OOTB Carolina basketball discussion thread

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Seems like a solid pickup. I'm wondering why the discrepancy in rating though. I think I saw he was #79 on 247 and #21 on ESPN? I guess the wide range is somewhat to be expected since these 2018 kids have only played through their sophomore year in HS so far.

I'm still concerned that we're burning scholarships without picking up bigs. The guys on radar seem to think we can play a 5 guard lineup and I don't have the desire to argue with them.
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I don't follow basketball recruiting that closely, but didn't we just offer him? If so, I'll say I'm pleased to see the doom and gloom about UNC no longer being a desirable destination has been somewhat debunked.

I believe we offered Monday and he accepted Thursday night. I wish everything was a quick turnaround like that. Good or bad.

I know it'll never happen but it'd be nice if the NCAA somehow set a rule that all offers were only good for a month - then they expired. That would add a lot of strategy to the recruiting process - and keep teams from getting strung along for years at a time.
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I don't follow basketball recruiting that closely, but didn't we just offer him? If so, I'll say I'm pleased to see the doom and gloom about UNC no longer being a desirable destination has been somewhat debunked.
I think he was offered earlier this week. He must really want to be a Tar Heel, which is fine by me.
I bet that was a fun google image search for you.
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I'm still concerned that we're burning scholarships without picking up bigs.

That is my concern too. We are handing out offers to guards left and right and it's almost a problem that they are committing like they are. When the 2018-2019 season begins, we will have the following players expecting minutes from the 1 or 2 position.:

Williams (Sr)
Woods (Jr)
BRob (Jr)
Felton (So)
Platek (So)
Leaky (Fr)
White (Fr)

Now, maybe a couple of those guys can play on the wing in the SF spot - Leaky, BRob, maybe Williams. But that's still a lot of minutes to spread around through 3 positions. And frankly, we still need a classic PG. None of the guys listed above are that. And I really love the Weatherspoon kid in the 2017 class.

As far as Bigs go, as it stands right now, we'll have Maye and Bradley on the roster at the opening of the 2018 season and Bradley isn't even a definite if he plays as well as we all hope.
That is my concern too. We are handing out offers to guards left and right and it's almost a problem that they are committing like they are. When the 2018-2019 season begins, we will have the following players expecting minutes from the 1 or 2 position.:

Williams (Sr)
Woods (Jr)
BRob (Jr)
Felton (So)
Platek (So)
Leaky (Fr)
White (Fr)

Now, maybe a couple of those guys can play on the wing in the SF spot - Leaky, BRob, maybe Williams. But that's still a lot of minutes to spread around through 3 positions. And frankly, we still need a classic PG. None of the guys listed above are that. And I really love the Weatherspoon kid in the 2017 class.

As far as Bigs go, as it stands right now, we'll have Maye and Bradley on the roster at the opening of the 2018 season and Bradley isn't even a definite if he plays as well as we all hope.

Ya, it just seems like Roy is overcompensating for not having a pure 2 guard this past year - and has now loaded up on 7 different 2 guards for the next few years. Some of which can play the 1 and some can play the 3, but it seems like they are all natural 2's. Unless we land a big in the 17 class, it looks like we'll have to play a lineup similar to the 05 Illinois team. Stick Bradley at the 5, and then have 4 shooters around him (BRob would seem like the guy that would have to check the opponents PF).

That could definitely work - but its a completely different system than what Roy has been running thus far (and what we know as Carolina basketball).
If that has to happen, that's big time trouble. BRob is a slight 6'5".

Agreed, it's just that he seems to be the biggest of that bunch right? Maybe Leaky will be the biggest, but I think I'd still rather have a more seasoned Junior BRob in there guarding a PF than a freshman Leaky - although who really knows at this juncture without having seen either of them play college ball.

If it becomes a major problem and we need to have Maye get 30+ minutes at PF - then we're A) sacrificing a lot of offense from that position and B) creating a log jam with the 7 guys playing 3 spots.
I don't follow basketball recruiting that closely, but didn't we just offer him? If so, I'll say I'm pleased to see the doom and gloom about UNC no longer being a desirable destination has been somewhat debunked.

At this point, I think we are slowly but surely climbing ourselves out of the cellar.

We may not land everyone we desire in 2017, but we're getting a lot more looks from top guys like Bamba, Washington, Wilkes, Knox, etc.

I think 2018 will be the real bounce back year in terms of recruiting. I feel much better about it than the current class.
I think it was Write-a-Book that posted that nickname . . he seemed pretty pleased with himself that he did so IIRC. LOL

I'm willing to bet that BRob was called BRob long before Dave mentioned it in a poast. But whatever, it's easy so I'm going with it. If anyone can think of a better one, I'm all ears, ...err, eyes.
I think Roy is going to try and play quite a bit with just one big in the coming seasons (obviously the guys playing the four will still need size). Some of the comments by recruits reflect this and I think he sees it as a way to get recruiting back on track. That doesn't mean they don't need more bigs of course. They definitely do.
I think Roy is going to try and play quite a bit with just one big in the coming seasons (obviously the guys playing the four will still need size). Some of the comments by recruits reflect this and I think he sees it as a way to get recruiting back on track. That doesn't mean they don't need more bigs of course. They definitely do.
So do you believe Roy is planning on changing how he runs his offense? Unless we are running, our halfcourt sets are mostly predicated on our bigs. This should change then right? Of course, a shift in our offense would be needed to fit our strengths. It's what good coaches do.
At this point, I think we are slowly but surely climbing ourselves out of the cellar.

We may not land everyone we desire in 2017, but we're getting a lot more looks from top guys like Bamba, Washington, Wilkes, Knox, etc.

I think 2018 will be the real bounce back year in terms of recruiting. I feel much better about it than the current class.
2018 is thin on talent. I do want the Hamilton kid since he is in-state. I believe we have 7 scholarships for 2017 and 2018 combined. We have four commits between the 2 classes already and if we get 2 bigs that will leave only 1 more opening. If my "maff" is right.
Just saw Kennedy Meeks at the Mellow Mushroom in uptown Charlotte. I've got bad news for @UNC71-00. I was hoping KM would order a salad but he got a calzone, which is basically a meat donut.

I would have been disappointed if he had ordered a salad. That would have made me feel guilty about a season of fat jokes, but now I am good to go.
So now that we've been informed that we can impact the college basketball recruiting tides... when are we gonna go over the the dook and UK boards to trash their recruits and therefore get said recruits to not commit there?

Seems like a job for the OOTB faithful
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So now that we've been informed that we can impact the college basketball recruiting tides... when are we gonna go over the the dook and UK boards to trash their recruits and therefore get said recruits to not commit there?

Seems like a job for the OOTB faithful
We'll need to do some planning first. We can't just start bashing recruits out the gate with our current profile. This is not for the weak of heart. The new profile we will need to create must be something duke related in a positive way. We'll also have to build up good will by making at least 100 positive posts about duke and at least 25 negative posts about UNC. Can everyone here handle doing something like that? Does everyone have that kind of discipline?
We'll need to do some planning first. We can't just start bashing recruits out the gate with our current profile. This is not for the weak of heart. The new profile we will need to create must be something duke related in a positive way. We'll also have to build up good will by making at least 100 positive posts about duke and at least 25 negative posts about UNC. Can everyone here handle doing something like that? Does everyone have that kind of discipline?

Is that the cutoff point? 100 positive poasts for a school, and 25 negative ones for the rival school?

After that recruits take the poaster's words as gospel and indicative of the entire program's feelings and won't attend the university if that poaster says something negative about them?

If so.... I'm in.
Is that the cutoff point? 100 positive poasts for a school, and 25 negative ones for the rival school?

After that recruits take the poaster's words as gospel and indicative of the entire program's feelings and won't attend the university if that poaster says something negative about them?

If so.... I'm in.
I just picked those numbers out of thin air. In order to get more accurate numbers will need to consult with someone who has decades of experience in basketball recruiting and has several contacts both inside and outside of the recruiting world. Is their anyone on radar who would say they fit that description? Someone who knows it all and can lead others with their vast knowledge?
I just picked those numbers out of thin air. In order to get more accurate numbers will need to consult with someone who has decades of experience in basketball recruiting and has several contacts both inside and outside of the recruiting world. Is their anyone on radar who would say they fit that description? Someone who knows it all and can lead others with their vast knowledge?
Oooh! Oooh! I know a guy....
I'm wondering how early in the process we have to get in, in order to have the most impact. Like, we can probably still exert our influence on the Carter recruitment, right? He hasn't officially committed even though he's looking like a Duke lock. A little "Carter couldn't get into Harvard" comment over there... and Wendell would have to prove the poaster wrong right?

If we succeed with that, we can probably even flip Giles. I'll make a seemingly innocent "Giles has glass knees" comment under the cover of a Duke fan handle on the Duke boards... and I'd be damned if he doesn't flip to UNC the following week.

Why stop at recruits? We've been informed players get offended by stuff on message boards too. One "Trip Whiplash" joke over there... and Grayson would read it and file his transfer papers the next day!
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Wait a sec- have we changed our minds now and our recruits are good?

This shit is hard to keep up with.
Wait a sec- have we changed our minds now and our recruits are good?

This shit is hard to keep up with.

No, we just came the realization that we can impact where they go to school by what we poast on message boards. We need to embrace our newly found power - and use it to sabotage rival school's recruits.
Lemme guess- Raider is saying that we are the ones keeping Roy from getting the all of the players he recruits.
Lemme guess- Raider is saying that we are the ones keeping Roy from getting the all of the players he recruits.
Here you go.

“Look. You guys can blow it off all you want but the fact is many recruits and/or their parents DO read massage boards. That has been covered and mentioned in interviews for years. Some in fact go so far as to buy lurker subscriptions to premium boards of the schools they are considering. Matter of fact there was a thread on the Auburn premium football board a couple weeks ago where an Asst Coach in an interview discussed that very thing. There have also been cases of provocateur trolls purposely inciting a rival school's fans to trash players and/or recruits.
Recruiting is a high-stakes business. Y'all seriously don't understand how nasty and sometimes petty it gets?”

“Little too simplistic dude! They are saying it is a factor, NOT everything! Why is it so easy to believe that a kid would be narcissistic enough to drop a school for looking at other peeps OR not promising PT, BUT it is hard to believe he would be sensitive to what peeps say about him?

There is no point in debating facts.”


Couple that with the FACT that Kendall Marshall's Dad posted on 4 Corners often. Other recruits and their parents have not been as open as Dennis was but have been there too. Clint Jackson warns folks about this very thing. It DOES happen and quite frequently.

I know some of you love to bash Gary but he is dead right on this one. Carry on.”

“You don't have to believe it, but it goes on quite often. Ty was reading the trash posted about him when he hurt his toe. Meeks was reading the trash about him just last season. These are fine young men who CHOSE to come and play at UNC and deserve some slack from time to time.”

“Yeah, Mike, I forgot to mention that some parents actually do post. I've seen that get very awkward and of course it's a fine line. Parents have to know their kids will get criticized on message boards once they play for a school, and if it's constructive criticism that's one thing, BUT when it crosses over into arbitrary and or unfair personal bashing then that's an issue... and if it's a potential recruit folks need to be careful ASSUMING recruit-X isn't coming here so let's just go ahead and trash him. Ya never know......

As for anybody bashing me, that's their issue not mine”

“Yes, I know for a fact Kennedy read the message board garbage, and Roy was aware of it too (either directly or indirectly) as well as some of the media stuff --- and the way Roy handled it by defending him in public was perfect, and I can tell ya that meant a lot to Kennedy.”

It's amazing that any school can recruit any player. I'm not going to Rupp Rafters given that I'm not sure when I had my last tetanus shot, but I am certain plenty worse has been said about UK every player and coach going back to the 1920s than has ever been said on THI, yet somehow they still manage to get players.

And of course, Raider would tell me that's because they pay their players. On and on it goes.

If you want to play for a top program and you are sensitive to the words of a message board, you probably don't have the nuts to shoot a meaningful free throw in an average conference game, let alone in the final 4

It's amazing that any school can recruit any player. I'm not going to Rupp Rafters given that I'm not sure when I had my last tetanus shot, but I am certain plenty worse has been said about UK every player and coach going back to the 1920s than has ever been said on THI, yet somehow they still manage to get players.

And of course, Raider would tell me that's because they pay their players. On and on it goes.

If you want to play for a top program and you are sensitive to the words of a message board, you probably don't have the nuts to shoot a meaningful free throw in an average conference game, let alone in the final 4

Yeah I saw somebody say that horse shit on THR. Something about how every college pays their players, and Calipari was the one who did it most.

And then of course you have the usual "ESPN and the media has always had ax to grind with us" spiel by gary.
They're all sanctimonious dickheads over there. They give people so much crap if they say anything "critical" of a basketball player, but the few of the guys over there who actually do post on Blitz have zero problem saying critical things of specific football players and have done so plenty of times.

Double standard.

Also, all colleges pay their players lol. It's called stipends.
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