good point. the separatist passion we'll see to open NFL and possibly college games could be a sign of a larger phenomenon. we saw a sample also recently when armed protesters carved out a chunk of seattle and proclaimed a sovereign state. history buffs know many examples like the USSR where a union of diverse cultures was ripped apart by economic and social forces. the key issue is geography -- does the rebel faction have a land area with borders that can be proclaimed an independent nation? at this point the most prominent separatist movement is african americans. this is not new, in fact the first independent state in africa, liberia, was first settled by many thousands of american blacks seeking their own country, and the capital monrovia is named after the politician james monroe who helped them do it. africa is obviously not an option for the new black nation so perhaps they'd take one or more states in mainland usa. ironically, a majority of blacks live in southern states so that would be the logical demarcation of their new nation. ( speculation: would the federal government send armies to force them back? i doubt it. our first civil war was about slavery, so this time there's no moral or legal justification to kill the rebels just to keep the "union" together. the other ethnic groups you mentioned don't seem to have the same bitterness and political will that blacks do at this time so i doubt they'd follow suit, but i could be wrong.