OOTB's Political Thread . ..

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Who do you consider a conservative on this board? You wouldn’t know a conservative if you saw one. You’re such an idiot.
between the two terms you used in your post, I would say you definitely are not one, but are unquestionably the other. Here's a hint; you're unquestionably an idiot. If you need help figuring out the conservative part from here, let me know.
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I’m not entirely sure what it would take for you to believe my earnestness in trying to be balanced. I’m not going to spare Trump or anyone else who partakes in that kind of political skullduggery. There are many corrosive forces in this country, I just happen to believe Trump is the worst one. But if you want me to rail on Democrats or far left morons in Hollywood and colleges I could talk for hours.

We are all biased towards our own proclivities and what we believe to be our side. But it’s also important to separate ourselves from tribalistic instincts.
yada yada yada. So far what I've seen from you is you telling me...not showing me... how unbiased you are.

Where I'm from, telling someone how big your dick is, is just going to get you laughed at as someone with a probably tiny dick. In other words, the measuring tape doesn't come out until the big dick does. If you want me to believe you're unbiased, don't tell me you're unbiased, show me you're unbiased. Pretty simple.
Have you dolts still not figured it out? Every politician is out for themselves. Every single one. If I can get more crumbs or more of my needs being met by voting for Candidate A versus Candidate B, then I will do so. And based on a relative scale, I’ll feel Candidate A is ruining things less than Candidate B would have. No one here is saying they’d pick Trump to run the world if we had a choice of every human alive. But that’s not the case. Choices are limited. So when I praise Trump and shit on Biden, it is with acknowledgment of the above in which I do that.

Why is that such a difficult concept for some?
lol, can you guess the IQ of those who repeatedly and consistently fail to grasp the concept of heads or tails? It's apparently a stretch for some here. There's a figurative heads on one side of a coin and a figurative tails on the other. You have to pick one (unless you're @strummingram and you think the smart play is to try to get the coin to land on its edge). You like one better than the other so you pick that one and hope it lands up when the coin is flipped because maybe you win a prize or something.

So the coin is flipped and you turn around and some idiot is foaming at the mouth and chewing on his tongue and telling you that you must be obsessed with and enslaved by whatever is on the side of the coin that you chose...because why else would you have chosen it? And he keeps telling you, and telling you, and telling you....
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There’s a figurative heads on one side of a coin and a figurative tails on the other. You have to pick one (unless you're @strummingram and you think the smart play is to try to get the coin to land on its edge). You like one better than the other so you pick that one and hope it lands up when the coin is flipped because maybe you win a prize or something.
OMG! I almost spit up my beer. That describes @strummingram to a tee. We’ll played.
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Trump and his family blatantly profited from government money. Why do you disproportionately focus on one side?

It’s well known Trump profited from personal government money. 2.5 mil in fact.
Do you not think the Biden family has profited millions off of politics/government? I’m praying for the day when we actually get to see the full contents of Hunter’s laptop. Will the DOJ ever release it? Not if they can help it.
Do you not think the Biden family has profited millions off of politics/government? I’m praying for the day when we actually get to see the full contents of Hunter’s laptop. Will the DOJ ever release it? Not if they can help it.

Well in this particular case, I imagine the secret service either thought it prudent or it could be standard Presidential security. I'd have to look at the actual paper work to see what it entailed.

When Bush Jr. was President, they did a shit ton of work around his home in Texas- the Western White House.

I'm not saying Biden isn't reaping the benefits of being President financially. Every President does in some way. The article is designed to make it look like Biden is directly siphoning off money when if he was that blatantly corrupt, it'd be a bigger story.
Well in this particular case, I imagine the secret service either thought it prudent or it could be standard Presidential security. I'd have to look at the actual paper work to see what it entailed.

When Bush Jr. was President, they did a shit ton of work around his home in Texas- the Western White House.

I'm not saying Biden isn't reaping the benefits of being President financially. Every President does in some way. The article is designed to make it look like Biden is directly siphoning off money when if he was that blatantly corrupt, it'd be a bigger story.
Would you like to see Hunter’s laptop made public in the interest of justice, chips fall where they may? If this were Trump Jr’s laptop, we know it would have been made public prior to the election in 2016. Don’t you want to know if Joe was involved in Hunter and Jim’s shady dealings with bad guys from Russia and Ukraine, if Joe is now compromised in his ability to effectively deal with those countries? If Joe’s the “Big Guy” who got 10%? I know the Squad here doesn’t want that information to get out, neither apparently does the FBI. But you, as a so-called free thinker politically, surely would like to know? One of the reasons I want the Pubs to win the House is so we can force the FBI to do what they should be voluntarily doing, properly investigate that laptop. If there’s a chance Joe was involved, shouldn’t all Americans want to and indeed, don’t they deserve to know?
Well in this particular case, I imagine the secret service either thought it prudent or it could be standard Presidential security. I'd have to look at the actual paper work to see what it entailed.

When Bush Jr. was President, they did a shit ton of work around his home in Texas- the Western White House.

I'm not saying Biden isn't reaping the benefits of being President financially. Every President does in some way. The article is designed to make it look like Biden is directly siphoning off money when if he was that blatantly corrupt, it'd be a bigger story.
Exactly, but I'm sure no one here is at all surprised that it's bluetoe speaking out the loudest, using this as another opportunity to slam Biden. He would complain about what Joe Biden had for breakfast if it was public knowledge.

In the grand scheme of things, a half-million dollars certainly isn't that much. It has been reported that Trump's excessive golf habit costs taxpayers $141,450,266.

And who knows how much it cost just for Coast Guard protection offshore during all those Mar-a-Lago getaways? "Using the same data for a February 2019 report, the Washington Post estimated Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago alone cost the U.S. taxpayer approximately $64 million during his first two years in office."

More recently, I wonder how much it cost the government to pay overtime to all of those FBI agents who had to travel to West Palm Beach to get our shit back?
Would you like to see Hunter’s laptop made public in the interest of justice, chips fall where they may? If this were Trump Jr’s laptop, we know it would have been made public prior to the election in 2016. Don’t you want to know if Joe was involved in Hunter and Jim’s shady dealings with bad guys from Russia and Ukraine, if Joe is now compromised in his ability to effectively deal with those countries? If Joe’s the “Big Guy” who got 10%? I know the Squad here doesn’t want that information to get out, neither apparently does the FBI. But you, as a so-called free thinker politically, surely would like to know? One of the reasons I want the Pubs to win the House is so we can force the FBI to do what they should be voluntarily doing, properly investigate that laptop. If there’s a chance Joe was involved, shouldn’t all Americans want to and indeed, don’t they deserve to know?

I mean I already though most of the contents were released anyway. I'm not sure what you're hoping to get out of it? You'll defend Trump all day long from the boundless corruption he's engaged in but the moment it's a President you don't like, all of a sudden you're chomping at the bit to dig up all the dirt possible?

So to answer your question, in the interest of fairness and the law, yes I'd like to know. But this is quickly becoming a 'Hillary's emails' kind of situation. I suspect Hunter engaged in several ill advised and possibly fraudulent business schemes. Whether it jeopardized national security is another matter.
a CIVIL WAR ??? good lord what a drama sheep you are.
easy dude. Some of the more dangerous rioters haven't been rounded up yet, and I hear they may still be armed with pocket change and ball point pens. Ever see what that stuff can do to an Abrams tank?

The nation remains on high alert until the threat is neutralized, or the election is held.
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Care to address my post right above yours Heels Orange, maybe answer the simple questions I posed?
I couldn't care less about Hunter's laptop as it has absolutely no effect on my life. If it's ever learned that Joe Biden had anything to do with kickbacks or other incriminating involvement, he should be dealt with accordingly, even if it means impeachment or going before a judge. See how easy that was? Too bad Trump's crotch remoras can't have a similar fair and open mind.
Do you not think the Biden family has profited millions off of politics/government? I’m praying for the day when we actually get to see the full contents of Hunter’s laptop. Will the DOJ ever release it? Not if they can help it.
Good thing hunter didn't work in the white house for 4 years despite not passing a security clearance, then get 2 billion in investments from Saudis - like Trump's son in law Jared.
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I mean I already though most of the contents were released anyway. I'm not sure what you're hoping to get out of it? You'll defend Trump all day long from the boundless corruption he's engaged in but the moment it's a President you don't like, all of a sudden you're chomping at the bit to dig up all the dirt possible?

So to answer your question, in the interest of fairness and the law, yes I'd like to know. But this is quickly becoming a 'Hillary's emails' kind of situation. I suspect Hunter engaged in several ill advised and possibly fraudulent business schemes. Whether it jeopardized national security is another matter.
We’ve barely seen any of the contents. That’s the point. The FBI is blocking the release to prevent it from being exposed as well as their complicity in the cover-up. As for me “defending Trump all day long”, perhaps you’d cite a few of my posts doing so.
Good thing hunter didn't work in the white house for 4 years despite not passing a security clearance, then get 2 billion in investments from Saudis - like Trump's son in law Jared.
What is your source of evidence?
Common sense. Remember when CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc… all said it was Russian disinformation, that there was no proof that it was Hunter’s laptop? Remember when all those former security officials signed a letter saying the same thing? Months later, conveniently after the 2020 election, the media very grudgingly admitted that it is Hunter’s laptop and not Russian disinformation after all. Now the FBI has been sitting on it for over a year and a half, despite repeated calls from members of the Senate to make the information public. As bits and pieces have surfaced, the information appears more and more damning to the Biden family(Hunter, Jim, and Joe), yet not a peep from the FBI. The FBI had already amply demonstrated how corrupt they were in obtaining false FISA warrants(even they now admit that at least two of them were unwarranted). Wray has done nothing but cover up their corruption. When appointed, it was thought he would investigate and clean house, instead he covered their complicity up and doubled down on the corruption.

Let’s see what’s on the laptop and let the American people decide just how involved the Biden clan was in Hunter’s company’s shady dealings. We know over 120 Suspicious Activities Reports we’re generated( only generated when there is evidence of criminal activity). Yet we have crickets from the FBI.

We also know that all the information would have been leaked by the FBI prior to the 2020 election had the laptop been Trump’s son’s. The MSM would still be talking about it. What do we hear from the FBI and the MSM about it now? Crickets. Common sense dictates that there is a lot there that neither wants revealed. They won’t reveal it unless forced to do so. They should be made to do so.
Good thing hunter didn't work in the white house for 4 years despite not passing a security clearance, then get 2 billion in investments from Saudis - like Trump's son in law Jared.
good thing crackhead Hunter waited until after his father was out of the WH to have his sweetheart deal secured for him that his father lied about being aware wait, his dad was still in the White House.....and Hunter even got a lift to Ukraine on AF 1 with his dad. Why bother hiding what no one is going to look into, I guess.

Jared Kushner isn't a crackhead and he made his Saudi deal after there was no WH connection, and he had a financial/investment background. Other than that, the comparison is exact. Well, except for which one got investigated of know, the one that wasn't the victim of a disinformation campaign.

I take that back about Hunter being a crackhead. I mean, he is a crackhead and a pervert alright but crackheads usually are excellent businessmen and outstanding citizens and generally make sound moral judgements. That's why he could step into a position that he had absolutely no familiarity with and perform like he was born for the gig. I'm sure that's how it happened.

I mean I already though most of the contents were released anyway. I'm not sure what you're hoping to get out of it? You'll defend Trump all day long from the boundless corruption he's engaged in but the moment it's a President you don't like, all of a sudden you're chomping at the bit to dig up all the dirt possible?

So to answer your question, in the interest of fairness and the law, yes I'd like to know. But this is quickly becoming a 'Hillary's emails' kind of situation. I suspect Hunter engaged in several ill advised and possibly fraudulent business schemes. Whether it jeopardized national security is another matter.
you're such a fvcking phony. You're so unbiased, right? So who really cares about Hunter's laptop or Hillary's e-mails when Trump has engaged in 'boundless corruption', not a whiff of which you have any evidence of. So you criticize someone for defending Trump over the usual insinuation and innuendo, which you freely engage in yourself, yet you poo poo Hunter's activities because whether he jeopardized national security or not isn't certain. You actually have the audacity to accuse the poster of picking on a president because, according to you, he just doesn't like him when you do far worse regarding the president YOU don't happen to like. Like I said, you are easily the most biased and prejudiced poster here and that makes your denials fairly obnoxious. Not @Heels Noir level obnoxious but then what is?

I indicated to you, because you asked, that if you want to be considered unbiased you have to demonstrate it. I'm waiting....but I'm not holding my breath.
Common sense. Remember when CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc… all said it was Russian disinformation, that there was no proof that it was Hunter’s laptop? Remember when all those former security officials signed a letter saying the same thing? Months later, conveniently after the 2020 election, the media very grudgingly admitted that it is Hunter’s laptop and not Russian disinformation after all. Now the FBI has been sitting on it for over a year and a half, despite repeated calls from members of the Senate to make the information public. As bits and pieces have surfaced, the information appears more and more damning to the Biden family(Hunter, Jim, and Joe), yet not a peep from the FBI. The FBI had already amply demonstrated how corrupt they were in obtaining false FISA warrants(even they now admit that at least two of them were unwarranted). Wray has done nothing but cover up their corruption. When appointed, it was thought he would investigate and clean house, instead he covered their complicity up and doubled down on the corruption.

Let’s see what’s on the laptop and let the American people decide just how involved the Biden clan was in Hunter’s company’s shady dealings. We know over 120 Suspicious Activities Reports we’re generated( only generated when there is evidence of criminal activity). Yet we have crickets from the FBI.

We also know that all the information would have been leaked by the FBI prior to the 2020 election had the laptop been Trump’s son’s. The MSM would still be talking about it. What do we hear from the FBI and the MSM about it now? Crickets. Common sense dictates that there is a lot there that neither wants revealed. They won’t reveal it unless forced to do so. They should be made to do so.
Common sense? Yeah, okay. That’s what I figured you would say.
In the grand scheme of things, a half-million dollars certainly isn't that much.
Agreed. Our leaders need to be protected and the cost of losing them (regardless of the letter behind their names) would far outweigh these types of security measures. So, Carter deserves protection, the Bushes, Clintons, and, yes, orangeman and the big guy do as well. The costs add up, but they are worth every penny. However, the point you completely want to ignore and conveniently do not address here is this: WALLS DON'T WORK.

We were taught this repeatedly by all the dem politicians and the media daily throughout trump's administration. You must not have watched any news at that time. Apparently, despite them being in existence since man's/woman's/its' first existing, in the last two years, there have been new landmark engineering innovations since there have been repeated walls and fences built around the Capital Building, Joe's alternative living accommodations, and multiple dem private residences.

Why are we and they wasting all this money on something that doesn't even work?
Common sense? Yeah, okay. That’s what I figured you would say.
and that's what I thought YOU would say.

Liberals tend to sneer at common sense, preferring to allow the fake media to create dubious dots of information and then allowing those dots to be connected for them by the same pied pipers.

For one example among hundreds and hundreds, Jon Stewart creates a joke based on manipulated or incomplete information, and the libs cackle and accept the thrust of his humor as news and truth, even though common sense tells the rest of us that it's just comedy aimed at the political opposition, and the jokes are designed to be funny and jabbing, not accurate and informative..

I and many others rely on common sense right up front and discount the haphazard reporting that has become the norm.. Common sense is not a substitute for being well-informed and for drawing reasonable conclusions based on fact...but in an era of being fed more bullshit than bull, having and using some common sense is not just invaluable, it's essential.

Common sense is an essential tool for sorting the bull from the bullshit, and if liberals like @Heels Noir had any, and would use just a touch of it from time to time, we would all be better off.
Agreed. Our leaders need to be protected and the cost of losing them (regardless of the letter behind their names) would far outweigh these types of security measures. So, Carter deserves protection, the Bushes, Clintons, and, yes, orangeman and the big guy do as well. The costs add up, but they are worth every penny. However, the point you completely want to ignore and conveniently do not address here is this: WALLS DON'T WORK.

We were taught this repeatedly by all the dem politicians and the media daily throughout trump's administration. You must not have watched any news at that time. Apparently, despite them being in existence since man's/woman's/its' first existing, in the last two years, there have been new landmark engineering innovations since there have been repeated walls and fences built around the Capital Building, Joe's alternative living accommodations, and multiple dem private residences.

Why are we and they wasting all this money on something that doesn't even work?
good post and great points but I have to disagree with the supposed necessity of putting a fence around a key figures vacation home for security purposes. If said key figure believes he really needs that, let him spend his own money on it just like the rest of us do.
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Common sense? Yeah, okay. That’s what I figured you would say.

Agreed. Our leaders need to be protected and the cost of losing them (regardless of the letter behind their names) would far outweigh these types of security measures. So, Carter deserves protection, the Bushes, Clintons, and, yes, orangeman and the big guy do as well. The costs add up, but they are worth every penny. However, the point you completely want to ignore and conveniently do not address here is this: WALLS DON'T WORK.

We were taught this repeatedly by all the dem politicians and the media daily throughout trump's administration. You must not have watched any news at that time. Apparently, despite them being in existence since man's/woman's/its' first existing, in the last two years, there have been new landmark engineering innovations since there have been repeated walls and fences built around the Capital Building, Joe's alternative living accommodations, and multiple dem private residences.

Why are we and they wasting all this money on something that doesn't even work?
Apparently they work to protect Democratic politicians, but no one else. Go figure.
Common sense? Yeah, okay. That’s what I figured you would say.
I figured you wouldn’t be able to relate to common sense. It’s increasingly rare among staunch Progressives.
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Agreed. Our leaders need to be protected and the cost of losing them (regardless of the letter behind their names) would far outweigh these types of security measures. So, Carter deserves protection, the Bushes, Clintons, and, yes, orangeman and the big guy do as well. The costs add up, but they are worth every penny. However, the point you completely want to ignore and conveniently do not address here is this: WALLS DON'T WORK.

We were taught this repeatedly by all the dem politicians and the media daily throughout trump's administration. You must not have watched any news at that time. Apparently, despite them being in existence since man's/woman's/its' first existing, in the last two years, there have been new landmark engineering innovations since there have been repeated walls and fences built around the Capital Building, Joe's alternative living accommodations, and multiple dem private residences.

Why are we and they wasting all this money on something that doesn't even work?

Of course walls work in some contexts. But a 2000 mile long border wall being built over the top of a massive system of tunnels, rivers, etc. is completely different than a security fence being put up around a relatively small area that can easily be patrolled.

This is an incredibly stupid comparison to try and make.
Of course walls work in some contexts. But a 2000 mile long border wall being built over the top of a massive system of tunnels, rivers, etc. is completely different than a security fence being put up around a relatively small area that can easily be patrolled.

This is an incredibly stupid comparison to try and make.
and yet you just made it.

ETA, and just FYI the 'walls don't work' mantra was created in regard to the concept of walls and fences in general, not a border wall in particular. It's what you libs thought would be an effective counter to the idea of a wall being constructed on the border, but as usual instead of trying to explain why THAT wall in particular wouldn't work (because you tried but couldn't), you delved into the fantasy idea that no walls really work. True story.

ETA again, and because now the foolishness is embarrassing to you, you try to reverse course. Har har, nice try.
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Actually I contrasted the two.
un huh. Do I need to get my dog to explain to you that you contrast by comparing?

This might help, from whatever dictionary came up first...

"estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between."
Apparently they work to protect Democratic politicians, but no one else. Go figure.

I figured you wouldn’t be able to relate to common sense. It’s increasingly rare among staunch Progressives.
I have enough common sense to know that what you're expressing is simply your opinion. Your hunch that the FBI is currently involved in a scandalous coverup may be right but it may be wrong. That's why I asked for an actual source.

A big part of common sense is sound judgment. Excuse me for not buying in but your judgment is so impaired by your devotion to Trump and right-wing kookiness that it is anything but sound.
un huh. Do I need to get my dog to explain to you that you contrast by comparing?

This might help, from whatever dictionary came up first...

"estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between."

Don’t be so inane.
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good post and great points but I have to disagree with the supposed necessity of putting a fence around a key figures vacation home for security purposes. If said key figure believes he really needs that, let him spend his own money on it just like the rest of us do.
Our president, regardless of how elected or one's feelings about political party, has to be protected wherever he/she/it is located. If building a wall at a private home that they (very) regularly go to helps in that respect, then build it. Party doesn't matter and we shouldn't get into splitting hairs on this type of stuff or they will start arguing that orange profited from having toilet paper supplied at Mar-a-Lago. And, it doesn't matter what he believes as bolded above, it's the secret service detail that should be making these determinations.
Of course walls work in some contexts. But a 2000 mile long border wall being built over the top of a massive system of tunnels, rivers, etc. is completely different than a security fence being put up around a relatively small area that can easily be patrolled.

This is an incredibly stupid comparison to try and make.
I'm willing to bet that you are not in the fencing industry or a security expert that would make you informed on the possibilities of "success" of a border wall and its' design elements one way or the other - excluding, of course, what we all got from the repeated, multiple times per day mantra from the D's, the reports from msm, and the parade of articles from WaPo, NYT, The Atlantic, etc.

No one ever said that a wall at the southern border would be 100% effective. It doesn't have to be. Conceptually, either walls and fencing work or they don't. The rest is just application challenges. The CBP reported that they had over 239,000 "encounters" just during May. That's the ones they know about so imagine the real numbers. If a wall helped just cut that in half due to your "massive system of tunnels, rivers, etc.", how is that not a win? It's about telling the massive "wall" of immigrants that we aren't just completely open with Joe holding up the neon "Vacancy" sign. As to your original premise, there are some who disagree with you:

I fully admit that walls are more effective when shorter and less to be maintained or defeated through other means. But, that doesn't mean that they don't work or that they are not part of an overall strategy that should be employed. And therein is the issue: walls do work to some extent in almost every situation, but the question is whether keeping people out is actually the goal.
I'm willing to bet that you are not in the fencing industry or a security expert that would make you informed on the possibilities of "success" of a border wall and its' design elements one way or the other - excluding, of course, what we all got from the repeated, multiple times per day mantra from the D's, the reports from msm, and the parade of articles from WaPo, NYT, The Atlantic, etc.

No one ever said that a wall at the southern border would be 100% effective. It doesn't have to be. Conceptually, either walls and fencing work or they don't. The rest is just application challenges. The CBP reported that they had over 239,000 "encounters" just during May. That's the ones they know about so imagine the real numbers. If a wall helped just cut that in half due to your "massive system of tunnels, rivers, etc.", how is that not a win? It's about telling the massive "wall" of immigrants that we aren't just completely open with Joe holding up the neon "Vacancy" sign. As to your original premise, there are some who disagree with you:

I fully admit that walls are more effective when shorter and less to be maintained or defeated through other means. But, that doesn't mean that they don't work or that they are not part of an overall strategy that should be employed. And therein is the issue: walls do work to some extent in almost every situation, but the question is whether keeping people out is actually the goal.

Damn you really typed a lot of words there…
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Damn you really typed a lot of words there…
This fear of "immigrants" is where I separate from most people, let alone political affiliations.

I see the planet as one big back yard. These "boundaries" and "borders" are imaginary things created to reinforce the whole "that's for our people! Your people aren't allowed!" mentality. And, it's so ingrained and the institutions around them are so complex, it's impossible to see the humanity anymore.

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