OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Yes. They're all playing a victim card. If they lose an election they're the victim of fraud, deep state antics, chinese groomers, etc.
bluetoe loves to flap his gums about improprieties that invite cheating in our voting system, but he fails to mention that it's always his fellow Republicans who are the guilty party. For example:

Newly obtained video shows the former head of Coffee County Republicans escorting members of a forensics firm hired by a Trump-allied lawyer into a Georgia elections office shortly before an alleged data breach in January 2021.
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Thank goodness Elizabeth II is dead. 70 years with a QUEEN has totally emasculated the British Empire! Finally, there will be some testicles on the throne!

Where/what are the monkey's from? Other monkeys or evolution from some other animal?
i believe what Genesis teaches, that God created all of it ... i get that it sounds crazy, but honestly ANY theory of "where did this all come from" sounds crazy. the complexity of the human eye alone is enough to make my head spin and i cannot possibly believe that it happened due to some cosmic explosion or just a random act.
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lol, and your stupid ass actually counted the words in a post you deem insignificant and then announce that you actually are incapable of basic comprehension. The funniest part is that you think you have made ME look foolish.
You really need to get out of that doublewide and see the world.
No, you dumbass.

These are the artists, Sharon Sprung and Robert McCurdy.
Nice job, I thought. They managed to hide Michelle's dick and she doesn't look so much like this as she usually does.

Nice job, I thought. They managed to hide Michelle's dick and she doesn't look so much like this as she usually does.

Do you have any idea what a fool you are? Do you just don’t care? Do you have any idea how you and the rest of your cesspool look? Do you have any idea?
Nice job, I thought. They managed to hide Michelle's dick and she doesn't look so much like this as she usually does.

So, your heart rate does the Cha Cha when you see an attractive trans black woman, and you're threatened by that knowledge to the point that you have to denigrate a former first lady in order to deal with it. That's truly special. I'm so glad you love America.

I'm just glad to see uptight, Evangelical Christian conservatives embrace a president that screws porn stars, pays them to keep quiet, while cheats on his former pornstar wife because she's nursing their child.
bluetoe loves to flap his gums about improprieties that invite cheating in our voting system, but he fails to mention that it's always his fellow Republicans who are the guilty party. For example:

Newly obtained video shows the former head of Coffee County Republicans escorting members of a forensics firm hired by a Trump-allied lawyer into a Georgia elections office shortly before an alleged data breach in January 2021.
and the usual dolts purposely look past and refuse to acknowledge the massive vote harvesting that took place, but make up for that by treating us to this piddling link..."allege, allege, allegation, allege, alleged allegation, 'this allegation is categorically false', 'under investigation", etc .......hey wait. Under investigation? Guilty? How can someone be guilty if this is just an investigation and no one has even been charged? If I didn't know better, I'd almost have to say that the poster providing the link is a


well of course he is...he's @Heels Noir. What a dweeb.
So, your heart rate does the Cha Cha when you see an attractive trans black woman, and you're threatened by that knowledge to the point that you have to denigrate a former first lady in order to deal with it. That's truly special. I'm so glad you love America.

I'm just glad to see uptight, Evangelical Christian conservatives embrace a president that screws porn stars, pays them to keep quiet, while cheats on his former pornstar wife because she's nursing their child.
now you're talkin'.

door #1

door #2

I pick door #1. You can have the mutt.
and the usual dolts purposely look past and refuse to acknowledge the massive vote harvesting that took place, but make up for that by treating us to this piddling link..."allege, allege, allegation, allege, alleged allegation, 'this allegation is categorically false', 'under investigation", etc .......hey wait. Under investigation? Guilty? How can someone be guilty if this is just an investigation and no one has even been charged? If I didn't know better, I'd almost have to say that the poster providing the link is a


well of course he is...he's @Heels Noir. What a dweeb.
Wow! It still hurts you that Trump lost the election after almost TWO YEARS! Hilarious!!

Don't let me interrupt your tantrum, blue. Carry on. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Wow! It still hurts you that Trump lost the election after almost TWO YEARS! Hilarious!!

Don't let me interrupt your tantrum, blue. Carry on. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
wow, still trying to deflect from being outed as a big fat liar aren't you? Pathetic!!
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i believe what Genesis teaches, that God created all of it ... i get that it sounds crazy, but honestly ANY theory of "where did this all come from" sounds crazy. the complexity of the human eye alone is enough to make my head spin and i cannot possibly believe that it happened due to some cosmic explosion or just a random act.
Do you believe God created evolution of species - all that natural selection stuff?
no .. never said i did. that is the responsibility of parents and (if they so choose) their churches.

but i also dont want our kids taught BS like we came from monkeys or some random explosion ... or that they should celebrate a man marrying a man ... or that a 12 year old girl can go thru surgery and become a boy ... or that boys can identify as girls and trot into the ladies restroom ... or that whites are responsible for the black unemployment rate ... on and on and on.

for the record, our kids are homeschooled so i honestly dont care what the schools teach.

And this right here, is what I mean when I say this country suffers from a massive strain of anti intellectualism.

Evolution is a scientific theory as is the Big Bang. These are things we can investigate and quantify. They've been studied, observed, and tested by numerous men and women for hundreds of years. They are not the made up fantasies of some asshole in the middle of Mesopotamia.

The sheer amount of fear and ignorance in this post is reaching peak levels.
you didn't answer the question but that's OK, I knew you couldn't. I hope you know you're moving out of your lane here. People without children are no less human nor are they any less animals. They have the same purpose that they've always had, which in general and biologically speaking is to procreate in order to further the species. Just because they didn't produce offspring doesn't mean they weren't compelled to do what causes it.

Humans just happen to have the luxury of being able to sidestep Mother Nature in the procreation department.

ETA: probably should have added that the above is from the biological standpoint. In actuality, we don't have to have a purpose and probably don't have a purpose. We just are. If we don't have or HAVE to have some purpose, what does it matter what we are? We can be what we want and make the most of it within limits.

We are where we are because of survival instincts. Those instincts don't go away just because we aren't too much worried anymore about being killed and eaten by a leopard in our sleep. They cause us to be leery of what isn't the usual circumstance, that is, what isn't normal or what isn't operating in a normal manner. Those who are not of the norm have to have the intelligence to know that we can't turn the 'human nature switch' off because there isn't one. We learn to accept things that are not the norm but might never be completely comfortable with them. That's just the way it is and no amount of pleading or whining or arguing is going to make us not be human beings with a human nature.

When you start talking about purposes you have to talk about what we are, and we are animals that have evolved over a very long time to survive and procreate. We wouldn't be here if not for that. Our instincts make us consider endeavors not to that end as excess baggage. Happily though, we have developed societies where excess baggage isn't really excessive or undesirable. That's because in such societies, everyone is just baggage since the basic 'survive and produce offspring' motive is diminished. But human nature is still there, strong as ever.

Those who are not of the norm might try to stop demanding acceptance and accommodation but rather accommodate themselves to the majority if they want to become of the norm. Those who demand that we accept what isn't normal can go fvck themselves. Our society has laws that protect ourselves from each other and we should feel damn lucky to have those. Telling us what we have to like is a step into the dystopia that so many are unwittingly trying to create.

No thanks.

I'm not taking away from what is factual. Humans are animals and we survive and pass things on like any other species. However to your point, we are the only species that seeks out purpose. It's uniquely human. I think that's why religion came to be.

I think you conflate 'normal' with different. Prejudice, hatred, any kind of 'ism' or phobia is all rooted in fear of things not like us. So you're right in that sense. We also have the intelligence and wherewithal to know it's not ethical to kill or shun someone because of it.

My sense is you believe a small, loud, fringe movement is not only trying to win acceptance but redefine what it is to be fundamentally human. I can see why many feel that way. But often times I wonder if more of us are falling under the spell of mean world syndrome. Social media and a 24 hours news cycle designed to drive up ratings that make our earth appear worse than it really is.

I am not a part of the 'norm'. But I don't seek to change other people. Only acceptance for that which I am and nothing more.
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i believe what Genesis teaches, that God created all of it ... i get that it sounds crazy, but honestly ANY theory of "where did this all come from" sounds crazy. the complexity of the human eye alone is enough to make my head spin and i cannot possibly believe that it happened due to some cosmic explosion or just a random act.
I respect your view on this but I don’t think taxpayers should fund it being taught in pubpic schools.
Any of you "locals" have any insight on this? @gteeitup or anyone else?

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Any of you "locals" have any insight on this? @gteeitup or anyone else?

first, nothing surprises in politics or in this state…nikki had an affair, was outed, and still became gov…this story is crazy though lol…she’s trash and had no chance, but this is exactly the kind of s that happens locally on boards and county councils…i heard the audio and the interview with the inmate and i’m glad it’s out…let all the corrupt fvcks be accounted for.
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I think you conflate 'normal' with different.
I have to assume that you're so emotionally wrapped up in issues that you can't think straight. Maybe you've forgotten that it was YOU who was roundly mocked for not understanding the simple concept of 'normal'. Nothing I have said indicates to anyone in their right mind that I conflate normal with different. Normal (usual) is normal. Abnormal (UNusual) is not. See how simple that is? There are inherent negative connotations built in to our perception of abnormal things just because from an evolutionary POV, being leery of what we are not used to seeing and not being comfortable with helped...and survive.

But then, maybe you just misspoke.

My sense is you believe a small, loud, fringe movement is not only trying to win acceptance but redefine what it is to be fundamentally human.
I have no idea what the small, loud, fringe movement is trying to accomplish beyond selfishly trying to bend the rest of us to their will. Beyond that, I don't give a shit. I think you're too emotionally engaged to settle for acceptance, and I believe that YOU conflate acceptance with accommodation such that your call for acceptance is actually a call for accommodation. I have no problem with acceptance as I have pointed out time and again, but when we start accommodating the fringes just for their emotional neediness, it's time to say 'just grow the fvck up' and stop pestering us.

Somebody might for all I know be stupidly trying to change the nature of being human, but trust me, all I have been concerned with is my own understanding of human nature and how more people should take interest in it.

However to your point, we are the only species that seeks out purpose. It's uniquely human. I think that's why religion came to be.
I have little doubt that that is why religion...such as it is...came to be. But we seek out purpose (I don't) either because of an actual connection with a higher existence, or because we have highly developed areas of the brain that make us far more capable of self-awareness and self-reflection than the other animals. Take your pick. I'm agnostic, so I choose both. Or neither. Or one or the other. I generally chuckle when I hear someone ask 'why are we here?' or 'what is our purpose?'. Humans sometimes are just smart enough to ask unanswerable questions. I know that the answers to all questions are unknowable.
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And this right here, is what I mean when I say this country suffers from a massive strain of anti intellectualism.

Evolution is a scientific theory as is the Big Bang. These are things we can investigate and quantify. They've been studied, observed, and tested by numerous men and women for hundreds of years. They are not the made up fantasies of some asshole in the middle of Mesopotamia.

The sheer amount of fear and ignorance in this post is reaching peak levels.
"Evolution," meaning NeoDarwinism is a complete utter fraud and failure as a scientific theory.

Lamarck, who was derided for decades and who would be called an Intelligent Design theorist today, actually was more correct than Darwin, whose contribution really just explains variation, not the origin of higher taxa, and part of that is simply because natural selection actually works against "evolution" of higher taxa, not for it. It is a strong effect that reduces genetic variation at rates far higher than any mythical beneficial mutation can. And yes, mutation rates are considered to be measurable and it's just not happening at the rate of loss of genetic variation to explain the emergence of complex genomes.

Furthermore, contrary to Darwinism, very primitive creatures thought to be the oldest, like corals, have been shown to have extremely complex genomes and even human genes. Obviously they didn't evolve those.

Epigenetics proved Lamarck's idea of acquired inherited traits to be correct, but that still hasn't been a good explanation for the emergence if higher taxa and the complexity of the genome.
And this right here, is what I mean when I say this country suffers from a massive strain of anti intellectualism.

Evolution is a scientific theory as is the Big Bang. These are things we can investigate and quantify. They've been studied, observed, and tested by numerous men and women for hundreds of years. They are not the made up fantasies of some asshole in the middle of Mesopotamia.

The sheer amount of fear and ignorance in this post is reaching peak levels.
" And this right here, is what I mean when I say this country suffers from a massive strain of anti intellectualism."

No, we suffer from pseudo-intellectuals, morons masquerading as "experts" who continually demonstrate a complete lack of reason and logic.

Where are they coming from? Misguided education and skewing of academia and science via the government grant process.

If, for example, climate researchers determined climate change is natural and man isn't driving it, they'd get no more research grants.
If, for example, climate researchers determined climate change is natural and man isn't driving it, they'd get no more research grants.
Yeah, that sounds about right. So the reason we have tens of thousands of international researchers from nations around the globe who agree that climate change is mainly caused by the effects of man is simply a sham motivated by job insecurity. :rolleyes:
I respect your view on this but I don’t think taxpayers should fund it being taught in pubpic schools.
i dont either ... i said that in a previous post. and i dont think taxpayers should be funding the teaching of Darwanism, the cosmic bang or whatever other theory you want to roll out there. stick to what is known, not speculated.
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Evolution is a scientific theory as is the Big Bang. These are things we can investigate and quantify. They've been studied, observed, and tested by numerous men and women for hundreds of years. They are not the made up fantasies of some asshole in the middle of Mesopotamia.

The sheer amount of fear and ignorance in this post is reaching peak levels.
but the primary problem with your approach (IMO) is that those other theories have not been "proven" anymore concrete than creationism ... it's ALL speculation. so schools should not be teaching any of it.

just like evolution, the Bible has been studied, observed and tested for hundreds (thousands) of years ... the archaeology and scientific discoveries that validate those "fantasies" are mind blowing. but you're welcome to ignore those discoveries, i aint mad at ya.

you do realize that you also seem fearful and ignorant, right? neither of us are ... we just disagree.
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Yeah, that sounds about right. So the reason we have tens of thousands of international researchers from nations around the globe who agree that climate change is mainly caused by the effects of man is simply a sham motivated by job insecurity. :rolleyes:
There are tens of thousands who disagree as well. The claims of consensus were always BS.
Videos of ballot stuffing ignored. Yes, there is a ton of proof the 2020 election was stolen.


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