OOTB's Political Thread . ..

One of the actresses that day I've known and worked with for a number of years. I know her pretty well and I know for a fact that she's not a Trump supporter. For her at least, reading from a script that was written by a conservative political copywriter was anything but "expressing her views" and completely contradictory to her beliefs.

I added the teleprompter bit because a) it's true and b) because some of you like to insist that reading from a prompter demonstrates deception and chicanery.
So you're a hair and makeup artist, who didn't see this coming?
How in the hell does Kamala say with a straight face that she'll seal the border? Most comical sh!t I've heard. And I'm pretty sure Iran has sent thank you notes to Biden and Harris for sending them all the cash and lifting sanctions so they can afford to support Hamas and Hezbollah.
I added the teleprompter bit because a) it's true and b) because some of you like to insist that reading from a prompter demonstrates deception and chicanery.
As already pointed out, your note regarding this completely misses the point - call us shocked. The distinction is that a teleprompter should only be used when one is performing a script. One reads their "lines" from the teleprompter versus memorizing it. Then, there are times when a person is supposed to speak spontaneously in response to a question or situation. It's this latter situation that is the issue as KH wants to appear as speaking off the cuff, but almost always uses a teleprompter to keep her on script. On those rare occasions when she has been allowed to do so by the campaign, it's word salad city.

No one has a problem with teleprompters. It's the reliance on them that is the issue. And more importantly, it's the use of teleprompters in inappropriate situations and the implied lack of ability to speak without them. And if all you can do is read a script . . . . . .
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