The UNC mafia gets even bigger. We have now infiltrated the political system in NC. I think we should start calling ourselves the League of Shadows. Swofford can play the part of Ra's Al Ghul.
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Re: Link: NOA Released
1:12 PMLast edited 1:15 PMby thescwolf
(2 votes)
Ok... since I have not contributed in a significant way on the investigation, I have decided to take on a role that I hope will help people understand the situation in North Carolina. Over the years, I have come to realize that our alumni and supporters do not understand the politics and organization of the governing organization - The UNC BOG. Likewise, our folks do not understand how the individual 16 universities fit in with the BOG. We have folks bashing NC State people for some, imho, silly and impractical things.
Let me give you some excitement before I go on. Effectively, the Rams Club is running NC State University!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll state my case.
You see, the BOG works with the legislature to develop the overall funding for the university system. As I understand it, each school submits their funding needs to the BOG and gets what they get. The system was organized this way to avoid each school going to the legislature separately. Theoretically, it was to be more fair and equitable and make the overall system stronger.
Each of the 16 campuses have a (12?) member board of trustees. Researched this during the Valvano witch hunt because I saw disturbing things. As I understand it, each schools BOT members serve a three year term. Three rotate off every year. The governor appoints a replacement and the BOG appoints the other two. The 13th member is the sitting student body president.
Chancellors are selected by each school forming a search committee, interviewing candidates, and recommending two people to the President of the BOG who normally picks from the two. Except in the case of Larry Monteith. He was not recommended by the committee. Spangler picked him instead. Why? My belief is to unleash the anti-athletic folks on our campus and to get rid of Jim Valvano. Mr. Spangler was successful in that regard.
As everyone should realize, Randy Woodson does not work for the NC State board of trustees or alumni and students. His boss is the President of the BOG, who is currently Margaret Spellings. Who appoints the president is where I am still a little fuzzy. I am also fuzzy about how the chairman and vice chair man are appointed.
This article filled in the missing pieces on how the BOG members are buying their seats.
The individual board members are appointed by the legislature. And guess what? Here is where the chapel cheat money and influence comes in. Seats on The Board are being purchased by chapel cheat contributions to the individual legislator's re-election campaigns. So it makes no difference whether Democrats or Republicans are in charge. The color of the board is light blue with sycophants and fan boys and fan girls.
Dr. Yow works for Chancellor Woodson who works for President Spellings. So.... Spellings can be pressured by chapel cheats fanboys and fangirls on the board to say- reduce NC States academic funding if Woodson and Yow choose to speak out. Simply put... the light Blue Rams club money is running NC State's funding through power brokers on the BOG. My understanding is that during the Valvano years, NC State was threatened by the BOG..... do what we want ore we will change your BOT make-up and reduce your funding.
I am sure I have some errors in this. PM be with corrections and I will edit.