking about facts.. you have to look at all the facts, then together talk about the facts to get everyone to agree.. that the facts discussed are indeed facts we all should accept as facts"

- Kamala Harris
Well... good luck with that, Mrs. Harris. She might as well go and kick waves back into the ocean.

Dumbledore doesn't have enough magic for that trick.
"Students need educators who look like them and who they can relate to," the document says."

So rather than having a teacher that is qualified..

never mind
Sincere questions.

Would you prefer to have your child be taught by the most qualified teacher available, regardless of skin color? Or would you prefer he/she/it be taught by a less qualified teacher who is a POC?

If lay-offs are necessary, is it “fair” that a more senior white teacher is laid off before a less senior teacher who is a POC?

I once worked as an hourly employee for a company that employs over 12,000 people. I won a dozen customer service awards in 3 years, more than the other 10 employees in my department combined. My boss told me he would love to give me a significant raise, but company policy said that if one person got a raise that every other person in my department had to receive the same raise. I verified that that was indeed the policy. So instead of rewarding your best employees and rewarding excellence, they were rewarding mediocrity. They were de-incentivizing their hardest workers to go the extra mile. Other than work ethic and personal pride, what was my motivation to continue to outwork my fellow employees? Have we abandoned meritocracy in favor of legislating equality of outcome?
So this afternoon the mainstream blowhards were discussing why the FBI took Trump's passports.. what that might indicate... that Trump could be considered a flight risk.

Now the FBI says they took the passports by mistake.
So this afternoon the mainstream blowhards were discussing why the FBI took Trump's passports.. what that might indicate... that Trump could be considered a flight risk.

Now the FBI says they took the passports by mistake.
This is another lie being told by Donald Trump.

Donald Trump had in his possession three passports. The blue one, like many of us have, is used for general tourism abroad. The black one he had was a diplomatic passport for foreign service officers, and the maroon one is strictly used by employees of the U.S. government.

Once he was no longer in office he should have turned over his black and maroon passports, neither of which he did. They were legally confiscated by the FBI, and I highly doubt the FBI is saying it was a mistake on their part.

Types of U.S. passports
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It’s comical how two of the lest intelligrnt posters here are disparaging the Vice President, a woman whose education and list of accomplishments runs circles around their own. ::rolleyes:
Sincere questions.

Would you prefer to have your child be taught by the most qualified teacher available, regardless of skin color? Or would you prefer he/she/it be taught by a less qualified teacher who is a POC?

If lay-offs are necessary, is it “fair” that a more senior white teacher is laid off before a less senior teacher who is a POC?

I once worked as an hourly employee for a company that employs over 12,000 people. I won a dozen customer service awards in 3 years, more than the other 10 employees in my department combined. My boss told me he would love to give me a significant raise, but company policy said that if one person got a raise that every other person in my department had to receive the same raise. I verified that that was indeed the policy. So instead of rewarding your best employees and rewarding excellence, they were rewarding mediocrity. They were de-incentivizing their hardest workers to go the extra mile. Other than work ethic and personal pride, what was my motivation to continue to outwork my fellow employees? Have we abandoned meritocracy in favor of legislating equality of outcome?
you didn't achieve those customer service awards on your own. What about the people who built the roads that you drove to work on? What about the guy who made the lug nut that kept the wheel from falling off the car you drove there in? Or the migrant worker who picked the lettuce that ended up in your baloney sandwich at lunch. Do they get their due recognition, and a raise for making your awards possible? Do you even know their pronouns?

Your self-centeredness and outsized ego is why this country is so divided.
you didn't achieve those customer service awards on your own. What about the people who built the roads that you drove to work on? What about the guy who made the lug nut that kept the wheel from falling off the car you drove there in? Or the migrant worker who picked the lettuce that ended up in your baloney sandwich at lunch. Do they get their due recognition, and a raise for making your awards possible? Do you even know their pronouns?

Your self-centeredness and outsized ego is why this country is so divided.
Mea culpa. Mea culpa.
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Yeah, so? My mistake was typing that message on my phone before coffee and while I was still bleary eyed this morning. More importantly, at least I'm intelligent enough to know better than to insult the intelligence of a woman with a Bachelor of Arts and Juris Doctor degrees who has served as a district attorney, attorney general, senator, and now vice president.

I thought playing the spelling nazi was frowned upon in these parts. It's good to know it isn't and that it's open season.
So it’s back to back administrations full of ‘leadership’ that can’t even form a coherent sentence.

Woo. ‘Murica