OAN network said Black Lives Matters is a farce. So him wearing that shirt is kinda like wearing a shirt that says BLM is a farce, isn't it?
So I understand why any player wouldb pissed off to see their chosen leader/coach representing that shirt. But it is pretty insane how this was handled.
Well, they are sort of a farce, aren’t they? The only black lives they seem to care about are the ones taken by LEO’s, which represents less than one percent of black homicides annually. They don’t appear to give a damn about the other 99%. Dozens of black Americans are killed every week in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, etc... But those lives don’t seem to matter. Why? Because over 90% of those lives are taken by other black Americans, so it doesn’t fit their agenda. Maybe their acronym should be CBLM, Certain Black Lives Matter.
According to the Washington Post, a very liberal paper, over twice as many white Americans were killed by LEO’s in 2019 as black Americans. So the idea that LEO’s are intentionally waging a vendetta to kill black Americans is nonsense. In fact, a LEO is 18.5 times as likely to be killed by a black person than vice versa.
When BLM starts protesting the largely black on black homicidal tidal wave in the United States, I’ll have more respect for them. But their very selective outrage is hypocritical at best.
Look, we all agree that there are bad LEO’s out there. We need reform. But those bad LEO’s represent a small minority of the total number of LEO’s. So let’s not blow these isolated incidents out of proportion. You are many times more likely to be murdered by a person that is not a policeman than one that is. Many, many, many times.
So yes, by all means let’s reform our law enforcement system. But let’s address the underlying issue that is much more prevalent, that of homicides in general. Addressing that will save many, many more lives in general, but black lives in particular.
All lives matter, that includes all black lives, not just a select few.