
So we’ve had 175+M Americans vaccinated, plus tens of millions of Americans that have already had the virus and have built natural immunity. Right? So that would put us conservatively in herd immunity territory.

And let’s not get this twisted here. Im not anti vaccine here, I’ve been vaccinated. The over extension of the government to get into private institutions and use the Dept of Labor to enforce fines/lay offs if you don’t get a jab, that is totalitarianism at its core.
No we are not at herd immunity

I don’t support vaccine mandates from the govt. so why is it you think there’s a push to get people vaxxed?
No we are not at herd immunity

I don’t support vaccine mandates from the govt. so why is it you think there’s a push to get people vaxxed?
Did you read that entire write up from the Mayo Clinic? It’s quite detailed and informative. By their own metrics, they’re basing herd immunity on combinations of vaccinated and natural immunity. Much like I did. They say 70% is when it is reached and mentioned that 31M Americans have recovered from the virus (thus natural immunity). That number is “known” and admittedly wildly low. But let’s just pretend it’s only 31. Add in 175M and growing number of people who’ve been vaccinated and you’re at 206M which is 62-63% of the population. Factor in that 50M kids under 12 aren’t even allowed to get it and you’re well over 70%- herd immunity. But for the sake of being as cautious as possible, let’s use the 62% number. Are you telling me that we need to go bat shit crazy with mandates, threats to businesses and livelihoods for the 8% that we need to get to herd immunity?

The whole point is we are going freaking nuts with the overreach of the government. Do I think people should get vaccinated? YES, data is pretty clear that they are effective in helping lessen the severity with respect to variants. Do I think we need to threaten peoples livelihoods and careers if they choose, for any variety of reasons they may have, if they don’t get one? Hard no.
This response is almost as moronic as the original post. It’s so dumb that I am not even sure how to respond.

So let’s start here. Answer a simple question. If the vaccines are effective as they tell you they are, and I’m vaccinated, why do you care what someone else does?
Tell that to the nurse who has to treat 10x the number of patients and is working 20 hour shifts because the demand for care of the unvaxed is so high.
Tell that to the nurse who has to treat 10x the number of patients and is working 20 hour shifts because the demand for care of the unvaxed is so high.
So what you're saying is going to nursing school would be a good career move for HS grads.
Tell that to the nurse who has to treat 10x the number of patients and is working 20 hour shifts because the demand for care of the unvaxed is so high.
That’s like saying the firemen are complaining that it’s too hot. Nurses chose to go into that profession, no one forced them to become nurses. And that sob story is A. Temporary and 2. Not even close to being the case everywhere and D. There were a ton of layoffs of healthcare workers because all they were treating was covid and now we have a shortage. Both in terms of healthcare workers and facilities which could not keep the lights on.
That’s like saying the firemen are complaining that it’s too hot. Nurses chose to go into that profession, no one forced them to become nurses. And that sob story is A. Temporary and 2. Not even close to being the case everywhere and D. There were a ton of layoffs of healthcare workers because all they were treating was covid and now we have a shortage. Both in terms of healthcare workers and facilities which could not keep the lights on.
That’s just false.

The firefighter analogy is just off. If idiots were purposely starting forest fires, then yep, firefighters would be complaining. Rightfully so.

Second, nurses didn’t sign up for this shit. You sound like a f-nig tool when you say that.

Third, those layoffs were when numbers went down. Now, 20 hour shifts. I know 2 nurses, they are absolutely worn out from this shit.

Fourth, making shit ass excuses and comments like yours when there is a way to stop overcrowded hospitals is absolutely retarded.

I think you’re a gigantic pussy for being afraid of a vaccine.
That’s just false.

The firefighter analogy is just off. If idiots were purposely starting forest fires, then yep, firefighters would be complaining. Rightfully so.

Second, nurses didn’t sign up for this shit. You sound like a f-nig tool when you say that.

Third, those layoffs were when numbers went down. Now, 20 hour shifts. I know 2 nurses, they are absolutely worn out from this shit.

Fourth, making shit ass excuses and comments like yours when there is a way to stop overcrowded hospitals is absolutely retarded.

I think you’re a gigantic pussy for being afraid of a vaccine.
Whatever way is the most difficult, by far, that's the way that the United States is going to go. That's how they'll do it every single time.
That’s just false.

The firefighter analogy is just off. If idiots were purposely starting forest fires, then yep, firefighters would be complaining. Rightfully so.

Second, nurses didn’t sign up for this shit. You sound like a f-nig tool when you say that.

Third, those layoffs were when numbers went down. Now, 20 hour shifts. I know 2 nurses, they are absolutely worn out from this shit.

Fourth, making shit ass excuses and comments like yours when there is a way to stop overcrowded hospitals is absolutely retarded.

I think you’re a gigantic pussy for being afraid of a vaccine.
“I know two nurses who have it rough” so I’m an expert. That’s always my favorite. But, Yeah I’m the idiot. How dare I suggest that people make their own decisions on what’s best for them. Nah let’s just call them all pussies! That’ll show them! So tough dude! Just shut up and comply! What if I’ve already had covid? SHUT UP and get the jab! What if I have a religious reason? Shut up and get the jab pussy! What if I have a bunch of any other viable reasons or concerns? Shut up and comply! Save the kids!

let’s ask Tony what we should do if we’ve already had covid. What’s that? You’re not sure? Interesting.

Show me the data on these hospitalizations of children that are overrunning hospitals. Explain to me what long covid is and how it develops. Explain to me how you avoid long covid. In order to avoid potentially developing “long covid” symptoms, you’d have to avoid getting covid period. Do you get a less severe case of covid if you contract it from someone that is vaccinated vs someone who isn’t? Show me that data. Because your suggestion here would surely imply that being vaccinated would cure “long covid” and keep our precious children (the least at risk group in the universe to this virus) out of hospitals. However, the fact is that you can spread and contract covid just as easily whether you’re vaccinated or not.

So tell me again. Why did you bring up children.
Not "cure", prevent. Gawd you're dim. You didn't go to dook, just a fan, got it.

Fact: Vaccinated folks spread less.
So more vaxx = less spread = less chance of kids getting covid.
Less kids getting covid = less kids getting long covid OR winding up in pediatric ICU = more normalcy
Imagine all those idiots who got smallpox and polio vaccines. They're so stupid. They gave up all those freedoms just to get rid of diseases that we really could use right now.
Did you read that entire write up from the Mayo Clinic? It’s quite detailed and informative. By their own metrics, they’re basing herd immunity on combinations of vaccinated and natural immunity. Much like I did. They say 70% is when it is reached and mentioned that 31M Americans have recovered from the virus (thus natural immunity). That number is “known” and admittedly wildly low. But let’s just pretend it’s only 31. Add in 175M and growing number of people who’ve been vaccinated and you’re at 206M which is 62-63% of the population. Factor in that 50M kids under 12 aren’t even allowed to get it and you’re well over 70%- herd immunity. But for the sake of being as cautious as possible, let’s use the 62% number. Are you telling me that we need to go bat shit crazy with mandates, threats to businesses and livelihoods for the 8% that we need to get to herd immunity?

The whole point is we are going freaking nuts with the overreach of the government. Do I think people should get vaccinated? YES, data is pretty clear that they are effective in helping lessen the severity with respect to variants. Do I think we need to threaten peoples livelihoods and careers if they choose, for any variety of reasons they may have, if they don’t get one? Hard no.
I’ve told you three times I don’t support mandates. Meanwhile I’ve asked you three times why you think the medical community is pushing for vaccines and you still refuse to answer. You asked me why I care if people get vaxxed and my answer is I want herd immunity. You claim it’s already achieved but that’s not true.
Imagine all those idiots who got smallpox and polio vaccines. They're so stupid. They gave up all those freedoms so they got rid of diseases that we really could use right now.
What percentage of people actually got the vaccine when it first came out? And was the vaccine emergency use or was it something that had a normal time frame? Not sure if that was something the government approved back then, so that second question may be a n/a.
What percentage of people actually got the vaccine when it first came out? And was the vaccine emergency use or was it something that had a normal time frame? Not sure if that was something the government approved back then, so that second question may be a n/a.
I really don't know. I'm just saying I don't think there was this kind of resistance. But then again, we're talking about americans, so if it's possible then it's probably likely. I'm sure there was just as much resistance to polio and smallpox vaccines. I guess really my point is that I don't think the polio and smallpox vaccines turned out to be so horrible for the human species. I guess you could argue that polio and smallpox were worse than covid-19. But, I don't guess the dead people are going to get some some kind of postmortem medal because one was worse than the other.
The Mayo Clinic article
Seems skeptical as well
With all of these variants, I'm wondering if covid-19 is what is actually out there now. It's mutated so many times. Of course I'm not an epidemiologist.

What concerns me the most, are the other ailments and treatments that people are having to wait for, or even postpone and delay for extended periods, because of this covid attention. If being vaccinated would minimize these hospitalizations, dramatically, then I think everyone should get vaccinated. But I'm not for a mandate, I just think they should. It should be pretty obvious why it would benefit everyone. But what's obvious to me may not be obvious to another person, I accept that.
But, I don't guess the dead people are going to get some some kind of postmortem METAL

“I know two nurses who have it rough” so I’m an expert. That’s always my favorite. But, Yeah I’m the idiot. How dare I suggest that people make their own decisions on what’s best for them. Nah let’s just call them all pussies! That’ll show them! So tough dude! Just shut up and comply! What if I’ve already had covid? SHUT UP and get the jab! What if I have a religious reason? Shut up and get the jab pussy! What if I have a bunch of any other viable reasons or concerns? Shut up and comply! Save the kids!

let’s ask Tony what we should do if we’ve already had covid. What’s that? You’re not sure? Interesting.

Pussy says what
Help me out here...if the vax protects you from getting it, then why do you need herd immunity? Who and why are we waiting on? Why can't vaxxed people be happy to be protected and leave unvaxxed people to either die or live rolling the dice?

Unless you don't believe the vax works...
Kinda the point I'm getting to. By now, people have made up their mind. Usually changes when it hits hard close to home. I am for letting all restriction drop when all kids are eligible for Vax.

It's important to be vague about who "they" are, and who "we" are. Not to mention "fighting to" some imaginary place. That's gotta make South Carolinians feel warm and fuzzy. That's up there with "Kingdom Come."

I believe I saw it in a clip from the Stephen Colbert show that 75% of American adults have at least one shot of the vaccines

One of these kids is doing his own thing,
One of these kids is not the same.
One of these kids is doing his own thing,
Now it’s time to play our game,
It’s time to play our game.

It's important to be vague about who "they" are, and who "we" are. Not to mention "fighting to" some imaginary place. That's gotta make South Carolinians feel warm and fuzzy. That's up there with "Kingdom Come."

he is a fukking dumbass…it appears as though he really wants to win again in this state, so he’s going all-in.
he is a fukking dumbass…it appears as though he really wants to win again in this state, so he’s going all-in.
Pander to the evangelical base! I dunno why. It's not like they're going to vote for anyone else. He just needs to make sure they don't die from Covid. I think the Gates Of Hell are somewhere near Orangeburg, maybe Pelion. No.... Kingstree!

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Pander to the evangelical base! I dunno why. It's not like they're going to vote for anyone else. He just needs to make sure they don't die from Covid. I think the Gates Of Hell are somewhere near Orangeburg, maybe Pelion. No.... Kingstree!

Orangeburg-Wilkinson HS was in my HS's region. Played football and baseball there a couple of times. If there is a hell, that place isn't far from it.
“I know two nurses who have it rough” so I’m an expert. That’s always my favorite. But, Yeah I’m the idiot. How dare I suggest that people make their own decisions on what’s best for them. Nah let’s just call them all pussies! That’ll show them! So tough dude! Just shut up and comply! What if I’ve already had covid? SHUT UP and get the jab! What if I have a religious reason? Shut up and get the jab pussy! What if I have a bunch of any other viable reasons or concerns? Shut up and comply! Save the kids!
Don’t want the shot? Fine, that’s your right and I support it but don’t expect to have the same amount of freedom as people who have taken the vaccine have. Flying, eating in restaurant, going To sporting events, etc.
Don’t want the shot? Fine, that’s your right and I support it but don’t expect to have the same amount of freedom as people who have taken the vaccine have. Flying, eating in restaurant, going To sporting events, etc.
Allison Williams, long time ESPN sideline reporter. Declined the vaccine at this time after consultation with her physicians because she and her husband are trying to have more children. She left/lost her job because of it. You think that’s fair? She’s making a decision with consultation from her doctor, for a pretty understandable reason. But I’m sure she’s an asshole and pos for having the audacity to break with the groupthink we’ve developed.
Allison Williams, long time ESPN sideline reporter. Declined the vaccine at this time after consultation with her physicians because she and her husband are trying to have more children. She left/lost her job because of it. You think that’s fair? She’s making a decision with consultation from her doctor, for a pretty understandable reason. But I’m sure she’s an asshole and pos for having the audacity to break with the groupthink we’ve developed.
While I don’t support govt mandates I do support a business deciding what policies they will enforce regarding covid. Would it be fair to the employees to Exempt another employee from the policy just for claiming they’re trying to have kids?

still waiting to hear your answer as to why you think the medical establishment is pushing for the vaccine.
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Allison Williams, long time ESPN sideline reporter. Declined the vaccine at this time after consultation with her physicians because she and her husband are trying to have more children. She left/lost her job because of it. You think that’s fair? She’s making a decision with consultation from her doctor, for a pretty understandable reason. But I’m sure she’s an asshole and pos for having the audacity to break with the groupthink we’ve developed.

Fox has had vaccine mandates for employees (Tucker, Hannity, all of them have taken it) too, for quite awhile.

How many people have lost jobs due to the pandemic?

The answer isn't to feel bad for Allison or Tucker, but to tamp down the pandemic as much as possible.
I wonder how this might change the way companies decide to treat work from home issues. Meaning, if an employee can really work from home, is the company going to just let them continue to work from home instead of paying for weekly test? Seems like it would be easier to just let the employee work from home instead of having to spend that money and go through the hassle of testing every week. Would they just fire the employee? That's not an efficient way to run a business, but it is definitely an option.

Speaking of work from home, does anyone know if the requirement is just for employees that work in an office? Seems like work from home would be exempt, but I haven't heard anything about it.

The rule hasn't been published yet but that will likely be an issue that comes up. OSHA has traditionally regulated conduct 'in' the workplace.
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While I don’t support govt mandates I do support a business deciding what policies they will enforce regarding covid. Would it be fair to the employees to Exempt another employee from the policy just for claiming they’re trying to have kids?

still waiting to hear your answer as to why you think the medical establishment is pushing for the vaccine.
actually, yes I do believe that on a written recommendation from a personal care physician, exceptions should be made. After all, isn't that what we keep hearing, to discuss it with your doctor and proceed accordingly? I believe as much in a private concern's right to dictate employee requirements, as I do in a private concern's right to be free of having those requirements dictated by the government. This is a little different, because the reality is that even in so-called right-to-work States, employers have to cross those tees and dot those i's very narrowly in order to avoid having some contention found for the employee. To me, a case like this practically reeks of politics over common sense and care for the well-being of an employee.
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Allison Williams, long time ESPN sideline reporter. Declined the vaccine at this time after consultation with her physicians because she and her husband are trying to have more children. She left/lost her job because of it. You think that’s fair? She’s making a decision with consultation from her doctor, for a pretty understandable reason. But I’m sure she’s an asshole and pos for having the audacity to break with the groupthink we’ve developed.
Her employer has the right to require one and she has the right to not get it but that comes with a cost that she needs to be willing to pay.
Allison Williams, long time ESPN sideline reporter. Declined the vaccine at this time after consultation with her physicians because she and her husband are trying to have more children. She left/lost her job because of it. You think that’s fair? She’s making a decision with consultation from her doctor, for a pretty understandable reason. But I’m sure she’s an asshole and pos for having the audacity to break with the groupthink we’ve developed.
My employer says travel is part of my job. If I say I’m afraid to fly because I’m trying to have more children so I can’t die and my employer fires me because I won’t do what’s required of my job that’s on me.

For being a conservative you are eerily sounding like a whiny liberal my body my choice type.
My employer says travel is part of my job. If I say I’m afraid to fly because I’m trying to have more children so I can’t die and my employer fires me because I won’t do what’s required of my job that’s on me.

For being a conservative you are eerily sounding like a whiny liberal my body my choice type.
That's not exactly an apples to apples comparison. But I do agree that a business can do it if it wants. I'm not sure that's the case here though. I think it's more like blackmail for a lot of businesses.
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