Recruitng class of 2016

JuCo LB on board...
JB Copeland has verbally committed but we have not accepted or seen him yet . suppose to see him next week and will accept commit at that time and he will sign end of December per another site.
JB Copeland has verbally committed but we have not accepted or seen him yet . suppose to see him next week and will accept commit at that time and he will sign end of December per another site.
He was just offered. I doubt we'd do so for a JuCo without knowing he'd be a take.
He was just offered. I doubt we'd do so for a JuCo without knowing he'd be a take.
I would assume the only Juco we would offer is a guy we expect to be on the 2 deep next fall. Otherwise, we are better off signing a guy to develop over 4 or 5 years. And LB is a position that could use a guy added who is 20 or older and ready to hit the field.
And when you are all TX Juco - you can play in any P5 conference. This is the kind of Juco player that Bill Snyder has gotten over the years to make his Ds tough and deep.
Things are trending our way for Myles Dorn and Rontavius Groves commitments could be coming soon.
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Dorn OTE="BeezerHeel, post: 289325, member: 7392"]Good news. just went to Twitter and did a search and saw Pack pride tweeted it as well lol.[/QUOTE]
Pack Pride = oxymoron or just plain moron
WR Philip Patterson who we recruited hard has decommitted from VT and Divine Deablo is also reconsidering (beyond me why these guys would have wanted to go to VT in 1st place vs. UNC) and then there is Rontavius Groves who is trending our way, also a WR. Would we take more than 1 of these guys? Groves seems to be the closest to pulling the trigger.
My 17 year old niece is good friends with DL. I have been on her to put the bug in his ear about UNC for a looong time. She is a Dook fan ( I try not to hold that against her, but damn! ) She told Big Dex that her uncle wants him to go to UNC and he could be the missing piece to the UNC defense. He told her that he has made up his mind where he is going and is just waiting for Dec. 14. That happens to be my birthday, so you know what I asked her next. Yep, to tell Big Dex that this Tar Heel fan only wants one thing for his Bday. lol She said he mentioned he did not like Alabama, but said he is keeping everything a secret. We will see. Not that this is news to take to the bank, but I wanted to share what she told me over Thanksgiving.

Go Heels!!!!!
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Last 6 picks on crystal ball have been for Clemson Including their UNC , UF , Ohio State and FSU insiders.
Lawrence has opted out of the Shrine Bowl game apparently the family thinks the trip from Wake Forest to Spartanburg , S.C. is too much in one day. I thought the kids spent several says there practicing etc.? On other recruiting fronts we are are visiting 2 LB's in D.C. area per another site's premium of which I am not a member , but process of elimination tells me it must be Keith Simms and Aaron Hansford. FSU RB commit Amir Rasul has set an official visit with us..
Another RB? that's interesting. Aren't he and Jordan Brown pretty much the same size (now)?

Prior to Groves committing i could see this, but i'm surprised by it at this point.

How many total scholarships are we going to put into this class?
Yes the players stay in a hotel all week that's paid for by the Shrine Bowl.
WR Philip Patterson who we recruited hard has decommitted from VT and Divine Deablo is also reconsidering (beyond me why these guys would have wanted to go to VT in 1st place vs. UNC) and then there is Rontavius Groves who is trending our way, also a WR. Would we take more than 1 of these guys? Groves seems to be the closest to pulling the trigger.
Top WRs going to VT with Beamer - waste of time. But with Fuente as HC, VT WRs will get plenty of action.
Another RB? that's interesting. Aren't he and Jordan Brown pretty much the same size (now)?

Prior to Groves committing i could see this, but i'm surprised by it at this point.

How many total scholarships are we going to put into this class?
both are listed 5'10" and Rasul is 20 lbs. heavier at 200 list. I think it's far from a done deal and maybe even unlikely and would fall in best available catgory vs. need. We are at 24 and I heard 27-30 from another site. How many are available?
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with the 24, we are looking at 84 guys on scholarship next yr, including all the early departures like Kedrick Davis, all the injuries like Joe Jackson, etc.

Some guys could leave early other reasons (switzer going pro rumors), and obviously more would open it. But if everyone stays healthy, keeps grades up, doesn't xfer then we have room for just one more.
Surely Switzer for all his good in college doesn't think he's ready for the rigors of the NFL?
I think all juniors on this team respect Landon Turner. Turner would have been drafted last year no lower than 5th round. He came back to help the team win and to improve his draft stock. He now will leave as a UNC Great.

All the juniors need to follow the example of Turner. Next year's team can win the ACC and be in the playoffs.

To get back to Switzer - he can be the all time NCAA punt returner for TDs.
Heels have offered 2016 DB and UF commit from Miami Southwest C. J McWilliams. Copeland to visit this weekend. I really thought we might be finished on DB's. I guess we are going to take about 30 commits.....the SEC if you can't beat'em join'em.
We seem to be out of the Dexter Lawrence race according to article , Clemson seems to have taken control but moo remains a threat to keep him in state. moo???? WITF do a lot of these talented linemen have any interest in moo? Do they want to play against FCS schools?
We seem to be out of the Dexter Lawrence race according to article , Clemson seems to have taken control but moo remains a threat to keep him in state. moo???? WITF do a lot of these talented linemen have any interest in moo? Do they want to play against FCS schools?

I would rather Big Dex go to the SEC....Damn Dabo is hotter than a 2 dollar pistol right now....

Any guesses on who we finish with.....
Divine Deablo signed with VT. I still don't understand this one but I figure we lost interest in him when Groves committed.