Right, so my right to be seen for who I am is suddenly victimhood? Or did you just ignore the part where countless trans people have been abused and spat on or worse?
This is not an oppression olympics. Great strides have been made for deaf people. In fact we're one of the best countries in the world when it comes to accommodating the disabled. We've known about schizophrenia for years and there are ways to treat that and accept it as well. The same cannot be said for trans people until very recently.
Forgive me, but you're a middle aged southern man so of course you weren't likely to hear or see much about transgender people until the subject went national. There was no 'agenda' involved. Trans folk have existed for decades. It's only now we're seeing real attempts to be granted a broader societal acceptance. That and a bunch of paranoid right wingers latched onto it and started spreading the same venom as randman. Believe me, I don't want spotlight. So to you, yeah it seems very sudden. But it isn't. We didn't just pop up out of nowhere.
I'm only being outspoken it because you and your ilk were the ones who refused to validate anything beyond being straight, white, and christian, etc. We didn't start this. Just like blacks, Latinos, and gays before us, we violated the social norms you sanctify so much and brought the hammer down.
Lastly, fear in this case doesn't mean fear from physical harm. It's fear of your worldview being challenged. That I'm somehow violating or taking something away because I don't fit into the mold you want. This is on you, dude. Not me. You can be a conservative, Christian, straight, white guy. Awesome. Half my family are straight white guys. I love them. Doesn't hurt me. Just as me being a trans woman and acknowledging as such does not interfere with you.
And FTR, I do not see myself as a victim. That's not a way to live life in general.