
Mar 6, 2004
Congrats to Duke. Made big shots to come back late. Was frustrating to see so many clock operator errors, all of which seemed to favor Duke. Effectively gave K extra time outs late. Watch the tape and you will see more than the two the officials stopped play to fix.
What is this about the tenth or twelfth clock issue at that hell hole in the last three or four years??? Funny how the issues always seem to favor dook isnt it??
Funny I bring this up to dook fans and they say I'm tarnishing the game by bringing it up. hell it happened 3 freaking times.
No excuses unc is garbage duke owns them march 7th duke will win by double digits but its all good uva will win the acc and uk will win it all all duke gets to do is brag that they beat a mediocore unc team
Typical dook bush league BS.
That, and the hold by Winslow when Jones was driving. Freaking blatant. Okafor just slammed into Meeks with his shoulder again.
How many times can one place have clock problems before the ACC steps in. I am sure Duke players were told to hold on that final play as K knew the refs would not make a call. Earlier this year, there was a non call in the NC State / Wake game and the league came out and set it was wrong.

It is time for the ACC to show some integrity and come out and say what everyone already knows, the wrong calls were made and UNC got hosed. Although, I truly believe the league has it out for UNC due to the so far unpunished "scandal".

That game was a joke. I don't believe ACC officials are incompetent, they know exactly what they are doing. How could they not.
Originally posted by broncos007:
No excuses unc is garbage duke owns them march 7th duke will win by double digits but its all good uva will win the acc and uk will win it all all duke gets to do is brag that they beat a mediocore unc team
Moron of the morning.
Originally posted by ROYANDDEAN:
Originally posted by broncos007:
No excuses unc is garbage duke owns them march 7th duke will win by double digits but its all good uva will win the acc and uk will win it all all duke gets to do is brag that they beat a mediocore unc team
Moron of the morning.
You are underestimating the moronness of the poster - he is one of the all time greats, and not defined by such a limited timeframe.
I believe any time an official time out is taken for whatever reason, the team on the floor must go to the opposite end of the court from their bench. Last night was blatant screw ups by game clock operator in an effort to get dook an additional TO and to try to ice the FT shooter.
I don't think there was anything shady about it. I just think the operator is incompetent. It has happened enough at this point that he should probably be replaced though. Honestly, the ACC should provide these sort of people for everyone.

It is odd that it happens only when it favors Duke. No doubt about that. Oddly enough, even UNC hater Carter caught the convenience of it and tweeted about it. The bottom line is whoever runs their clock should be gone. It isn't a difficult job and incompetence wouldn't be accepted if it hurt Duke (K would guarantee that) so it shouldn't be accepted here either.

Honestly, the solution would be so easy. Just get an impartial person from the league doing the job, don't allow the coaches to meet with players during the break, and place a time limit on it. Too logical and reasonable to ever happen.

This post was edited on 2/20 12:00 AM by coryfly
Isn't it obvious to everyone by now that the morons in the ACC office (Swofford included) don't give a shit about poor officiating or clock operation? Anybody hear anything else about the moo clock issue? Ever hear about officials being reprimanded for mishandling situations? The ACC FB supervisor of officials retired , now if we can just get the BB supervisor to also retire.
Funny how there were ZERO clock issues when dook still had time outs and that none of the issues happened when dook players were at the line.
I get refs missing or making game changing calls that seem to favor a team, but I'm a fan. What is unacceptable is the degree to which a clock operator, who is not an employee of the NCAA or ACC, having the ability to either with bias or not, to affect the flow of the game. The Dook guy has been abysmal with at least 7 miscues recently. It forces the officials to stop gameplay.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Bubspub88:
Funny how there were ZERO clock issues when dook still had time outs and that none of the issues happened when dook players were at the line.
Exactly. It only happens when dook is out of time outs, and it only happens when it's to their advantage. It only happens in late game situations. AND IT ONLY HAPPENS IN CAMERON. How many times does it have to occur before it becomes a topic of discussion. They received at least 2 unofficial timeouts to set up strategy when they should not have. Funny how the clock works just fine for the first half and almost all of the second half, and with dook down late, all of a sudden the clock doesn't work right.

I will say it- it's a clearly intentional strategy. I think K has told the operators to do this in late game situations if he is out of timeouts. It is an attempt to cheat, plain and simple. I am not afraid to call it what it is- a slimy move by a slimy coach.

They need to make a rule that the teams CANNOT conference with the coaching staff during these reviews. Neutral corners, if you will.
Originally posted by DeanFor President:

Originally posted by Bubspub88:
Funny how there were ZERO clock issues when dook still had time outs and that none of the issues happened when dook players were at the line.
Exactly. It only happens when dook is out of time outs, and it only happens when it's to their advantage. It only happens in late game situations. AND IT ONLY HAPPENS IN CAMERON. How many times does it have to occur before it becomes a topic of discussion. They received at least 2 unofficial timeouts to set up strategy when they should not have. Funny how the clock works just fine for the first half and almost all of the second half, and with dook down late, all of a sudden the clock doesn't work right.

I will say it- it's a clearly intentional strategy. I think K has told the operators to do this in late game situations if he is out of timeouts. It is an attempt to cheat, plain and simple. I am not afraid to call it what it is- a slimy move by a slimy coach.

They need to make a rule that the teams CANNOT conference with the coaching staff during these reviews. Neutral corners, if you will.
100% agree. K is about unethical as it comes. Teaching flopping and the famous Duke kick out when shooting 3s. He also has his players push opposing players when they are setting screens and holding players to allow game tying shots. Those players were order to do that. Does the ACC look the other way. Yes, because Swofford and the ACC are a complete joke and need to go. New rules need to be put in place. Technical fouls need to be issued.
i find it crazy that the clock operators aren't official referee types. Are they really volunteers?