Is Mr. Floyd's Death Being Used To Change All Of Society?

what was I thinking, wishing harm on these fine citizens and peaceful protesters and heros to uncboy10, who are only interested in expressing concern that police might treat them like the excrement that they are.

God forbid decent people should focus their angst on criminals and anti-social behavior instead of those who are entrusted with keeping the dregs at bay and who might occasionally overstep while doing so.

Amazing how stupid people can become when the hysteria sets in.
I'm not excusing their criminal past. But, just because they have criminal pasts, doesn't mean that deserve to be treated as subhuman, or less-than-citizens when they're in a public situation. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Speaking of cop encounters; Here's a pretty disturbing encounter from Tulsa... one officer is murdered in the footage. Be warned. The guy pulls the pistol at the very last second and seemed to be impervious to non-lethal restraint.

Yes clearly they're my heroes, which is why I called them idiots.

OK, so you say your heroes are idiots. Should I act surprised?

Clearly, I can't be insulted by someone of your caliber.
I'm not excusing their criminal past. But, just because they have criminal pasts, doesn't mean that deserve to be treated as subhuman, or less-than-citizens when they're in a public situation. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Speaking of cop encounters; Here's a pretty disturbing encounter from Tulsa... one officer is murdered in the footage. Be warned. The guy pulls the pistol at the very last second and seemed to be impervious to non-lethal restraint.

It's like you didn't read your own post. You said...

"You and your buddies look like fools because you're choosing to focus on the criminal rather than the crimes of the law enforcement."

to which I said...

"God forbid decent people should focus their angst on criminals and anti-social behavior instead of those who are entrusted with keeping the dregs at bay and who might occasionally overstep while doing so."

Now do you understand my post?
every police car should be equipped with a large gaff in order to extract the uncooperative from their vehicles.

It's like you didn't read your own post. You said...

"You and your buddies look like fools because you're choosing to focus on the criminal rather than the crimes of the law enforcement."

to which I said...

"God forbid decent people should focus their angst on criminals and anti-social behavior instead of those who are entrusted with keeping the dregs at bay and who might occasionally overstep while doing so."

Now do you understand my post?
Yes... I understood that you were wrong back in June. I have no idea why you decided to dredge-it-up and perform an encore.
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Speaking of cop encounters; Here's a pretty disturbing encounter from Tulsa... one officer is murdered in the footage. Be warned. The guy pulls the pistol at the very last second and seemed to be impervious to non-lethal restraint.

Incidents like this is why cops are on edge in these types of situations, and get nervous when suspects start reaching for things, whether they end up being armed or not. It's tough to fault them.

Interesting power move by Villanueva. I think it'd be tough for anyone to fault him, considering his choice Alwyn Cashe died while sacrificing himself to save fellow US soldiers in combat compared to the rest of the team's choice of Antwon Rose who died while fleeing the scene after being involved in a drive by shooting.
Incidents like this is why cops are on edge in these types of situations, and get nervous when suspects start reaching for things, whether they end up being armed or not. It's tough to fault them.
It's an incredibly high risk job. No question about that. That guy played the distressed victim until he went Jeckyl-&-Hyde in a split second and became Billy The Kid on steroids. Tasers and mace were like soap bubbles to him.
Again, this is more evidence that blacks are committed to this notion of support for its lowest members. Candace Owens nailed it when she said that the black community is the only community that honors the worst of their own culture. No athlete has spoken out about the black LEOs that were killed in riots. No athletes have commented on how George Floyd and Jacob Blake treated women of their own community. No athlete has broached the subject of police being assassinated by blacks because of this dangerous anti-police rhetoric.

But they're quick to honor the lives of criminals.

Our society has literally gone to shit.

this is something I was thinking about the other day. These BLM 'protesters'...I should say many of them if not all of them...and many other blacks (and white liberal knuckleheads) are pretty much demanding that we practically sanctify blacks who didn't even try to be decent citizens. They show not one bit of concern for the fact that those being held up as martyrs to the cause put themselves in position to achieve said martydom by being scumbags, and for no cause at all other than plain anti-social sorriness.

And the idiots in the herd...we have them here...don't just go along but actively promote this wrongheadedness because they've been brainwashed or self-deluded into believing that that is the only right thing to do. It's the police's fault, not the criminal's, at least if the criminal is black. The police must change, not society.

Herd mentality definitely applies, and yes we are going down the crapper. We should be reading about blacks (and whites and greens and purples) who have achieved good things...there are lots of them...but instead we dwell on and cry over those who not so regrettably help weed themselves out. It's insane. And because I refuse to promote the insanity, I will be considered a racist.
Just as I finished typing this, Sir Charles comes in with the back up.

Charles Barkley quotes from the linked piece:

“One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people, and for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough.”

“If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person, and it’s a dirty, dark secret.”

“We’re the only ethnic group who say, ‘Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.’ It’s just typical BS that goes on when you’re black, man.”
I admire Barkley for saying this, not because I agree with him (and I do, completely), but because he has refused to join in the us against them game. He has a healthy perspective. When Charles says there has been some injustice, I will rely on the credibility he has established by looking at the different angles, and I'll take him opposed to how I regard any crap that spews out of the BLM movement.

Many of us who are thought of as racists by the profoundly soft-headed, only want ALL people to help build and become part of a better society, and to not be expected to degrade society and ourselves by having us all gravitate toward the lowest common denominator.
Just as I finished typing this, Sir Charles comes in with the back up.

Charles Barkley quotes from the linked piece:

“One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people, and for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough.”

“If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person, and it’s a dirty, dark secret.”

“We’re the only ethnic group who say, ‘Hey, if you go to jail, it gives you street cred.’ It’s just typical BS that goes on when you’re black, man.”
I think Barkley makes a very good point. There has to be a desire to comply with the rules and not go out of your way to break them, but expect to be treated the same.
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Barkley is more fun post career than when he played. Been that way for years

Violence interrupters? Interesting tactic.
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Violence Interruptors is a good one. What do they get in between two guys with guns and try to broker peace? I'm assuming it'll be yet another well paid government job that doesn't really accomplish much.

But it's funny to see that these people are having to lay in the bed they mad. And if their constituents get unhappy about it, and Omar loses her seat over it, all the more comical.
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violence interruptor, operating within the new liberal public safety landscape...

"Sir, I would like to see your violence license please, if it isn't any trouble....thank you so very much for your kind cooperation. This seems to be in order. OK then sir, do you know why I stopped you in the middle of your shooting spree?"
"Fox 29 reporter Steve Keeley was filming the scene outside one looted business when Philadelphia police told him “Looters were shooting looters.” Police also told the reporter that a 50-year-old man who had filled up his car with stolen goods was then carjacked and had all the stolen items stolen from him. In the midst of all this, 11 people were shot. "


"Fox 29 reporter Steve Keeley was filming the scene outside one looted business when Philadelphia police told him “Looters were shooting looters.” Police also told the reporter that a 50-year-old man who had filled up his car with stolen goods was then carjacked and had all the stolen items stolen from him. In the midst of all this, 11 people were shot. "


I feel so bad for all those victims
Right. If those cops would have let that poor, disenfranchised black man stab them, this could have all been avoided.
There are examples of police brutality. Profiling and such. But to hold up someone like this looses me every time. Maybe lebron will give his ring back in protest to this senseless killing.
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Derek Chauvin trial (cop charged with the killing of George Floyd) begins today. Jury selection has lasted almost all of March.

Downtown Minneapolis - around the courthouse - is secured with razor wire, high fencing, concrete barricades, heavy armed national guard.

The case will come down to whether Chauvin being on top of Floyd's neck / back was a primary contributor to his death. Even the prosecution can't get away from the coroner's report showing Floyd was loaded with fentanyl (3X lethal dose) and meth. If you watch the body cam footage, sadly you can see he was on the pathway to a death before cops even encountered him. He was begging to be put on the ground....said he couldn't breathe - while still in the cop car.

I don't think Chauvin acted nobly or correctly. Why put someone on the ground over a stupid counterfeit $20 bill ? The cops should've called the paramedics the second they encountered Floyd in a drugged, difficulty breathing state.

But I also think there is zero racial component to the death, either. And no murderous intent, which is why second degree murder is going to be very hard to get a conviction on. Which will lead to more riots here, just a matter of time. Weather is getting warm enough for rioters to get back out and about.

The Minneapolis City Council awarded Floyd's family $27 million during the jury selection. A giant, record breaking "wrongful death" prize. His family constitutes anyone remotely related to him I guess. Floyd was single with no kids but I think his parents are still alive, and has at least one sibling.

That amount, and announcing it during the trial is messed up on so many levels. Jury tampering for starters. Almost impossible to get a neutral jury. But then, nothing the city of Minneapolis leaders do is logical or competent. All agenda-driven.
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Derek Chauvin trial (cop charged with the killing of George Floyd) begins today. Jury selection has lasted almost all of March.

Downtown Minneapolis - around the courthouse - is secured with razor wire, high fencing, concrete barricades, heavy armed national guard.

The case will come down to whether Chauvin being on top of Floyd's neck / back was a primary contributor to his death. Even the prosecution can't get away from the coroner's report showing Floyd was loaded with fentanyl (3X lethal dose) and meth. If you watch the body cam footage, sadly you can see he was on the pathway to a death before cops even encountered him. He was begging to be put on the ground....said he couldn't breathe - while still in the cop car.

I don't think Chauvin acted nobly or correctly. Why put someone on the ground over a stupid counterfeit $20 bill ? The cops should've called the paramedics the second they encountered Floyd in a drugged, difficulty breathing state.

But I also think there is zero racial component to the death, either. And no murderous intent, which is why second degree murder is going to be very hard to get a conviction on. Which will lead to more riots here, just a matter of time. Weather is getting warm enough for rioters to get back out and about.

The Minneapolis City Council awarded Floyd's family $27 million during the jury selection. A giant, record breaking "wrongful death" prize. His family constitutes anyone remotely related to him I guess. Floyd was single with no kids but I think his parents are still alive, and has at least one sibling.

That amount, and announcing it during the trial is messed up on so many levels. Jury tampering for starters. Almost impossible to get a neutral jury. But then, nothing the city of Minneapolis leaders do is logical or competent. All agenda-driven.

very complicated indeed with the drugs in his system obviously being a contributing factor. Would he be alive had the officer not knelt on him? Was that standard procedure? I agree there’s no proof race was a factor. Was the officer negligent and to what extent? I Don’t have a clue. Gonna be interesting.
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Derek Chauvin trial (cop charged with the killing of George Floyd) begins today. Jury selection has lasted almost all of March.

Downtown Minneapolis - around the courthouse - is secured with razor wire, high fencing, concrete barricades, heavy armed national guard.

The case will come down to whether Chauvin being on top of Floyd's neck / back was a primary contributor to his death. Even the prosecution can't get away from the coroner's report showing Floyd was loaded with fentanyl (3X lethal dose) and meth. If you watch the body cam footage, sadly you can see he was on the pathway to a death before cops even encountered him. He was begging to be put on the ground....said he couldn't breathe - while still in the cop car.

I don't think Chauvin acted nobly or correctly. Why put someone on the ground over a stupid counterfeit $20 bill ? The cops should've called the paramedics the second they encountered Floyd in a drugged, difficulty breathing state.

But I also think there is zero racial component to the death, either. And no murderous intent, which is why second degree murder is going to be very hard to get a conviction on. Which will lead to more riots here, just a matter of time. Weather is getting warm enough for rioters to get back out and about.

The Minneapolis City Council awarded Floyd's family $27 million during the jury selection. A giant, record breaking "wrongful death" prize. His family constitutes anyone remotely related to him I guess. Floyd was single with no kids but I think his parents are still alive, and has at least one sibling.

That amount, and announcing it during the trial is messed up on so many levels. Jury tampering for starters. Almost impossible to get a neutral jury. But then, nothing the city of Minneapolis leaders do is logical or competent. All agenda-driven.
Sounds like a mess, but whether or not he intended to kill him isn't being questioned, since the 2nd degree murder charge is "unintentional".
Super rare for cops to be convicted for murder though...
Unless something has changed, he hasn't just been charged with murder. There have been lesser charges as well. It was basically a way for the DA to cover himself if the jury didn't want to convict on the top count.
Unless something has changed, he hasn't just been charged with murder. There have been lesser charges as well. It was basically a way for the DA to cover himself if the jury didn't want to convict on the top count.

without knowing the legal-ese related to the charges I would say manslaughter for refusing to get off him when he became unconscious and refusing to render aid. But that sure af won’t fly with the populace
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I am glad I am not on the jury. The verdict will probably only satisfy 48% to 52% of the people following this trial.
Google says the Minn 2nd degree manslaughter (seems like to me) is 41-57 months sentence....
^"prosecutors will need to show beyond a reasonable doubt that he was "culpably negligent" and took an "unreasonable risk" with Floyd's life when he restrained him and that his actions put Floyd at risk of death or great harm. Prosecutors do not have to prove that Chauvin's actions intended to cause Floyd's death, only that his actions put Floyd at risk of death or great bodily harm."

I wasn't there, but this one seems likely to me.
without knowing the legal-ese related to the charges I would say manslaughter for refusing to get off him when he became unconscious and refusing to render aid. But that sure af won’t fly with the populace
Right. They should have gone for manslaughter like you said, but the AG Keith Ellison who is a real piece of work, thought that wouldn't calm / satisfy the stoked up perpetual rioters. So then he brought 3rd degree, and 2nd degree murder, dropped the 3rd degree murder charges, but then somehow got them reinstated when he realized there's probably 0.00% chance of making 2nd degree murder stick. Its a mess.

Whether it is just to Chauvin or not, I think him getting 10 years - and that resulting in no riots - is a best case outcome. I really think the perpetual race riot mob needs to riot, and will use basically any verdict short of death penalty to riot again. And obviously death penalty verdict isn't happening.
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What really makes me smh is that all this is over $20
For sure, that is messed up. But the "this is just over $20" - you're could this small of a petty crime (smaller than a common shoplifting) lead to so much death, destruction, racial strife, setback of racial relations for decades?

The way riots, violence and destruction in cities across the nation, were staged to happen in the same way, at same time soon after the GF death, by same types of professional (BLM / antifa) rioters in these cities, with coordinated plans, delivery of supplies (clothing, bricks, clubs, etc) - means to me that the rioters have an underground network, well-coordinated and frequently communicating, and the Floyd death was just the event chosen to trigger the planned riots and furthering of the anarchy.

It's not like all these riots and destruction all popped up so quickly in so many cities (even relatively small ones) - worldwide - just as a coincidental events worldwide - all ready to go / riot at the same time in the same manner, with same (delivered) bricks, fire starters etc.

IMO - the riots had been planned for a long time. The George Floyd death was just the chosen even to light the fuse.
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For sure, that is messed up. But the "this is just over $20" - you're could this small of a petty crime (smaller than a common shoplifting) lead to so much death, destruction, racial strife, setback of racial relations for decades?

The way riots, violence and destruction in cities across the nation, were staged to happen in the same way, at same time soon after the GF death, by same types of professional (BLM / antifa) rioters in these cities, with coordinated plans, delivery of supplies (clothing, bricks, clubs, etc) - means to me that the rioters have an underground network, well-coordinated and frequently communicating, and the Floyd death was just the event chosen to trigger the planned riots and furthering of the anarchy.

It's not like all these riots and destruction all popped up so quickly in so many cities (even relatively small ones) - worldwide - just as a coincidental events worldwide - all ready to go / riot at the same time in the same manner, with same (delivered) bricks, fire starters etc.

IMO - the riots had been planned for a long time. The George Floyd death was just the chosen even to light the fuse.

I think that’s pretty accurate

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