OOTB's Political Thread . ..
- By bluetoe
- Out of the Blue
- 69036 Replies
you are being laughably stupid and disingenuous. What claim did I not back up? Seriously, you want to take me to task for not backing up my claims, which is absolutely untrue? Then let's see you back this claim of yours up. Demonstrate your claim that I made a claim that I didn't back up, fraud..What I expected, based on your posting record, is that you were spewing nonsense that you couldn't back up. But sometimes people step up and I learn something I didn't know.
That didn't happen this time. Instead you just wasted your time NOT providing evidence of your claim. AGAIN.
You asked @gunslingerdick for a link that made the tweet a lie. I didn't say it was or was not a lie, I ridiculed you for asking for a link making a lie of what shouldn't have been taken seriously to begin with, and which, as I said, practically refuted itself. I pointed out that the videographer/narrator was implying something that the video did not demonstrate, and his tweet represented 'republicans against Trump'. What fool would give that any credence at all?
And that was when you laughably tried to deny trying to catch someone not backing up a claim and said you were only trying to learn more.
I then called you a fraud, and now you're doubling down on being exactly that. Like I said, at least try to not be so transparent. And back up your claim, fraud. I await your lying response, because I know you won't admit being the fraud you are..