couldn't agree more, and in fact I started to reiterate something I've posted before. Dean's earlier teams were lacking in superstar-class players, and accordingly they lacked the individual egos of his later teams. Don't get me wrong, they all were awesome but for somewhat different reasons. The earlier teams, with very good players, were more team-oriented as opposed to more individual play. The discipline was apparent, the team was first, and the plays they ran were a thing of beauty. Dean's emphasis on passing and assists could be seen very readily. It was machine-like at times.
What made Dean the most special to me was how he could be such a great humanitarian and father-like figure to his players, while kicking their asses pretty well if they got out of tune, And he did that without going Bobby Knight on them.
And that isn't to belittle Bobby Knight. He gets the award for best chair toss ever. I admired him for his discipline, understanding that grabbing a player by the throat or the back of the neck while somewhat extreme, was not really injurious. I think he gets too bad a rap for that sort of thing in our increasingly fragile character. Also, he guest-hosted some televised salute to Dean and the main host started off with some smart-ass remark directed at Dean, and Knight sailed on him and put him in his place. Emphatically. It was ingratiating.
Coach Davis seems to be instilling an NBA kind of mindset. Lord, I hope that isn't the case.