OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Bad news for Trump supporters. A new poll says his approval numbers on the economy are at an all time high. Let's hope random opinions are better for him.

That must have hurt CNN to write. On a further note with regards to the economy.

U.S. creates 263,000 jobs in April, unemployment falls to 3.6%

Now, I have my own issues with how the economy is perceived, but this sounds pretty good for Trump.
The tax cuts were a mistake. You never cut taxes when the economy is doing well like he did. You save that to use when you're in a recession and we are several years overdue for one.

The economy was doing well? On what planet? Of course, you should never attempt to help out the people. Just wait until the corporations get themselves into trouble again and to hell with everyone else.
The tax cuts were a mistake. You never cut taxes when the economy is doing well like he did. You save that to use when you're in a recession and we are several years overdue for one.
Why do you think we are several years overdue for a recession? I haven't heard anyone else say that. Slowdown maybe, but not a recession. Several years would indicate the Obama years as well.
Why do you think we are several years overdue for a recession? I haven't heard anyone else say that. Slowdown maybe, but not a recession. Several years would indicate the Obama years as well.

By the middle of this year we will be in the longest running untick in the economy in a long, long time. Do you think this can go on forever?
Trump really broke your brain, didn't he?
No. I'm following the sage advice I got on this board. Never trust a poll, especially if it comes from that liberal, fake news, bastion CNN. Should I ignore that advice? Also, why are you making personal attacks at me?

By the middle of this year we will be in the longest running untick in the economy in a long, long time. Do you think this can go on forever?
No it can't continue forever, but there is a difference between a slowdown and/or a dip vs a recession. Are you saying the only reason we are overdue for a recession is because there hasn't been a recession?
Slowest recovery in history, you didn't mention that. Never had 3% GDP.

"Growth above 3% is impossible."
-Barack Obama

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No. I'm following the sage advice I got on this board. Never trust a poll, especially if it comes from that liberal, fake news, bastion CNN. Should I ignore that advice? Also, why are you making personal attacks at me?

No it can't continue forever, but there is a difference between a slowdown and/or a dip vs a recession. Are you saying the only reason we are overdue for a recession is because there hasn't been a recession?

You should never trust a favorable poll that is coming from a favorable news site. I wouldn't trust a Trump positive poll from Breitbart.
You should never trust a favorable poll that is coming from a favorable news site. I wouldn't trust a Trump positive poll from Breitbart.
I'm confused. Are you saying CNN is a favorable news site? I was specifically told not to trust them when a favorable poll came out the other day.
I'm confused. Are you saying CNN is a favorable news site? I was specifically told not to trust them when a favorable poll came out the other day.

It depends on what they're reporting on. They have an agenda, just like Breitbart does. Of course, you should take all polls with a grain of salt, it's just that some you should take with mounds of salt.
I know Presidents will get credit /blame for the economy. I just think their actual impact is largely overstated.
Again, I agree partially but I also believe tax relief and deregulation played a large role. Obama was stifling growth through regulation. Look at our manufacturing growth for example.
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It depends on what they're reporting on. They have an agenda, just like Breitbart does. Of course, you should take all polls with a grain of salt, it's just that some you should take with mounds of salt.
So the person the other day was wrong when they immediately dismissed the CNN poll? Should I be skeptical about both CNN polls that were favorable to Trump or just the ones that aren't favorable?
So the person the other day was wrong when they immediately dismissed the CNN poll? Should I be skeptical about both CNN polls that were favorable to Trump or just the ones that aren't favorable?

Don't worry about it, buddy. Let's just say that I take all polls with a grain of salt and leave it at that.
Good point. I don't trust many polls either. I've never been polled. They all sure had it wrong in 2015.
Depends on how you look at it. Hilary got a lot more votes than Trump, so she did win that. National polls for presidential races aren't very useful though. You need to look at the state numbers since the winner isn't determined by who gets the most overall votes.
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Depends on how you look at it. Hilary got a lot more votes than Trump, so she did win that. National polls for presidential races aren't very useful though. You need to look at the state numbers since the winner isn't determined by who gets the most overall votes.

The state numbers were wrong too. Here's the problem with trying to gauge Trump's popularity. A lot of people aren't going to admit they're voting for Trump because they don't want to deal with all the deranged TDS behavior. They don't want people stalking them online, threatening their job, or threatening their life. So, instead of being honest, they're going to lie.
Depends on how you look at it. Hilary got a lot more votes than Trump, so she did win that. National polls for presidential races aren't very useful though. You need to look at the state numbers since the winner isn't determined by who gets the most overall votes.
Agreed. That's not how the media pushed it though.
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