This is a dream come true for DT! This "arrest" is on his bucket-list, I'm sure! And, what better way to have it occur. This is more celebrity cache for him.It was reported that Trump
This is a dream come true for DT! This "arrest" is on his bucket-list, I'm sure! And, what better way to have it occur. This is more celebrity cache for him.It was reported that Trump
having an open mind does not mean I should accept the garbage that you and @Heels Noir spew. I have an open mind and I gave you examples that don't involve interacting with members of my own tribe. I will always listen to reason, but when facing the one-track minds of you and Heels Noir, it would be UNreasonable for me not to object.Do you have an open mind? I guess it would be ignoble to claim otherwise. "Open mind" is a subjective term. I'd say that open mind requires humility. You have no humility at all. Humility doesn't exist in your persona on this board. UNLESS... it occurs when interacting with someone you believe is in your tribe. Then it might make an occasional, begrudged cameo. Otherwise, it's back-and-forth... you name-call, they name-call. You deny and deflect and they deny and deflect. You call yourself a "winner" and call them a "loser." The insecurity of that, alone, is embarrassing enough.
I agree only to the extent of his strange popularity among his sycophants. With the anti-Trumpers and those somewhere in between, I think he will need to perform a feat comparable to turning water to wine to win them over.This is more celebrity cache for him.
No... he's not.@heelmanwilm is politically opposite of me.
DJT has the 2024 nomination wrapped-up. The GOP is chained to him as long as he has a pulse.I agree only to the extent of his strange popularity among his sycophants. With the anti-Trumpers and those somewhere in between, I think he will need to perform a feat comparable to turning water to wine to win them over.
What are you doing, strum, trying to give the man a heart attack?!What's funny is how you and @Heels Noir are SO similar. You're bookends.
All we can say is Anyone but Trump!DJT has the 2024 nomination wrapped-up. The GOP is chained to him as long as he has a pulse.
A lot can happen between now and Nov. 2024. Biden is hardly a slam-dunk! His VP is even worse. The banking system might be about ready to cave-in and send the whole thing into upheaval... again. That's a perfect setting for authoritarian celebrities to gain favor that they would otherwise not have been afforded. Trump's chances would increase substantially.
It'snot meant as an insult. It's just a fact.What are you doing, strum, trying to give the man a heart attack?!
It will take saying more than that if these banks start collapsing. The whole damn global economy is built on sand. But, Fractional Reserve Banking, and inherent greed, can fvck-up a lot of stuff, in a hurry. Old Man Biden won't be so appealing if it collapses. In fact, the Democrats might even run someone else, which shows how little faith they actually have in this administration.All we can say is Anyone but Trump!
empty words. Care to add some substance or should I just be satisfied with your usual inanity?No... he's not.
People should be able to collect a fee for engaging with you. Pro bono is just too much work and no reward.
What's funny is how you and @Heels Noir are SO similar. You're bookends.
Is it? I would say it's a succinct way of saying it all. Besides, it's not official."Anybody But Trump" is such a weak basis for any campaign.
I'm sure he's flattered, although he'll never admit it.It's not meant as an insult.
It'snot meant as an insult. It's just a fact.
well no, I'll admit I'm slightly your and strummer's obsession with me. Feels a little creepy because we aren't supposed to own anybody the way that I own you and strummer, but I have to admit I like it.I'm sure he's flattered, although he'll never admit it.
I was watching the PBS news, and they didn't seem to think that there was much hope for it going anywhere. When one of their experts explained, I got the same impression as your last sentence. Never can tell though.Lol @cnn. They’re having a bad day. All their guests, lawyers, prosecutors, and even former aides, during the day pretty much dismissed the indictment and were openly disappointed. They got fresh meat this evening and more of the same. A lot of them doubt it will survive dismissal motions.
one can only hope that the "click" is the sound of a round being chambered.Sheesh, how do people do it? I've been listening this clown's speech for eight minutes and I feel like my ears are bleeding. His stupid gobbledygook nonsense sounds just like @bluetoe's rambling posts. How do his mindless fanatics stand it at his rallies?
I can't take it anymore.
LOL at "Lawyer A" aka Michael Cohen. Alvin Bragg might be dumber than you libs in here.
except I knew and posted about this weeks ago. Just for general information and for anyone who hasn't been keeping up, the law that was supposedly broken, and that he is being prosecuted for, is a NY law that says you can not commit a crime in furtherance of election chances. So you have to understand that the highlighted text of the indictment is not a crime in and of itself. You can pay hush money and pay it as you please and that isn't illegal. The crime was in the way the payment was entered in the books.ROFL.
Every commentator on all the media outlets has opined that this thing has no legs and you can hear the disappointment every time they open their mouths.
Leave it to Blaze to find the smoking gun that everyone else has missed. . . . . the dedication is impressive.
Unsure of which nominee you may support and ultimately vote for in the 2024 Republican primaries, what tips the scale for you is the candidate who promiscuously cheats on his wife with a porn star, gets played and outmaneuvered by that porn star, and practices such poor business savvy that he now has to beg his supporters for money to pay for his legal fees and campaign expenses? And only because you apparently feel sorry for him? Your decision making is impeccable, Boy Blunder!!I have been ambivalent about which republican gets the nomination. Now I think this might have me joining the ranks of those who this causes to get behind Trump.
it worked in 2020 ... and Trump has far less fans now than he did back then (i know you dont believe this but you're out of touch with reality)."Anybody But Trump" is such a weak basis for any campaign.
no, Simple Simon, I already explained that I only care about the job done as president, and I also explained in a different post that anyone that can stand up to the onslaught of treasonous knee-capping that he has had to deal with makes him suitable to lead our country.Unsure of which nominee you may support and ultimately vote for in the 2024 Republican primaries, what tips the scale for you is the candidate who promiscuously cheats on his wife with a porn star, gets played and outmaneuvered by that porn star, and practices such poor business savvy that he now has to beg his supporters for money to pay for his legal fees and campaign expenses? And only because you apparently feel sorry for him? Your decision making is impeccable, Boy Blunder!!
By the way, the January 6 protestors-turned-rioters did what they did because Trump convinced them that the 2020 election was stolen. The two circumstances are not even remotely related.
"Treasonous knee-capping."no, Simple Simon, I already explained that I only care about the job done as president, and I also explained in a different post that anyone that can stand up to the onslaught of treasonous knee-capping that he has had to deal with makes him suitable to lead our country.
"Treasonous knee-capping."
those who have no ability to reason but act only on their feelings.
Actually I wasn't even commenting on the implications with regard to this indictment. Yes, the implications might be that a) Trump knew [misdemeanor], b) it was related to election [felony?], but i don't know, and i just hope he stays around long enough to win the primary.ROFL.
Every commentator on all the media outlets has opined that this thing has no legs and you can hear the disappointment every time they open their mouths.
Leave it to Blaze to find the smoking gun that everyone else has missed. . . . . the dedication is impressive.
awesome. Let's make him president so we can hold on to some of the money that we don't have but spend anyway.Actually I wasn't even commenting on the implications with regard to this indictment. Yes, the implications might be that a) Trump knew [misdemeanor], b) it was related to election [felony?], but i don't know, and i just hope he stays around long enough to win the primary.
The reason I wasn't commenting on the implications are that I actually haven't followed this thing that much. If a grand jury agreed to indict then there is clearly "smoke". Doesn't mean it will go far though, gotta let the legal system play out here.
I'm just laughing that Trump can't get away from the reputation that he doesn't pay up. Doesn't pay his construction workers, doesn't pay his casino workers, doesn't pay his lawyers and even doesn't pay promised hush-money to his ho.
Party of "Law and Order"!Yeppir, this is at root a bookkeeping crime. ...absolutely no one would ever be charged with such nonsense.
hell yeah, vote Trump 2024! Everything he touches turns to shit, but he's a fighter and he says he wants to drain the swamp!I have been ambivalent about which republican gets the nomination. Now I think this might have me joining the ranks of those who this causes to get behind Trump.
please explain to me where Trump has possibly committed treason. Are we going to have to educate you all over again?^
Please explain to me how treason has been committed by anyone other than possibly Donald Trump.
the swamp overwhelmed him, but at least he tries to drain it. The jackass and crew in there now would be right at home in the Okefenokee.Party of "Law and Order"!
hell yeah, vote Trump 2024! Everything he touches turns to shit, but he's a fighter and he says he wants to drain the swamp!
It's okay, I didn't really expect you to provide a thoughtful or legitimate answer. It was more of a rhetorical question designed to once again expose you as the pretentious fraud you truly are.please explain to me where Trump has possibly committed treason. Are we going to have to educate you all over again?
In my view, creating fake government investigations and bogus impeachments and continuous obstructionism against a president who is trying to effectively run this country is nothing short of treason. It isn't what is done to Trump, it's what is done to US.
If you have to ask anything further, all I can say is start paying better attention.
now that is funny. You're the guy who had to have it explained to him that investigations come before charges, which come before a trial. Over and over I had to hammer that into your thick skull. That was a previous episode regarding the J6 hearings. Here currently I've had to beat it into your proto-human brain that allegations do not equate with guilt, and evidence means nothing unless charges are brought.....and so on and so forth. I've had to school you on what it means to commit a proven crime, which you so mdesperately...and ignorantly...want to hang on Donald Trump.It's okay, I didn't really expect you to provide a thoughtful or legitimate answer. It was more of a rhetorical question designed to once again expose you as the pretentious fraud you truly are.
"Fake government investigations, bogus impeachments, continuous obstructionism" are nothing more than cop outs for those deep in denial who cannot accept or understand lawful procedures.
Nice work, Perry Mason.![]()
Lying but trying, don't give up, Wile E. . . .now that is funny. You're the guy who had to have it explained to him that investigations come before charges, which come before a trial. Over and over I had to hammer that into your thick skull. That was a previous episode regarding the J6 hearings. Here currently I've had to beat it into your proto-human brain that allegations do not equate with guilt, and evidence means nothing unless charges are brought.....and so on and so forth. I've had to school you on what it means to commit a proven crime, which you so mdesperately...and ignorantly...want to hang on Donald Trump.
TDS has eaten away at your brain worse than the syphillis you caught from your mom.
Perry Mason indeed. You certainly make me feel like him.