I'm not excusing their criminal past. But, just because they have criminal pasts, doesn't mean that deserve to be treated as subhuman, or less-than-citizens when they're in a public situation. Two wrongs don't make a right.what was I thinking, wishing harm on these fine citizens and peaceful protesters and heros to uncboy10, who are only interested in expressing concern that police might treat them like the excrement that they are.
God forbid decent people should focus their angst on criminals and anti-social behavior instead of those who are entrusted with keeping the dregs at bay and who might occasionally overstep while doing so.
Amazing how stupid people can become when the hysteria sets in.
Speaking of cop encounters; Here's a pretty disturbing encounter from Tulsa... one officer is murdered in the footage. Be warned. The guy pulls the pistol at the very last second and seemed to be impervious to non-lethal restraint.
Body Cam Video Of Tulsa Officer Shooting Released
Tulsa Police will hold a news conference to release the video showing the shootings of two Tulsa Police officers from a few months ago.