OOTB's Political Thread . ..

This is another lie being told by Donald Trump.

Donald Trump had in his possession three passports. The blue one, like many of us have, is used for general tourism abroad. The black one he had was a diplomatic passport for foreign service officers, and the maroon one is strictly used by employees of the U.S. government.

Once he was no longer in office he should have turned over his black and maroon passports, neither of which he did. They were legally confiscated by the FBI, and I highly doubt the FBI is saying it was a mistake on their part.

Types of U.S. passports
And you know that how?

Ex-presidents, for example, still have security clearances for at least 3 years, and longer unless revoked and not sure that has ever happened. His home is still then cleared and set up as sensitive site for national security docs to be stored, and most likely the passports are still in legal authorization.

He cannot be guilty of storing any classified docs illegally since his home is a legal place to store them. Plus he declassified them before he left office.
Then what were you talking about when you said "covid vaccines approved WAY faster." I ask because his FDA meddling discussed by the subcomit didn't make the FDA budge, they didn't change their timeline, nothing was quickened by his attempt to meddle.

Where were the positive results? He pushed and got rejected.
are you denying that the vaccines were approved in, to my understanding, record time? As in, nothing ever approved faster? And in spite of FDA protests that they wouldn't be rushed? I think they were budged.
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Somewhat similar. You’ve got an entire generation that were told they needed to go to college and that there would be a good job waiting for them on the other side. The value of a degree was grossly exaggerated much like how people were told the value of those houses would only go up.

They were also not taught about finance or the specifics of students loans like the interest rates or inability to file for bankruptcy. Kinda like how people didn’t really understand ARMs.
ahh, they were victims then. I love how it's always 'they were told', as if by some unseen authority tasked with always providing impeccable guidance from out of the ether.

Give me a break. If you ever wanted to find the root of irresponsibility, here it is. It isn't my fault I chose to major in French lit, THEY SAID all that matters is that you get a degree of some kind. Well guess what? They were wrong and it's no one's fault but your own if you didn't use common sense. Now pay up and stop whining and blaming your idiocy on THEY who didn't advise you properly on what degree to seek or THEY who didn't have the economy in overdrive or THEY who didn't school you in the intricacies of finance such that it wasn't pointed out that loans aren't free money and have to be paid off.
That's beside the point. That article was published Feb. 4, 2020, which is before Trump's China ban which didn't occur until that summer.
Trump was labeled xenophobic as soon as he started proposing a wall along the southern border. Of course. It just shows the Dems’ M.O. of putting disgusting labels on anyone who disagrees with them, versus actually debating the merits of said differing opinions. You are such a lemming.
ahh, they were victims then. I love how it's always 'they were told', as if by some unseen authority tasked with always providing impeccable guidance from out of the ether.

Give me a break. If you ever wanted to find the root of irresponsibility, here it is. It isn't my fault I chose to major in French lit, THEY SAID all that matters is that you get a degree of some kind. Well guess what? They were wrong and it's no one's fault but your own if you didn't use common sense. Now pay up and stop whining and blaming your idiocy on THEY who didn't advise you properly on what degree to seek or THEY who didn't have the economy in overdrive or THEY who didn't school you in the intricacies of finance such that it wasn't pointed out that loans aren't free money and have to be paid off.

Only two types of people that approve of this deal.

1- Extremely lazy people that want everything for free.

2- Ones that view this as a way to get votes in November.
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Plus he declassified them before he left office.
"Former President Donald Trump is asserting that he had previously issued a 'standing order' for the declassification of documents he removed from the White House and kept in his Mar-a-Lago property — but several former Trump administration officials have disputed that claim.

"According to CNN, 18 officials — some anonymously and some on the record — have said that Trump never gave such an order, including national security and intelligence officials, lawyers for the former White House, officials within the Department of Justice (DOJ), and Mick Mulvaney and John Kelly, two of Trump’s three chiefs of staff.

"Many of the officials questioned by CNN laughed at the idea, and one senior official described the claim as 'bullshit.'"
Ex-presidents, for example, still have security clearances for at least 3 years, and longer unless revoked and not sure that has ever happened. His home is still then cleared and set up as sensitive site for national security docs to be stored, and most likely the passports are still in legal authorization.

He cannot be guilty of storing any classified docs illegally since his home is a legal place to store them.
Please provide some evidence of this claim.
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Yeah, a bunch of people are lying per usual. Trump provided the written memo already, and he could just declassify at any time even the day of leaving the White House.

He also has security clearances for 3 years automatically and his residence would then also be cleared to store classified materials.

Either way, the presidential records act governs and he cannot have committed a crime here.
Trump was labeled xenophobic as soon as he started proposing a wall along the southern border. Of course. It just shows the Dems’ M.O. of putting disgusting labels on anyone who disagrees with them, versus actually debating the merits of said differing opinions. You are such a lemming.
Heels Noir doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled as xenophobic for the China travel ban itself. He wants it believed that although cries of 'xenophobia' rang out immediately when that was announced, those cries were not in response to the China ban but rather a continuation of the outcry over his refusal to allow masses of Muslim refugees from the ME into the country. I contend that although that happened as well, Trump was called a xenophobe over the China ban and would have been even if the Muslim ban never took place.

He doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled xenophobic by the lefties over something that the lefties ended up doing themselves, is the problem. He doesn't want to admit the obvious, that the left is inherently hypocritical.
Heels Noir doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled as xenophobic for the China travel ban itself. He wants it believed that although cries of 'xenophobia' rang out immediately when that was announced, those cries were not in response to the China ban but rather a continuation of the outcry over his refusal to allow masses of Muslim refugees from the ME into the country. I contend that although that happened as well, Trump was called a xenophobe over the China ban and would have been even if the Muslim ban never took place.

He doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled xenophobic by the lefties over something that the lefties ended up doing themselves, is the problem. He doesn't want to admit the obvious, that the left is inherently hypocritical.
this is how Heels Noir operates. He is inherently dishonest. He keeps saying that Trump was called xenophobic before the China travel ban as if that proves his point, while he consistently ignores or denies that there was a dedicated charge of xenophobia to the China travel ban itself. But there was, and he is losing this argument just as he loses most others.

It doesn't matter that Trump had already been called xenophobic. Of course he had been, that's practically a given. But it's irrelevant to the actual question of whether he was labeled xenophobic in response to limiting travel by Chinese nationals to this country when the transmission of the corona virus was the major issue of the day.
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I think it is a dumb political ploy and I suspect the DNC doesn't love it because it is divisive.

It is either a horrible long-term political action or could be a sign Biden isn't re-running and is just happy playing out his agenda regardless of impact on future elections.

Late summer Biden's admin has done great things. Since America is angry about BigLie/J6, and Dobbs, from a political perspective he probably didn't need to do anything else (aside for magically make global inflation shrink):

Paid down national Debt last quarter for the first time in 6 yrs.
gun laws (they aren't much, but it's the first inch in 30+ years)
CHIPS for America act
climate stuff
prescript drug pricing reform
higher taxes on corp
Violence Against Women Act
ended a 20 yr war

I think he accomplished all the above via BIPARTISANSHIP, and now is saying F it, what else do I personally want to do or accomplish regardless of whether it might be divisive.

He still needs electoral count reform, but otherwise it could be YOLO since he might not run again.
Heels Noir doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled as xenophobic for the China travel ban itself. He wants it believed that although cries of 'xenophobia' rang out immediately when that was announced, those cries were not in response to the China ban but rather a continuation of the outcry over his refusal to allow masses of Muslim refugees from the ME into the country. I contend that although that happened as well, Trump was called a xenophobe over the China ban and would have been even if the Muslim ban never took place.

He doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled xenophobic by the lefties over something that the lefties ended up doing themselves, is the problem. He doesn't want to admit the obvious, that the left is inherently hypocritical.
this is how Heels Noir operates. He is inherently dishonest. He keeps saying that Trump was called xenophobic before the China travel ban as if that proves his point, while he consistently ignores or denies that there was a dedicated charge of xenophobia to the China travel ban itself. But there was, and he is losing this argument just as he loses most others.

It doesn't matter that Trump had already been called xenophobic. Of course he had been, that's practically a given. But it's irrelevant to the actual question of whether he was labeled xenophobic in response to limiting travel by Chinese nationals to this country when the transmission of the corona virus was the major issue of the day.
Talk about projecting, when you say "this is how he operates" and "he is inherently dishonest," you're talking about yourself and this post proves it.

I challenge you to show me where I made such claims.
Heels Noir doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled as xenophobic for the China travel ban itself. He wants it believed that although cries of 'xenophobia' rang out immediately when that was announced, those cries were not in response to the China ban but rather a continuation of the outcry over his refusal to allow masses of Muslim refugees from the ME into the country. I contend that although that happened as well, Trump was called a xenophobe over the China ban and would have been even if the Muslim ban never took place.

He doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled xenophobic by the lefties over something that the lefties ended up doing themselves, is the problem. He doesn't want to admit the obvious, that the left is inherently hypocritical.
Trump was labeled as xenophobic for one very good reason.
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This SHOULD be a really big story. SHOULD concern every American.
The zuckerberg thing is old news. Why is this coming up now?

From Oct 2020:

Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday that a warning from the FBI on hack-and-leak operations before the Nov. 3 presidential election played a role in its decision to limit the reach of stories from the New York Post that made claims about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son.

Zuckerberg said it had seen attempts by Russia, Iran and China to run disinformation campaigns. “One of the threats that the FBI has alerted our companies ... to was the possibility of a hack and leak operation in the days or weeks leading up to this election,” he said.

“So you had both public testimony from from the FBI, (inaudible) in private meetings alerts that were given to at least our company, I assume the others as well, that suggested that we be on high alert and sensitivity that if a trove of documents appeared that that we should view that with suspicion that it might be part of a foreign manipulation attempt,” he told lawmakers.

EDIT to add - we're in a weird world that FBI would warn of digital media, but they have done this type of stuff even before 2020. That's the nature of the digital media influence on the world. Would FBI do the same for "letters to the editor" pre-internet? Note, it was just a warning of suspicion and that suspicion was warranted.
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The zuckerberg thing is old news. Why is this coming up now?

From Oct 2020:

Since October we now know Hunter's laptop was the story the FBI wanted to censor. We know the FBI knew the laptop was not Russian disinformation and now know that other social media was encouraged to not run certain stories by the FBI. In October very little info was released.
Talk about projecting, when you say "this is how he operates" and "he is inherently dishonest," you're talking about yourself and this post proves it.

I challenge you to show me where I made such claims.
you've been denying that Trump was labeled xenophobic in response to the China travel ban this whole time, you lying jackass. That's all you've been saying. When I pointed out for the third time that the xenophobia label was SPECIFICALLY put on Trump due to the CTB, you trashed that post and disparaged the use of the word 'specifically'. You don't have an honest bone in your body. You want me to show you? Why would I do that when all you have to do is go back and read your own posts? But you won't do that. Your game is to say 'see, I knew you couldn't show me'.

I don't care enough about you to play your stupid lying ass-game, especially considering you've already outed your own lying ass quite nicely.

Try again.
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The zuckerberg thing is old news. Why is this coming up now?

From Oct 2020:

Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday that a warning from the FBI on hack-and-leak operations before the Nov. 3 presidential election played a role in its decision to limit the reach of stories from the New York Post that made claims about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son.

Zuckerberg said it had seen attempts by Russia, Iran and China to run disinformation campaigns. “One of the threats that the FBI has alerted our companies ... to was the possibility of a hack and leak operation in the days or weeks leading up to this election,” he said.

“So you had both public testimony from from the FBI, (inaudible) in private meetings alerts that were given to at least our company, I assume the others as well, that suggested that we be on high alert and sensitivity that if a trove of documents appeared that that we should view that with suspicion that it might be part of a foreign manipulation attempt,” he told lawmakers.

EDIT to add - we're in a weird world that FBI would warn of digital media, but they have done this type of stuff even before 2020. That's the nature of the digital media influence on the world. Would FBI do the same for "letters to the editor" pre-internet? Note, it was just a warning of suspicion and that suspicion was warranted.
It's coming up because it proves:

1. The FBI leadership illegally violated the 1st amendment.
2. The FBI leadership illegally interfered in our election which in itself proves election fraud.
3. Whistleblowers within the FBI have come forward, at least 16, and so it's hard to ignore it.
4. It shows the FBI leadership is aligned with the communist party of China in assisting the installation of the CCP's man in the WH, someone totally compromised. The Big Guy is in hock to them. They bought the Bidens.

So this may also be a matter of treason.
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Paid down national Debt last quarter for the first time in 6 yrs.
well, do some reading on this. Paying a pittance while adding a fvcking bundle isn't reducing the debt. Trump was going to pay down but Covid happened.

gun laws (they aren't much, but it's the first inch in 30+ years)
big woop

CHIPS for America act
on its face, a really good thing. I haven't looked at it closer to see where the entitlements are hidden though..

climate stuff
I'm for climate stuff but not the way this admin is approaching it.

prescript drug pricing reform
from what I understand, it's basically token...just enough to say you did, kind of thing. And I don't care much for government intervention in private business but I am for allowing Medicare to negotiate.

higher taxes on corp
VERY wrong thing to do.

Violence Against Women Act
political gamesmanship. Enforce the existing laws by replacing idiot judges and we don't need the useless political exercise of making crime more illegal.

ended a 20 yr war
OVERSAW the already planned ending of a 20 year occupation and totally botched it.

in spite of dem politicizing, republicans deserve as much credit for this as anyone. But it did happen under Biden.
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Thanks for backing me on this, Arch, even though I'm sure that wasn't your intention. 🤣

Your point is f*ckin retarded. I'm not sure why you want to die on this hill. Your point is only helping to prove that the left was eaten up with TDS early on and making baseless claims, which only hurt Trump's ability to provide the common sense solutions the American people want and benefit from.
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The zuckerberg thing is old news. Why is this coming up now?

From Oct 2020:

Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday that a warning from the FBI on hack-and-leak operations before the Nov. 3 presidential election played a role in its decision to limit the reach of stories from the New York Post that made claims about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son.

Zuckerberg said it had seen attempts by Russia, Iran and China to run disinformation campaigns. “One of the threats that the FBI has alerted our companies ... to was the possibility of a hack and leak operation in the days or weeks leading up to this election,” he said.

“So you had both public testimony from from the FBI, (inaudible) in private meetings alerts that were given to at least our company, I assume the others as well, that suggested that we be on high alert and sensitivity that if a trove of documents appeared that that we should view that with suspicion that it might be part of a foreign manipulation attempt,” he told lawmakers.

EDIT to add - we're in a weird world that FBI would warn of digital media, but they have done this type of stuff even before 2020. That's the nature of the digital media influence on the world. Would FBI do the same for "letters to the editor" pre-internet? Note, it was just a warning of suspicion and that suspicion was warranted.
this was a Reuters article. Was it carried by other outlets, in the U.S.? Just curious.

As to your comment; they had the laptop. How could they claim suspicion of disinformation when they had the goods right in their grubby little paws? Not saying it isn't legit, necessarily, but wouldn't there be some consideration for the impact of holding back information that could be critical to an election? Wouldn't it be honest and proper to simply allow what info there was to be judged by the electorate? I call bullshit if your answer is anything other than 'yes'.
Heels Noir doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled as xenophobic for the China travel ban itself. He wants it believed that although cries of 'xenophobia' rang out immediately when that was announced, those cries were not in response to the China ban but rather a continuation of the outcry over his refusal to allow masses of Muslim refugees from the ME into the country. I contend that although that happened as well, Trump was called a xenophobe over the China ban and would have been even if the Muslim ban never took place.

He doesn't want to admit that Trump was labeled xenophobic by the lefties over something that the lefties ended up doing themselves, is the problem. He doesn't want to admit the obvious, that the left is inherently hypocritical.

Frankly, it's insignificant whether the xenophobic stuff started earlier or later. What's more important is that it happened at all when all Trump wanted to do was put America and American citizens first. The left irrationally hated him so much that honestly, they were probably calling him xenophobic from day one. And misogynistic. And racist. And whatever else they could dream up in the small, angry, insecure brains.
Frankly, it's insignificant whether the xenophobic stuff started earlier or later. What's more important is that it happened at all when all Trump wanted to do was put America and American citizens first. The left irrationally hated him so much that honestly, they were probably calling him xenophobic from day one. And misogynistic. And racist. And whatever else they could dream up in the small, angry, insecure brains.
yes of course that's significant in its own right, but irrelevant to the point at hand.

As I keep saying, OF COURSE they were calling him xenophobic and racist and every other GD thing they could. But what Heels Noir wants to say is that they did NOT call him xenophobic over the China travel ban. That's because Biden and the leftists ended up saying they supported such a ban, after having labeled it as xenophobic. Heels Noir wants to deny the naked hypocrisy.

The fact is though, they definitely howled 'xenophobia' just as soon as the ban was announced.

eta; I do not mean to imply that Biden himself called Trump xenophobic over the CTB, although in reality he did. But the timing and his wording gives him (im)plausible denial, so I am NOT making this about Biden in particular.
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It's coming up because it proves:

1. The FBI leadership illegally violated the 1st amendment.
2. The FBI leadership illegally interfered in our election which in itself proves election fraud.
3. Whistleblowers within the FBI have come forward, at least 16, and so it's hard to ignore it.
4. It shows the FBI leadership is aligned with the communist party of China in assisting the installation of the CCP's man in the WH, someone totally compromised. The Big Guy is in hock to them. They bought the Bidens.

So this may also be a matter of treason.
How is it a violation of the 1st Amendment? FBI gave big tech a heads-up that the rumors smell like sh!t.

How is it interfering in our election? FBI didn't censor anything. FBI had the same concerns/suspicions that Rupert Murdoch's own journalists had.
You want me to show you? Why would I do that when all you have to do is go back and read your own posts? But you won't do that. Your game is to say 'see, I knew you couldn't show me'.

I don't care enough about you to play your stupid lying ass-game, especially considering you've already outed your own lying ass quite nicely.

Try again.
Dude, you are an absolute flake. I never said such things and you know it. You just can't admit when you're wrong which is A LOT of the time. You can't find or prove where I wrote that nonsense because I NEVER DID.

Why are you such a pussy that you can't own up to it when you're wrong, you damn freak?!?!
But what Heels Noir wants to say is that they did NOT call him xenophobic over the China travel ban. Heels Noir wants to deny the naked hypocrisy.

The fact is though, they definitely howled 'xenophobia' just as soon as the ban was announced.
You are a feckless liar, bluetoe. Here's my post from yesterday:
Way to skew the details, gunslinger. Prior to the pandemic Trump was preparing an executive order banning citizens of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, and Yemen from entering the United States, widely known as the Muslim ban. That was what initiated the xenophobia chants in this country.
I NEVER said anything about the use of that word related to the China ban. Again, I challenge you to produce some evidence or STFU.