NFL 2021-22

not going to post the zac stacy video, but he needs to be in prison.
Maybe this point / theme has been in this thread before, not sure...

but compare the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments by the sports media and league execs over a player deciding to not personally get the jab (vaxx).....

vs. mostly silence, little coverage, when a player (so many players) beat a woman or several women within an inch of their lives...and / or threaten them with deadly weapons.

The league, team owners, and the media that covers them are complete corrupt frauds.
sorry, i can’t get over antonio brown suspended and rodgers fined $15k…is it because the nfl knew rodgers was lying???
sorry, i can’t get over antonio brown suspended and rodgers fined $15k…is it because the nfl knew rodgers was lying???
I don't think Rodgers forged a vaxx card, did he? He just made the misleading statement of being "immunized". AB actually forged the document. Also, I have to imagine Rodgers' lack of past disciplinary issues helped him, whereas AB's abundance of them hurt him.
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I don't think Rodgers forged a vaxx card, did he? He just made the misleading statement of being "immunized". AB actually forged the document. Also, I have to imagine Rodgers' lack of past disciplinary issues helped him, whereas AB's abundance of them hurt him.
rodgers misleads, the org covered, the league knew it…brown faked it and somehow got caught.

see where i’m going?

i don’t know if brown’s past played a part, but it shouldn’t and he should appeal.
The NFL and The Packers knew that Rodgers hadn't been vaccinated. He was following the protocols in place for non-vaxxed players. The general public doesn't need to know. I always thought that whole "misled" people thing was stupid. As if anyone is entitled to know any players' vax status.

Brown had a fake vax card. Meaning, the NFL thought he had been vaxxed and he was not following the protocols for non-vaxxed players. Clearly a different situation and that's why the consequences were what they were.

I don't fault either one of them frankly and I can't begin to tell you the level of respect I would have for a marquee player to say to the NFL, "go f*ck yourselves, I'm retiring."
rodgers was not following the protocols, hence the fine...the packers were not doing their job of enforcing the protocols, hence the fine.

and ftr, i don’t think it’s anyone’s business, but when you’re asked in the presser, answer the question or say it’s none of your business...rodgers can be salty sometimes, so just another day if he responds “none...”
rodgers was not following the protocols, hence the fine...the packers were not doing their job of enforcing the protocols, hence the fine.

and ftr, i don’t think it’s anyone’s business, but when you’re asked in the presser, answer the question or say it’s none of your business...rodgers can be salty sometimes, so just another day if he responds “none...”

Did the NFL know Rodgers was unvaccinated?​

Yes, as did the Packers and the NFL Players Association

“Rodgers has been required to wear a mask at the Packers' facility and to follow protocols designed for unvaccinated players. He is one of about 5% of the league's players considered unvaccinated”

Did the NFL know Rodgers was unvaccinated?​

Yes, as did the Packers and the NFL Players Association

“Rodgers has been required to wear a mask at the Packers' facility and to follow protocols designed for unvaccinated players. He is one of about 5% of the league's players considered unvaccinated”
he didn’t follow protocols, period.
Nfl determined packers and Rodgers did follow unvaxxed protocols. However the protocols include masking indoors which Rodgers didn’t do at pressers. HOWEVER numerous other unvaxxed players don’t wear masks for pressers and haven’t been fined so…..not sure where I’m going with this

As for “lying” Rodgers never said he was vaxxed he said he was “immunized” and yes that’s a bullshit way of getting around the question but no one called him out on it at the time as they shoulda.
Nfl determined packers and Rodgers did follow unvaxxed protocols. However the protocols include masking indoors which Rodgers didn’t do at pressers. HOWEVER numerous other unvaxxed players don’t wear masks for pressers and haven’t been fined so…..not sure where I’m going with this
i believe there were numerous instances when he and lazard didn’t wear a mask indoors or at the halloween party they put on.

my point was the way the nfl levies fines and suspensions is still odd…one dallas player was fined $20,000 for a uniform violation.
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yeah…one was his tee under his shoulder pads was too long.
That is crazy stupid / illogical. Another was his socks were down. Not taped up or tight to cover his calves. But the team trainers should resolve that.
@gteeitup i know this isn’t entirely NFL related - I am ok I guess with Dak Prescott.
but next year I’d trade up Alabama’s Bryce Young for Dak and give Bryce daks money - no questions asked.
I know Bryce is really young (just a soph) and he isn’t super big and doesn’t run a lot - but man is he a cool cat, calm, smart, accurate- and a magician creator like Mahomes.

I know that sounds over the top but he is breaking all sorts of Alabama and sec team long standing records - better than some really impressive names.

I don’t even know if Bryce will come out. But you can tell his parents (and coaches) raised him right. So methodical and calm and cool and can create and deliver, making great throws under pressure.

(my son just started law school at Alabama this fall so I’ve started following college football way more than I have in decades. It’s been a lot of fun watching bryce and Alabama play).
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