It's a podcast.
So, you decide what is important that he can talk about or not talk about? Suppose he had a so-called expert on the supreme court, guns, anal bleaching, or recognizing senility in elected officials? Do you get to censor it and/or decide if it carries a misinformation label?
It's a podcast and is the modern day version of the idea of freedom of speech at it's most basic. The fact that you can't see the importance of that concept over what you perceive as the "correct" speech about covid is the heart of the issue.
If the "economy and healthcare of our nation" flinches due to something Joe Rogan or one of his guests says, we've got bigger problems. You don't like what Rogan has to say as a social influencer. What if I don't like what Lebron has to say on virtually anything, including bball? Do I get to censure him? The market will decide if he gets to continue.
It's a podcast.
So, you decide what is important that he can talk about or not talk about? Suppose he had a so-called expert on the supreme court, guns, anal bleaching, or recognizing senility in elected officials? Do you get to censor it and/or decide if it carries a misinformation label?
It's a podcast and is the modern day version of the idea of freedom of speech at it's most basic. The fact that you can't see the importance of that concept over what you perceive as the "correct" speech about covid is the heart of the issue.
If the "economy and healthcare of our nation" flinches due to something Joe Rogan or one of his guests says, we've got bigger problems. You don't like what Rogan has to say as a social influencer. What if I don't like what Lebron has to say on virtually anything, including bball? Do I get to censure him? The market will decide if he gets to continue.
It's a podcast.