OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Energized to vote for Harris? She is the most unpopular VP of all time and now the media wants us to believe she is Obama 2.0. Doesn't really matter though, we'll all be dead 10 years ago from climate change anyway.
This is the media mindwarp that the homers fall prey to. MRC did a study on the comments from reporters, anchors and other guests on the NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News evening shows since July 21. They found that 84% of the time they were positive for Harris and 89% of the time they were negative for Trump.

They've hated on this guy for 8 years and he's still standing. Only 8 or so weeks ago, she was the most unpopular vp in recent history and considered totally unelectable with terrible positions on anything that the electorate cared about. She's now flipped on everything and gone 31 days without any type of press conference or formal interview. She won't even debate on Fox. Are Americans, a poster or two here aside, really this stupid?
$450,000,000,000 spent on illegals under Biden. Wonder if any of that could have benefited veterans.
I saw that number as an annual amount. Have no idea as to the accuracy. However, spending 5B on a wall was supposedly way too much. Seems like a good relative investment. But walls never work, I mean, it's not like they'd put up a wall around the DNC or the Senate when the dems want them.
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This is the media mindwarp that the homers fall prey to. MRC did a study on the comments from reporters, anchors and other guests on the NBC News, ABC News, and CBS News evening shows since July 21. They found that 84% of the time they were positive for Harris and 89% of the time they were negative for Trump.

They've hated on this guy for 8 years and he's still standing. Only 8 or so weeks ago, she was the most unpopular vp in recent history and considered totally unelectable with terrible positions on anything that the electorate cared about. She's now flipped on everything and gone 31 days without any type of press conference or formal interview. She won't even debate on Fox. Are Americans, a poster or two here aside, really this stupid?
A poster or 2. I can name 3+ now. And yes, Americans are just this stupid. Trump/Vance answer questions from the media every day. And she calls Trump scared? Sheep will keep on sheeping though.
I saw that number as an annual amount. Have no idea as to the accuracy. However, spending 5B on a wall was supposedly way too much. Seems like a good relative investment. But walls never work, I mean, it's not like they'd put up a wall around the DNC or the Senate when the dems want them.
Or Biden's house.
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When you show us a bipartisan bill that actually addresses OUR border and not everyone else's that Trump told everyone to shut down, you'll have something.
Our immigration laws have been weak for years. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to close our open border and give future administrations the effective tools they need to stop the border chaos and protect our nation.
- Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), co-author of the Border Security Package
Our immigration laws have been weak for years. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to close our open border and give future administrations the effective tools they need to stop the border chaos and protect our nation.
- Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), co-author of the Border Security Package
Why did we even need a border bill? According to our Prez and VP the border was/is fine. According to the Dims the border is secure.
what Trump would do is one thing, but the present subject is another. I don't know what you mean by 'going with the facts as presented when it occurred.' but I am as well, PLUS I have provided video of the announcement. Biden didn't call her the border czar of course, but it's hard for me to see anyone watching that video come to the conclusion that she wasn't being given responsibility for overseeing the problem of massive immigration at the border, period.

She was being called the border czar back then with no protest from anybody in that camp. The denials only started coming about when no one wanted the border fiasco associated with them.
Hopefully trump will continue with the accusation . He should work it in one of his unhinged rants right after accusing Harris of faking crowd size and being a communist.

Fwiw what she was given control over she failed in using it to change anything. That’s her record and she deserves criticism for it.
The D's have had the WH for 12 out of the last 16 years. If they had the answer, surely they would have proposed it by now and gotten actual reform passed. And that's not limited to our border.

Your nominee is going to fix what's not been broken the last four years she's been with that whirlwind of energy?
Remember that great job Bidenomics was doing and how both the media and Kamala kept telling everyone how great it is despite what everyone feels in their actual wallets?????

Well, 818,000 supposed jobs just went poof.

But don't worry, that's all Trump's fault just because he's running again.
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Remember that great job Bidenomics was doing and how both the media and Kamala kept telling everyone how great it is despite what everyone feels in their actual wallets?????

Well, 818,000 supposed jobs just went puffff.

But don't worry, that's all Trump's fault just because he's running again.
I poasted that yesterday but crickets...
Border, violence, and the economy are all great but will be fixed day 1.
Remember about 2 1/2 months ago when there was all that talk about Joe needing to replace his VP on the ticket because she was so bad and they were squirming about how to go about it for fear of racism and sexism allegations? How does the press not spontaneously combust?
I saw that number as an annual amount. Have no idea as to the accuracy. However, spending 5B on a wall was supposedly way too much. Seems like a good relative investment. But walls never work, I mean, it's not like they'd put up a wall around the DNC or the Senate when the dems want them.
Dammit man, I know you're smarter than this. Putting up a wall along the entire border to try to stop millions of people who are, for the most part, just looking for a job is not even remotely the same as putting up a small temporary wall to keep people out of a kill zone. Focus on LEGITIMATE criticism. It's out there.
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Dammit man, I know you're smarter than this. Putting up a wall along the entire border to try to stop millions of people who are, for the most part, just looking for a job is not even remotely the same as putting up a small temporary wall to keep people out of a kill zone. Focus on LEGITIMATE criticism. It's out there.

I don't understand this. I don't really give a shit if all the migrants are coming here to give Americans $100 dollar bills. They either should come the right way and we should spend absurd amounts of money to keep them out.

I've suggested more lethal force and never get a response. Is that because y'all think it's cruel? What's the deal?
Dammit man, I know you're smarter than this. Putting up a wall along the entire border to try to stop millions of people who are, for the most part, just looking for a job is not even remotely the same as putting up a small temporary wall to keep people out of a kill zone. Focus on LEGITIMATE criticism. It's out there.

You also keep clamoring for legitimate criticism yet you're yelling in other poasts about how the VP doesn't do anything. Essentially, there is no record to criticize. Sounds like being a deadbeat, do-nothing VP is your recipe for being elected as President.
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The D's have had the WH for 12 out of the last 16 years. If they had the answer, surely they would have proposed it by now and gotten actual reform passed. And that's not limited to our border.

Your nominee is going to fix what's not been broken the last four years she's been with that whirlwind of energy?
No whirlwinds please. They cause cancer and kill whales I heard.
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And there you have it. When a man who isn't even in office instructs his minions to stand down on something that is supposedly important to them, and they unquestionably obey his order it becomes rather apparent that maybe it wasn't that important to them after all. Which makes it a bit comical when they finger point and try to criticize the current administration for the border situation. It makes you ask whose fault it really is these days?
what a surprise! You're trying too hard again. Think what you want to think, who gives shit about an opinion made up in spite of any contrary considerations. You know, like what the border was like before, what happened at the border up until the election was in sight, that kind of thing. What a joke you're advocating here.
Hopefully trump will continue with the accusation . He should work it in one of his unhinged rants right after accusing Harris of faking crowd size and being a communist.

Fwiw what she was given control over she failed in using it to change anything. That’s her record and she deserves criticism for it.
she deserves criticism for failing to do anything but allow the flood of illegals into the country. She owns this fiasco. So far as her 'root cause' mission, I mentioned elsewhere how idiotic it is to try to cure the cause before you handle the effect. Say what you will about Trump, he has what many of us has, common sense enough to know this and act on it.

I have no disagreement with most criticism of how Trump is handling his campaign so far. I said early on it would be a cakewalk back into the WH if he simply and easily focused on issues and solutions and left the person attacks and braggadocio in the closet. It's like he can't help himself.
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I saw that number as an annual amount. Have no idea as to the accuracy. However, spending 5B on a wall was supposedly way too much. Seems like a good relative investment. But walls never work, I mean, it's not like they'd put up a wall around the DNC or the Senate when the dems want them.
don't forget the million we spent putting a security fence around Biden's second home.
I don't understand this. I don't really give a shit if all the migrants are coming here to give Americans $100 dollar bills. They either should come the right way and we should spend absurd amounts of money to keep them out.
You probably don't understand it because that's not what I was discussing. I was talking about the comparison between the purposes of the two walls. It's apples and oranges.

You also keep clamoring for legitimate criticism yet you're yelling in other poasts about how the VP doesn't do anything. Essentially, there is no record to criticize. Sounds like being a deadbeat, do-nothing VP is your recipe for being elected as President.
She held a job where she made actual decisions. She didn't just show up on 2020. That's what Trump should be looking at. Talking about how to pronounce her name and the time he was in a helicopter with a black guy isn't good strategy.
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if Trump doesn't change his strategy, I fear we might end up working together with Kamala Harris....

The trick will be to try to figure out just what the hell we are supposed to be working together on.
what a surprise! You're trying too hard again. Think what you want to think, who gives shit about an opinion made up in spite of any contrary considerations. You know, like what the border was like before, what happened at the border up until the election was in sight, that kind of thing. What a joke you're advocating here.
Oh, I get what you're saying. You're pissed off because the number of illegal border crossings during the Biden presidency increased from the number during the Trump presidency. Yeah?

Kind of like how you were pissed off when the number of illegal border crossings during the Trump presidency increased from the number during the Obama presidency. Of course, I've never heard you gripe about that.
Oh, I get what you're saying. You're pissed off because the number of illegal border crossings during the Biden presidency increased from the number during the Trump presidency. Yeah?

Kind of like how you were pissed off when the number of illegal border crossings during the Trump presidency increased from the number during the Obama presidency. Of course, I've never heard you gripe about that.
trying too hard again. Ten million illegals and half a trillion dinero will back me up on that.

I'm glad you caught on so quickly that all those illegals piss me off. Can't get a thing by you, I guess.
what a bimbo.
it kills me that anyone can see a video like this...and there are a lot more like it...and plan to help make her the president of our country. You know this country has gone to shit politically when no consideration whatsoever is given to how inept the representative of their chosen party is. Trump is an asshole if you want to see it that way, but at least we could feel like someone was actually in charge if he gets elected.
it kills me that anyone can see a video like this...and there are a lot more like it...and plan to help make her the president of our country. You know this country has gone to shit politically when no consideration whatsoever is given to how inept the representative of their chosen party is. Trump is an asshole if you want to see it that way, but at least we could feel like someone was actually in charge if he gets elected.
How do you say you're scared shitless without saying you're scared shitless.
The GOP is between a rock and a hard place. Trump's rallies show that his base love for him to talk shit about everybody , lie, and show his ass, but his advisers have told him if he didn't stick to the issues he was going to lose the election. When he tries to stick to the issues his base gets bored and leave the rallies early.
Oh, I get what you're saying. You're pissed off because the number of illegal border crossings during the Biden presidency increased from the number during the Trump presidency. Yeah?

Kind of like how you were pissed off when the number of illegal border crossings during the Trump presidency increased from the number during the Obama presidency. Of course, I've never heard you gripe about that.
What about the concept that any increase is wrong and one doesn't justify the other? In one of those examples, a president at least tried. In the other, not only did they not try, they encouraged the illegals.
She held a job where she made actual decisions. She didn't just show up on 2020. That's what Trump should be looking at. Talking about how to pronounce her name and the time he was in a helicopter with a black guy isn't good strategy.

Only half of the people who will vote know what she was before VP and absolutely zero care about her record. I’m not disagreeing that Trump should alter his strategy a bit but going after her unknown record for a job no one knows she had or cares the least little bit about ain’t it.

He should hammer her for sounding like a clueless moron in every single speaking engagement she’s had over the last 4 years and he should absolutely tie her to all of Biden’s f*ck ups. He should also continuously call her out for lying to the public about PawPaw’s swiftly declining mental state.

And then he should come up with as many lies as he needs to. Pay Elon to give them tons of visibility. Start a rumor she has a dick, say she murdered people and ran cover for Epstein. And then work on his cheat game. He’s way behind the Dems in connections that enable the cheat. He needs to bolster his cheat options. He’s up against the cheat masters. He needs to understand that and do literally whatever it takes.
What about the concept that any increase is wrong and one doesn't justify the other? In one of those examples, a president at least tried. In the other, not only did they not try, they encouraged the illegals.
not only encouraged them verbally, but physically as well. I didn't copy the link, but I just read a past article about one of our agencies putting objects in place to make it safer...safer, not harder..... for illegals to cross. And they have the balls to claim they've been doing all they can to staunch the flow. Of course that's all that the sheep need to hear so I guess it isn't bad strategery on their part..