OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You are a feckless liar, bluetoe. Here's my post from yesterday:

I NEVER said anything about the use of that word related to the China ban. Again, I challenge you to produce some evidence or STFU.
thanks for proving my point, to the disingenuous extent that you did. Not once have you acknowledged that xenophobia was charged in response to the China travel ban, but have rather denied that and claimed time after time that the xenophobia claims were just a continuation of the xenophobia charges made from an entirely different situation, that being made against Trump over his Muslim ban.

But the fact is, the left was all over NEW xenophobia charges IN DIRECT RESPONSE TO THE CHINA TRAVEL BAN. They didn't idiotically say we aren't going to suddenly cry xenophobia over the travel ban, we'll just keep saying he's xenophobic over a completely different deal. But you keep trying to sell that stupidity, I'm sure it's going over like a lead balloon.

Everything I've said is true and it stands. Try again.
Dude, you are an absolute flake. I never said such things and you know it. You just can't admit when you're wrong which is A LOT of the time. You can't find or prove where I wrote that nonsense because I NEVER DID.

Why are you such a pussy that you can't own up to it when you're wrong, you damn freak?!?!
lol, we can almost hear your sphincter tightening as you desperately try to worm your way out of this. LMAO.
I have to go away for a while. Will someone please start a timer so @Heels Noir can make something out of how long it takes me to get back to the discussion? LMAO.
How is it a violation of the 1st Amendment? FBI gave big tech a heads-up that the rumors smell like sh!t.

How is it interfering in our election? FBI didn't censor anything. FBI had the same concerns/suspicions that Rupert Murdoch's own journalists had.
The FBI is not allowed to censor speech, especially political speech, and the courts have ruled that the government cannot legally use cut-outs in the private sector to censor speech.

It's a very big deal for the FBI to contact Facebook and ask them to quite blatantly censor speech, particularly things that are demonstrably true and to help spread government propaganda, in this case the laughable claim the laptop was Russian propaganda. Also, the FBI knew it was not.
"Any attempt to impose criminal liability on a President or former President that involves his actions

with respect to documents marked classified would implicate grave constitutional separation-of-
powers issues. Beyond that, the primary criminal statute that governs the unauthorized removal

and retention of classified documents or material does not apply to the President. That statute
provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of
the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position,
or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials
containing classified information of the United States, knowingly
removes such documents or materials without authority and with the
intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized
location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more
than five years, or both.

18 U.S.C. § 1924(a). An element of this offense, which the government must prove beyond a
reasonable doubt, is that the accused is "an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the
United States." The President is none of these. See Free Enter. Fund v. Pub. Co. Acct. Oversight
Bd., 561 U.S. 477, 497-98 (2010) (citing U.S. Const., Art. II,§ 2, cl. 2) ("The people do not vote
for the 'Officers of the United States."'); see also Melcher v. Fed. Open Mkt. Comm., 644 F. Supp.
510, 518-19 (D.D.C. 1986), aff'd, 836 F.2d 561 (D.C. Cir. 1987) ("[a]n officer of the United States
can only be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, or by a
court of law, or the head of a department. A person who does not derive his position from one of
these sources is not an officer of the United States in the sense of the Constitution."). Thus, the
statute does not apply to acts by a President."
How could they claim suspicion of disinformation when they had the goods right in their grubby little paws?
1. Guo Wengui and Bannon were mixing truthful things from the drive with false things before it made it to the NYPost. Like combining images/vid/email snippets with things that have been determined to be false. This is the definition of misinformation.

2. Forensic analysis found that people other than Hunter had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence others had written files to the drive both before and after the October 2020 New York Post reports. In September 2020, someone created six new folders on the drive, including with the names "Biden Burisma," "Salacious Pics Package" and "Hunter. Burisma Documents."

SHADY A F. Lots of stuff on the drive has since been verified, but it would be malfeasance not to be highly suspicious given the background at that time.

3. 51 former officials, include Trump appointees said the hard-drive smelled like Russia - see link

And laptop repairman even said "I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop. ... And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing."

Not saying it isn't legit, necessarily, but wouldn't there be some consideration for the impact of holding back information that could be critical to an election?
Yes, the consideration is huge. Look at the impact of Comey commenting on the HRC email investigation. That swayed a few voters.
But also look at the contrary, part of the FBI's job is to protect US citizens from foreign counterintelligence.
Wouldn't it be honest and proper to simply allow what info there was to be judged by the electorate?
All they did was tell facebook that the rumors smelled like poop. They didn't stop NYPost or anyone else from putting the rumors out there.

Disinfo from Russian has been happening a looooong time - see link. Do you feel the FBI shouldn't protect citizens?
The FBI is not allowed to censor speech, especially political speech, and the courts have ruled that the government cannot legally use cut-outs in the private sector to censor speech.

It's a very big deal for the FBI to contact Facebook and ask them to quite blatantly censor speech, particularly things that are demonstrably true and to help spread government propaganda, in this case the laughable claim the laptop was Russian propaganda. Also, the FBI knew it was not.
They didn't ask them to censor. Just gave a heads-up that everything thing they'd seen so far had hallmarks or russian disinfo.
They didn't ask them to censor. Just gave a heads-up that everything thing they'd seen so far had hallmarks or russian disinfo.
No, they not only asked but behind the request is a threat. The FBI is not allowed to do that.

It's like if the mafia came and said nice store you got there. Shame if something happened to it.

And you are a moron if you think anyone believed this was Russian disinformation or had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Biden's lawyer already admitted in writing the laptop was Hunter's when he demanded it back in writing. They knew it wasn't Russian disinformation just like they knew Russia never colluded with the Trump campaign. Nor shared DNC emails with wikileaks.
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I have to go away for a while. Will someone please start a timer so @Heels Noir can make something out of how long it takes me to get back to the discussion? LMAO.
I hardly think anyone other than the two of us reads these messages between us, you f*cking dinosaur. Where do you have to go, to the bathroom to change out your soiled Depends, old man?
As I keep saying, OF COURSE they were calling him xenophobic and racist and every other GD thing they could. But what Heels Noir wants to say is that they did NOT call him xenophobic over the China travel ban. That's because Biden and the leftists ended up saying they supported such a ban, after having labeled it as xenophobic. Heels Noir wants to deny the naked hypocrisy.

The fact is though, they definitely howled 'xenophobia' just as soon as the ban was announced.

Of course they called him xenophobic because of the China ban. Everyone knows that. Why on earth would you pay any attention to the lies that moron @Heels Orange is selling? Just point and laugh, maybe throw an insult his way and then move on.
I hardly think anyone other than the two of us reads these messages between us
100%. The most spot-on thing I think I've ever seen you poast on here. I scroll right past you two arguing like an old married couple and imagine most do as well. Feel free to get a room, or at least a Noir v. Blue thread where you two can have at it. Bring rantman too if you're looking to spice things up.
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Do you feel the FBI shouldn't protect citizens?

Protect us from what?
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I couldn't agree more. randman and bluetoe are idiots with similar personalities. For all we know, it is the same Trump-supporting moron posting under both usernames.

Randman is straight up crazy.

BT is tough and abrasive. Stubborn certainly. Not crazy or unreasonable if you approach him the right way.
Randman is straight up crazy.

BT is tough and abrasive. Stubborn certainly. Not crazy or unreasonable if you approach him the right way.
Hey groomer, did you see where "the science" now shows transitioning surgery does not help gender dysphoria patients relieve depression?

And why do you think the FBI intentionally helping Biden win by covering up his crimes, the cash going to the Big Guy, is no big deal? Especially considering the cash from China?
Yeah... I'm not really in agreement with this "your debts are paid for free" crap. But, I'm sure there's a foolproof bureaucratic chutes-and-ladders game that will clear-up all of the potential "cheaters."

You paid the ticket, you ride the ride. I'm not terribly familiar with it all, but was someone selling these people a gimmick, like the sub-prime mortgages in 2006 and 07?
Yes. The gimmick is that you can take out $200K in loans to get a degree in Art History, Philosophy, or Gender Studies and get a job using that degree that will give you the disposable income needed to pay that essentially mortgage-level debt back at a 5%+ interest rate.

We can all see how those majors would never produce jobs capable of paying back that kind of loan, but an impressionable 18 year old maybe doesn't have the awareness to do a simple NPV analysis that would show them what a disastrous money-losing venture taking out loans for that shitty degree would be.

While I feel for those people, I also don't think it's the rest of our duty to take them off the hook for their fvck up. I mean, if someone bought $200K magic beans cuz someone told them it'd grow a golden beanstalk, I don't see why we should be bailing them out either.
Here are two things that I'm still wondering.

1- I think there should be some kind of accountability by those who took advantage of the people to begin with? The shysters?

2- You can bail people out, but we still have a system in-place that encourages more shysters to come along and prey on a new batch, or the same batch, of people who are, apparently, lacking the skills to know they're being conned.
1 - There absolutely should be accountability for the shysters that took advantage of them. Those people are A) the colleges that price those degrees at $200K+, B) their student advisors telling students that it behooves them to get that degree even if they need to borrow the necessary funds, and C) the loan companies that approve these students for the loans when the only collateral is knowledge in a useless area that will never provide value. All 3 should be punished, and reformed.

2 - This is the most frustrating part. This loan forgiveness is a band-aid on a severed leg. We're spending $300B+ and doing absolutely nothing to rectify the problem. In 5-10 years there will be yet another wave of Gender Studies grads that are up to their eyeballs in debt unable to pay - and people will be sitting here wondering "how did this happen again so quickly?".
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Good article. Ramsey is pretty good, at least in terms of his debt repayment strategies and live-below-your-means attitude. Although his investment advice blows (sorry @bleeduncblue ).

I agree with almost all of his points; this being a political ploy, a terrible idea, screwing over the other half of the country, making our grandkids pay for these people to get shitty degrees, etc. The one comment I don't know that I agree with though is where he predicted a Dem bloodbath in November.

The average voter is too dumb to realize how bad of an idea this is. Plus, if you hand someone $1, they'll vote for you without realizing your other hand is taking a $100 bill out of their wallet.
Well, he's at it again. Amongst other things that he said yesterday, there was this huge WHOPPER. Wondering why it's not headlines everywhere:

"We’ll protect voting rights, pass election reform, and make sure no one ever has the opportunity to STEAL AN ELECTION AGAIN.


Oh, did I mention that this was our president yesterday in Baltimore? Yes, our current president, not the former.
How is it a violation of the 1st Amendment? FBI gave big tech a heads-up that the rumors smell like sh!t.

Because they KNEW it was not a rumor.. they knew Hunter was dirty.

Wake Up Bb20 GIF by Big Brother
1. Guo Wengui and Bannon were mixing truthful things from the drive with false things before it made it to the NYPost. Like combining images/vid/email snippets with things that have been determined to be false. This is the definition of misinformation.

2. Forensic analysis found that people other than Hunter had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence others had written files to the drive both before and after the October 2020 New York Post reports. In September 2020, someone created six new folders on the drive, including with the names "Biden Burisma," "Salacious Pics Package" and "Hunter. Burisma Documents."

SHADY A F. Lots of stuff on the drive has since been verified, but it would be malfeasance not to be highly suspicious given the background at that time.

3. 51 former officials, include Trump appointees said the hard-drive smelled like Russia - see link

And laptop repairman even said "I do know that there have been multiple attempts over the past year-and-a-half to insert questionable material into the laptop as in, not physically, but passing off this misinformation or disinformation as coming from the laptop. ... And that is a major concern of mine because I have fought tooth and nail to protect the integrity of this drive and to jeopardize that is going to mean that everything that I sacrificed will be for nothing."

Yes, the consideration is huge. Look at the impact of Comey commenting on the HRC email investigation. That swayed a few voters.
But also look at the contrary, part of the FBI's job is to protect US citizens from foreign counterintelligence.

All they did was tell facebook that the rumors smelled like poop. They didn't stop NYPost or anyone else from putting the rumors out there.

Disinfo from Russian has been happening a looooong time - see link. Do you feel the FBI shouldn't protect citizens?
good Lord, I hardly know where to start. Let's start with this....

"If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this elec8on, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this."

Ok fine, how were Americans made aware of anything by Facebook being swayed to not allow the dispersal of relevant info. Are we supposed to be manipulated by omission into voting the way someone thinks we should, or are we to be trusted with considering all possible information as we feel suitable? Is this Russia?

sorry, just an opportunity to use my favorite scene from Caddyshack.

But seriously, my question remains. There is information to be attained. Is it really reasonable to say certain people have the mission and duty of qualifying that info for us even to the point of restricting it and/or characterizing it as detrimental to our voting health?
Well, he's at it again. Amongst other things that he said yesterday, there was this huge WHOPPER. Wondering why it's not headlines everywhere:

"We’ll protect voting rights, pass election reform, and make sure no one ever has the opportunity to STEAL AN ELECTION AGAIN.


Oh, did I mention that this was our president yesterday in Baltimore? Yes, our current president, not the former.
Why don't you expand on this? Do you reeeally think the election was stolen, or only attempted to be stolen? I know this topic has been beaten to death here, but I like to keep a track record of who believes what and would love to add your thoughts to the mix for future reference.
Why don't you expand on this? Do you reeeally think the election was stolen, or only attempted to be stolen? I know this topic has been beaten to death here, but I like to keep a track record of who believes what and would love to add your thoughts to the mix for future reference.
For the challenged and democrat apologists alike, I'll explain. My opinion does not matter. However, it certainly appears that OUR CURRENTLY SITTING PRESIDENT believes that an election was stolen. He said it, not me. Unlike your brainstem sharing poster @prlyles , I gave you the quote and the source. So, I'm sorry it required too high a level of reading comprehension to determine that the issue is Joey believes an election was stolen, needs to reform election laws and it's getting absolutely no attention despite it being the exact same issues the R's have been attacked on (as in called racists) everywhere they have attempted election reform.
The odd thing is it seems when the democrats create a lie it is allowed to be told on every channel and websites, then months later it comes out it is a lie only 30% find out the truth.

Then when something that is actually true that is bad for the democrats is not allowed to be shared on websites.

Funny how that works.
For the challenged and democrat apologists alike, I'll explain. My opinion does not matter. However, it certainly appears that OUR CURRENTLY SITTING PRESIDENT believes that an election was stolen. He said it, not me. Unlike your brainstem sharing poster @prlyles , I gave you the quote and the source. So, I'm sorry it required too high a level of reading comprehension to determine that the issue is Joey believes an election was stolen, needs to reform election laws and it's getting absolutely no attention despite it being the exact same issues the R's have been attacked on (as in called racists) everywhere they have attempted election reform.
By now, if you are unaware that Joe Biden notoriously has slips of the tongue and says things that were unintended then you have been living under a rock. I imagine what he was going for was maybe, "the opportunity to attempt to steal an election." To think this is anything more than that is merely grasping at straws and wishful thinking on your part.

Everyone by now knows all about the Republicans and their sore-losers mentality, trying every way they know how to illegally change the 2020 election results. And whether you want to believe it or not, every time your party talks about election reform it is intended to gain the upper hand.

Thanks for responding, however. I just wanted to verify that you are one of the many Trump crotch remoras who are gullible enough still to buy into the Big Lie.
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Hey groomer, did you see where "the science" now shows transitioning surgery does not help gender dysphoria patients relieve depression?

And why do you think the FBI intentionally helping Biden win by covering up his crimes, the cash going to the Big Guy, is no big deal? Especially considering the cash from China?

Hey dickweed, mom still got your balls?
By now, if you are unaware that Joe Biden notoriously has slips of the tongue and says things that were unintended then you have been living under a rock. I imagine what he was going for was maybe, "the opportunity to attempt to steal an election." To think this is anything more than that is merely grasping at straws and wishful thinking on your part.

Everyone by now knows all about the Republicans and their sore-losers mentality, trying every way they know how to illegally change the 2020 election results. And whether you want to believe it or not, every time your party talks about election reform it is intended to gain the upper hand.

Thanks for responding, however. I just wanted to verify that you are one of the many Trump crotch remoras who are gullible enough still to buy into the Big Lie.
Do you always conclude with your premise despite no evidence whatsoever? I specifically said "My opinion does not matter." Thereafter, I made no further statement regarding my belief or opinion. Rather, I spoke about Joe's statement in his speech and how no one is banging him for it. From that you conclude I am a crotch remora asserting the Big Lie. You are an idiot.

Watch Joe for yourself and you can drool along with him:

Rather, I spoke about Joe's statement in his speech and how no one is banging him for it.
Except for you, that is.

I apologize if I mislabeled you as one of the Donald's trained lap dogs. I just see in you the same gullible tail wagging back and forth, the same ears penned back in complete submission, and the same panting and licking of unchecked servitude that I ended up making my assumption.
Except for you, that is.

I apologize if I mislabeled you as one of the Donald's trained lap dogs. I just see in you the same gullible tail wagging back and forth, the same ears penned back in complete submission, and the same panting and licking of unchecked subservience that I ended up making my assumption.
There are more than two categories of people. It's not just those that 1) hate orangeman at all costs and those that 2) are "the same gullible tail wagging back and forth, the same ears penned back in complete submission, and the same panting and licking of unchecked subservience" you see as "Donald's trained lap dogs."

Seeing beyond these limited possibilities might help.
There are more than two categories of people. It's not just those that 1) hate orangeman at all costs and those that 2) are "the same gullible tail wagging back and forth, the same ears penned back in complete submission, and the same panting and licking of unchecked subservience" you see as "Donald's trained lap dogs."

Seeing beyond these limited possibilities might help.
I'll admit that's true, but I would guesstimate about 90% of the population fits squarely into one of those two categories. So, you're caught in the middle, a man without a country, so to speak? It seems funny how you are always so quick to come to the defense of Donald Trump during all these heated discussions.
I'll admit that's true, but I would guesstimate about 90% of the population fits squarely into one of those two categories. So, you're caught in the middle, a man without a country, so to speak? It seems funny how you are always so quick to come to the defense of Donald Trump during all these heated discussions.
90 percent???
90 percent???
Maybe a tad less. 89%?

I'll ask you, strum, what is a person expected to believe when poopondook breaks out the innuendo suggesting Biden is trying to subliminally tell the world the election was stolen by the Democrats? I may not be a marine biologist, but he has all the traits and markings of a crotch remora.
There are more than two categories of people. It's not just those that 1) hate orangeman at all costs and those that 2) are "the same gullible tail wagging back and forth, the same ears penned back in complete submission, and the same panting and licking of unchecked subservience" you see as "Donald's trained lap dogs."

Seeing beyond these limited possibilities might help.
You and others refuse to see Trump for who he is. It is plain to the rest of the world but not to you guys. I would suggest you change your source of information, whatever that is, and watch something else.
Maybe a tad less. 89%?

I'll ask you, strum, what is a person expected to believe when poopondook breaks out the innuendo suggesting Biden is trying to subliminally tell the world the election was stolen by the Democrats? I may not be a marine biologist, but he has all the traits and markings of a crotch remora.
"I said... EASY, big fella!"

I think he hates Biden more than he likes Trump.
"I said... EASY, big fella!"

I think he hates Biden more than he likes Trump.
Maybe so but his post suggesting that a tongue-tied Biden was trying to tell us the election was indeed stolen tells me he adamantly believes the Big Lie, whether he is a remora or not.
Maybe so but his post suggesting that a tongue-tied Biden was trying to tell us the election was indeed stolen tells me he adamantly believes the Big Lie, whether he is a remora or not.
I didn't watch it. Biden has a speech issue, always has. I hope he doesn't run for reelection, either. Not because of his speech impediment, but... I think he should let some better candidates try their hand at it.
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