Ted Valentine


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2002
First I'll start by saying if we played defense for 40 minutes the game is ours.

But Valentine has professional issues:
Retweeted Hayes Permar (@DHPIV):

Here's Ted Valentine talking to FSU fans (who, I believe were talking to Roy). Can't tell exactly what he says. Sounds something like
"Hey, we're doing you a favor, big boy, relax....Id like to see you try to get a Final Four banner"

Then, the back turn on Berry:
Joel Berry gets held, which leads to a turnover (easy call to miss in transition, BUT) Ted Valentine then refuses to engage Berry in conversation, literally turning his back to him.

I agree with most fouls called on UNC, I just don't understand lack of ones on Berry when he drives and contact is made. SMH
Yeah this is the bullshit stuff that absolutely can't happen in sport period. Really shameful display in both videos, and in the box score.
@gary-7 ****ing get em.

And I’m not even joking a little bit.

That man needs his ass kicked for the way he turned his back on Joel Berry. Thats the reigning MOP and you can’t even hear him out? (On a legitimate missed call!!!!). I’m hot.
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He didn't say they were doing them a favor. He said the call was in their favor. That was clear when I was watching the game. Not as clear in this clip. But that's what it was.

I don't understand the back-turning thing, though. The clip shows what Berry was presumably upset about. I didn't notice that in real time. Maybe the ref didn't either. But we don't hear the exchange between Berry and the ref.
That is definitely not professional. The video of this needs to be shown to his superiors and action taken. I wish we didn't have to see a lot of the same refs over and over in a season. I think habits can be formed, in our favor and not, that would not happen as much if different refs were used more throughout the year.
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He didn't say they were doing them a favor. He said the call was in their favor. That was clear when I was watching the game. Not as clear in this clip. But that's what it was.

I don't understand the back-turning thing, though. The clip shows what Berry was presumably upset about. I didn't notice that in real time. Maybe the ref didn't either. But we don't hear the exchange between Berry and the ref.
Probably wasn't an exchange to be heard. Berry didn't have the desire to talk to the back of his head.
@gary-7 ****ing get em.

And I’m not even joking a little bit.

That man needs his ass kicked for the way he turned his back on Joel Berry. Thats the reigning MOP and you can’t even hear him out? (On a legitimate missed call!!!!). I’m hot.
I mentioned it in the recap thread. I normally respect Teddy (I usually don't even mind the show-boating). However, I lost a good deal of that respect tonight.
Jay Bilas ripped him a new asshole
It's getting worse for him, as it should.
As for the video mentioned in the OP Teddy's actions followed JB being intentionally grabbed in transition.

And this one referenced in the OP should get him fired.

One wonders if this will be his Karl Hess moment.
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Before tonight I think most would say Ted was on his last leg. After tonight, chop his ****ing leg off and put him out to Pasteur. What a dick. His unprofessionalism was alarming.
Not supporting Valentine, but honestly, at some point they should just end the talk between players and officials, or at very least only allow captains and coaches to talk to the refs. There is entirely too much talk about EVERY foul call and play in basketball these days.
If u ask any good ref, they prefer good, open dialogue during the game among players and coaches as long as it’s respectful. Valentine has lost touch with his role within the game and frankly his ego has been bad for a while, even before this as we’ve seen him do similarly stupid shit against other players/coaches but not us until last night.
Not supporting Valentine, but honestly, at some point they should just end the talk between players and officials, or at very least only allow captains and coaches to talk to the refs. There is entirely too much talk about EVERY foul call and play in basketball these days.
Well, JB is the captain.
And the best refs generally are the ones who maintain a proactive dialogue with the players as the game goes.
@GoNtheDistance nailed it above.
If u ask any good ref, they prefer good, open dialogue during the game among players and coaches as long as it’s respectful. Valentine has lost touch with his role within the game and frankly his ego has been bad for a while, even before this as we’ve seen him do similarly stupid shit against other players/coaches but not us until last night.
There were some sketchy T.V. stories concerning UNC back from in the day and in general Teddy's ego rep was a stigma on him early in his career, but over the years he seemed to have gotten better and I read somewhere his evaluations had gotten pretty sold. Unfortunately the old complaints and traits are rearing their ugly heads, and honestly, last night jumped the shark. As I said above, that was his Karl Hess moment. It's time for him to go.
Valentine is the most pompus and self-absorbed official in the College game, and this is not new to most of us who watched him back when he was calling Big Ten games...He should have been finished years ago, but the ACC needed another Karl Hess, and it looks as though they've found their man...
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Probably wasn't an exchange to be heard. Berry didn't have the desire to talk to the back of his head.
I don't know what was really going on there but I noticed the ref put out his hands in a "stop" motion as Berry came up to him. And then the ref turned his back.

An alternative interpretation (which may or may not be true) is that Berry was coming on so strong that the ref felt he would have to call a T if he allowed it to continue, so he turned his back to avoid having to T up Joel.

Again, I don't really know what happened, but he might have been trying to do Joel a favor.
I don't know what was really going on there but I noticed the ref put out his hands in a "stop" motion as Berry came up to him. And then the ref turned his back.

An alternative interpretation (which may or may not be true) is that Berry was coming on so strong that the ref felt he would have to call a T if he allowed it to continue, so he turned his back to avoid having to T up Joel.

Again, I don't really know what happened, but he might have been trying to do Joel a favor.
That is 1000 miles from being true. That video speaks for itself. If JB had said anything out of line Teddy would've T'd him up. There is no alternative interpretation. It was bush-league and a total diss, as bad in its own way as Stephens staring down Kennedy Meeks and trying to bait him into a T in the '16 title game.
WWJD, watch the tape. Joel was well under control and actually 1) giving the ball to Teddy and 2) likely telling him what everybody in the building and on tv saw, he was being held the whole way up court which led to the turnover.

Teddy has been bad for a while now. He did something similar to K last year or the year before which despite K being the biggest POS on earth, was equally as alarming in terms of how unprofessional he was. As I said earlier, a lot of folks have seen it on full display against others and unfortunately, last night we were on the receiving end of TV Teddy and all his glory.
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Here’s what will happen and you can mark it down. somebody in the league office will put a bug in Teddys ear on how bad it looked and he will reach out to Roy and JB before he officiates our next game. JB and Roy will say hey it’s fine, let’s move on.

What should really happen (but JB is much classier than I in cases like this which is a good thing), is Roy should tell Teddy exactly what his place is in the game and remind him that people are here in person and watching on tv to see these kids, not him. And JB, knowing that he’s been getting hacked and rode like a rented mule all year by opposing guards, should say you know what Teddy, you want to act like a punk, **** you.
Here’s what will happen and you can mark it down. somebody in the league office will put a bug in Teddys ear on how bad it looked and he will reach out to Roy and JB before he officiates our next game. JB and Roy will say hey it’s fine, let’s move on.

What should really happen (but JB is much classier than I in cases like this which is a good thing), is Roy should tell Teddy exactly what his place is in the game and remind him that people are here in person and watching on tv to see these kids, not him. And JB, knowing that he’s been getting hacked and rode like a rented mule all year by opposing guards, should say you know what Teddy, you want to act like a punk, **** you.
And then teddy gives jb a t twice and doesn't call fouls for him. This would be a case of win the battle lose the war
U proved my point true, JB isn’t getting calls anyway, might as well tell Teddy to go ****
WWJD, watch the tape. Joel was well under control and actually 1) giving the ball to Teddy and 2) likely telling him what everybody in the building and on tv saw, he was being held the whole way up court which led to the turnover.

Teddy has been bad for a while now. He did something similar to K last year or the year before which despite K being the biggest POS on earth, was equally as alarming in terms of how unprofessional he was. As I said earlier, a lot of folks have seen it on full display against others and unfortunately, last night we were on the receiving end of TV Teddy and all his glory.
I rewatched it several times.
Given we were at their house, I somewhat expected a lot of calls to be overlooked. I am also not willing to say the refs cost us the game, but they sure as heck hurt us with some of their mess.

I did think there were a couple of bad calls on Theo and him getting his 4th with so much time left killed the momentum we had at the time, though I did think that was the right call. Add to that the fact JB was blatantly held on the play in question and Valentine was looking right at it when it happened, THEN turns his back on JB who is looking to talk in a respectful manner, and I kinda knew things wouldn't go our way with the zebras. I didn't see where JB did anything wrong and guys discuss these things with officials all the time, so I have to agree with the others who say what Valentine did was low class. Heck, even Jay Bilas agreed that was disrespectful as hell. I also noticed more than a few times our guys were visibly frustrated at the calls/no calls. I think they knew it was a stacked deck and I think that affected our play somewhat.

Still, we had a chance to win and while JB and others think he should've kicked it out to Cam, I can't say that would've been the better option. I kinda figured JB would take the shot and would make it. I like our chances either way, but losing like this to a team we should have beaten and having refs clearly part of the problem makes it tough to swallow.

We just need to put it behind us and go beat UVa Saturday.
I rewatched it several times.
I know you're trying to give him a fair shake, but it's very, very clear, brother. Teddy was not just out of line, he was over-the-top out of line.

I've been on all three sides of those situations --- coach, player, ref --- and I've seen some crazy bush-league sh** go down. I'll just sum it up by saying that what he did would be egregious at the HS level, much less on as big a stage as last night. I just re-watched it and am still SMH in amazement and disgust.

Honestly? It reminds me of some stuff I've seen when the opposing coach's cousin (literally) was calling a HS game :eek:.
Agree with a lot of the points above.
Also, Valentine has the time to engage in dialogue with fans during the game, but doesn't have the time to engage with a player, especially the player who is designated as the one to talk to the officials and better yet the one who is going over to talk about a very blatant foul, it is not like he is going to complain about a little touch or something, it was clearly a hold anyway you twist it. I didn't realize his job was to talk to the fans and make sure they understand the call, I guess that was a new rule added.
Joel did absolutely nothing wrong, he went up to him with the ball in a respectable manner, you see this constantly throughout the game and by being able to talk to the refs builds up a trust between the player and the ref leading to a mutual respect from both parties as they know where each is coming from.
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It’s one thing to tell a player you aren’t taking to him and to move along. The over exaggeration of turning his back and then crossing his arms was beyond pathetic. Just watched it again on espn app and it’s worse the more you see it.
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