
I'd be very surprised, even in the south, if they couldn't find enough paying customers that have been vaxxed (or have counterfeited vaxx cards) to fill the stadiums. Sure, you might be turning away the die-hard long-time fans if they aren't vaxxed, but there will be someone there to take their place.

Also, the teams/NFL wouldn't give two shits if people are bringing fake vaxx cards to the game. It would be as quick as an ID check when you give your ticket at the gate. The teams wouldn't actually care about stopping unvaxxed people from attending, it would be done purely to check the box that they are "trying to be responsible".
You misunderstand. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fans. Nobody actually cares if they end up at the game. This is about politics, lawsuits and PR. Mostly politics, because at some point owners are going to want money and tax breaks for that new stadium.
I'd be very surprised, even in the south, if they couldn't find enough paying customers that have been vaxxed (or have counterfeited vaxx cards) to fill the stadiums. Sure, you might be turning away the die-hard long-time fans if they aren't vaxxed, but there will be someone there to take their place.

Also, the teams/NFL wouldn't give two shits if people are bringing fake vaxx cards to the game. It would be as quick as an ID check when you give your ticket at the gate. The teams wouldn't actually care about stopping unvaxxed people from attending, it would be done purely to check the box that they are "trying to be responsible".

Also, @tarheel0910 how do you know what teams will and won’t be ok with vax for fans? You that familiar with the ownership groups for each franchise? Or did you just choose teams in red states?

Also, I’m not saying this mandatory vax thing will happen, I simply said that Pandora’s box has already been opened on it up here. I’m very curious how long it takes me to get into my concert on the 24th with the vax ID check.
Also, @tarheel0910 how do you know what teams will and won’t be ok with vax for fans? You that familiar with the ownership groups for each franchise? Or did you just choose teams in red states?
Not sure what you mean by familiar with the ownership groups. Do I know them personally? No. Do I think they are aware of how business and politics work in their state? Yes. And, guess how it works in the red states? There are literally red states threatening to take funds away from schools if they make them wear mask. Red states that never had a mask requirement. You think those states are going to be ok with the NFL saying something like that? You think the NFL wants to upset the people that will finance their next stadium? On the off chance they actually make you get a vaccine, there will be some huge loopholes.
You misunderstand. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fans. Nobody actually cares if they end up at the game. This is about politics, lawsuits and PR. Mostly politics, because at some point owners are going to want money and tax breaks for that new stadium.
My thoughts on each of those:

PR: The liberals already control the media, so I can't imagine the heat they take will be all that bad.

Lawsuits: I'm not a lawyer, but I don't see the grounds that a private enterprise like the NFL can get fvcked on for requiring vaccines for those that want to attend their private events "for safety reasons".

Politics: Not sure how close any of these teams are to needing a new stadium, and whether the current leaders will still be in office when that time comes. However, I think for the majority of them, the municipality needs the team there much more than the team needs to be in that particular municipality. They can always move. This goes doubly for the real shitholes in your list (Jacksonville, Tampa Bay, New Orleans, Cleveland, etc.).

I don't think they should make vaccines a requirement, and agree that if they do there will likely be loopholes to get around it, but just saying how I could see it playing out if they really wanted to play hardball on it.

Also, @tarheel0910

Also, I’m not saying this mandatory vax thing will happen, I simply said that Pandora’s box has already been opened on it up here. I’m very curious how long it takes me to get into my concert on the 24th with the vax ID check.
I heard yesterday that Garth Brooks is requiring masks for all attendees at all his concerts. No questions asked, no exceptions for being vaxxed, etc. Wow! That is an epic misread of his "fans, audience". I wonder if this was his idea, or if someone else is driving it (arena owners, cities, etc)

Full disclosure: my wife is from OK, and is a very big Garth fan. We've seen him in one concert a few years back in Mpls. He puts on a good show. But I can't believe Garth can't see how bad this is going to backfire with his fan base.
I wonder if this was his idea, or if someone else is driving it (arena owners, cities, etc)
Not sure who he works with for his concerts, but Live Nation just announce they would leave requirements up to the artist. Live Nation is going to require their employees to be vaccinated though. My guess is they will see how many artist require it. If a lot do, they will make it a requirement for fans. If most don't, they will continue to let the artist decide.
Google is now mandating their employees get vaccinated to return to the office, other major tech companies will follow (as they do with everything Google does).

It will be interesting because this does impact people's jobs. There are some roles at these companies where it is very valuable for you to be with your team in person and a lot of managers are complaining about how WFH 24/7 has negatively impacted their group. So even if you want (or need to so you can do your job to the best of your ability) only 1 day a week in the office you need to get vaccinated.

Even if you WFH 24/7, you won't be able to travel for company trade shows, events, client meetings, etc at any of these companies if you're not vaxed. I'm sure the anti-vax rate at these very competitive tech companies is very low but I'm sure there are a few outliers that will have to make a decision.
a lot of managers are complaining about how WFH 24/7 has negatively impacted their group
Well, that would seem to go against most studies. Not surprising that managers who have to be in the office would say that though. I think you're going to see even more people being allowed to work from home permanently, because people are actively looking for jobs where you can work from home. It's starting to become the new required benefit that has to be offered to remain competitive. The new variant has already started to change some companies plans for coming back to work.
Well, that would seem to go against most studies. Not surprising that managers who have to be in the office would say that though. I think you're going to see even more people being allowed to work from home permanently, because people are actively looking for jobs where you can work from home. It's starting to become the new required benefit that has to be offered to remain competitive. The new variant has already started to change some companies plans for coming back to work.
Managers don't have to be in the office, I think that's kind of an archaic thought. More choose to be than lower level workers of course but it isn't mandatory at most tech companies. They are just the ones who are evaluating their team's performance and deciding if it's working remotely. For a ton of tech jobs, you sorta have to be there with your team. Ask some Project Managers at Google (I know 2) and they'll tell you it's been much more difficult remotely.

I agree that the demand for WFH will and has absolutely gone up. I tend to think hybrid will be the compromise for most jobs in the tech industry. Myself and a bunch of people I know at various tech companies are all going back to some form of hybrid when we do go back. However, you're also right about the new variant. We were supposed to be making plans to go back this fall but now we've been told not til 2022.

But still...with hybrid, going to have to be vaxed.
Google is now mandating their employees get vaccinated to return to the office, other major tech companies will follow (as they do with everything Google does).

It will be interesting because this does impact people's jobs. There are some roles at these companies where it is very valuable for you to be with your team in person and a lot of managers are complaining about how WFH 24/7 has negatively impacted their group. So even if you want (or need to so you can do your job to the best of your ability) only 1 day a week in the office you need to get vaccinated.

Even if you WFH 24/7, you won't be able to travel for company trade shows, events, client meetings, etc at any of these companies if you're not vaxed. I'm sure the anti-vax rate at these very competitive tech companies is very low but I'm sure there are a few outliers that will have to make a decision.
I can see this is where it is headed, and a case can be made for everyone above a certain age having the antibodies, I suppose.

But I strongly believe that if you have had COVID, and recovered (have a test showing you have antibodies, natural immunity) you should be able to get a card stating this, in place of needing to get vaxxed. I don't know of any legit medical person who thinks the vaxx is superior to natural immunity antibodies. So why should these people be required to get vaxxed as well?
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I can see this is where it is headed, and a case can be made for everyone above a certain age having the antibodies, I suppose.

But I strongly believe that if you have had COVID, and recovered (have a test showing you have antibodies, natural immunity) you should be able to get a card stating this, in place of needing to get vaxxed. I don't know of any legit medical person who thinks the vaxx is superior to natural immunity antibodies. So why should these people be required to get vaxxed as well?
You'd have anti-vax morons having Covid parties trying to get each other sick.

While I love it for natural selection doing its thing and eradicating us of our Idiocracy population, I fear for our healthcare workers.
You'd have anti-vax morons having Covid parties trying to get each other sick.

While I love it for natural selection doing its thing and eradicating us of our Idiocracy population, I fear for our healthcare workers.
It's already happened, so it wouldn't be new. Not sure if it resulted in a lot of deaths though. When I was younger, I remember hearing about parents having pox parties when they heard about a neighbor's kid getting chickenpox. No one seemed to care about those parties. I guess the times they are a changin.
I'll remember that.
I wasn't threatening you.

I was simply saying that in future discussions, I'll remember you're a fan of nature taking its course. Surely you don't view that as a threat of any sort.
Are you not?

When people were going around eating Tide pods that was sorta like...well, if you're dumb enough to eat a Tide pod I don't really have much sympathy for what happens to you.

Accountability is something I think we both agree with.
Are you not?

When people were going around eating Tide pods that was sorta like...well, if you're dumb enough to eat a Tide pod I don't really have much sympathy for what happens to you.

Accountability is something I think we both agree with.

Or when people stand in the middle of the road protesting something and a car runs them over and kills them, I guess you support the idiot dying? Ridding the world of such ignorance?
Or when people stand in the middle of the road protesting something and a car runs them over and kills them, I guess you support the idiot dying? Ridding the world of such ignorance?
I mean, that's not exactly apples to apples but if you're saying that if someone is standing in the middle of traffic and they get hit by said traffic then yeah, kinda had that one coming.
I mean, that's not exactly apples to apples but if you're saying that if someone is standing in the middle of traffic and they get hit by said traffic then yeah, kinda had that one coming.

You say it's idiotic to not get a vaccine. I say that it's idiotic protest in traffic.

How are they different?
Awful. But the real question is are they letting folks out of their service commitment if they refuse the vax? They should.

This will do great damage to our military. I think Uncle Sam is forgetting who is the most likely type of person to enlist. This will cause numbers to drop substantially. Yay America!

Awful. But the real question is are they letting folks out of their service commitment if they refuse the vax? They should.

This will do great damage to our military. I think Uncle Sam is forgetting who is the most likely type of person to enlist. This will cause numbers to drop substantially. Yay America!

I believe the mandates must be unconstitutional, be it for employment, military, dining, entertainment, school etc. It seems lawsuits on each of these fronts must be coming.

It just might take a lot of time for the lawsuits to get heard, get through the system, and to check Biden and company. You're right - a lot of damage will be done to the military, education, employers / employees, and poorer minorities in the meantime. A lot of damage that takes a long time to recover from or to correct.
I believe the mandates must be unconstitutional, be it for employment, military, dining, entertainment, school etc. It seems lawsuits on each of these fronts must be coming.

It just might take a lot of time for the lawsuits to get heard, get through the system, and to check Biden and company. You're right - a lot of damage will be done to the military, education, employers / employees, and poorer minorities in the meantime. A lot of damage that takes a long time to recover from or to correct.

How come other vaccines are perfectly legal to be mandated? Smallpox, measles, mumps, polio, etc.? It's not the mandate that bothers people, it's a couple of things. Technically it's not fully authorized by the FDA yet. But there are too many who believe this isn't a serious disease or that's all made up. The sheer amount of disinformation surrounding this vaccines is astounding.
I believe the mandates must be unconstitutional, be it for employment, military, dining, entertainment, school etc. It seems lawsuits on each of these fronts must be coming.

It just might take a lot of time for the lawsuits to get heard, get through the system, and to check Biden and company. You're right - a lot of damage will be done to the military, education, employers / employees, and poorer minorities in the meantime. A lot of damage that takes a long time to recover from or to correct.
Vaccine mandates for military is no where near being a new thing.

I don't get why a lot of anti-vaxers think mandatory vaccinations is suddenly a new thing. Is this the new vote by mail has been around since the Civil War?
Vaccine mandates for military is no where near being a new thing.

I don't get why a lot of anti-vaxers think mandatory vaccinations is suddenly a new thing. Is this the new vote by mail has been around since the Civil War?
They get more shots than anyone!
Vaccine mandates for military is no where near being a new thing.

I don't get why a lot of anti-vaxers think mandatory vaccinations is suddenly a new thing. Is this the new vote by mail has been around since the Civil War?

I don't know how long it's been done nor do I care. But this vaccine is new. And the current military personnel enlisted under circumstances that did not require them to get a COVID vax. So my question is, does the military allow those not wanting the shot to opt out and be honorably discharged? They should.
Everyone remembers "Chick bleeds." I think I told everyone that she had it in March/April of 2020. She and her live-in bf got their Pfizer vaccines in late April of this year. She's working at Tractor Supply now. Anyway, she and her bf (who is a repair guy for a rental property) both have tested positive for Covid today. She texted me Friday saying it wasn't looking too good, and she and her bf were getting tested today. Tractor Supply had an outbreak, apparently, last week. She and one other female coworker were the only ones vaccinated in the entire place. But, the TSC is now on limited hours of operation for two weeks. They're both home for 2 weeks and sick, but not as sick as 2020, supposedly. I don't think her bf got it last year.

Anyway, Oconee County is about 38% vaccinated, if that.
Everyone remembers "Chick bleeds." I think I told everyone that she had it in March/April of 2020. She and her live-in bf got their Pfizer vaccines in late April of this year. She's working at Tractor Supply now. Anyway, she and her bf (who is a repair guy for a rental property) both have tested positive for Covid today. She texted me Friday saying it wasn't looking too good, and she and her bf were getting tested today. Tractor Supply had an outbreak, apparently, last week. She and one other female coworker were the only ones vaccinated in the entire place. But, the TSC is now on limited hours of operation for two weeks. They're both home for 2 weeks and sick, but not as sick as 2020, supposedly. I don't think her bf got it last year.

Anyway, Oconee County is about 38% vaccinated, if that.

I’m sorry for your imaginary friend. If you have enough WiFi left over, please send her my well wishes.
Just got an update. About 6 workers were infected by... you guessed it... a 46 year old male who refused to get vaccinated, came to work, infected everyone else... and, now, he (the guy who gave it to everyone) is in the Oconee ICU. 2 others are in the hospital.
Just got an update. About 6 workers were infected by... you guessed it... a 46 year old male who refused to get vaccinated, came to work, infected everyone else... and, now, he (the guy who gave it to everyone) is in the Oconee ICU. 2 others are in the hospital.

I wish I could say that surprised me but rural South Carolina? Sounds about right.
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I can see this is where it is headed, and a case can be made for everyone above a certain age having the antibodies, I suppose.

But I strongly believe that if you have had COVID, and recovered (have a test showing you have antibodies, natural immunity) you should be able to get a card stating this, in place of needing to get vaxxed. I don't know of any legit medical person who thinks the vaxx is superior to natural immunity antibodies. So why should these people be required to get vaxxed as well?
The lack of testing quality & infrastructure is disappointing.

Of all the amazing things we can do with science, we can't mass produce quality tests?

Testing could be the easy button. Don't want a vaccine or to mask? Just pass this quick test and come on in...
The British are... not coming. They throw-up the white flag!

Well, this sounds like great news

"However, analysis by Public Health England has shown that when vaccinated people catch the virus they have a similar viral load to unvaccinated individuals and may be as infectious."

But at least this guy gets it

"We need to start moving away from just reporting infections, or just reporting positive cases admitted to hospital, to actually start reporting the number of people who are ill because of Covid," he added. "Otherwise we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that actually don't translate into disease burden."

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