OOTB's Political Thread . ..

After birth abortion... that doesn't even make sense. That's like an after-sex orgasm. Maybe they're disposing of the afterbirth, itself? I think I see another exaggeration.
I assume you mean the one you just posted. Exaggeration, I mean. Or was it a lie?

Can’t speak for “the squad” whoever the fuk you think that I s but for me: After birth abortion, cutting the dicks off kindergarteners, communism, outlawing Christianity, canceling Christmas, seizing all guns, and banning repubs from voting.
you just exaggerated. Should I shit my pants now or wait until strummer exaggerates again?
Sure. The left likes to call the right "racist" yet the left is the one that has built their entire platform on racial identity.

The left likes to say that the right is going to end democracy yet it is the left that has stepped outside of the democratic process for their candidate.

The left likes to call the right fascist yet it is the left that has called for censorship and oppressive measures against those that do not subscribe to the left's ideology.

The left likes to call the right weird yet it is the left that supports and promotes deviant ideology and lifestyles and believes such falsehoods like "men can get pregnant". the idea that men can get pregnant not "weird"?

The left likes to insinuate the right is no friend of the middle class yet the good majority of the ruling class elites are on the left.

Should I go on?
Damn you're good, every sentence was a lie. Trump would be proud.
I have to say that Harris is doing much better than I expected. I'm not sure if this is just momentum from people being excited about Biden not running or if they are actually happy it's her. I figured Trump had it in the bag, because she's a bad choice, but it's looking like that's not the case. I think Trump's biggest mistake so far was to waste the shooting. He's done a bad job milking that for the independent voters.
Harris's running mate is helping her a lot.
your problem my friend, and that of your fellow anti-Trumpers, is that your ill-founded hatred prevents you from seeing the difference between a relatively harmless lie by exaggeration, and a lie intended and concocted to deceive.

I have never had much trouble questioning speech containing exaggeration and I have no trouble accepting it as a characteristic that the speaker has. Usually it's just a call for personal acceptance. It troubles me not one bit unless the exaggeration is so intense that it's off-putting, That only makes me want to stop listening; it doesn't cloud my judgement about the speakers ability to function and do good work.

I also have never had any trouble knowing when someone is deceptively telling outright lies or more subtly twisting the truth to gain some advantage. I have no trouble understanding that Trump's 'lies' are so easily dismissed that they have no effect on the rational person's perception of him as a leader. On the other hand I know that one side of the coin is constantly lying insidiously in order to deceive and gain an upper hand. THOSE liars are the ones we need to be wary of. They are the ones you can't trust, because their words mean nothing. With Trump, you discard the obvious bullshit and what remains can be taken to heart (for the most part).

It's so ironic that those opposed to Trump portray him as Hitler, while they are the ones encouraging and succumbing to the lies of those actually behaving like Hitler and using Hitler tactics. That ain't Trump. Lying in that manner is habitual with the leftists. Wake the F up.
God man, get to the point if you have one.
assuming you are posting in reference to my take on exaggeration, here is what I actually said...

If it is knowingly not the truth, it is a lie. Period. I said a lie by exaggeration is not the same as a lie devised in order to completely deceive.
You are full of shit and that's no exaggeration . What is an exaggeration but an attempt to deceive?
Damn you're good, every sentence was a lie. Trump would be proud.

It’s a lie because some old man on a message board said so? I don’t think so Phillip.

Instead, refute them one-by-one. Let’s hear you explain them all away.
I’m lmao at y’all’s panic and have been all day. In that way I’m way ahead of everyone in enjoying my weekend.
You're doing it again, "y'all's panic", and confusing posts from others. I showed no panic, express or implied. I simply didn't appreciate you being factually wrong and trying to cover that by calling me a liar. Have a great weekend. Hope everyone's weather improves from that mess that came through.
That's probably for the best. People who have decided that, no matter what, they are a "conservative", and also have some intellect and education, are much better off NOT listening to what he says. The amount of cover necessary for his bullshit would be too exhausting.
Truth is, whether it's Trump, Kacula, Obama, Clinton, or Ronnie Raygun, I can't take too much from any of them. And, that's fully admitting that there are some great speakers there. It all gets too exhausting.
Yepp panic. Lots of panic. Panic and anger and hand wringing.


I have to say that Harris is doing much better than I expected. I'm not sure if this is just momentum from people being excited about Biden not running or if they are actually happy it's her. I figured Trump had it in the bag, because she's a bad choice, but it's looking like that's not the case. I think Trump's biggest mistake so far was to waste the shooting. He's done a bad job milking that for the independent voters.
I don't know that she's doing better than I expected, at least initially. What they are doing is bloody brilliant. Whether they will be able to keep it up and not get exposed is a different question. It is a short window of time from a campaign perspective. Election, and especially early voting is really soon.
That's what the former governor of Virginia was talking about. You probably didn't follow because most people just call it murder.
I don't follow it because 1) I can't get pregnant, and B) I've had this discussion. Who in the hell is carrying a pregnancy to term, enduring the pain of pregnancy, then seeing her newborn child and going "Nah, just kill it!" And, the medical staff that just assisted in the delivery is compliant... "Okay! Nurse, please toss this healthy new baby in the pile for disposal."
I think Trump's biggest mistake so far was to waste the shooting. He's done a bad job milking that for the independent voters.
I too think he regrets it which might explain why he claimed during yesterday's presser that he had another near-death experience in a helicopter with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. Willie's reaction is priceless, especially at the 2:08 mark:
I don't know that she's doing better than I expected, at least initially. What they are doing is bloody brilliant. Whether they will be able to keep it up and not get exposed is a different question. It is a short window of time from a campaign perspective. Election, and especially early voting is really soon.
Letting Trump be Trump is the best thing they can do. The reason Trump was doing so well earlier this year is because of the trial and gag order. His ego won't allow him to recognize that his mouth gets him in more trouble than anything.
maybe it's to keep them locked in. No different than keeping customers of a business.

A common complaint of mind-changers is 'he seems to have forgotten about us'. Of course, we're talking about the State where Yellowstone Ranch is so maybe you have a point. They send lefties to the railway station.
Yeah, because Trump will win California if Harris goes there twice instead of 5 times. No candidate is going to lose those types of states.
Truth is, whether it's Trump, Kacula, Obama, Clinton, or Ronnie Raygun, I can't take too much from any of them. And, that's fully admitting that there are some great speakers there. It all gets too exhausting.
I believe that Donald Trump is actually just SAYING OUT LOUD what a lot of American political minds might be thinking, but never dare say it. Now, some people think that's what makes him so endearing. That's fine. The problem is, he says EVERYTHING that pops in his brain. He has no filter. And, a person in that role absolutely needs to know when to keep their mouth shut. He doesn't have that ability... ever. He shows his hole-cards high. All you have to do is praise him, say what he likes to hear, and he'll be your best friend, he'll share anything and everything. He trusts anyone that strokes his ego. That's flat-out dangerous in a president.

That's why Howard Stern could get him to be so candid when Trump came on his show. Stern is a lot like DJT. But, Stern knew that if you play to his weaknesses, if you make him feel royal, he will open up and give you everything you ask.
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I too think he regrets it which might explain why he claimed during yesterday's presser that he had another near-death experience in a helicopter with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown. Willie's reaction is priceless, especially at the 2:08 mark:
Yeah... that story about the helicopter surprised me. The story about the guy from SF... who died back in 2005!!!... was also another foot-in-mouth... exaggeration.
Which rallies have you been to? And while we are at it what are kameltoes policy's? She hasn't been asked, not on her website, all she's done is recycled the same rally speeches over and over.
now that she's unburdened by what has been, she's focusing on what can be. Speaking of prophetic...deep, too, way horseshit.

I present what some here are masturbationg over, your potential next president.