I fear these idiots! Thank God for angels!

These kinds of pastors make me sure that I need to avoid organized religion.

This is the exact thing I am talking about.... these people have the same mindset as the evil minded terrorists... they just don't act on it like the terrorists do. You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!

Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others. I don't know why you guys don't see that!

The reason people like this pastor scare me a little more than a terrorist, is simply because this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking and while they typically do not act on it, every once in a while you get a nut that will and they are right here in our backyards! I was not in any way saying terrorists are not dangerous or anything to scoff at, they are very, very dangerous but in my opinion, so are people like this.
This is the exact thing I am talking about.... these people have the same mindset as the evil minded terrorists... they just don't act on it like the terrorists do. You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!

Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others. I don't know why you guys don't see that!

The reason people like this pastor scare me a little more than a terrorist, is simply because this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking and while they typically do not act on it, every once in a while you get a nut that will and they are right here in our backyards! I was not in any way saying terrorists are not dangerous or anything to scoff at, they are very, very dangerous but in my opinion, so are people like this.

You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!
Probably, but the vast majority of the population would do something illegal if they knew they could get away with it. I’m not saying people would start killing each other left and right, but there are a few people I would like to punch in the face.

Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others. I don't know why you guys don't see that!
Everybody has agreed with you on that, I don't know why you don't see that. The difference is most people on here don’t let some wacko who runs their mouth bother them. It’s easy to ignore evil that is just talking. Hard to ignore evil from a bullet or bomb.

this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking
Um… not really. The WBC has around 50 members that are almost all part of the same family. ISIS alone has several thousand members. I’ll ignore that fact though and address “his way of thinking.” His way of thinking doesn’t include flying planes into buildings, killing children and beheading people because they believe in another religion. I’d rather have people like him as opposed to another Bin Laden.
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Um… not really. The WBC has around 50 members that are almost all part of the same family. I

This was not from WBC though, that's my point, it is all over and not just confined to them and it is getting worse.

But okay, I am finished. We all see our views on it, and you all have made some good points. We're basically screwed either way you look at it really.... but whatever... :) xo
This is the exact thing I am talking about.... these people have the same mindset as the evil minded terrorists... they just don't act on it like the terrorists do. You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!

Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others. I don't know why you guys don't see that!

The reason people like this pastor scare me a little more than a terrorist, is simply because this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking and while they typically do not act on it, every once in a while you get a nut that will and they are right here in our backyards! I was not in any way saying terrorists are not dangerous or anything to scoff at, they are very, very dangerous but in my opinion, so are people like this.
So now you have added mind reader to your skill set?
This was not from WBC though, that's my point, it is all over and not just confined to them and it is getting worse.

But okay, I am finished. We all see our views on it, and you all have made some good points. We're basically screwed either way you look at it really.... but whatever... :) xo
This is the exact thing I am talking about.... these people have the same mindset as the evil minded terrorists... they just don't act on it like the terrorists do. You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!

Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others. I don't know why you guys don't see that!

The reason people like this pastor scare me a little more than a terrorist, is simply because this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking and while they typically do not act on it, every once in a while you get a nut that will and they are right here in our backyards! I was not in any way saying terrorists are not dangerous or anything to scoff at, they are very, very dangerous but in my opinion, so are people like this.
You are like a broken record , beating a dead horse to death etc, etc.
This was not from WBC though, that's my point, it is all over and not just confined to them and it is getting worse.

But okay, I am finished. We all see our views on it, and you all have made some good points. We're basically screwed either way you look at it really.... but whatever... :) xo
its all over and getting worse? I don't see it. The media will search far and wide to show the worst examples of Christian groups. Muslim terrorists takes no searching whatsoever.
its all over and getting worse? I don't see it. The media will search far and wide to show the worst examples of Christian groups. Muslim terrorists takes no searching whatsoever.

I did not say it was getting worse than ISIS, beanhead! Nevermind. I don't think I am able to convey what I am referring to. It's not worth discussing anymore, honestly. :)
This is the exact thing I am talking about.... these people have the same mindset as the evil minded terrorists... they just don't act on it like the terrorists do. You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!

Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others.
This part, I agree with. Although, I believe everyone has peace/love in their soul. And, I also believe everyone has the potential for hatred and fear.

The reason people like this pastor scare me a little more than a terrorist, is simply because this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking
This part, specifically, I don't agree with at all. This may be the catalyst for the conflict in the thread, actually. I don't think that religious extremists in America have anywhere near the same kind of traction or appeal as religious extremists in the Middle East. Not because of the religions, but because of the circumstances in each place being very different. The religions, to me, are quite interchangeable. The conditions and characteristics of the people in the two locations are vastly different.

I posted the video to give more insight on how fervently so-called Christians, in this country, who do benefit from a fairly peaceful environment, are just as eager and jubilant to see people they don't like be murdered. I don't believe their hatred and fear is likely to gain the violent following or popularity as the Middle Eastern Muslim version because those people have basically lived in war zones for a half-century. But, I AM more empathetic to your idea that their mental capacities are alike. Their religion has taught them to hate. And, since they believe their religion is God, they're capable of doing just about anything. That "likelihood" part is a gamble. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw a member of one of these Christian congregations going on a killing spree in a gay club. But, I don't expect it to happen. For the most part, people in this country have it pretty good.
Would you prefer I just stop posting?? I suppose only certain people on here are "cool" enough to post. I think some of the things you guys post are a bit on the ridiculous, immature side, but I don't say a word. If you want me to leave just say so. :)

Don't recall ever saying that, and I'm far from being revered enough to judge anyone's cool points.

Didn't recognize the testiness around here. I just wanted to be loved by all and simply wanted a Like or two. ;)

Carry on...
This was not from WBC though, that's my point, it is all over and not just confined to them and it is getting worse.
I understand that it’s not just confined to them, but it’s not just confined to ISIS either. I mentioned WBC since that’s the group we had been talking about. I don’t think the mindset for either group is getting worse though. It’s so much easier to hear that this stuff is going on in today’s world. I’m sure there were groups like WBC in the early 1900’s, but there was no TV, internet, facebook, twitter, etc. for the story to get out there. You got your news from your local paper and with the exception of national politics they weren’t covering much beyond the local news.
Would you prefer I just stop posting?? I suppose only certain people on here are "cool" enough to post. I think some of the things you guys post are a bit on the ridiculous, immature side, but I don't say a word. If you want me to leave just say so. :)
Well, if you are going to say stupid things like “I don’t eat bacon” then maybe you should leave. :p

This part, specifically, I don't agree with at all.
Wow, you are disagreeing with yourself? ;)
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Well, if you are going to say stupid things like “I don’t eat bacon” then maybe you should leave. :p

Wow, you are disagreeing with yourself? ;)

LOL talk about beating a dead horse! (Heelfan58 said I was doing that)..... it's not just me apparently! besides, i posted some bacon onion rings for you guys on the food is national onion ring day! ;)

and for the 100000000th time, I am not strum! I thought I proved that to someone on here yesterday???
LOL talk about beating a dead horse! (Heelfan58 said I was doing that)..... it's not just me apparently! besides, i posted some bacon onion rings for you guys on the food is national onion ring day! ;)

and for the 100000000th time, I am not strum! I thought I proved that to someone on here yesterday???

Chick - one REALLY thinks you and strum are the same person, but when you react to that assertion, it opens the flood gates. Just a heads up.

As a fellow message board friend, I would discourage posting your FB page openly too. Honestly...lot of creeps lurking. Just b/c the usual folks who post here are probably harmless, you never know who is lurking. Just a little advice. :)
Chick - one REALLY thinks you and strum are the same person, but when you react to that assertion, it opens the flood gates. Just a heads up.

As a fellow message board friend, I would discourage posting your FB page openly too. Honestly...lot of creeps lurking. Just b/c the usual folks who post here are probably harmless, you never know who is lurking. Just a little advice. :)
I noticed that myself. I appreciate her efforts, but she's new here and she's obviously not accustomed to the board's varying levels of real/not real.
LOL talk about beating a dead horse! (Heelfan58 said I was doing that)..... it's not just me apparently! besides, i posted some bacon onion rings for you guys on the food is national onion ring day! ;)

and for the 100000000th time, I am not strum! I thought I proved that to someone on here yesterday???
They're just messing with you

At the end of the day, I think it's safe to say we all want the same result -- we want a safe, prosperous country to live in. Just b/c we disagree on the methodology behind how to accomplish this on a UNC message board, doesn't mean everyone has to resort to self-cannibalism. What's going to happen is going to happen, with or without any of our involvement.
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Chick - one REALLY thinks you and strum are the same person, but when you react to that assertion, it opens the flood gates. Just a heads up.

As a fellow message board friend, I would discourage posting your FB page openly too. Honestly...lot of creeps lurking. Just b/c the usual folks who post here are probably harmless, you never know who is lurking. Just a little advice. :)

Oh I know, you're right. That is why I deleted that post yesterday. I have had some creepers in my time, trust me... online and in person! :(

I am glad you guys are joking about me and strum... it's not nice to insult him that way! haha... that boy seems smart!!!!

From now on if we are genuinely being a-holes and pissed we shall use the :mad: for dummies like me that cannot tell the difference.... maybe we should create our own emoji list... LOL :)

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