OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Hey, remember when Kackula was all tough talk and giving smack to Donald because he was gonna not do the ABC debate agreed to with Biden? Now, she won't do the debate that had been scheduled for Fox before she became the Queen. This campaign speech hasn't aged all that well has it?

What are thousands more dead women, children, fathers, etc. if it means he has a better chance of repairing his narcissistic ego by winning the election..

The reporting is. . . . You guys are just sad.

The reality is that Israel accepted the proposal. Hamas has rejected it. And Blinken has left with nothing. Are you suggesting that Trump is pro-Hamas?
She had ZERO power at the border and was never “put in charge”. Total bullshit. She was told to help with the diplomatic relations with the Central American countries involved in their citizens migrating. She boosted aid to the top three countries involved and traveled there to discourage people making the trip. She failed in that respect annd deserves criticism in that regard. Obviously anyways it was way too little way too late to do anything but that blame falls on biden and dept of homeland security.
wrongo. I'm afraid you have succumbed to revisionist history. The dems want to make it sound like the characterization of Harris as 'border czar' is a recent republican campaign tactic, and if you search for the fact of the matter, you'll find most outlets agreeing that Harris was only responsible for the 'root causes' of migration to the U.S., and not INto the U.S.

But keep digging and you find items from that time and not yet in danger of charges of failure which have to be obscured. Here you go. It should be plain if you listen to it closely and in her own words as well as Biden's, that she was given responsibility for the illegal immigration problem in entirety....enforcing the law and addressing the root cause thing.

border czar Kamal
wrongo. I'm afraid you have succumbed to revisionist history. The dems want to make it sound like the characterization of Harris as 'border czar' is a recent republican campaign tactic, and if you search for the fact of the matter, you'll find most outlets agreeing that Harris was only responsible for the 'root causes' of migration to the U.S., and not INto the U.S.

But keep digging and you find items from that time and not yet in danger of charges of failure which have to be obscured. Here you go. It should be plain if you listen to it closely and in her own words as well as Biden's, that she was given responsibility for the illegal immigration problem in entirety....enforcing the law and addressing the root cause thing.

border czar Kamal
The bottom line boils down to this: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris negotiated a bipartisan border deal and Donald Trump killed it for political gain. Now Trump's self-serving act is coming back to bite him, and deservedly so.
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The bottom line boils down to this: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris negotiated a bipartisan border deal and Donald Trump killed it for political gain. Now Trump's self-serving act is coming back to bite him, and deservedly so.
You love proving how partisanly stupid you can be. Just because it was labeled a "bipartisan border deal" coming out of the Senate, does not make it a good bill for our border. It's dubious that the small portion of the bill would actually have done ANYTHING for our border. Indeed, there is a good argument that it would have made things worse and only enhanced the problem of the real goal of gaining voters.

This was a funding bill for Ukraine and Israel as well as a bunch of other stuff. I think you even posted one of the breakdowns during one of these previous rounds. So, just stop with the stupid. "The bottom line boils down to this:" it was never a border deal and Kamala never negotiated it. Just stop. We get you are in love. You don't have to do this to prove it.
As sort of a PSA, I wanted to post the following video. Don't let road rage or whatever cloud your thinking. Always stay in your vehicle and drive away from a problem. The only good thing here is that a firearm was not involved. Although, I do admit to having a man crush on the older guy:

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And what power did she have at the border besides being able to make speeches? She literally has a legit record to attack, but it's being ignored. I'm sure she's ok with that, but Trump would be better off making legit arguments instead of talking points for his base.
so are you saying no one had the power to do anything at the border? No one called the shots because no shots could be called and only speeches could be made? C'mon man. Someone is responsible, and she is as responsible as anyone else, and more so than most.

Once again, I call attention to her words when the Biden presidential election campaign was under way. Calling out to the residents of the countries in question, and speaking on behalf of the anticipated new administration, she said 'come, and no one will be turned away'. NO ONE WILL BE TURNED AWAY. And look what happened.

Here's another look at the border czar thing.

The Hill ain't lying
1000% agree. He needs to focus solely on those couple of % points of people still on the fence. Everyone already voting for him ain't moving because of the shining new coin. They are almost all staying home at this point. The only thing that matters are those few undecided, swing voters left in those few swing states.

The old saying was, It's the economy stupid. Trump's saying should be, It's the swing voters stupid.
Not just those voters, but the anybody but Biden voters too. You want to make sure that those dems that were staying home don't get energized to vote for Harris. He's in primary mode when he needs to be in general election mode.
The bottom line boils down to this: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris negotiated a bipartisan border deal and Donald Trump killed it for political gain. Now Trump's self-serving act is coming back to bite him, and deservedly so.
the bottom line is that you and your ilk continue to promulgate the same lie. A lie that was formed just for the political purpose that you're stupidly trying to get away with. Time after time we have shown that the 'border deal' had little to do with our own border and a lot to do with the security of others' borders. THAT is why it was rejected, and yes it is true that Trump stepped in to get republicans to stop being pushed around by the dems two-faced lying political tactics.

Thank you Donald Trump, that is why we support you and that is why this country needs you..
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Just because it was labeled a "bipartisan border deal" coming out of the Senate, does not make it a good bill for our border. This was a funding bill for Ukraine and Israel as well as a bunch of other stuff.
It's okay, at the end of the day Biden enacted an interim executive order and June saw the fewest number of crossings in years. But the kicker is that a lot of Independent voters have a bad taste in their mouth over Trump and his Republican shills and their irresponsibility in killing the bill for their own political gain.

And what do you know about facts and figures regarding the border anyway? Aren't you the knucklehead who tried to argue that high levels of fentanyl come over the border in backpacks when Homeland Security statistics show that nearly all of it is brought over by Americans through legal ports of entry? Your problem is you think you know more than Homeland Security does.
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the bottom line is that you and your ilk continue to promulgate the same lie. A lie that was formed just for the political purpose that you're stupidly trying to get away with. Time after time we have shown that the 'border deal' had little to do with our own border and a lot to do with the security of others' borders. THAT is why it was rejected, and yes it is true that Trump stepped in to get republicans to stop being pushed around by the dems two-faced lying political tactics.

Thank you Donald Trump, that is why we support you and that is why this country needs you..
Spoken like a true cult member. Thank you, Donald Trump, for another blunder that will cost you the election in November.
Spoken like a true cult member. Thank you, Donald Trump, for another blunder that will cost you the election in November.
LMAO. Spoken like a true cult member? You mean I spoke the truth. I notice you couldn't challenge that with truth of your own...because your position is based on a lie.

Trump might have blundered politically by doing the right thing, but that blunder saved us from deceptive dem legislation. Thank you Donald Trump.
Trump might have blundered politically by doing the right thing, but that blunder saved us from deceptive dem legislation. Thank you Donald Trump.
So what you're saying is that all those corrigible Republican members of Congress are too dumb to realize for themselves when they're being played by Democrats and they need Donald Trump to alert them when they are? That's a laugh because Donald Trump is absolutely the dumbest among them.
It's okay, at the end of the day Biden enacted an interim executive order and June saw the fewest number of crossings in years.
funny how this became important enough to enact an executive order not because of the millions of illegals entering the country...obviously that wasn't important or said executive order would have been issued long before....but because the election was approaching. Let me see you explain that one away.

You trying to justify one damn thing Biden/Harris has done regarding the border confirms how retarded your POV is.
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funny how this became important enough to enact an executive order not because of the millions of illegals entering the country...obviously that wasn't important or said executive order would have been issued long before....but because the election was approaching. Let me see you explain that one away.
After you explain how the border crisis that Trump has always said, at least for political reasons, is vitally important, but then by soliciting members of Congress to about-face and vote it down he showed just how unimportant it is to him, after all.
So what you're saying is that all those corrigible Republican members of Congress are too dumb to realize for themselves when they're being played by Democrats so they need Donald Trump to alert them when they are?
no, not too dumb but too weak maybe, to resist dem tactics. Go back and re-read my post # 62210 and you should be able to figure it out from there. You won't of course, or should I say you won't admit that you know about the dems deceitful political gamesmanship that Trump called bullshit on.

Thank you Donald Trump.
wrongo. I'm afraid you have succumbed to revisionist history. The dems want to make it sound like the characterization of Harris as 'border czar' is a recent republican campaign tactic, and if you search for the fact of the matter, you'll find most outlets agreeing that Harris was only responsible for the 'root causes' of migration to the U.S., and not INto the U.S.

But keep digging and you find items from that time and not yet in danger of charges of failure which have to be obscured. Here you go. It should be plain if you listen to it closely and in her own words as well as Biden's, that she was given responsibility for the illegal immigration problem in entirety....enforcing the law and addressing the root cause thing.

border czar Kamal
Well you’ll have to find somewhere else for me to “dig” cause that link does absolutely NOTHING to claim or insinuate she was tasked with the problem “in its entirety”. You’re better than this. There’s plenty reasons to criticize biden admin and her role in the border cluster fuk. But to say she was in charge is just idiotic rw propaganda and a lie.
Well you’ll have to find somewhere else for me to “dig” cause that link does absolutely NOTHING to claim or insinuate she was tasked with the problem “in its entirety”. You’re better than this. There’s plenty reasons to criticize biden admin and her role in the border cluster fuk. But to say she was in charge is just idiotic rw propaganda and a lie.
I figured you would come back with something like this, but I assure that this was a 'good' as I needed to be, I advised to listen closely and to hear her own words. I think you should revisit and take that suggestion to heart if you have any interest in discerning the truth of the matter.

For example, she says that 'we will enforce the law', or words to that effect. Why would she say that if enforcement was not within her purview? There are other indications, but to see them you can't have a closed mind. Open your mind, my friend. She was given the border as her responsibility on two counts; stopping illegal immigration at the border AND, but not limited to, attacking the root causes of people coming to our border.
no, not too dumb but too weak maybe, to resist dem tactics. Go back and re-read my post # 62210 and you should be able to figure it out from there. You won't of course, or should I say you won't admit that you know about the dems deceitful political gamesmanship that Trump called bullshit on.

Thank you Donald Trump.
You're basically saying the same thing as before, that Republicans in Congress are either too stupid or too weak to take care of themselves, and it's up to mighty Donald Trump to come to their rescue and save them. What a steaming load of crap.

The only thing they are afraid of isn't the freedom to make up their own minds but rather facing Trump's wrath and losing votes from their cult-member followers, which is a sorry state of affairs the Republican Party now finds itself in.
After you explain how the border crisis that Trump has always said, at least for political reasons, is vitally important, but then by soliciting members of Congress to about-face and vote it down he showed just how unimportant it is to him, after all.
doubling down on the same lie isn't helping you. You might think you're saving face by doing so, but you're losing your ass in this argument.
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You're basically saying the same thing as before, that Republicans in Congress are either too stupid or too weak to take care of themselves, and it's up to mighty Donald Trump to come to their rescue and save them. What a steaming load of crap.

The only thing they are afraid isn't making up their own minds but rather facing Trump's wrath and losing votes from their cult member followers, which is a sorry state of affairs the Republican Party now finds itself in.
you're just not owning up to what I'm saying. The dems often write legislation which contains what they are actually after but is misleadingly titled such that if republicans go along we end up with a bad bill being passed but if they reject it because of what it contains, they get the bad press based on the kind of deceit that you and your ilk specialize in. The bill in question is a perfect example and it's becoming pretty amusing to see you dance around it.

You can blame this on Trump all you want, and maybe at some point you'll finally realize that that is what I'm happy about.
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I figured you would come back with something like this, but I assure that this was a 'good' as I needed to be, I advised to listen closely and to hear her own words. I think you should revisit and take that suggestion to heart if you have any interest in discerning the truth of the matter.

For example, she says that 'we will enforce the law', or words to that effect. Why would she say that if enforcement was not within her purview? There are other indications, but to see them you can't have a closed mind. Open your mind, my friend. She was given the border as her responsibility on two counts; stopping illegal immigration at the border AND, but not limited to, attacking the root causes of people coming to our border.
I’m just going with the facts as presented when it occurred. She was never given complete authority over the border. If you want to claim she had authorization behind the scenes or something beyond as described, which I concede is absolutely possible, I would need to see proof to believe it as opposed to reading between the lines. I’m def open minded to changing my view if you can provide it. But as it stands, based on what was publicly announced by the biden admin, she was not given control over the border “in its entirety”. If I were involved in the trump campaign I would focus on the legit criticisms of her instead of these ridiculous claims that are so easily debunked. I’m sure maga and others would blindly believe it (hell they believed there were fake crowds at a rally) but I suspect the few undecideds out there who will ultimately decide who wins will put a little effort into verifying what they’re hearing. I believe they already are and that’s partly why she’s rising in the polls. The people that matter ain’t buying the bullshit. But as someone who’s thoroughly enjoying watching these lies blow up in trumps face I have to admit I’m lol.
Lots of polls showing NC a toss-up.

Romney flipped NC from blue by 2 pts in 2012.

2020 NC had the tightest margins of any state.

Will Mark Robinson help NC turn blue this fall? Not bad odds.
I want to know, who's gonna tell [Donald Trump] that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those "black jobs"?
- Michelle Obama, 2024 Democratic National Convention
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I’m just going with the facts as presented when it occurred. She was never given complete authority over the border. If you want to claim she had authorization behind the scenes or something beyond as described, which I concede is absolutely possible, I would need to see proof to believe it as opposed to reading between the lines. I’m def open minded to changing my view if you can provide it. But as it stands, based on what was publicly announced by the biden admin, she was not given control over the border “in its entirety”. If I were involved in the trump campaign I would focus on the legit criticisms of her instead of these ridiculous claims that are so easily debunked. I’m sure maga and others would blindly believe it (hell they believed there were fake crowds at a rally) but I suspect the few undecideds out there who will ultimately decide who wins will put a little effort into verifying what they’re hearing. I believe they already are and that’s partly why she’s rising in the polls. The people that matter ain’t buying the bullshit. But as someone who’s thoroughly enjoying watching these lies blow up in trumps face I have to admit I’m lol.
what Trump would do is one thing, but the present subject is another. I don't know what you mean by 'going with the facts as presented when it occurred.' but I am as well, PLUS I have provided video of the announcement. Biden didn't call her the border czar of course, but it's hard for me to see anyone watching that video come to the conclusion that she wasn't being given responsibility for overseeing the problem of massive immigration at the border, period.

She was being called the border czar back then with no protest from anybody in that camp. The denials only started coming about when no one wanted the border fiasco associated with them.
I guess you're unaware that the Border Act was a bill jointly written by Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and James Lankford (R-OK).
you don't say! This is the kind of creepy shit that you and @blazers thrive on. Stop deflecting and tell me what you know was in the bill.

The bill was a dem bill backed by dems and created by dems in response to political pressure stemming from the situation at the border being so out of control AND it becoming a factor in the upcoming election. We've already mentioned that there was enough republican support to get it passed, and I'll add that plenty of republicans were sympathetic to the Ukraine cause, which is where most of the funds were actually allocated. Why is it supposed to make any difference in what I've said that a republican co-wrote it?

Republicans in general were tempted by any bone thrown to them regarding the border, and that's why many republicans were behind it (in addition to the political extortion I already mentioned). Trump stepped in and said don't do it, don't play into their hands.

Thank you Donald Trump.

And I haven't even mentioned the details of the bill. There were questions regarding if and how the border situation would actually be improved by that bill. That's another dem trick, ambiguity and obscurity.

Nothing here negates anything I said about the bill being typical of the deceptive way dems present many of their bills, and again, this one is a good example. And the inherently disingenuous will ride the deception right into the ground...won't they?

At what point are you going to admit that the bill was deceptively not much about our border? Don't bother with whatever deflective crap you might pull out of your ass as an answer, I already know you won't admit to anything.
you don't say!
Don't pretend that you knew that a Republican senator had something to do with writing the bill. If you had known it you wouldn't have blamed "the dems" for writing legislation that was "misleadingly titled."

You get on this board and engage in arguments with multiple posters at once to the point that you can't get your stories straight or know what the hell you're talking about.
Don't pretend that you knew that a Republican senator had something to do with writing the bill. If you had known it you wouldn't have blamed "the dems" for writing legislation that was "misleadingly titled."

You get on this board and engage in arguments with multiple posters at once to the point that you can't get your stories straight or know what the hell you're talking about.
you're going to try to take me to task for not knowing about the bill, when you have yet to even acknowledge what was in it? GFY. If anyone is ignorant here and if anyone is found guilty of not knowing what they're talking about based on the evidence presented, that would have to be you.

But let me point out that this isn't the first time this bill has been discussed. a point you must have forgotten when you tried once again to suggest that republicans aren't concerned about border security because Trump told them not to be. It was discussed over several different exchanges, starting immediately with the time it was shitcanned, which was exactly when the born liars started trying to claim what you are still trying sell. I might actually have been the first to point out what was in the bill; and in verifying that, I or someone else provided all the details of it. But it was YOUR SIDE who pointed out then that it was bi-partisan and co-written by a republican. You're not breaking new ground here. I not only knew that a republican co-wrote the bill, but I also knew that other republicans worked on it WITH the dems who were the ones behind it. It is ludicrous to try to paint the bill as anything other than a dem bill, although technically it was bi-partisan. It was a dem bill, and regardless of republican input, dems were behind it's purposely misleading title.

You know how to search. Go back and see for yourself.
a point you must have forgotten when you tried once again to suggest that republicans aren't concerned about border security because Trump told them not to be.
And there you have it. When a man who isn't even in office instructs his minions to stand down on something that is supposedly important to them, and they unquestionably obey his order it becomes rather apparent that maybe it wasn't that important to them after all. Which makes it a bit comical when they finger point and try to criticize the current administration for the border situation. It makes you ask whose fault it really is these days?
And there you have it. When a man who isn't even in office instructs his minions to stand down on something that is supposedly important to them, and they unquestionably obey his order it becomes rather apparent that maybe it wasn't that important to them after all. Which makes it a bit comical when they finger point and try to criticize the current administration for the border situation. It makes you ask whose fault it really is these days?
Biden reversed Trump’s “stay in Mexico policy” on day one of his administration. The resulting invasion of illegals rests squarely on his shoulders.
And there you have it. When a man who isn't even in office instructs his minions to stand down on something that is supposedly important to them, and they unquestionably obey his order it becomes rather apparent that maybe it wasn't that important to them after all. Which makes it a bit comical when they finger point and try to criticize the current administration for the border situation. It makes you ask whose fault it really is these days?
That's right, "there you have it." When you show us a bipartisan bill that actually addresses OUR border and not everyone else's that Trump told everyone to shut down, you'll have something. Until then, you can shove the foreign funding border bill where the sun doesn't shine.

The facts are that the numbers where at a certain level. Before the cushion even had a chance to conform to the shape of his butt, Joe signed a series of EO's that basically struck down every Trump policy on the border. Since they were Trump's, they were baaaad. And what happened? Millions upon millions came with record numbers. Now, just before the election, Joe signs some new EO's (apparently in contravention of all those claims about needing congress to fix this) and what's happened? Number have gone down. Hmmm. . . . . . what's the real problem here?
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Not just those voters, but the anybody but Biden voters too. You want to make sure that those dems that were staying home don't get energized to vote for Harris. He's in primary mode when he needs to be in general election mode.
Energized to vote for Harris? She is the most unpopular VP of all time and now the media wants us to believe she is Obama 2.0. Doesn't really matter though, we'll all be dead 10 years ago from climate change anyway.
It's okay, at the end of the day Biden enacted an interim executive order and June saw the fewest number of crossings in years. But the kicker is that a lot of Independent voters have a bad taste in their mouth over Trump and his Republican shills and their irresponsibility in killing the bill for their own political gain.

And what do you know about facts and figures regarding the border anyway? Aren't you the knucklehead who tried to argue that high levels of fentanyl come over the border in backpacks when Homeland Security statistics show that nearly all of it is brought over by Americans through legal ports of entry? Your problem is you think you know more than Homeland Security does.
This administration doesn't know what Homeland Security knows either because they will not talk to them.
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You're basically saying the same thing as before, that Republicans in Congress are either too stupid or too weak to take care of themselves, and it's up to mighty Donald Trump to come to their rescue and save them. What a steaming load of crap.

The only thing they are afraid of isn't the freedom to make up their own minds but rather facing Trump's wrath and losing votes from their cult-member followers, which is a sorry state of affairs the Republican Party now finds itself in.