Portal Watch... 2022

Personally I never want a Carolina team to be put in the same situation like the Baylor game where they only had one true ball handler to constantly beat a press. I do not care if Harris and Dunn should be ready to step up and take some minutes or if Thimble as a freshman can wheel and deal I would prefer a point guard on the portal be a priority. Carolina has enough forwards especially if Mando and Leaky come back so there is no need there. Get a guard case closed…
Personally I never want a Carolina team to be put in the same situation like the Baylor game where they only had one true ball handler to constantly beat a press. I do not care if Harris and Dunn should be ready to step up and take some minutes or if Thimble as a freshman can wheel and deal I would prefer a point guard on the portal be a priority. Carolina has enough forwards especially if Mando and Leaky come back so there is no need there. Get a guard case closed…
Try Tremble......................................................
Coach Davis has openly referred to Love leaving after this season, which indicates to me that he’s more like 90% gone.
Ditto for State's Jaylen Gibson. 6'10 220 sophomore. Judging from his stats, he started to come on toward the end of this season in minutes and production.

Here is a good big man option

Verrry intriguing. Looks like just what the doctor ordered, a big who can rebound pass, and score inside and out. Very good hands and great footwork!
Coach Davis has openly referred to Love leaving after this season, which indicates to me that he’s more like 90% gone.
Haven’t heard that. Not saying it isn’t true…, just haven’t heard about it.
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Count me as another that was banned from ZZL in less than 3 days and less than 10 poasts. I was called to the carpet when they had a thread asking "are you vaccinated" and I simply answered "no". You wouldn't believe the onslaught that ensued afterwards. Granted, I wasn't going gently unto the night and I even told a mod he could f*ck himself. But that was only after they allowed the idiot brigade to repeatedly attack me for simply being unvaccinated.

The saddest part of it all though is that Carolina's campus is much closer to that than it is to our own off topic board - OOTB. It's why I wouldn't send either of my kids to Carolina in today's environment even if they had a full ride.
I believe it was postgame but it floored me to hear it...he mentioned him being in the NBA after this year overtly.
I recall the same, I can't tell you when it was or what game it was after, if it was after a game. I can say the expectation is that Love thinks this is his last season with us and he leaves us to enter the NBA. That is in no way a secret, same for Bacot. If either get a draft spot in either round they will take it. My only question is will they get a draft spot, the mock drafts do not seem to think they will but could they earn a spot with good play from here on? The draft does seem to give extra credit when a kid's team marches deep in March and early April. The other question is do they get a "promise" from a NBA team to give them a contract even if they are not drafted, I don't know if they would take that but they would not be the first to do so if they did.
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Count me as another that was banned from ZZL in less than 3 days and less than 10 poasts. I was called to the carpet when they had a thread asking "are you vaccinated" and I simply answered "no". You wouldn't believe the onslaught that ensued afterwards. Granted, I wasn't going gently unto the night and I even told a mod he could f*ck himself. But that was only after they allowed the idiot brigade to repeatedly attack me for simply being unvaccinated.

The saddest part of it all though is that Carolina's campus is much closer to that than it is to our own off topic board - OOTB. It's why I wouldn't send either of my kids to Carolina in today's environment even if they had a full ride.
slinger, I have come to realize that you just can not rationally discuss the topics of Race, Religion, or Politics on a message board, there is just to much passion on either side of arguments, it is near impossible to hold a civil discussion, they are fights waiting to happen. Discussions of these topics are extremely hard to hold face to face without degrading in to a screaming match because neither side seems to care about considering something they do not already believe, no matter how much proof of the contrary you share, it is in 1 ear and out the other, they can not as much as consider there is a chance in a million that they may not be right.

FYI, I am not vaccinated, I will not be vaccinated, it is a real line in the sand for me. I do not care if it is Donald Trump or Joe Biden telling me I need to get that shot, it is not going to happen. For the record I am a 64yr old white conservative man (that BTW learned the difference between a man and a woman at a early age and was never confused with which bathroom I should use, that still does not understand why a statue offends people). I do not like people being placed in to categories based on race or gender, I believe all should be treated the same. I believe that all people that are not American citizens should be allowed to become citizens and that we have laws that allow for that but if you are in this country illegally you are breaking the law and as such should be deposited outside of the borders of this country and not allowed back. I love this country, I believe this country is to be seen by it's citizens as a glowing example of what a free people can do when given the chance. I do believe that our history has marks on it that were not right, that should not ever have been, I believe this country had done a lot to erase the mistakes of our past and will continue to want ALL PEOPLE TO BE TREATED THE SAME NO MATTER COLOR OF YOUR SKIN, RELIGIOUSE PREFERENCE, SEXUAL PREFERENCE, OR GENDER. I do believe there are forces at work looking to take this wonderful country down and I do rage against that. I believe that if you believe one race should be elevated above any other race, that the life of 1 race is more important than the life of another, you are not truly American and as such I invite you to leave this wonderful country. Finally, I do not trust politicians at all, they all lie, term limits should have been in place many many years ago, wish they were included in the original constitution, along with the abolishment of slavery. I believe Covid nonsense, Global warming (or have they now changed that to climate control), and our last election are all BS, they are money and power grabs and on some level we all realize this, admit it or not!

Can you imagine me trying to get in to a discussion about all that on a message board and things NOT get heated? LOL
slinger, I have come to realize that you just can not rationally discuss the topics of Race, Religion, or Politics on a message board, there is just to much passion on either side of arguments, it is near impossible to hold a civil discussion, they are fights waiting to happen. Discussions of these topics are extremely hard to hold face to face without degrading in to a screaming match because neither side seems to care about considering something they do not already believe, no matter how much proof of the contrary you share, it is in 1 ear and out the other, they can not as much as consider there is a chance in a million that they may not be right.

FYI, I am not vaccinated, I will not be vaccinated, it is a real line in the sand for me. I do not care if it is Donald Trump or Joe Biden telling me I need to get that shot, it is not going to happen. For the record I am a 64yr old white conservative man (that BTW learned the difference between a man and a woman at a early age and was never confused with which bathroom I should use, that still does not understand why a statue offends people). I do not like people being placed in to categories based on race or gender, I believe all should be treated the same. I believe that all people that are not American citizens should be allowed to become citizens and that we have laws that allow for that but if you are in this country illegally you are breaking the law and as such should be deposited outside of the borders of this country and not allowed back. I love this country, I believe this country is to be seen by it's citizens as a glowing example of what a free people can do when given the chance. I do believe that our history has marks on it that were not right, that should not ever have been, I believe this country had done a lot to erase the mistakes of our past and will continue to want ALL PEOPLE TO BE TREATED THE SAME NO MATTER COLOR OF YOUR SKIN, RELIGIOUSE PREFERENCE, SEXUAL PREFERENCE, OR GENDER. I do believe there are forces at work looking to take this wonderful country down and I do rage against that. I believe that if you believe one race should be elevated above any other race, that the life of 1 race is more important than the life of another, you are not truly American and as such I invite you to leave this wonderful country. Finally, I do not trust politicians at all, they all lie, term limits should have been in place many many years ago, wish they were included in the original constitution, along with the abolishment of slavery. I believe Covid nonsense, Global warming (or have they now changed that to climate control), and our last election are all BS, they are money and power grabs and on some level we all realize this, admit it or not!

Can you imagine me trying to get in to a discussion about all that on a message board and things NOT get heated? LOL

I don’t even care about the rational discussion. Just make it so it’s no holds barred like OOTB and I can take care of myself. They let idiot liberals run amok and then ban conservative poasters. I can’t abide that. I contacted the senior writer over there (Buck maybe?) and told him to get that place in check. Never heard back. Screw that place. I hope it goes under.
So are we still watching the portal??? lol! I can't help but feel somewhat responsible for derailing this interesting thread and for that I apologize!

I believe the Portal will explode with peeps after this weekend since we will be down to 4 teams! I am hoping that our staff is so busy planning how to beat their FF opponent, they have no time to even check the Portal!
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Kristian Lander, who I believe we were after out of high school has entered the portal from Indiana.

He was very highly touted in high school, but he reclassified and did not look physically ready last year. He struggled again this year. Couple years of eligibility left, will be interesting where he goes. I do not think UNC will be a suitor this time around though.
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I was banned due to being a conservative on the ZZL politics board. Only those wearing a button up shirt with a pocket protector that lean far left are allowed for the long term.

Absolutely! I got banned for political views. I sent a message to Ben and he said he stood behind his mods. So **** them, **** Ben, **** SnoopRob, **** UNCChris2001, **** Altmin, **** UNC1012, **** Vojak, but most of all, **** TOS.
It is amazing how intolerant the Left is now a days. They just project all their intolerance, bigotry, racism and every other terrible thing onto Conservatives and Anyone who DARES to disagree with them. Then they act all sanctimonious and holier than thou and actually believe they are the smartest people in the room. Arrogance personified. PATHEIC and sadly way too common in all levels of society.
slinger, I have come to realize that you just can not rationally discuss the topics of Race, Religion, or Politics on a message board, there is just to much passion on either side of arguments, it is near impossible to hold a civil discussion, they are fights waiting to happen. Discussions of these topics are extremely hard to hold face to face without degrading in to a screaming match because neither side seems to care about considering something they do not already believe, no matter how much proof of the contrary you share, it is in 1 ear and out the other, they can not as much as consider there is a chance in a million that they may not be right.

FYI, I am not vaccinated, I will not be vaccinated, it is a real line in the sand for me. I do not care if it is Donald Trump or Joe Biden telling me I need to get that shot, it is not going to happen. For the record I am a 64yr old white conservative man (that BTW learned the difference between a man and a woman at a early age and was never confused with which bathroom I should use, that still does not understand why a statue offends people). I do not like people being placed in to categories based on race or gender, I believe all should be treated the same. I believe that all people that are not American citizens should be allowed to become citizens and that we have laws that allow for that but if you are in this country illegally you are breaking the law and as such should be deposited outside of the borders of this country and not allowed back. I love this country, I believe this country is to be seen by it's citizens as a glowing example of what a free people can do when given the chance. I do believe that our history has marks on it that were not right, that should not ever have been, I believe this country had done a lot to erase the mistakes of our past and will continue to want ALL PEOPLE TO BE TREATED THE SAME NO MATTER COLOR OF YOUR SKIN, RELIGIOUSE PREFERENCE, SEXUAL PREFERENCE, OR GENDER. I do believe there are forces at work looking to take this wonderful country down and I do rage against that. I believe that if you believe one race should be elevated above any other race, that the life of 1 race is more important than the life of another, you are not truly American and as such I invite you to leave this wonderful country. Finally, I do not trust politicians at all, they all lie, term limits should have been in place many many years ago, wish they were included in the original constitution, along with the abolishment of slavery. I believe Covid nonsense, Global warming (or have they now changed that to climate control), and our last election are all BS, they are money and power grabs and on some level we all realize this, admit it or not!

Can you imagine me trying to get in to a discussion about all that on a message board and things NOT get heated? LOL
We have a tremendous amount in common, DSouthr. By the way, why do some refer to it as TOS? I've always called it IC. I was a poster there for years, but it has devolved rapidly since 247 took it over. Kind of sad, actually.
Absolutely! I got banned for political views. I sent a message to Ben and he said he stood behind his mods. So **** them, **** Ben, **** SnoopRob, **** UNCChris2001, **** Altmin, **** UNC1012, **** Vojak, but most of all, **** TOS.

I would not be surprised to hear that group of mods get together once a week to watch videos of George Soros and fondle each other.
We have a tremendous amount in common, DSouthr. By the way, why do some refer to it as TOS? I've always called it IC. I was a poster there for years, but it has devolved rapidly since 247 took it over. Kind of sad, actually.

TOS.. stands for the other site... better than advertising the name on here. By the way.. Mods on here are 1.5 million times better. For example this thread has gotten off topic.. other board that could be a suspension.
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TOS.. stands for the other site... better than advertising the name on here. By the way.. Mods on here are 1.5 million times better. For example this thread has gotten off topic.. other board that could be a suspension.

or banned. The mods over there are on a power trip. Rarely a warning, just an immediate ban. Its like a literal circle jerk. They love to gang up on conservatives, make accusations and when you say something against them or against libs in general, you're gone.

Again, fuhk them and fuhk whoever likes them.
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or banned. The mods over there are on a power trip. Rarely a warning, just an immediate ban. Its like a literal circle jerk. They love to gang up on conservatives, make accusations and when you say something against them or against libs in general, you're gone.

Again, fuhk them and fuhk whoever likes them.

A good time to share my story, short version. Thread was about the white woman using the N word at a restaurant I think in Raleigh. I agreed it was wrong and added that the word should not be used by anyone. Libs responded and said blacks can use that word because of the way they have been treated. I said if the word was that bad no one should use it. Several more chimed in and said blacks own that word now and only they have a right to use it. After some back and forth I offered one final question. "Would it be ok for a white person to use the N word if they identified as black?"

I was banned.
The political speak is getting a little over the top don't you think? Can we go back to basketball? I am trying not to engage but the idea that "intolerance" is a liberal notion is patently ridiculous! It is a failure in humans and has no political leanings!

There is a reason we don't talk politics on here and it is because we are trying to be a Family that supports the Heels!

BTW: I agree with almost everything else that was said about TOS! (I got banned w/o even mentioning politics)
TOS.. stands for the other site... better than advertising the name on here. By the way.. Mods on here are 1.5 million times better. For example this thread has gotten off topic.. other board that could be a suspension.
Ahh, OK. Makes sense. I was excommunicated from TOS because I was defending myself against personal attacks......and my views lie on the wrong side for them. It's like Twitter and Facebook. All lefties all the time.
The political speak is getting a little over the top don't you think? Can we go back to basketball? I am trying not to engage but the idea that "intolerance" is a liberal notion is patently ridiculous! It is a failure in humans and has no political leanings!

There is a reason we don't talk politics on here and it is because we are trying to be a Family that supports the Heels!

BTW: I agree with almost everything else that was said about TOS! (I got banned w/o even mentioning politics)
Intolerance isn't a liberal notion, but liberals are far and away the least tolerant people you will find. They're only tolerant of those with whom they agree, yet they fancy themselves as wonderful, open-minded, tolerant souls when nothing could be further from the truth. OK..........back to hoops!
The political speak is getting a little over the top don't you think? Can we go back to basketball? I am trying not to engage but the idea that "intolerance" is a liberal notion is patently ridiculous! It is a failure in humans and has no political leanings!

There is a reason we don't talk politics on here and it is because we are trying to be a Family that supports the Heels!

BTW: I agree with almost everything else that was said about TOS! (I got banned w/o even mentioning politics)
You are right my friend, I should not have allowed myself to get in to that political tone, it isn't what this board is for. And I do agree, plenty of intolerance on the right and left, it does bother me that one side does scream how they are very tolerant but seems both sides are only tolerant of what is said that supports their views. Politicians want to separate us but there is really little difference between politicians no matter if they claim to be GOP or Dems, all they care about is getting reelected, they do not give 1 single crap about we the people! If the politicians and race baiters would get out of the way we could actually "all be as one"...

As I have said before, politically I think TP and I see things a good bit different but that man is welcome in my home any time, I consider him my friend and that is more important than politics or sports or really most any thing else. Good people are just good people no matter if they do not always agree, the respect stays in place.
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Any time you paint whole groups with a broad brush, you are in danger of being the thing you hate! Beware of the demon THEY and you can avoid these pitfalls!

Now...I can go back to hoops!
Love that, "Any time you paint whole groups with a broad brush, you are in danger of being the thing you hate! ", spot on, we are all individuals, not to be placed in this column or than column, I am in my own damn column! LOL
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We have a tremendous amount in common, DSouthr. By the way, why do some refer to it as TOS? I've always called it IC. I was a poster there for years, but it has devolved rapidly since 247 took it over. Kind of sad, actually.
I have not nor will I judge you as a person simply because I disagreed with you concerning Hubert and the job he has done. I just disagreed with your position and I am just built to say what I think and do the best I can to justify what I think and why I think as I do. It is important to me that folks really understand why I believe as I do, they do not have to agree with me if I believe they understand it completely, I am fine with agreeing to disagree.
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Not mens related but women had a fantastic player inter the portal today. She would be a senior so I guess she could have 2 more years to play. We could certainly use a player with her skills. Wonder if CB is looking at the portal too.

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Kristian Lander, who I believe we were after out of high school has entered the portal from Indiana.

He was very highly touted in high school, but he reclassified and did not look physically ready last year. He struggled again this year. Couple years of eligibility left, will be interesting where he goes. I do not think UNC will be a suitor this time around though.
He’s horrible. 5* my ass. Barely saw the court, at least in the IU games I saw. He screwed up reclassifying. IU fans hated him due to how bad he was.