OOTB's Political Thread . ..

And yet I would put my money on any of those Yellow Dogs taking a personal call from the President.

If not, cool. She’s just like idiots from post-civil war America (or do yall refer to it as the war of northern aggression on this board) that couldnt get over the defeat and the subsequent reconstruction.
^^^^ LMAO at this yankee. Getting his ass kicked here so he tries to hit below the belt with Civil War references as if anyone even cares. Nobody cares, doosher; that war is long behind us. It's not even a distant memory because no one here is old enough to remember it.. That's why it's called history. Dolt.
Alex Jones might be giving the next potential assassin some strategic ideas: poison, use a truck bomb, or hijack a plane by remote control and fly it into Mar-a-Lago. Is that last one even possible?

Don't doubt him. His predictions are right 98% of the time.
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So instead of this guy being fueled by Biden's rhetoric he just happens to be a typical social outcast, mentally unstable person, that wanted to die famously (with no escape plan).

A double-hater with a muthafukin gun.
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So instead of this guy being fueled by Biden's rhetoric he just happens to be a typical social outcast, mentally unstable person, that wanted to die famously (with no escape plan).

A double-hater with a muthafukin gun.
It sounds like he came from the same mold as Lee Harvey Oswald (replete with the baseless conspiracy theories that followed).
Falls asleep at RNC, falls asleep in court, confused Hailey and Pelosi, rambles incoherently about sharks, electrocution, but let's ignore his dementia while he pairs himself with the least experienced veep candidate in eons.

I don’t know how many times I have to tell you but inexperience in government is exactly what most of us are looking for. And you’ll be reminded of that in November.

What you call it is insignificant to me. And insignificant to the 90 million other people that will be voting for Trump in November.

You’ll laugh it up and carry on like you have faith he won’t win. I don’t blame you. Stay strong, brother! But deep inside, you’re already trying to come to grips with it. And if you stick around here after the election, I’m not going to let you forget about it.
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^^^^ LMAO at this yankee. Getting his ass kicked here so he tries to hit below the belt with Civil War references as if anyone even cares. Nobody cares, doosher; that war is long behind us. It's not even a distant memory because no one here is old enough to remember it.. That's why it's called history. Dolt.

You must not have spent much time in SC.

Lucky you
You must not have spent much time in SC.

Lucky you
I-85 near Spartanburg

Fly that loser-flag high, racist shithead.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

There's also a very active organization down here called "The Sons Of Confederate Veterans." You can bet your ass they haven't forgotten.
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I'll bet at their meetings they pay tribute to Robert E. Lee and Donald Trump.
Well, the neighbors are Trump-cultists and they have a unique desecration under their Trump flag. It's a US Flag and Rebel Traitor flag fused into one (half-n-half)... oh, and the Gadsden flag.

I asked "Why is the Gadsden flag in there?" He replied "The glad sin? What's that?" I love the poorly-educated! The Glad Sin Flag!
Falls asleep at RNC, falls asleep in court, confused Hailey and Pelosi, rambles incoherently about sharks, electrocution, but let's ignore his dementia while he pairs himself with the least experienced veep candidate in eons.
Being non-experienced as a politician doesn't make one inexperienced. His education, life experiences, and really impressive work background is extensive. Many would actual consider his lack of political experience a positive. Think about Barry who was our president for 8 years (that I'd be willing to bet you consider one of the all times greats). He was a state senator from 97 to 04 and was a US Senator from 05 to 08. So, one more year as a Senator and 8 years as a State politician that has almost nothing to do with country wide issues (you know, versus someone who actually went to Iraq for his country).

Here's the scary part about your whining and the attempt to misdirect the focus:

JD was born Aug., 1984.

Joe went to Washington in 1972, and he's never left.
Joe went to Washington in 1972, and he's never left.
"Non-experienced," or better put, unexperienced, is the very definition of inexperienced.
not experienced
a: having no experience : INEXPERIENCED

But to the point of Joe Biden serving in Washington since 1972, first as a senator and then as vice president and currently as president, he has cultivated relationships with a myriad of foreign leaders and nations. Well-established foreign affairs is vital to the office, something Donald Trump has never seemed too interested in. Which explains why Donald Trump is an absolute numskull when it comes to dealing with foreign countries, NATO, world leaders, etc.
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Falls asleep at RNC, falls asleep in court, confused Hailey and Pelosi, rambles incoherently about sharks, electrocution, but let's ignore his dementia while he pairs himself with the least experienced veep candidate in eons.
LOL at trying to compare a man who was recently shot, and was probably either grimacing in pain as he guts out his obligaton, or fighting sleep from the pain drugs he's taking, with that living corpse Biden. If your candidate is a virtual zombie, don't make yourself look even more foolish than you are by trying to equate a quick nod with a coma. LMAO.

The desperation is obvious.
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LOL at trying to compare a man who was recently shot, and was probably either grimacing in pain as he guts out his obligaton, or fighting sleep from the pain drugs he's taking, with that living corpse Biden. If your candidate is a virtual zombie, don't make yourself look even more foolish than you are by trying to equate a quick nod with a coma. LMAO.

The desperation is obvious.
I'll bet you fall asleep while watching porn.
But to the point of Joe Biden serving in Washington since 1972, first as a senator and then as vice president and currently as president, he has built invaluable relationships with a myriad of foreign leaders and nations.
well no shit, Sherlock. That's what we've been trying to tell you all along. There's no telling how valuable those 'invaluable relationships' have been to the Biden clan. More than fifty years of influence peddling and under the table deals gives new meaning to the term 'filthy rich'.
So instead of this guy being fueled by Biden's rhetoric he just happens to be a typical social outcast, mentally unstable person, that wanted to die famously (with no escape plan).

A double-hater with a muthafukin gun.
correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Trump was the only actual target. Those others must have been who were giving him his marching orders.
Trump said last night that God was on his side (or something to that effect). Does mean that God directed that bullet away from his head?
Trump said last night that God was on his side (or something to that effect). Does mean that God directed that bullet away from his head?
God had a security breach similar to the secret service and was caught off guard. He had only a split second to act when he realized trump was in danger. He had to quickly decide who in the crowd should die instead. He saw the beloved father of two and said “fuk that guy”
must admit, i watched the first few minutes last night…something seemed very familiar when he walked out…then i recalled it.

it reminded me of the iconic “elvis comeback special” signage on tv in 1968…someone here surely knows what i’m referencing.
Trump said last night that God was on his side (or something to that effect). Does mean that God directed that bullet away from his head?
There was no bullet. Trump was instructed to listen for gunshots and to slap a movie-set blood packet against his ear and take a knee.

Sure, a few real bullets were used. Sacrifices were needed to make it seem real.

That's my conspiracy theory, and I'm sticking to it.

Either that or it was a time traveler come back to save future Earth from the disasters wrought by Trump.