OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Lots of trump bashing, empty promises, and outright lies. In other words, same as the RNC except substitute biden for trump.

I will say the crowd seemed more enthusiastic than for the rnc’s
Remember all those promises about Biden's corruption and how he was going to be impeached? Repubs have finally given up... no impeachment recommended. Cuz it was bluster. Expensive, performative bluster.
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aaaand.... PA has been called for Harris
Apparently he was trying to make fun of some other politician, but that headline puts the joke on him.

Wait just one second there mister.

You are telling me that there are mainstream media sources that have headlines misrepresenting what happened at the cost of the R candidate??? Who would ever have thought they engage in such manipulations???
Remember all those promises about Biden's corruption and how he was going to be impeached? Repubs have finally given up... no impeachment recommended. Cuz it was bluster. Expensive, performative bluster.

And he's going to literally die any day now so at this point, who cares?
Whoa, when did you people start requiring something to be true? Trump must not have gotten the memo.
where in my post does it suggest that I require anything? It is what it is. When I see a lie I just point it out and when I see the truth I point that out as well.

It's just like I don't require an intelligent reply to my posts, and when I get a dumb one I just point that out.. See what I mean, Dumbo?
Remember all those promises about Biden's corruption and how he was going to be impeached? Repubs have finally given up... no impeachment recommended. Cuz it was bluster. Expensive, performative bluster.
My God. Sometimes you have to see it to believe it. You have balls to say 'it was bluster. Expensive, performative bluster.' after the two political showboat wastes of their time and our money that the dems put on against Trump. It was a matter of practicality that the Biden impeachment went nowhere. Biden is ten times more impeachable than Trump ever was. I can prove that with ten million illegals, just for starters..

HIS JOB is as an executive, and that's to be taken literally. He is supposed to run the country according to applicable law. He willfully failed to do so as spectacularly as any president has ever done.
This line of attack is weird to me. Do you guys know what the VP role is?
evidently it's to support and praise what the president does and then when it's expedient to do so, imply that he didn't do anything right and then lie about how it's all going to change, even though her clearly stated philosophy has been exactly opposite of what she now claims. That about right?
evidently it's to support and praise what the president does and then when it's expedient to do so, imply that he didn't do anything right and then lie about how it's all going to change, even though her clearly stated philosophy has been exactly opposite of what she now claims. That about right?
That's pretty accurate historically speaking. I know Pence, Gore and Biden were the same. I would assume it goes back farther than that.
This line of attack is weird to me. Do you guys know what the VP role is?
I would agree with you on this probably 43, 44 times out of 46, but context always matters.

She's the one who proclaimed that Joe was a raging ball of fire in their private meetings conducting the people's work.

She's the one who insisted that she was the last one in the room when Joe was making his big decisions.

Doesn't she have to own that now?
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yeah, who cares about corruption, draining swamps, accountability, all that.
You act like he's been exonerated and that this was all a big hoax that the system portrayed against him. Seems you're living in opposite world or something. You'll probably even will tell us that Joe wasn't charged for the secret document stuff because he didn't actually do anything wrong there either.
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I haven't read her proposals, so I can't really say much about them.
How would you? I mean, besides things like promoting good over evil, wanting economic prosperity versus poverty, peace versus war, etc.

And before one of the parrots simply cries out, "but what about . . . .", let's remember, they've both had four years of policy track records that are pretty good indicators of their "proposals".
What are thousands more dead women, children, fathers, etc. if it means he has a better chance of repairing his narcissistic ego by winning the election..

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What are thousands more dead women, children, fathers, etc. if it means he has a better chance of repairing his narcissistic ego by winning the election..

I'm perfectly fine with no ceasefire. Let Israel go ahead and do their thing so we don't have to worry about it. Sure they could stop now, but we all know it's just going to start up again next year because that's what happens every time. Let Israel hit them when they are weak.
I would agree with you on this probably 43, 44 times out of 46, but context always matters.

She's the one who proclaimed that Joe was a raging ball of fire in their private meetings conducting the people's work.

She's the one who insisted that she was the last one in the room when Joe was making his big decisions.

Doesn't she have to own that now?
How does any of that give her the power of the president? The only time a VP has any real power is when they are the tiebreaker in a Senate vote. Otherwise they are just there in case the president dies.
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How does any of that give her the power of the president? The only time a VP has any real power is when they are the tiebreaker in a Senate vote. Otherwise they are just there in case the president dies.
She was the tie-breaker in what was one of the worst things to happen just after they took office. The Inflation Multiplier Act