Your "point" about more guns equals more crime, would be great, if it were true. But it's not.
Harvard study from 2007 recently resurfaced. Published by the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, the studyโs conclusion is contradictory to conventional wisdom about gun violence and understandably received little media attention. Citing data from the Centers of Disease Control, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the UN International Study on Firearms Regulation, the study
concluded, โThe more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.โ
and from the same study:
โWhere firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are highest.โ
The Constitution makes it clear that the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are natural, UNALIENABLE rights, endowed to us by the Creator, and thus are NOT SUBJECT to being taken away by government.