OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Democrats haven’t done much to change things. It’s been more Republicans continuing to misstep on things like abortion and the burn pits bill for Vets.
Sadly, I bet 95% of the people polled can't even tell you what the "burn pits bill for Vets" was and/or any details. It's all in how the question is worded if it contained in a poll. Also, other than individual states, the R's haven't done anything about Dobbs except get hammered in the media because it's one of the few issues that the D's have to hang their hats on. Everything still sucks economically, except redefining words and what they mean.
If the GOP doesn't take both the House and the Senate at the midterms and the WH in 2024, then my faith in humanity will be as low as it's ever been. I just can't understand why any normal, productive, American citizen would vote for ideologies that are literally ruining American families and our stature in the world.
If the GOP doesn't take both the House and the Senate at the midterms and the WH in 2024, then my faith in humanity will be as low as it's ever been. I just can't understand why any normal, productive, American citizen would vote for ideologies that are literally ruining American families and our stature in the world.
I think I see where your problem lies. To have low faith in humanity, you have to have faith in humanity. What were you thinking?
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I think I see where your problem lies. To have low faith in humanity, you have to have faith in humanity. What were you thinking?
how can you have faith in humanity when an elected official spews this kind of garbage?

From Senator Chris Murphy...

"Republicans see government as a vehicle to transfer wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich. So they get really, really angry when Democrats use government to do things to help regular people, like cut the cost of drugs or reduce student loans."

It isn't that a politician will stoop to this kind of rhetoric, it's that he wouldn't do it if he didn't understand that many halfway intelligent, educated people would hear these words and feel anger and resentment toward Republicans without dedicating even a single brain cell to recognizing how preposterous the words actually are. That's where we are and unless major changes are made to the structure of our society, that's where we will remain. Changing the structure of our society is what the dems do, so I doubt we'll see a shift back toward sanity anytime in the next century.

Insanely, we have a country full of people with all kinds of shit at their disposal, basically resentful of those that provide those things. I am certain there are people on this board sympathetic to Murphy's sentiments.

Just to spotlight that one point of idiocy, individuals become rich by providing the things that people want and need. If people don't want to see someone become rich, they should refuse to buy his product or service. No one is holding a gun to your head to force you to buy it. But if you DO buy it, rather than bitch about the provider becoming rich, thank your lucky stars that you are in a system that rewards those who provide the things we need, because otherwise they wouldn't bother to provide them. Then you wouldn't even have the choice. So you wouldn't have those things to bitch about having.

AND, the system allows for any of us to become that rich guy capitalizing on our wants and needs. I know, ain't it just like a Republican to support a crooked, unjust system like that?
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Everything still sucks economically, except redefining words and what they mean.
Disagree. Gas is down to $3.20 in raleigh. Job growth and unemployment are looking swell. Gross Domestic Income actually expanded in first half of the yr...
If the GOP doesn't take both the House and the Senate at the midterms and the WH in 2024, then my faith in humanity will be as low as it's ever been. I just can't understand why any normal, productive, American citizen would vote for ideologies that are literally ruining American families and our stature in the world.
Gas is down to $3.20 in raleigh.
It's 3.14 here.

But... I'm afraid it's about to start climbing back up again!

The FED is going to force these rates to increase, too. I don't trust the FED, never have, never will.
Good article. Ramsey is pretty good, at least in terms of his debt repayment strategies and live-below-your-means attitude. Although his investment advice blows (sorry @bleeduncblue ).
no sweat, to each his own. our mutual funds are up 14% overall since 2006 when we started following his advice / hired one of his vetted advisors to teach us. but we're the tortoise for sure. we're on pace to retire around 60 with approx $2.4m in assets. that wont blow 😝
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Disagree. Gas is down to $3.20 in raleigh. Job growth and unemployment are looking swell. Gross Domestic Income actually expanded in first half of the yr...
The idea that you are able to use the statement that "Gas is down to $3.20 in raleigh" is the whole point. If he takes credit for it, he's got to take blame for it as well. It was an average of $2.38 when he took office. Because prices got so high, demand has fallen way off. It's now predicted that it has bottomed out and will go back up. Job growth and unemployment should look swell when coming out of an unprecedented pandemic. Joe and his policies have not created this anymore than orange caused things to crash when the pandemic shut everything down. It's like the lie about inflation in July. It may have been 0% month to month, but it's not like prices went down or returned to levels prior to this 40 year bump. People are hurting whether your discussion points will admit it or not.
The idea that you are able to use the statement that "Gas is down to $3.20 in raleigh" is the whole point. If he takes credit for it, he's got to take blame for it as well. It was an average of $2.38 when he took office. Because prices got so high, demand has fallen way off. It's now predicted that it has bottomed out and will go back up. Job growth and unemployment should look swell when coming out of an unprecedented pandemic. Joe and his policies have not created this anymore than orange caused things to crash when the pandemic shut everything down. It's like the lie about inflation in July. It may have been 0% month to month, but it's not like prices went down or returned to levels prior to this 40 year bump. People are hurting whether your discussion points will admit it or not.
Why are you bringing up "he" and "blame and "joe" and "policies"? Everyone knows you can't really blame or credit Presidents for short-term economic stuff.

Economic sentiment does impact votes though, and several things about the economy don't suck and are getting better every day (sorry).
"Hey, at least things don't suck as much as they used to."

The Dems will attempt to campaign on that message. Lol.
Signs of improvement or progress will absolutely sway voters. I'm not surprised that this would astound you.
Signs of improvement or progress will absolutely sway voters. I'm not surprised that this would astound you.

It’s hilarious you think Americans who got punched in the face every day for months should be happy when someone decides to stop punching them in the face for a day or two.

“I’m so grateful that you are not currently punching me in the face. We’ll just let bygones be bygones and I won’t bring up the fact that you punched me in the face every day for a couple of years. I’ll just be content you’re not doing it today. Thanks?”
He had very little integrity even way back then, he's lost any shred that he may have once possessed.
"Hey, at least things don't suck as much as they used to."

The Dems will attempt to campaign on that message. Lol.
"Hey, the price of gas could be $8 a gallon. It's only $3.89, that's a whoppin' $4.11 less. Don't worry, be happy."

He had very little integrity even way back then, he's lost any shred that he may have once possessed.

"Hey, the price of gas could be $8 a gallon. It's only $3.89, that's a whoppin' $4.11 less. Don't worry, be happy."

Biden is only in office because the Republican Party allowed Trump to hijack them. Biden would have lost to anyone else.
Biden is only in office because the Republican Party allowed Trump to hijack them. Biden would have lost to anyone else.
I would venture that it was worth it for them... even though he did lose to Biden. They got a lot of the things they wanted THROUGH him. Now... it's entirely possible that the short-term win may have long-term losses. And, not just for them, but for everyone. But, it's easy to justify the loss by thinking "it was worth it at the time."
You're my age... I think it was like $0.89 a gallon when I got my first car as a junior in high school in 1985.

I was going to say I bought it for less than .90 but couldn't remember for sure. I remember it being less that $1 because when it went to triple digits it was a big deal.
I was going to say I bought it for less than .90 but couldn't remember for sure. I remember it being less that $1 because when it went to triple digits it was a big deal.
Same can be said about almost everything. I actually smoked cigarettes from age 18-25. I remember a pack of cigarettes being under a dollar.
I'd argue that it was Bill Clinton. He gave us the Great Recession.

He and Bush both had a hand in that. There was a lot of financial deregulation during the Bush administration. Clinton set the tone by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act.

But that was more inadvertent. What Reagan did completely changed the American economy from what it had been since FDR.
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Of course you would... lol

Never mind all of the complexities of how it happened. Just blame some democrats, or A democrat.
"Never mind all of the complexities of how it happened. Just blame some democrats, or A democrat."

never mind that it wouldn't have happened without Clinton's democrat-style meddling in private lending that started the sub-prime lending catastrophe.

Obscure that fact with your 'complexities of how it happened' so that you can spout your usual 'oh you just hate democrats' idiocy. Bill Clinton did it. He was a democrat. Those are the facts. Duh. Buy into the usual democrat blame-relieving obfuscation practices so that you can perch in your 'above the politics' zone like a mindless parrot clamoring for a cookie.

Clinton used the community reinvestment act to start forcing lending institutions to make bad mortgages; and other policies of his admin...some of those 'complexities'.....caused any regulatory and sound lending practice brakes to be released. The resulting ruinous snowball that was created would NOT have been created without Clinton's democrat-style manipulation of private business. It would not have happened without his forcefully sticking government's nose where it doesn't belong in order to achieve his pandering societal goals.

But you're right, I shouldn't blame Clinton alone. I'm sure we're safe pulling Hillary's name out of that hat as well. And does the name Barney Franks ring a bell? He was a democrat, BTW. We could go on with the blame-sharing, but the man with the plan that led us to ruin was president Bill Clinton.
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He and Bush both had a hand in that. There was a lot of financial deregulation during the Bush administration. Clinton set the tone by repealing the Glass-Steagall Act.

But that was more inadvertent. What Reagan did completely changed the American economy from what it had been since FDR.
there were a lot of hands IN it. What matters is which hands caused it. The result may have been inadvertent, but the impetus behind it was anything but.
this will help win votes:

decriminalize cannabis right now, everywhere!
yes, with all the concerns we are currently faced with, let's concentrate on making dope-smoking completely legal. Because just being winked at isn't enough to save us but giving sanction to potheads certainly will.