My employer says travel is part of my job. If I say I’m afraid to fly because I’m trying to have more children so I can’t die and my employer fires me because I won’t do what’s required of my job that’s on me.
For being a conservative you are eerily sounding like a whiny liberal my body my choice type.
On the contrary. A private organization can mandate whatever it wants. The issue is the federal government in a non science based tyrannical move is forcing private organizations to mandate them or face the consequences. $14k/per instance per employee. They also for any employee who does not get vaccinated must provide a negative test every week. Those tests aren’t cheap. If Bob doesn’t get the vaccine, who pays for the $50 weekly test, a test that by nature is moronic because what if you test negative on Monday morning and contract the virus on Monday afternoon and work the rest of the week there?
This whole thing is so in the weeds it’s comical. If YOU are vaccinated, why do you care if someone else isn’t? Everyone has the ability to get vaccinated that wants it, over the age of 12, the least at risk population with a survivability rate of over 99.997%.
Over 200M Americans have had at least one shot so far. So why the dictator moves from an administration that said they’d never do this? Why from an administration that said that those types of moves are not the role of the federal government? Is it about the economy? If it is, the answer to this move is to fine and/or have companies fire employees? That will help the economy? How? We have what, 9M+ open jobs out there. We have thousands upon thousands of small to medium size businesses who can’t hire who WANT to hire, and your solution is to put these mandates on them? Yeah, that’ll save the economy from a self inflicted shutdown, while inflation continues to be on the rise.
If we are so worried about the kids! Mandate that all teachers get vaccinated. That would be logical, from a group (teachers unions) who bitched about their own safety for a year and refused to go back.
Why are their certain industries that are exempt from this? USPS (hundreds of thousands of workers who have face to face interactions with every day people), other Union workers, etc? Can someone explain that logic? I mean it’s about “saving lives right!?” Why are congressional offices and their staffers exempt? Anyone?
Instead, we have a more divided nation than ever before. We are turning on each other left and right, because everyone thinks the other is killing people.
It’s only the conservatives who aren’t getting the vaccine! Blame Tucker! Blame Trump! Oh wait, the data doesn’t reflect that at all? Why are only 43% of African Americans vaccinated? Roughly the same amount as Hispanics, hardly groups that vote conservative. Maybe instead of calling anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated a pussy and a killer, you can ask them their reasonings. Instead of chastising them maybe encourage them to speak to a doctor about what is best for them.
And for the blanket statement question of why “most of the medical establishment wants you to get vaccinated,” one, probably because they believe the vaccines work, in a blanket answer. However, why did so many medical workers including front line workers refuse the vaccine? Why are there many that are quitting in refusal?
Finally, after 18+ months of this, can Lord and Savior Tony Fauci, still not answer the question of, IF YOUVE HAD COVID WHY DO YOU NEED THE VACCINE?