all the dogs my family or I have had have been mutts, and they were awesome. No problem at all with them, and if it's a rescue all the better. If I ever get another dog, it will be from the pound.One of my staff members has a Aussie Cattle Dog. Dog seems sweet. Still a bit high strung.
I'm a fan of the classic mutt. I've never had a dog that I didn't rescue from a shelter. One was a Rott but the last two have been mutts. They may not be pure bred but they seem to have the best attributes of the breeds without the worst attributes of the breeds. Maybe I've just been lucky. I don't even know what breed my most recent rescue is. He has the body of a lab but is a little shorter and longer than a lab. Fat head too. I've considered doing the DNA test to see what he is but honestly, I don't care all that much. He's a cool dog. Likes to run and play with the kids. Likes to swim. Fetches a little. Does great off the leash now. Good with other dogs. He plays rough but not aggressive.
But I check in to a couple on youtube who went off the grid, and they have a pair of blue heelers. My ex-GF's son had one. They are extremely intelligent and highly trainable, and just amazing companion dogs outdoors. The one my ex's son had responded perfectly to a hundred diffferent commands and enjoyed doing them. Just cool as hell dogs.
ETA. They are very loyal to the owner, and might be a little uncertain around others, possibly the reason for the skittishness.
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