The conspiracy theories are amusing. If you actually think there’s a vast underground network of ‘professional rioters’ organizing riots and just waiting for a precipitating event, then you are deluded.
It’s a tribalistic response to tribalism. When one group thinks another group is storming the gates, they will rally the troops to fight back. You don’t need a conspiracy, it’s just basic human social behavior. For those protesters, police have become the ‘out group.’ For some of them its ‘cis straight white males.’ For a few, it is genuinely a matter of principle and they are fighting for a legitimate cause.
And for many poasters here, BLM protesters are the out group that is literally attacking the city. Just listen to the ridiculous over the top language about ‘burning cities to the ground’ or conspiracy theories like the one above. That reads just like the insane shit people say about the Jews secretly running the world.
If you protest in a major metro area, it stands to reason you’re gonna pass a construction site or two. It’s almost harder to imagine a protest or riot that doesn’t have a few bricks involved. And you’re never going to have a group that size without at least one person who likes throwing bricks.
Lots to unpack here, but there are literal videos of vans dropping riot gear, bricks, etc. at strategic riot locations. And coordination communications, graffiti, etc of antifa groups.
Are you saying antifa doesn't really exist?
Or that they are just an organic, random group of normal everyday working class white kids that
coincidentally simultaneously spring up and all have the means to riot and destruct at the same exact time? And if antifa is just some random individuals all pushed over the edge nationwide and worldwide at the same time...
WTF have they been doing rioting and protesting non-stop in Seattle and Portland for almost a year? What are they even protesting?
Look at the arrest records of the antifa crowd. Basically all are multiple time offenders with many riot arrests. Again, not average stable life working joes and janes who just decided on same day to wander out of their 8-5 job and happy family life to join a riot one night. They have the lifestyle and look that precludes them from getting a real world job.
Is the BLM org a noble group really fighting for black lives mattering? Or does it instead have at its roots a Marxist, totalitarian radical mindset, with main goal as destroying the family as a core foundation for civilized society? Hint: it just takes a simple Google search to see the intent and background of the BLM founders and leaders. It's not good.
The comparison of Jews to antifa POS thugs is rich. The Jews were the persecuted ones, did nothing wrong, persecuted by totalitarian Nazis. The antifa group and tactics are basically the opposite of the Jews. Antifa uses totalitarian violent tactics to attack innocent people in cities. How again are the antifa thugs and losers persecuted in society, like the Jews were?
Not sure if you've done research to opine on the existence and tactics of antifa, or just speaking via top-of-mind theories. If yo haven't researched, I recommend a brief movie called - Rise of the Black Flags; or Unmasked book by Andy Ngo.
I know these will be dismissed as some right wing authoritarian propaganda, which is easier than objectively reading / viewing them. They include such "propaganda" as interviews with actual past antifa members who left the group, lots of evidence regarding avowed proud antifa people attacking, providing death threats to the author, etc.