OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What are "rural issues". Alaska has the most land, but population is massively centered within cities. If "rural" refers to higher percentage of people living outside the major population centers, then Vermont and Maine are the two most rural states in the US. (Alaska is 14). Vermont is as blue as it gets. Are Pres going to give a shit about Vermont's "rural" Maple Syrup problems? NOPE, cuz they're just 3 EC, and not a swing state.

So the word rural is meaningless unless it happens to impact one of the 10 swing states. The EC isn't helping small OR less populated states in any direct way. And the "Greater Potential for Election Integrity Concerns" point just proves that cheating only matters in swing states.

So in the end the only argument to keep EC is administrative difficulties (since "cheating" could matter in places other than swing states) and ensuring the executive branch can't impact the overall outcome.

People need to vote first, not land (land which is usually owned by a few wealthy people or corps).

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Do you think the US should offer taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for prisoners and migrants? A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.
Why are we even talking about this? What % of the population is transgendered enough to work thru processes with psychologists enough to get to the point where surgery is even something they want? And then of that tiny subset, how many are prisoners or migrants?
Can we debate something which matters?
I asked the question a few days ago, "who would replace Trump when he is out of the picture". I never got a response but here is one from another forum:

When Trump finally dies, this is the interesting question. Trumpism unearthed a really, really ugly American. One that was better left in their cave. Amazingly (and unfortunately) they’re not crawling back in and it looks like they’re here to stay if you play to their ugliness just right. The republicans have sold their souls and latched on to them because they can actually move the needle. Whomever takes the baton from a dead Trump will likely have to lower themselves to appeal to this ugly American. Because if they don’t, someone will.
Unless you're in a swing state, your vote doesn't count at all.

I'm sure everyone knows their electors. I'm sure everyone is quite certain that they're rational, critical thinking people.
I figured this might be interesting to you and your movement.

under any president, all kinds of shit happens that doesn't fit his/her philosophy. Then again, maybe it does as far as it goes and which might not be indicated by some simplistic blurb. In other words, do you want to try to make us believe that Trump went out of his way, as Kamala Harris boasts about having done, to see that all prisoners who applied could get a taxpayer-paid sex change? Good luck with that stupidity.

I have no problem believing that Trump does not disagree with a prison treating a trans like a trans socially and medically, as long as that means that in reality, and as common sense dictates, any sexual treatment is toward the actual sex and not what the prisoner wishes the sex was.

How desperate are you, to present this kind of nothingburger?
I asked the question a few days ago, "who would replace Trump when he is out of the picture". I never got a response but here is one from another forum:

When Trump finally dies, this is the interesting question. Trumpism unearthed a really, really ugly American. One that was better left in their cave. Amazingly (and unfortunately) they’re not crawling back in and it looks like they’re here to stay if you play to their ugliness just right. The republicans have sold their souls and latched on to them because they can actually move the needle. Whomever takes the baton from a dead Trump will likely have to lower themselves to appeal to this ugly American. Because if they don’t, someone will.
You and WWJD keep harping on the idea or theme that the EC isn't needed to have an impact on the TOM because of other mechanisms. First, what is wrong with the idea of having more than one method of keeping such an evil suppressed? When one fails, another kicks in.
1. It depends on what you give up to have that (dubious) enhancement of the several protections against the tyranny of the majority. You can eliminate drunk driving deaths by eliminating driving. We have good protections vs tyranny of the majority.

2. You have yet to demonstrate that the EC actually acts to reduce the risk of tyranny of the majority.

3. You have yet (unless I missed it) addressed the problem of tyranny of the minority. A better argument can be made that the EC protects the power and interests of the minority. It puts a thumb on the scale in favor of money, property, and private concentrations of power.

4. The EC is a blatant rejection of the concept that each person's vote should have equal value. How do you justify that? Or do you reject that democratic value?
I asked the question a few days ago, "who would replace Trump when he is out of the picture". I never got a response but here is one from another forum:

When Trump finally dies, this is the interesting question. Trumpism unearthed a really, really ugly American. One that was better left in their cave. Amazingly (and unfortunately) they’re not crawling back in and it looks like they’re here to stay if you play to their ugliness just right. The republicans have sold their souls and latched on to them because they can actually move the needle. Whomever takes the baton from a dead Trump will likely have to lower themselves to appeal to this ugly American. Because if they don’t, someone will.
Excellent point.

Just look at the transformation of JD Vance. I might never vote for him, but he's definitely worse now than a few years ago.
Do you think the US should offer taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for prisoners and migrants? A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

Lol. You are talking about maybe .0000000001% of the population.

Compared to electing an incompetent felon rapist for president- I (and all over normal people) simply don't give a phuck about a random one off thing that once happened when trump was president.

The funny thing about the trump marks, they get all bend out of shape over idiotic nonsense that doesn't affect them at all, and at any level; while cheerleadering the most repugnant, lowest form of life, who also was the most incompetent person to ever hold that office.
I asked the question a few days ago, "who would replace Trump when he is out of the picture". I never got a response but here is one from another forum:

When Trump finally dies, this is the interesting question. Trumpism unearthed a really, really ugly American. One that was better left in their cave. Amazingly (and unfortunately) they’re not crawling back in and it looks like they’re here to stay if you play to their ugliness just right. The republicans have sold their souls and latched on to them because they can actually move the needle. Whomever takes the baton from a dead Trump will likely have to lower themselves to appeal to this ugly American. Because if they don’t, someone will.

His whole idea of MAGA- is to revive all of the worse occurrences in American history. Unfortunately, there's still way to many knuckle- dragging, mouth breathers who are easily manipulated because they are just ignorant.
under any president, all kinds of shit happens that doesn't fit his/her philosophy. Then again, maybe it does as far as it goes and which might not be indicated by some simplistic blurb. In other words, do you want to try to make us believe that Trump went out of his way, as Kamala Harris boasts about having done, to see that all prisoners who applied could get a taxpayer-paid sex change? Good luck with that stupidity.

I have no problem believing that Trump does not disagree with a prison treating a trans like a trans socially and medically, as long as that means that in reality, and as common sense dictates, any sexual treatment is toward the actual sex and not what the prisoner wishes the sex was.

How desperate are you, to present this kind of nothingburger?

Glad you agree that trump has spent tens of millions on campaign ads about a "nothingburger". 100% agree with you. Unfortunately, Trump believes in punching down of various classes of people because he believes the majority of his supporters are bigots and racists.

Now, my comment above...I was simply supporting NCtrans' lifestyle choices. Good for him for just being his authentic self.
Why are we even talking about this? What % of the population is transgendered enough to work thru processes with psychologists enough to get to the point where surgery is even something they want? And then of that tiny subset, how many are prisoners or migrants?
Can we debate something which matters?
We're talking about it because Bozo poasted a tweet as some sort of gotcha attempt that the policy was in place during the Trump years as well. I was just asking his opinion on whether he thinks it's good policy or not, which sadly he couldn't even answer.

I agree we should debate something that matters.
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If you were still wondering why little whiney beta Trump is afraid to face Harris again.

I really wonder if YouTube channels like BTC, Pakman, TYT, etc., have really thought this through. If Trump is removed from the American political theater, their content will suffer. I guess there's always something to rail against. But, Trump is the biggest media draw in the history of the United States.
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I really wonder if YouTube channels like BTC, Pakman, TYT, etc., have really thought this through. If Trump is removed from the American political theater, their content will suffer. I guess there's always something to rail against. But, Trump is the biggest media draw in the history of the United States.

Have you heard about Fox? Lol. They crush their ratings complaining about the U.S. being too successful under Biden. The difference, I think BTC would gladly trade his channel in exchange for healthy GOP, run by sane normal people.
Have you heard about Fox? Lol. They crush their ratings complaining about the U.S. being too successful under Biden. The difference, I think BTC would gladly trade his channel in exchange for healthy GOP, run by sane normal people.
Oh, I'm sure they all know how to play to their audiences and be prosperous.

You really think Brian Cohen would remove his livelihood for a "healthy GOP?" Whatever that is? He's got a lot invested in his channel to just give it up.
Oh, I'm sure they all know how to play to their audiences and be prosperous.

You really think Brian Cohen would remove his livelihood for a "healthy GOP?" Whatever that is? He's got a lot invested in his channel to just give it up.

Obviously, I can't speak for him but he has alot of other options to make money.
Lol. You are talking about maybe .0000000001% of the population.

Compared to electing an incompetent felon rapist for president- I (and all over normal people) simply don't give a phuck about a random one off thing that once happened when trump was president.

The funny thing about the trump marks, they get all bend out of shape over idiotic nonsense that doesn't affect them at all, and at any level; while cheerleadering the most repugnant, lowest form of life, who also was the most incompetent person to ever hold that office.

You seem angry. Panicky, even.
Glad you agree that trump has spent tens of millions on campaign ads about a "nothingburger". 100% agree with you. Unfortunately, Trump believes in punching down of various classes of people because he believes the majority of his supporters are bigots and racists.

Now, my comment above...I was simply supporting NCtrans' lifestyle choices. Good for him for just being his authentic self.
nice try, or maybe, learn to read. Take your pick. As I clearly conveyed, the prisoner (and illegal detainee) trans sex change paid for by the taxpayer deal is hardly a nothingburger, and the tweet in question doesn't challenge that notion either. She is obviously seen voicing complete support for this. Intentionally or not, it points out the insanity of Kamala Harris' extreme leftylibness. The nothingburger is noting that 'prisons' supported the care of gender-affirmed prisoners while Trump was in office. Trying to make that seem indicative of anything Trump supports or supported, is just a typical liberal attempt to obfuscate with wordplay, and disingenuously create an issue where none exists. It's so pathetically desperate that when in an attempt to make a mountain out of a molehill, you even have to create the molehill.

But to address your attempted misdirection; to start with, some of us...those of us with sound minds...would rather see money spent on fighting crime than encouraging it by coddling the criminal. But even if you're going to coddle them, go so insanely far as to have the taxpayer pay for their sex change operations? Please clearly indicate if you are or are not in favor of this. If you say no, you're just another lying liberal twerp, because your post clearly indicates that you must be. If you say yes, that affirms that you're just another liberal moron, which has become apparent anyway.

On the other hand, I have to agree that I see too many ads making that particular point, and not enough pointing out some of her many other lunacies. It's a rich field that needs to be more fully exploited.
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That was the worst interview she's done, and that is saying a lot.

Brett thought his job was to be a surrogate for the trump campaign and talk over her answers. His interview would of been fine if he were fact checking something she said- instead he decided to try to talk over her to get his obvious rehearsed Fox talking points in because he knows the majority of his audience (like yourself) lives in an alternative reality devoid of exposure facts.

Imagine if your hero had the mental capacity and intestinal fortitude to go on an opposition propaganda network. Lol. He's such a weak beta cuck he won't even go on 60 Minutes or a debate stage to defend his dementia riddled criminal ass.

Meanwhile, back at Camp Dementia... this clown is attempting to tell you that he's going to raise your taxes, restart inflation and destroy the U.S. economy (again).

He makes this so easy for the Harris campaign.

If you take away his script and teleprompter, he's has no ability to put coherent thoughts together in his dementia riddled brain. WFT is this word salad nonsense?

hey dude, I'm still looking for your answer, from a previous post....are you or are you not in favor of prisoners and illegal detainees getting sex change operations on taxpayer money?
Brett thought his job was to be a surrogate for the trump campaign and talk over her answers. His interview would of been fine if he were fact checking something she said- instead he decided to try to talk over her to get his obvious rehearsed Fox talking points in because he knows the majority of his audience (like yourself) lives in an alternative reality devoid of exposure facts.

Imagine if your hero had the mental capacity and intestinal fortitude to go on an opposition propaganda network. Lol. He's such a weak beta cuck he won't even go on 60 Minutes or a debate stage to defend his dementia riddled criminal ass.

Meanwhile, back at Camp Dementia... this clown is attempting to tell you that he's going to raise your taxes, restart inflation and destroy the U.S. economy (again).

Talking over her answers? LOL, she doesn't answer shit. I'll bet part of her staff got their asses chewed for suggesting she do an actual interview. Guarantee some people are fired after that spectacle.

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