OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Pretty sure Fauci was in that "inner circle" you speak of. Good call. Wonder why the next administration kept that idiot in their circle?
I said immediate circle. You and bluetoe are so ignorant you'll argue over this all day long like you usually do. Let's just leave it at this: Trump lost the election in 2020 and is now a mere has-been. 😛
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“A full two years after Wuhan hosted the 2019 Military World Games, determined by House Foreign Affairs Republicans to be one of the planet's first superspreader events of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a top official at the National Institutes of Health has conceded that contrary to the repeated assertions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIH did indeed fund highly dangerous gain-of-function research on bat-borne coronaviruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

“In a letter to Kentucky Republican James Comer, the ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, Lawrence A. Tabak of the NIH admitted that "out of an abundance of caution," and, of course, after two years of external outrage over the possibility of the lab leak hypothesis, the nation's top medical research agency conducted an additional review of how the funds authorized by Fauci and friends were used by EcoHealth Alliance, the New York City-based nonprofit organization headed by frequent WIV collaborator Peter Daszak.”

“Per the letter, EcoHealth did indeed "fail to report" findings required by the terms of the NIH grant, and even more crucially, the biohacking of viruses obtained by EcoHealth, which fall under the obvious definition of gain-of-function experiments, was conducted at the WIV. Tabak ultimately says that the organization headed by Daszak, spearheaded the silencing of scientists considering whether the novel coronavirus originated from a lab like the WIV.”

And Fauci still maintains that lie.
what a dick Trump was, pressing the FDA to fast track approval of the vaccines that the lefties are so enamored of. He's a monster, playing politics like that during a crisis that the left overreacted to. What was he trying to do, prevent deaths or something? Let's just go ahead and hang the sonofabitch.

Yeah, what a dick. The guy actually had the audacity to try and stop people from coming in the country and bringing the virus in, which later the Dems decided was a good strategy after calling him xenophobic.
I wish that father would have done what I have wanted to do ever since I was first aware of Elizabeth Warren....punch her right in the mouth. I confess I've wanted to see some women punched out before, but none nearly as deserving as that scurrilous bitch.

The host nails it, and it makes me feel some better for him to put it in the black and white terms he does (except at the end where he makes it about grades). I paid mine back when I could barely afford food. How much love do you think I feel for Elizabeth Warren and the idiot-in-chief?
I applaud you and @Heels Noir for your completely neutral appraisal of Trump's effort to push the FDA toward fast track approval of covid vaccines. Such pandering, cleverly disguised as concern for peoples lives and a president simply doing what a president should do. Let us know if you notice any other such political activity going on since then, maybe even to the tune of trillions of dollars worth of pandering. I've heard rumors, but we rely on you and Heels Noir to pull no punches in your quest to keep the record straight on this.
Why are you making this about vaccine fast-tracking when the thing today was largely about hydroxychloroquine?
Regardless of the politician, NONE of them have any good reason to meddle with public health over the short-term due to a) conflict of interest, b) potential ignorance on the matter. Just like church & state, we need to have separations here.
Yeah, what a dick. The guy actually had the audacity to try and stop people from coming in the country and bringing the virus in, which later the Dems decided was a good strategy after calling him xenophobic.
Remember it well. Try to use plain common sense to combat a serious problem? Dems aren't going to let you get away with that because they'd rather see you saddled with the problem no matter who it hurts. But with the help of the MSM they can do the same thing and pat themselves on the back for it while putting forth the lie that only they could sensibly address that overblown crisis.

It isn't what is done, it's who does it.
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Yeah, what a dick. The guy actually had the audacity to try and stop people from coming in the country and bringing the virus in, which later the Dems decided was a good strategy after calling him xenophobic.
Way to skew the details, poopslinger. Prior to the pandemic Trump was preparing an executive order banning citizens of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, and Yemen from entering the United States, widely known as the Muslim ban. That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country.
Why are you making this about vaccine fast-tracking when the thing today was largely about hydroxychloroquine?
Regardless of the politician, NONE of them have any good reason to meddle with public health over the short-term due to a) conflict of interest, b) potential ignorance on the matter. Just like church & state, we need to have separations here.
because I'm not going to let you steer me into your agenda. There is something called the bigger picture and I want no part of your relentless effort to present only those parts that seem to promote what you want promoted, especially when a likely biased report is the foundation of your post.

Shouldn't I be asking you why you didn't try to present a more balanced, overall picture? Shouldn't that more balanced picture mention the positive results of meddling in the FDA's business? C'mon man.
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Way to skew the details, poopslinger. Prior to the pandemic Trump was preparing an executive order banning citizens of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, and Yemen from entering the United States, widely known as the Muslim ban. That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country.
wrong, fart-breath. He was loudly labeled xenophobic specifically in response to his banning of travel from China into our country. I'm sure he was also labeled xenophobic and racist and every other kind of 'ist' at every other turn as well, but that's just par for the course with you slanderous leftist assholes.
Way to skew the details, poopslinger. Prior to the pandemic Trump was preparing an executive order banning citizens of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, and Yemen from entering the United States, widely known as the Muslim ban. That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country.

wrong, fart-breath. He was loudly labeled xenophobic specifically in response to his banning of travel from China into our country. I'm sure he was also labeled xenophobic and racist and every other kind of 'ist' at every other turn as well, but that's just par for the course with you slanderous leftist assholes.

Right. And for calling it the China virus. How dare he call the virus something referencing where it originated!
For the record, I have an immigration solution.

Don't allow any. At all. For 10 years. We obviously can't support our current population so why let more in and put even more strain on the country? That's illogical.

After 10 years of no immigration at all, start letting people in who can pay $50k per person they are bringing. That money goes directly into funding immigration resources and border control. But we still cap it. Maybe no more than 5000.

After 10 years of that, we evaluate and see if we can expand the cap or lower the cost to get in.

We also need to change "seeking asylum" laws. Read: tell them to seek it elsewhere.

People caught sneaking in should be put on a boat that will take them to a deserted island in the middle of the pacific and dropped off to fend for themselves or given the option to return from where they came.

Thanks for your support.
He was home-schooled.....
Wrestled his sister for the conference championship.
And lost. NTTAWWT.
I'm sure he was also labeled xenophobic and racist and every other kind of 'ist' at every other turn as well, but that's just par for the course with you slanderous leftist assholes.
That's what Dems do. Everyone must have a label or be a victim of some sort. It's how they keep us divided and conquered.

If you criticized Hillary, you were labelled a misogynist. If you criticized Obama's policies, you were labelled a racist. If you were for a more secure southern border, you were obviously a xenophobe. That's their modus operandi. Yet Dems are free to criticize anyone, anywhere, anytime with impunity. Their motives are always unimpeachable.

There is such a double standard for Dem politicians and everyone else. They never pay the panalty for breaking the law. The politicization of the DOJ and the media allow them to get away with it. I no longer have any faith in our justice system or the media which is now basically a propaganda arm of the Dem party.
Right. And for calling it the China virus. How dare he call the virus something referencing where it originated!
Maybe you can help ol' blue with his reading comprehension skills, but my exact words were "That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country." The key word is initiated, which I highlighted in bold, italics, and underlined for good measure so bluetoe might possibly comprehend.

I always thought Trump calling it the kung fu virus was a bit lame if not unpresidential, but it never bothered me him calling it the China virus. To this day I call it the Trump virus, so there.
Maybe you can help ol' blue with his reading comprehension skills, but my exact words were "That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country." The key word is initiated, which I highlighted in bold, italics, and underlined for good measure so bluetoe might possibly comprehend.

No it wasn't. Stop lying. The calls of "xenophobia" were borne out of TDS infected, hysterical liberals attempting to virtue signal and make their President virtue signal instead of taking a common sense approach to immigration.

I always thought Trump calling it the kung fu virus was a bit lame if not unpresidential, but it never bothered me him calling it the China virus. To this day I call it the Trump virus, so there.

No one, literally no one at all, cares.
That's what Dems do. Everyone must have a label or be a victim of some sort. It's how they keep us divided and conquered.

If you criticized Hillary, you were labelled a misogynist. If you criticized Obama's policies, you were labelled a racist. If you were for a more secure southern border, you were obviously a xenophobe. That's their modus operandi. Yet Dems are free to criticize anyone, anywhere, anytime with impunity. Their motives are always unimpeachable.

There is such a double standard for Dem politicians and everyone else. They never pay the penalty for breaking the law. The politicization of the DOJ and the media allow them to get away with it. I no longer have any faith in our justice system or the media which is now basically a propaganda arm of the Dem party.

Great poast. 100% accurate.
And lost. NTTAWWT.
I never wrestled a girl but I have wrestled deaf people on two occasions that I know of. A teammate of mine once wrestled a guy who was blind. The primary prerequisite needed is courage, which rules you and the idiot from Nebraska out.

Expertly timed by the Democrats. Likely could get tossed out in court as an unconstitutional breach of power by Biden, but by the time that all plays out in court, they will have already secured the votes this was intended to buy in the November mid-terms.
Stop lying.
President Donald Trump’s expansion of the travel ban to six additional countries has nothing to do with security reasons as the administration claimed and is rather built on Islamophobia and xenophobia, leaders of several civil rights groups said.
Prior to the virus

So now, like bluetoe, your readymade response to someone who disagrees with you is calling them a liar.
President Donald Trump’s expansion of the travel ban to six additional countries has nothing to do with security reasons as the administration claimed and is rather built on Islamophobia and xenophobia, leaders of several civil rights groups said.
Prior to the virus

So now, like bluetoe, your readymade response to someone who disagrees with you is calling them a liar.
Imagine that? Several civil rights groups said this. Wow, I'm truly shocked.
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President Donald Trump’s expansion of the travel ban to six additional countries has nothing to do with security reasons as the administration claimed and is rather built on Islamophobia and xenophobia, leaders of several civil rights groups said.
Prior to the virus

So now, like bluetoe, your readymade response to someone who disagrees with you is calling them a liar.

Oh. Medill News Service says it was xenophobic so it must be true! You should have started with that as I would never question Medill News Service. I've trusted them for my news since I was a young lad many moons ago.
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Maybe you can help ol' blue with his reading comprehension skills, but my exact words were "That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country." The key word is initiated, which I highlighted in bold, italics, and underlined for good measure so bluetoe might possibly comprehend.

I always thought Trump calling it the kung fu virus was a bit lame if not unpresidential, but it never bothered me him calling it the China virus. To this day I call it the Trump virus, so there.

maybe someday you'll acquire a few more IQ points and realize that my words indicate very plainly that I understood perfectly what you said. Then maybe you'll comprehend that because I'm about a hundred miles ahead of you on average, I anticipated your idiocy and said "He was loudly labeled xenophobic specifically in response to his banning of travel from China into our country"; meaning...for the hard of basic comprehending...that this was not a continuation of what you referenced. Specifically being the key word. Had he not already been labeled xenophobic for other reasons, he would have still been labeled as such regarding China.

For those of us who take great pleasure in picking on the profoundly obnoxious and the utterly dweebish, you are the gift that keeps on giving.
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