OOTB's Political Thread . ..

One of my staff members has a Aussie Cattle Dog. Dog seems sweet. Still a bit high strung.

I'm a fan of the classic mutt. I've never had a dog that I didn't rescue from a shelter. One was a Rott but the last two have been mutts. They may not be pure bred but they seem to have the best attributes of the breeds without the worst attributes of the breeds. Maybe I've just been lucky. I don't even know what breed my most recent rescue is. He has the body of a lab but is a little shorter and longer than a lab. Fat head too. I've considered doing the DNA test to see what he is but honestly, I don't care all that much. He's a cool dog. Likes to run and play with the kids. Likes to swim. Fetches a little. Does great off the leash now. Good with other dogs. He plays rough but not aggressive.
all the dogs my family or I have had have been mutts, and they were awesome. No problem at all with them, and if it's a rescue all the better. If I ever get another dog, it will be from the pound.

But I check in to a couple on youtube who went off the grid, and they have a pair of blue heelers. My ex-GF's son had one. They are extremely intelligent and highly trainable, and just amazing companion dogs outdoors. The one my ex's son had responded perfectly to a hundred diffferent commands and enjoyed doing them. Just cool as hell dogs.

ETA. They are very loyal to the owner, and might be a little uncertain around others, possibly the reason for the skittishness.
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To date Mexico has paid absolutely zilch toward Trump's border wall and has no plans of doing so. Try to keep up.
they have paid or committed to pay, it's just that Biden has no plans to apply the funds to its intended purpose. Try to stay informed.
With many of your poasts, I don't even know what you're trying to say. It's like a different language. And it's no coincidence that @gteeitup "liked" that poast as he struggles to form legible poasts as well.
Lol at that extra comma in your first sentence while you complain about your struggles to read and comprehend other people's posts.
Ruh roh. Is maga ok with opinion pieces from the fair and balanced?

good, thorough and unbiased article that spells out exactly what has gone down - i applaud Fox.

i personally hope they put Trump under the jail so DeSantis' path for total domination in November 2024 is completely cleared. IMO, Trump has no chance of winning and his candidacy will fracture the Republican party further AND motivate the apathetic voters who hate him to go vote for the other candidate, regardless of who it is - just like 2020.
“The problem the Republican Party has is, they got really stupid people that vote in their primaries. And … really stupid people demand to have really stupid leaders. That’s where the Republican Party is now,”
Ruh roh. Is maga ok with opinion pieces from the fair and balanced?

I'm just happy to see that you posted something from Fox. Secretly reading them nowadays???? Lol.
“The problem the Republican Party has is, they got really stupid people that vote in their primaries. And … really stupid people demand to have really stupid leaders. That’s where the Republican Party is now,”
Quotes???? Who said it and where?
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Tis superfluously separating subject from rest of sentence , so, it, is, unnecessary, making the, sentence harder, to read.
I guess you weren't an English major. If he had structured his compound sentence like this....

'I don't even know what you're trying to say with many of your poasts.', there would be no need for a comma. But because he started with that modifier of the sentence (in italics above) instead of the subjects, and rather followed that modifier with the subjects and their verbs, a comma was well-suited and entirely proper for making that understood.

I'm thinking you may have skipped the class in which 'subject' was explained. In any case, your niggling complaint was just silly.
Ruh roh. Is maga ok with opinion pieces from the fair and balanced?

oh, all of a sudden they're fair and balanced? Hypocrite IYAM. LMAO.

This might be the first decent reporting on the subject that I've heard, but until we see what actually has been recovered and what they said might be there to BE recovered, I'm still waiting to draw any conclusions. Tick tock. tick tock, hurry up and wait.....

Oh and what happened to the Constitutional requirement that the accused gets to know who his accusers are? How does that possibly get redacted just because the investigation is 'ongoing'?
they have paid or committed to pay, it's just that Biden has no plans to apply the funds to its intended purpose. Try to stay informed.
Mexico has pledge 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS to the Biden Administration after holding out completely on Donald Trump. Absolutely hilarious!!

"Former President Donald Trump campaigned on the promise of building a new border wall that he would get Mexico to pay for. While the Trump administration did build hundreds of miles of new and renovated border wall, the Mexican government did not pay for it. "
No dinero for you, Señor Orange!

Mexico has pledge 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS to the Biden Administration after holding out completely on Donald Trump. Absolutely hilarious!!

"Former President Donald Trump campaigned on the promise of building a new border wall that he would get Mexico to pay for. While the Trump administration did build hundreds of miles of new and renovated border wall, the Mexican government did not pay for it. "
No dinero for you, Señor Orange!

the money wasn't intended for Trump, moron. Trump said they would pay for it and now they are doing so. Did you somehow forget to admit that you didn't know about this? Do you think a giant emoji distracts from you being a clueless nitwit?

Unfortunately, Biden will probably use the money to buy illegals new laptops to go with their new cell phones as they are relocated into the country.
No kidding, Einstein.

Wrong again. Trump said they would pay for the wall. Mexico said, "Hell, no."

Dude, you have constipation of the brain. 🤪 🤪 🤪 🤪
You said "Mexico has pledge 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS to the Biden Administration after holding out completely on Donald Trump". So I correctly informed you that it wasn't Donald Trump that they were holding out on. And if they said "hell, no", what do you mean by saying they were 'holding out' on Donald Trump? That sounds not only like you meant they were paying because of Donald Trump, but also that they did NOT say "hell no" but were in fact for whatever reason not ready to pay.

So ironic that you would call someone else shit-for-brains, Ricky Retardo. I didn't bother pointing out your illiteracy because that's just a given with you.

Maybe you can link to Mexico saying "hell no". I can link to Mexico paying if you'd like.

Mexico just hasn't ponied up until now. Unfortunately, we have a jackass in place of an actual president who wants to use the money to build an open and unsecured eight lane freeway between the two countries.
With many of your poasts, I don't even know what you're trying to say. It's like a different language. And it's no coincidence that @gteeitup "liked" that poast as he struggles to form legible poasts as well.
i like many takes and not always because i agree with them…sometimes because it’s a fitting point made by someone on a topic on a message board…sometimes i even laugh at them because they are hilarious or even stupid.

the difference is, you seem to prop up your own existence based on likes…if that’s what you need, you be you chief…whereas others, just move along because they understand that this is just a forum…for instance, i’m in a salt water pool forum, some have really great opinions…others, however, put out stuff just because they have nothing else to do but to argue a point or get a like…it’s like a bit or a routine, sound familiar?

i would suggest you just ignore my likes or takes from now on, might ease your mind a bit.

eta: as i read further, have more takes on your dogs, your likes might increase as well as your message board cred…that’s a not a bit, btw.
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You said "Mexico has pledge 1.5 BILLION DOLLARS to the Biden Administration after holding out completely on Donald Trump". So I correctly informed you that it wasn't Donald Trump that they were holding out on. And if they said "hell, no", what do you mean by saying they were 'holding out' on Donald Trump? That sounds not only like you meant they were paying because of Donald Trump, but also that they did NOT say "hell no" but were in fact for whatever reason not ready to pay.
WTF are you talking about? It's very simple. Let's see if you can understand:

Mexico refused to share their funds with America when Trump asked.
Mexico just pledged $1.5 billion in funding to America when Biden asked.

Capeesh, you ignorant retard?
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good, thorough and unbiased article that spells out exactly what has gone down - i applaud Fox.

i personally hope they put Trump under the jail so DeSantis' path for total domination in November 2024 is completely cleared. IMO, Trump has no chance of winning and his candidacy will fracture the Republican party further AND motivate the apathetic voters who hate him to go vote for the other candidate, regardless of who it is - just like 2020.

This is your actual opinion?
WTF are you talking about? It's very simple. Let's see if you can understand:

Mexico refused to share their funds with America when Trump asked.
Mexico just pledged $1.5 billion in funding to America when Biden asked.

Capeesh, you ignorant retard?
it's capisce, Ricky Retardo. And let's see if you can comprehend. Trump asked, now it's granted. In the meantime, Biden became president (if that's what you want to call him). See how simple things are often too complicated for you to grasp? But I'll work with you. Go ahead and get us that link to Mexico saying no to Trump.
it's capisce, Ricky Retardo.
Anytime I feel like I'm speaking to a three year old, like right now, I keep my speech as informal as possible. "Capeesh" is exactly that, the informal spelling of capiche. Next time, come correct when you come a-correctin'.

exclamation: capiche
  1. do you understand?
    "Upstairs is off limits. Capeesh?"

Are you trying to tell me that over six years ago when Donald Trump began asking, nay demanding money from Mexico for border security that it's only now they are ready to comply? 🤣🤣🤣 Their $1.5 billion contribution isn't even going for that stupid border wall Trump wanted.

I would say the burden of proof for linking a viable source to your wild and fantastic claim is on you, Debby Dumbass.
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it's capisce, Ricky Retardo. And let's see if you can comprehend. Trump asked, now it's granted. In the meantime, Biden became president (if that's what you want to call him). See how simple things are often too complicated for you to grasp? But I'll work with you. Go ahead and get us that link to Mexico saying no to Trump.
The fact that they didn’t give Trump the time of day was their “NO” answer, you fool.
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More good things happening under this admin:

And other than the coincidence of having his butt sitting in the oval office, er, I mean Kiawah or Delaware, what has "this admin" done to actually cause this? Nada. This is the problem with no critical review of anything and only basing causation on good equals joe and bad equals orange. Even the WSJ gives you the full reason behind the occurrence with their sub-headline:

"After Covid-19 pandemic upended supply chains, American companies are shifting jobs and processes to the U.S."

It's got nothing to do with "this admin", but keep regurgitating the messaging.
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Lol at that extra comma in your first sentence while you complain about your struggles to read and comprehend other people's posts.

Lol. My struggles? Typical democrat - do a shitty job of something and then blame others for not liking it.

Let me be clear. You're the moron that sucks at conveying a message. It has nothing to do with an inability on my part.
Anytime I feel like I'm speaking to a three year old, like right now, I keep my speech as informal as possible. "Capeesh" is exactly that, the informal spelling of capiche. Next time, come correct when you come a-correctin'.

exclamation: capiche
  1. do you understand?
    "Upstairs is off limits. Capeesh?"

Are you trying to tell me that over six years ago when Donald Trump began asking, nay demanding money from Mexico for border security that it's only now they are ready to comply? 🤣🤣🤣 Their $1.5 billion contribution isn't even going for that stupid border wall Trump wanted.

I would say the burden of proof for linking a viable source to your wild and fantastic claim is on you, Debby Dumbass.
oh, so you try to keep it illiterate. I see. You do a good job of it, I must admit. You also do a good job of being a hypocrite in that regard, and lying your ass off when it suits you.

Am I trying to tell you blah blah blah? Yes, that's what I keep saying. Good to see you fight through your slow-wittedness to recognize the obvious. If you can fight through it a little more, maybe you'll realize that I also keep pointing out that the money to come is going to be misspent by Biden.

You brought up Mexico saying no to Trump, and I had to ask for the link you should have provided. It seems the wild and fantastic claim you refer to is yours, retard. Go ahead and tell yourself that you have fooled everyone with this kindergarten subterfuge, while we understand you are merely deflecting, rather stupidly, from what you can't produce.
Always leave open the capacity for people to surprise you.

My assumptions about his politics were wrong.
your presumption about the politics of others not liberal is what I've been trying to tell you is keeping you in that place you protest being. Not everyone who isn't a liberal is some sort of Trump worshipper, nor is everyone who defends him against unreasonable characterizations and spurious accusations.

Maybe this is a breakthrough. We'll see.
The fact that they didn’t give Trump the time of day was their “NO” answer, you fool.
you never did answer me. Which tastes better in your experience...honey or shit?

They just have finally given Trump his due. It's Mexico, for fvck's sake. Took them a while to scrape up the dinero.

But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Go ahead and link to Mexico not giving Trump the time of day.