OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I did let you see it. I gave you the video link. Twice. Y'all said nothing to see here and that MAGA was wrong again, when in fact, its the same story of outrage over made up bullshit and then 48 hours later having to walk back the bullshit allegations.
That is not what I said at all; but I am beginning to see that you more want to argue than have a civil discussion, so I am removing myself from any further correspondence with you
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That is not what I said at all; but I am beginning to see that you more want to argue than have a civil discussion, so I am removing myself from any further correspondence with you

Not at all, but if we can't even agree on what the video shows, then what's the point?
So the adults running commentary in the video; they get a pass for getting the mob formed? They weren't really a part of it or what? The one kid cracking his knuckles is the real aggressor? The adult raising his drum and mallet up within a few inches of a kid standing with his hands behind his back; he's all good too?

Clearly the adults escalated this one. We can debate whether or not some kids acted disrespectfully to a confrontational mob of adults, but there's no debate how it got started and how it continued.

Well u make some good points and its true its not fair to judge the kids solely on the shortened video. If you want to say people pushed some buttons to initiate some reactions thats a fair take. But to me it just revealed the true colors of the kids and more notably to me their chaperones (who totally screwed the pooch allowing the kids to be in this). This should never have escalated to this point but that doesnt justify the kids actions. All they did was reinforce the stereotype of maga supporters.
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Here's a guy who tried to objectively summarize the story, and has more footage compiled than I had seen before. He has a lot of different angles and some interesting footage of one of the Native Americans saying some pretty hateful, prejudiced stuff.

After watching some of this I can still say the elder did nothing wrong to deserve what happened to him. Now the people behind him some of them are just as bad as the other side
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This is good and once again this incident perfectly reflects the political climate today.
It gave me a new perspective when I saw one of the Native American protesters telling the white people to go back to Europe, and they were here for "a million years" before. It's evidence of divisiveness all around. I don't think the Covington school kids are the sole culprits as was previously suggested, after seeing this.
Listen to him @truetarheelraider0806

If only someone had warned @prlyles about entering into conversation with me. He would have not been embarrassed for 2+years running and have an extra $100 in his pocket. Poor guy.
So, in a way, you're making money off of the racial divide. Maybe you just need to make more election bets to offset the losses from... wherever you think are losing money from the racial climate.
Not at all, but if we can't even agree on what the video shows, then what's the point?
You wanted me to tell you what I saw; I did; I even gave you minutes that backed up my assessment. I have yet to see an aknowledgment of how this was backed up, and clearly my assessment was. You want me to see it from just your angle I cant do that I tried to be objective. You just didn't like the opinion.
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Well u make some good points and its true its not fair to judge the kids solely on the shortened video. If you want to say people pushed some buttons to initiate some reactions thats a fair take. But to me it just revealed the true colors of the kids and more notably to me their chaperones (who totally screwed the pooch allowing the kids to be in this). This should never have escalated to this point but that doesnt justify the kids actions. All they did was reinforce the stereotype of maga supporters.
Fair enough, that's the take "one-side" of this issue will have. The other side will say it reinforces stereotypes of left-wing activists.
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It gave me a new perspective when I saw one of the Native American protesters telling the white people to go back to Europe, and they were here for "a million years" before. It's evidence of divisiveness all around. I don't think the Covington school kids are the sole culprits as was previously suggested, after seeing this.

But in the end, might makes right. They were divided and faced a technology difference. The same thing happened to the Celts at the hands of the Romans, and I don't ever hear anyone crying about that.
Well u make some good points and its true its not fair to judge the kids solely on the shortened video. If you want to say people pushed some buttons to initiate some reactions thats a fair take. But to me it just revealed the true colors of the kids and more notably to me their chaperones (who totally screwed the pooch allowing the kids to be in this). This should never have escalated to this point but that doesnt justify the kids actions. All they did was reinforce the stereotype of maga supporters.
Not at all, but I looked at it from a cops point of view the guy cracking his knuckles also tenses his jaw and body I know from much experience when this happens it's a sign of aggression; no the idiots doing commentary dont get a pass but neither do the kids and the guy was banging his drum. In a none threatening way. That guy was waiting to be grazed anything to then say he was justified that's why he stood so close and defiantly tried to stare him down. Now the people saying go back to Europe are just as wrong as the kids; in other words entry of blame to go around... still stand by my assessment of the elder though
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But in the end, might makes right. They were divided and faced a technology difference. The same thing happened to the Celts at the hands of the Romans, and I don't ever hear anyone crying about that.
Your cave wife is calling you.
I don't even know what the hell is going on here. I don't get what the big hulabaloo is. We have an American Indian elder with some black dude calling him dad beating a drum while a bunch of WASP kids are dancing around like it's a pep rally. WTF is going on? I don't get it.

Ya, I wanna pick a side and get fired up about something here, but it looks like a big ol nothingburger to me.
Right. I don't really see anything wrong from either side. It's a bunch of high schoolers acting like morons and an Indian doing whatever the hell they do. The biggest issue I have is with the idiot filming it trying to whoop it up as some great societal malady. Get real. Nothing to see here.

Ya, I think it might be the idiot “narrator” running around like Cartman in South Park screaming “Race War!!” that gets people thinking this is a big deal.

If narrated by Bob Ross, people would think it was a nice peaceful afternoon get together.
Just finally caught up to this story and the video...

...why is this news? Some kid was being a snotty kid and messing with some guy. This happens all the time, who cares?

If they weren't wearing those hats this would be a non story. The media wonders why they get called fake news?
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Right. I don't really see anything wrong from either side. It's a bunch of high schoolers acting like morons and an Indian doing whatever the hell they do. The biggest issue I have is with the idiot filming it trying to whoop it up as some great societal malady. Get real. Nothing to see here.

Spot on.
What ever happened to ANTIFA? Did they finally just turn tail and run?

Just finally caught up to this story and the video...

...why is this news? Some kid was being a snotty kid and messing with some guy. This happens all the time, who cares?

If they weren't wearing those hats this would be a non story. The media wonders why they get called fake news?
Yeah... those hats are basically swastikas in a present-day context.
That's just her screaming as I drag her around by the hair.
If "might makes right", then please avoid any future reference to "Liberty", okay? Liberty is a product of evolved intellect. It's a self-awareness that goes beyond "might makes right."

If you are going to justify behavior and actions of society based on "might makes right", then, please, don't use the Liberty argument. Fortunately, you've actually spoken much less about that since your HROT days. You're closer to neo-con area now.
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Not at all, but I looked at it from a cops point of view the guy cracking his knuckles also tenses his jaw and body I know from much experience when this happens it's a sign of aggression;
It's also a sign of nervousness or a response to fear.
no the idiots doing commentary dont get a pass but neither do the kids
But the kids didn't invite them over to be harrassed while they waited for their bus.
and the guy was banging his drum. In a none threatening way. That guy was waiting to be grazed anything to then say he was justified that's why he stood so close and defiantly tried to stare him down.
The kid was already there, the adult walked over to him and raised the drum up to his face. The mallet was being moved within inches of his face. The kid never threatened him once. Im sure you've responded to calls where people got knocked the fug out for doing things much less threatening. I'd say he showed pretty good restraint for a teenager.
Now the people saying go back to Europe are just as wrong as the kids; in other words entry of blame to go around... still stand by my assessment of the elder though
I'd point to my previous replies here and just say none of this ever gets started if adults act like adults.
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If "might makes right", then please avoid any future reference to "Liberty", okay? Liberty is a product of evolved intellect. It's a self-awareness that goes beyond "might makes right."

If you are going to justify behavior and actions of society based on "might makes right", then, please, don't use the Liberty argument. Fortunately, you've actually spoken much less about that since your HROT days. You're closer to neo-con area now.

I didn't justify it. I said that's how real life works. You seem to be okay with might makes right when it comes to things like the Income Tax.
Don't worry, people are well aware what happens when they "enter into conversation with you".

Most of them end up laughing. Its only the morans that end up as the butt of jokes.

(PSA- Lyles, I am aware of the spelling of moron. When you point out that moran is misspelled, you actually make yourself look even more silly and we all laugh even more.)
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Is that not the case? There is a huge segment of the society that perceives those red hats with MAGA as a racist "symbol."

As St. George says: "I leave symbols for symbol-minded." But, it is a reality and it doesn't seem to be going away.

I can say that I have NEVER personally seen anyone in my presence wearing one. And, I live in Trump's wet-dream land. I've never seen a single MAGA hat being worn.