Wow, Leicester City is dumb


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
I hope they get relegated now. They win the league last year against all odds, and when they come back down to earth this season, they fire their manager. And he ain't just a scrub manager either. He's a world renowned manager in Claudio Ranieri.
I don't know anything about the coach or the situation, but it seems similar to the Florida Panthers this year. They fired their coach for pretty much no reason, when he had been getting the most he can get out of their very average roster (which included an unexpected playoff appearance last year and a reasonable start to this year).

Hopefully Leicester didn't do their guy as dirty as the Panthers did. They fired him on a road trip, didn't let him back on the team plane, and had him figure out his own way home.
They fired him on a road trip, didn't let him back on the team plane, and had him figure out his own way home.

I was once in charge of about 50 of my church's youth on a retreat (big retreat with a couple thousand kids all together) because the Youth Director was sick or something. The last day we had a big get together before heading home and I left one of the girls in Nashville.
I love international soccer. Can't really get into the leagues though in terms of pulling for anyone but I'll watch if they are on, especially when I'm at a Mexican restaurant.