All true but that's not what this is about, heelman. A difference of opinion is fine and a nice point of discussion. However the tidbits I passed on were reported as I got them, and to say I'm "incorrrect" infers they didn't happen.
Now he's walking back his language... ok whatever... there's still no genuine purpose in going to a rival board with that condescending tone.
As for Carter, some folks on here asked if we still had a chance now that the NOA is done. I put out a query down here in ATL and what I got back was a couple of credible people close to the situation here think that while dook leads, we are still in it. Nothing more, nothing less.
If Roy pulls the upset and gets Carter I'll be pleasantly surprised. dook obviously leads for his services --- but then I don't need any dookie to tell me that. And if Carter does in fact commit to dook that in NO way indicates Roy didn't make a good run. I know, I know... such an abstact concept seems to be beyond the comprehension of some on here, but it is what it is...