OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Yes, I’m glad you referenced that study as the be all end all when it was heavily flawed to begin with and even the the guy who created it said- “'The only evidence I have from studies and reports in the literature ... is that not all transgender children will persist in their transgender identity.”

Sure, that’s entirely possible. But that does not mean anyone is getting ‘groomed’ nor does it mean that the vast majority of kids with genuine dysphoria (the author of the study doubts many of these kids had genuine dysphoria) suddenly are cured of it. Fact is, there will be people who grow up to be this way and there’s nothing wrong with that.
It's all some veiled attempt to take a jab at what he considers some moral decline or moral decay.
No one really cares if you want to go trans. Just leave the kids and young adults out of it and don't try to pretend trans is a biological gender and force everyone to agree with that upon threats of being cancelled or losing one's job, getting the Dept of Justice and FBI on the case to try to force this crap down everyone's and every child's throat.

Clearly you do care. Or else you wouldn't be raving mad about it all the damn time. Do you really think I go around with a signpost on my back saying "Look at me, I'm trans. Join me!"? I'm in this for myself, to be a functioning, happy person, and nothing more. It's not for me to say what anyone else is in terms of their gender. I'm not out to 'cancel' anyone. I'd ask you not force your conservative version of firebrand Christianity down people's throats. Fair is fair, right?

If it’s such a small percentage, then why must we as a society even acknowledge it? I’m not saying that people like you should be exiled. But why do teachers even mention it to students? Why are books being written about that experience and promoted? Why is the President of the United States even mentioning it? Ever?

You're asking why I should even be acknowledged? Why do we acknowledge straight people? Or bi people? Or gay people? Or whatever. I exist. I don't need to be celebrated or given a medal. Just that I'm a part of this country same as you and I don't deserve to be ridiculed for being myself.

I think this is a topic that's being brought up by the President and others because people like me have been ridiculed a great deal, spat on, told we're going to hell, and abused in the same way gays and lesbians were for a long time back in the day, which really wasn't that long ago.

FTR, I don't think you need to incorporate gender identity into a lesson plan (unless it's in sex ed). But there should be a better understanding about who we are and the 'why.' Plain and simple, we're not threats. You don't have to fear us.
Clearly you do care. Or else you wouldn't be raving mad about it all the damn time. Do you really think I go around with a signpost on my back saying "Look at me, I'm trans. Join me!"? I'm in this for myself, to be a functioning, happy person, and nothing more. It's not for me to say what anyone else is in terms of their gender. I'm not out to 'cancel' anyone. I'd ask you not force your conservative version of firebrand Christianity down people's throats. Fair is fair, right?

You're asking why I should even be acknowledged? Why do we acknowledge straight people? Or bi people? Or gay people? Or whatever. I exist. I don't need to be celebrated or given a medal. Just that I'm a part of this country same as you and I don't deserve to be ridiculed for being myself.

I think this is a topic that's being brought up by the President and others because people like me have been ridiculed a great deal, spat on, told we're going to hell, and abused in the same way gays and lesbians were for a long time back in the day, which really wasn't that long ago.

FTR, I don't think you need to incorporate gender identity into a lesson plan (unless it's in sex ed). But there should be a better understanding about who we are and the 'why.' Plain and simple, we're not threats. You don't have to fear us.
No, you tried to pretend grooming isn't happening, and my responses back then were the same as now, except back then I had no reason to think you were trans because you said you were not. Remember?

Quit grooming and/or supporting the grooming of kids. Pretty simple.

Btw, on the noble war for the soul of the world, why the heck did we have bioweapons labs in Ukraine and on Russia's border? And why were we so concerned about "materials" falling into Russia's hands if the labs were just getting rid of Soviet stuff like anthrax. Russia already has all that, and so what new thing were they cooking up?

How is that some noble effort for the "soul of the world" as you expressed in a manner that'd make Dick Cheney proud?

" Both Russia and China have suggested that Ukraine has a bioweapons research program, and Rubio, apparently confident that Nuland would rebut those claims, asked her if they were true. To Rubio’s apparent surprise, Nuland replied, “uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities” and “we are now in fact quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to, uh, gain control of [those labs], so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.”

Look, let me add something further: transition is hard. It's a long process to go through and should never be taken lightly. I find it somewhat ironic that some would accuse me of 'promoting' this as a lifestyle alternative that's amazing and cool. I would never, ever want anyone to go through what I had to unless they were in the same position: diagnosed with genuine gender dysphoria and faced with no other choice. Which is why this idea of kids being 'given gender dysphoria' is so absurd to me. You either have it or you don't.

I'm happier than I ever have been and I'm not ashamed or regretful. And I'm not looking to radically change society. Just be a part of it and embrace my true self. That's it. It's not a forced accommodation, rather a better understanding of something we didn't before.
Also note:

Let’s go back to Ukraine’s “Maidan Revolution” of February 2014 — a US-backed coup or revolution that brought down the legitimate, elected (but also corrupt, dishonest, and “pro-Russian”) Yanukovych government of Ukraine.

The events marked a critical turning point in US-Russian relations. It sealed the end of President Obama’s fumbling attempt at a Russian “reset.” It helped confirm Vladimir Putin’s belief that US “democracy promotion” was a guise for extending the US sphere of influence and encircling Russia with hostile neighbors. And some of the key players in those events eight years ago — Victoria Nuland, Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden — are running US policy on Ukraine today."

Then in February 2014, as the Yanukovych government began to crumble in the face of popular demonstrations, Nuland had a telephone conversation with the US Ambassador in Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. The conversation was intercepted (presumably, by Russian intelligence) and released. (The US has not denied its authenticity). The transcript is available online.

Together, Nuland and Pyatt began to handpick the personnel to lead the post-Yanukovich government. According to Richard Sakwa, a leading British scholar of Russian and Ukrainian affairs, “[a]lthough the mantra of the Atlantic powers was that Ukrainian sovereignty should be respected, the tape revealed that the US had clear ideas on who should assume power… t reveals a high degree of US meddling in Ukrainian affairs.” Nuland rejected one opposition leader, Vitaly Klitschko and nominated another, Arsenty Yatsenyuk (who indeed was anointed as the next Prime Minister).

Then Nuland and Pyatt discussed how to bring this result about. Nuland wanted to bring in the UN, to put an international seal of approval on the deal, and expressed – using the traditionally nuanced language of diplomacy – her dissatisfaction with our European allies’ efforts: “I think, to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, you know, **** the EU.”
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No, you tried to pretend grooming isn't happening, and my responses back then were the same as now, except back then I had no reason to think you were trans because you said you were not. Remember?

Quit grooming and/or supporting the grooming of kids. Pretty simple.

Because it's not.

Quit calling me a f**king groomer and quit using that bullshit to induce people into a paranoid hysteria. That kind of rhetoric can get people physically assaulted or worse. In other words: shut your hole. Pretty simple.
Look, let me add something further: transition is hard. It's a long process to go through and should never be taken lightly. I find it somewhat ironic that some would accuse me of 'promoting' this as a lifestyle alternative that's amazing and cool. I would never, ever want anyone to go through what I had to unless they were in the same position: diagnosed with genuine gender dysphoria and faced with no other choice. Which is why this idea of kids being 'given gender dysphoria' is so absurd to me. You either have it or you don't.

I'm happier than I ever have been and I'm not ashamed or regretful. And I'm not looking to radically change society. Just be a part of it and embrace my true self. That's it. It's not a forced accommodation, rather a better understanding of something we didn't before.
Good for you but the following just isn't factually true.

" Which is why this idea of kids being 'given gender dysphoria' is so absurd to me. You either have it or you don't."

That is absolutely, empirically not the case. 70-90% who "have it" later on do not. Additionally, as gender doctors have started warning, it is a condition that can be brought about and spread via social contagion, and that's exactly what is happening.

Most psychological conditions can actually be induced which is how pimps are able to seal the loyalty of women they exploit via grooming.

Many of the same techniques are being deployed against vulnerable kids and young adults.

If you are one of the 10-30%, quit pretending your experience is normative for the majority because it's not.
Because it's not.

Quit calling me a f**king groomer and quit using that bullshit to induce people into a paranoid hysteria. That kind of rhetoric can get people physically assaulted or worse. In other words: shut your hole. Pretty simple.
Hey, you even admitted young children shouldn't be taught this stuff; that teachers shouldn't engage them on these matters, but all of the sudden someone like me calls it what it is, grooming, you flip out and then pretend it isn't happening.

It is happening, and you know it is since you acknowledged it shouldn't be. U just refuse the term, grooming, but it's the same techniques.
Good for you but the following just isn't factually true.

" Which is why this idea of kids being 'given gender dysphoria' is so absurd to me. You either have it or you don't."

That is absolutely, empirically not the case. 70-90% who "have it" later on do not. Additionally, as gender doctors have started warning, it is a condition that can be brought about and spread via social contagion, and that's exactly what is happening.

Most psychological conditions can actually be induced which is how pimps are able to seal the loyalty of women they exploit via grooming.

Many of the same techniques are being deployed against vulnerable kids and young adults.

If you are one of the 10-30%, quit pretending your experience is normative for the majority because it's not.

Oh my God, this has to be the most absurd, paranoid thing I've ever seen haha. 'Spread by social contagion' what a crock. You're seriously comparing people figuring out their gender with pimps breaking women psychologically? What kind of logical fallacy is that?

'70-90%' who 'have it' don't later on'. Again wrong. I read just how fundamentally flawed your studies are. You took the headline and ran with it without actually bothering to do any digging. Good ole' confirmation bias.

I am most certainly a genuine trans person and would never suggest my experience is the standard for the greater population. There's a way to put this in simple terms: if a child experiences 'gender incongruence' or identifies as another gender and then grows out of it, they were never trans. For those where it persists and continues, they have actual dysphoria.

And I can assure you from experience and others like me, we all share one thing in common: dysphoria. To believe it can be cured or kids who genuinely have it just 'grow out of it' is a lie.
I’m sorry, and randman doesn’t have an agenda? To literally discredit me and my community? And yet I’m the one with the blind spot here?

Yeah, sure thing dude.
I guess I shouldn't have assumed you know what a blind spot is. That's where you tend, maybe conveniently, to miss the point that's right in front of your face; the point in this case being that the doctor quoted is expressing concern over taking hard steps with kids who can't give meaningful feedback.

And I said nothing about him having or not having an agenda, but thanks for pointing out your misunderstanding anyway. I have seen @randman1 posit that he's pefectly OK with you being whatever it is you feel that you are. What he's taking issue with, unless I'm mistaken, is the conveniently mangled definition of gender that trans and gender confused people rely on to present themselves as a sex that they are not.

I don't care. As you know, I only care that there are those who want to make all this trans gender crap acceptable as a mainstream condition. I'm not for that; I'm not for promoting transgenderism or homosexuality or even being straight, for that matter. I am for accepting people as individual fellow citizens, whatever they are or think they are, so that they will accept me the same way. That being said, if you are genetically male, and you were born with the usual male apparatus, you are genetically not a female regardless of what you feel like you are. That's a fact, and removing unwanted parts and injecting massive amounts of hormones is only tricking the body into acting less as a male and more as a female, or vice versa. It does not make you a biological female. If the state wants to classify you as male or female on your drivers license because you've had all the necessary work done, I am OK with that..... and with you now using the bathroom you identify with and are now physically aligned with. Again, who cares, if that's the route you want to take and I don't have to pay for it (which unfortunately probably isn't the case). If you're just feeling a little girlish, but you got Big Jim and the twins still dangling, no dice.

Just don't try to sell me on the notion that a male is now a female, especially if that notion is part of a promotional strategy.
Hey, you even admitted young children shouldn't be taught this stuff; that teachers shouldn't engage them on these matters, but all of the sudden someone like me calls it what it is, grooming, you flip out and then pretend it isn't happening.

It is happening, and you know it is since you acknowledged it shouldn't be. U just refuse the term, grooming, but it's the same techniques.

It's unnecessary left wing fluff. It's not 'grooming' which implies something far more sinister. Grooming is what Woody Allen did. Not teachers in an elementary school.

No one's forced to be trans. Jesus Christ.
You're asking why I should even be acknowledged? Why do we acknowledge straight people? Or bi people? Or gay people? Or whatever. I exist. I don't need to be celebrated or given a medal. Just that I'm a part of this country same as you and I don't deserve to be ridiculed for being myself.

I think this is a topic that's being brought up by the President and others because people like me have been ridiculed a great deal, spat on, told we're going to hell, and abused in the same way gays and lesbians were for a long time back in the day, which really wasn't that long ago.

FTR, I don't think you need to incorporate gender identity into a lesson plan (unless it's in sex ed). But there should be a better understanding about who we are and the 'why.' Plain and simple, we're not threats. You don't have to fear us.

We acknowledge straight people because they make up the great majority of people living in our society. It is logical to acknowledge 90% of something.

As to the other excuses you’re making so you can grab some victimhood, do we acknowledge people suffering from schizophrenia? Why isn’t the President commenting on their plight? I’m sure they’ve been bullied because they talk to themselves. Why is that less worthy of acknowledging than your condition? Or what about deaf people? Where are the parades for them? And I’ll bet there are far more of them than there are of you. Yet, the President isn’t making speeches about that. The President hasn’t made an effort to get one in his cabinet. They’ve been bullied. I went to school with a deaf kid who got bullied all the time. Still, no parade. Still, no govt program to talk about inclusivity of those with hearing problems or schizophrenia. It just seems kind of curious that there is all this hoopla surrounding trans folks. And that it came out of nowhere makes it even more peculiar. Almost like there was some kind of agenda to it. Maybe that’s just me overthinking it.

For the record, you do exist. The fact that you and people like you need others to validate that signals to me that it is, without a doubt, a mental disorder.

Lastly, please stop with the fear thing. No one fears you or anyone like you. That’s you stepping up your faux victimhood to another level. Give it a rest, ffs.
Oh my God, this has to be the most absurd, paranoid thing I've ever seen haha. 'Spread by social contagion' what a crock. You're seriously comparing people figuring out their gender with pimps breaking women psychologically? What kind of logical fallacy is that?

'70-90%' who 'have it' don't later on'. Again wrong. I read just how fundamentally flawed your studies are. You took the headline and ran with it without actually bothering to do any digging. Good ole' confirmation bias.

I am most certainly a genuine trans person and would never suggest my experience is the standard for the greater population. There's a way to put this in simple terms: if a child experiences 'gender incongruence' or identifies as another gender and then grows out of it, they were never trans. For those where it persists and continues, they have actual dysphoria.

And I can assure you from experience and others like me, we all share one thing in common: dysphoria. To believe it can be cured or kids who genuinely have it just 'grow out of it' is a lie.
Except doctors who treat this say it can be cured and even if left alone, the vast majority grow out of it.

You advocate affirmative care along with all the medical folks pushing this new standard grooming approach, which means anyone experiencing gender dysphoria is encouraged to transition beginning asap, all the while knowing most do not need that because it will pass, and this is something doctors treating trans-people say, as the links I provided demonstrate.
There's a way to put this in simple terms: if a child experiences 'gender incongruence' or identifies as another gender and then grows out of it, they were never trans. For those where it persists and continues, they have actual dysphoria.
here's something simple for you to chew on. If that child is taught and convinced that he/she might actually be more suited to be the opposite sex and that idea is acted upon, how are we or they supposed to know whether they were the genuine article or whether they might have grown out of it? Shouldn't we leave them alone and THEN see if they grow out of it?

TEACHER, LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE! How can they have any pudding if you remove their meat?
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It's unnecessary left wing fluff. It's not 'grooming' which implies something far more sinister. Grooming is what Woody Allen did. Not teachers in an elementary school.

No one's forced to be trans. Jesus Christ.
Uh huh? Most of the time children and minors aren't "forced" to have sex with pedophiles either. They are groomed by them to induce their participation. Often that entails introducing them to porn, talking about various sexual matters and positions, telling them they are special and have a secret that their parents cannot understand, basically exactly the same type of crap all the woke groomers are doing to children.

It's not just gender grooming but sexual as well.
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Uh huh? Most of the time children and minors aren't "forced" to have sex with pedophiles either. They are groomed by them to induce their participation. Often that entails introducing them to porn, talking about various sexual matters and positions, telling them they are special and have a secret that their parents cannot understand, basically exactly the same type of crap all the woke groomers are doing to children.

It's not just gender grooming but sexual as well.

We acknowledge straight people because they make up the great majority of people living in our society. It is logical to acknowledge 90% of something.

As to the other excuses you’re making so you can grab some victimhood, do we acknowledge people suffering from schizophrenia? Why isn’t the President commenting on their plight? I’m sure they’ve been bullied because they talk to themselves. Why is that less worthy of acknowledging than your condition? Or what about deaf people? Where are the parades for them? And I’ll bet there are far more of them than there are of you. Yet, the President isn’t making speeches about that. The President hasn’t made an effort to get one in his cabinet. They’ve been bullied. I went to school with a deaf kid who got bullied all the time. Still, no parade. Still, no govt program to talk about inclusivity of those with hearing problems or schizophrenia. It just seems kind of curious that there is all this hoopla surrounding trans folks. And that it came out of nowhere makes it even more peculiar. Almost like there was some kind of agenda to it. Maybe that’s just me overthinking it.

For the record, you do exist. The fact that you and people like you need others to validate that signals to me that it is, without a doubt, a mental disorder.

Lastly, please stop with the fear thing. No one fears you or anyone like you. That’s you stepping up your faux victimhood to another level. Give it a rest, ffs.

Right, so my right to be seen for who I am is suddenly victimhood? Or did you just ignore the part where countless trans people have been abused and spat on or worse?

This is not an oppression olympics. Great strides have been made for deaf people. In fact we're one of the best countries in the world when it comes to accommodating the disabled. We've known about schizophrenia for years and there are ways to treat that and accept it as well. The same cannot be said for trans people until very recently.

Forgive me, but you're a middle aged southern man so of course you weren't likely to hear or see much about transgender people until the subject went national. There was no 'agenda' involved. Trans folk have existed for decades. It's only now we're seeing real attempts to be granted a broader societal acceptance. That and a bunch of paranoid right wingers latched onto it and started spreading the same venom as randman. Believe me, I don't want spotlight. So to you, yeah it seems very sudden. But it isn't. We didn't just pop up out of nowhere.

I'm only being outspoken it because you and your ilk were the ones who refused to validate anything beyond being straight, white, and christian, etc. We didn't start this. Just like blacks, Latinos, and gays before us, we violated the social norms you sanctify so much and brought the hammer down.

Lastly, fear in this case doesn't mean fear from physical harm. It's fear of your worldview being challenged. That I'm somehow violating or taking something away because I don't fit into the mold you want. This is on you, dude. Not me. You can be a conservative, Christian, straight, white guy. Awesome. Half my family are straight white guys. I love them. Doesn't hurt me. Just as me being a trans woman and acknowledging as such does not interfere with you.

And FTR, I do not see myself as a victim. That's not a way to live life in general.
here's something simple for you to chew on. If that child is taught and convinced that he/she might actually be more suited to be the opposite sex and idea is acted upon, how are we or they supposed to know whether they were the genuine article or whether they might have grown out of it? Shouldn't we leave them alone and THEN see if they grow out of it?

TEACHER, LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE! How can they have any pudding if you remove their meat?

I'm sorry but since when does a teacher go out of their way to tell a student they might be better off living as the opposite sex? Since when is this a trend? I don't think it is.

We're basically on the same page. Let kids be kids and as they grow older, who they are will become apparent. No need to fret or worry so much about being trans. The odds of that happening are extremely low to begin with. I'm an anomaly, not the rule lol.
Right, so my right to be seen for who I am is suddenly victimhood? Or did you just ignore the part where countless trans people have been abused and spat on or worse?

This is not an oppression olympics. Great strides have been made for deaf people. In fact we're one of the best countries in the world when it comes to accommodating the disabled. We've known about schizophrenia for years and there are ways to treat that and accept it as well. The same cannot be said for trans people until very recently.

Forgive me, but you're a middle aged southern man so of course you weren't likely to hear or see much about transgender people until the subject went national. There was no 'agenda' involved. Trans folk have existed for decades. It's only now we're seeing real attempts to be granted a broader societal acceptance. That and a bunch of paranoid right wingers latched onto it and started spreading the same venom as randman. Believe me, I don't want spotlight. So to you, yeah it seems very sudden. But it isn't. We didn't just pop up out of nowhere.

I'm only being outspoken it because you and your ilk were the ones who refused to validate anything beyond being straight, white, and christian, etc. We didn't start this. Just like blacks, Latinos, and gays before us, we violated the social norms you sanctify so much and brought the hammer down.

Lastly, fear in this case doesn't mean fear from physical harm. It's fear of your worldview being challenged. That I'm somehow violating or taking something away because I don't fit into the mold you want. This is on you, dude. Not me. You can be a conservative, Christian, straight, white guy. Awesome. Half my family are straight white guys. I love them. Doesn't hurt me. Just as me being a trans woman and acknowledging as such does not interfere with you.

And FTR, I do not see myself as a victim. That's not a way to live life in general.

“My right to be seen as I truly am”? Lol. Wut? You do not have a right to be seen any way at all. There is no right being stepped on. You are different and the onus is on you to acknowledge you are not everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, you are very few people’s cup of tea. Be comfortable with that. That’s it. The end. You have zero right to anything. STFU with that garbage. Be who you are. If you are really the way you claim to be, others’ opinion of you is irrelevant.

I don’t have any obligation nor should I have any obligation nor should private companies or the governments pressure me into feeling obligation to acknowledge you in any way. I don’t have to acknowledge, respect or like anyone, including trans people. You and your left wing brethren need to get that into your thick skulls. And by pushing it with such vigor like the left does, you alienate people who might have been allies or at least indifferent. I wouldn’t have even thought more than 5 seconds about trans people 5 years ago. Your side brought it up and forced me to be ok with it. I’m not. And if you had just STFU about it, I wouldn’t have been moved to push back against it.
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Lastly, fear in this case doesn't mean fear from physical harm. It's fear of your worldview being challenged. That I'm somehow violating or taking something away because I don't fit into the mold you want. This is on you, dude. Not me. You can be a conservative, Christian, straight, white guy. Awesome. Half my family are straight white guys. I love them. Doesn't hurt me. Just as me being a trans woman and acknowledging as such does not interfere with you.

And FTR, I do not see myself as a victim. That's not a way to live life in general.

Then use a different word. It’s not fear. Disgust, sadness, confusion are all good suggestions.
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Except doctors who treat this say it can be cured and even if left alone, the vast majority grow out of it.

You advocate affirmative care along with all the medical folks pushing this new standard grooming approach, which means anyone experiencing gender dysphoria is encouraged to transition beginning asap, all the while knowing most do not need that because it will pass, and this is something doctors treating trans-people say, as the links I provided demonstrate.

Right, right. Which expert doctors again? You've failed to mention any so far. You're a part of the same group of morons who think homosexuality can be 'cured' a belief far more disturbing than any supposed 'grooming' horseshit you come up with.

The trick is not to tell anyone who shows signs of dysphoria they should transition. You have to actually test and see whether a person genuinely has dysphoria and even then, the decision to take that step is up to them.
In fact, you are very few people’s cup of tea.

And again, you'd be wrong. I go through life without much trouble or hate from anyone. I'm very lucky in that regard.

“My right to be seen as I truly am”? Lol. Wut? You do not have a right to be seen any way at all.

I have a right to change my drivers license, change my birth certificate, and change my body. The marker next to my name is 'F'. I'd say I very much have that right. What I don't have the right to do, is throw you in jail or oppress you in some way for not using the correct name or pronoun. And I would never advocate for that on any level.
Then use a different word. It’s not fear. Disgust, sadness, confusion are all good suggestions.

If the shoe fits, pal. Fear isn't confined to life or death situations. Humans are always afraid of what they don't understand. You can say you're disgusted, sad, or confused. In reality, you can't wrap your head around the concept and feel as though something is being pushed on you. Hence the fear. Hence you tend to lash out at me a lot.
I think this is a topic that's being brought up by the President and others because people like me have been ridiculed a great deal, spat on, told we're going to hell, and abused in the same way gays and lesbians were for a long time back in the day, which really wasn't that long ago.
that's such a typical dodge. The idiot-in-chief is giving special recognition because the people in question are making a big deal of it, a dem cause du jour if you will, and a cause du jour is an opportunity for votes and for coddling the Hollyweird types. It's kind of a feedback loop. It isn't just the tran votes he's after, he knows that it's bigger than that. The dems will fall in line behind any liberal cause. You could sell pickled abortions in gallon jars and dem voters would support it....and if dem voters support it, look for Joe Biden to hold a big jar of pickled baby over his head at a campaign rally. Hillary would have claimed to always have a jar of pickled baby in her handbag.

Look at how much advertising is featuring characters of questionable sexuality. Do you suppose they might have a meeting in the ad agency where the head knocker is saying "I've had enough of these people being spat on and ridiculed. Let's give them a leg up, the hell with whether it helps Osacar Meyer sell more wieners." No, they're taking advantage of the heightened awareness to help that client sell more hot dogs.

Well, Joe Biden is also selling wieners, himself being the main one. He has been one glad-handing, pandering motherfvcker his entire career. Why would he stop now since the gullible who support him are still as gullible as ever.
And again, you'd be wrong. I go through life without much trouble or hate from anyone. I'm very lucky in that regard.

You’re making my point for me. If you’re so accepted, THEN WHY DO WE NEED TO PUSH INCLUSIVITY OF TRANS PEOPLE?

I have a right to change my drivers license, change my birth certificate, and change my body. The marker next to my name is 'F'. I'd say I very much have that right. What I don't have the right to do, is throw you in jail or oppress you in some way for not using the correct name or pronoun. And I would never advocate for that on any level.


You’ve always had that right. Trans people 25 years ago had that right. What I meant is that you have no right to expect anything from me or anyone else, above all things, acceptance. No one has to accept anything. Be who you want to be and leave me and others to not accept it.
If the shoe fits, pal. Fear isn't confined to life or death situations. Humans are always afraid of what they don't understand. You can say you're disgusted, sad, or confused. In reality, you can't wrap your head around the concept and feel as though something is being pushed on you. Hence the fear. Hence you tend to lash out at me a lot.

I don’t understand a lot of things. Some are pedophilia, beastiality and yes, transgenderism.
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I'm sorry but since when does a teacher go out of their way to tell a student they might be better off living as the opposite sex? Since when is this a trend? I don't think it is.

We're basically on the same page. Let kids be kids and as they grow older, who they are will become apparent. No need to fret or worry so much about being trans. The odds of that happening are extremely low to begin with. I'm an anomaly, not the rule lol.
how many kids is it that have to be wrongly guided and permanently screwed for it to be a trend? I forget.
You’re making my point for me. If you’re so accepted, THEN WHY DO WE NEED TO INCLUSIVITY OF TRANS PEOPLE?

Dude, do you think my story is universal for everyone else like me? Transgender people have been given electro shock therapy, they've been abused, ridiculed, mutilated, assaulted, even killed in some instances. And many trans people in red areas still experience some of the above.

We need inclusivity because it's called not being a dick lol. Hell it's not even about inclusiveness. It's just being accepted into broader society.


You’ve always had that right. Trans people 25 years ago had that right. What I meant is that you have no right to expect anything from me or anyone else, above all things, acceptance. No one has to accept anything. Be who you want to be and leave me and others to not accept it.

No offense, it's kind of hard to enjoy the fruits of what this country offers if I can't even get basic respect from my fellow citizens. You've never had to deal with that before. Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has (generally speaking, not me personally).
Dude, do you think my story is universal for everyone else like me? Transgender people have been given electro shock therapy, they've been abused, ridiculed, mutilated, assaulted, even killed in some instances. And many trans people in red areas still experience some of the above.

We need inclusivity because it's called not being a dick lol. Hell it's not even about inclusiveness. It's just being accepted into broader society.

No offense, it's kind of hard to enjoy the fruits of what this country offers if I can't even get basic respect from my fellow citizens. You've never had to deal with that before. Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has (generally speaking, not me personally).

There is no law, nor should there be, regarding being a dick. Life isn’t fair. I’m sorry you were born the way you are. That’s the cross you shall bear. But it’s not my responsibility to share the load. And our govt should never pressure anyone to take on your grief.
Here comes Strum with his pseudo-intellectual take:

“Have you ever bothered to think of it from the goat’s perspective? Stop being so close-minded.”

Lol, moron.
Bestiality does scare me. But bestiality and transgenderism are two completely different things.

I hope you can find that time machine to take yourself back to the 70s when all the inferiors knew their place.
Do you understand the concept of nuance? Or that two things can be true at the same time?
The concept of nuance? Why not just the simple definition of nuance? It ain't real complicated. And do you understand that not just two but billions of things can be true at the same time? What's special about two of those things being true?

Why should there be an assumption that kids are being screwed over in the first place?
who said anything about making assumptions? I'm referring to the cases we've been discussing, and that you've been giving opinions on. And when you question whether a trend is developing, you imply that there is a basis of cases for a trend to develop on, because a trend doesn't just suddenly appear out of thin air. Is language hard for you?
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Bestiality does scare me. But bestiality and transgenderism are two completely different things.

I hope you can find that time machine to take yourself back to the 70s when all the inferiors knew their place.
hmmmm, why are you afraid of beastiality? It isn't like a goat is going to let itself in to your place and have its way with you. Or is it?
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There is no law, nor should there be, regarding being a dick. Life isn’t fair. I’m sorry you were born the way you are. That’s the cross you shall bear. But it’s not my responsibility to share the load. And our govt should never pressure anyone to take on your grief.

This is where ‘can’ and ‘should’ come into play. Instead of ridiculing me or making thinly veiled comparisons to pedophilia and beastiality, try to incorporate a bit of empathy.

This is not my grief. This is my personhood and my liberty.
Right, right. Which expert doctors again? You've failed to mention any so far. You're a part of the same group of morons who think homosexuality can be 'cured' a belief far more disturbing than any supposed 'grooming' horseshit you come up with.

The trick is not to tell anyone who shows signs of dysphoria they should transition. You have to actually test and see whether a person genuinely has dysphoria and even then, the decision to take that step is up to them.
So despite just linking a bunch of them, even leaders in the transmovement, explicitly stating that we are experiencing a "social contagion" now of creating a fad, that somehow I didn't just do that?

How about the surgeons admitting in private on camera that they all talk of how minors such as 13 year olds really do not have the mental maturity to provide informed consent and will later regret these trans-surgeries?

Fact is we're seeing active grooming of vulnerable people to exploit them and you refuse to acknowledge that.

Lastly, this is a political thread and if you are looking to find some emotional support for your condition and choices, perhaps that's not the wisest position. I think most here, including myself, would be friendly or kind to you if we found ourselves in a situation in real life with you, but at the same time believe you are suffering from a psychological disorder.
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