OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Calling someone a racist or a sell out isn’t an insult?
Not today. Racist is way over used and doesn't have value any more due to its overuse. And I believe he said Bernie sold out. I'm not defending the guy you just need to learn some communication skills. You and Trump are way more alike than you realize.
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Not today. Racist is way over used and doesn't have value any more due to its overuse. And I believe he said Bernie sold out. I'm not defending the guy you just need to learn some communication skills. You and Trump are way more alike than you realize.

So calling someone a racist isn’t an insult because it’s an insult that too many people use? Yeah that makes sense...

He called Bernie a sell out then called me a sell out for voting for Hillary which I didn’t even do.

Those are insults. Trying to claim otherwise is just silly. Just like Cletus randomly jumping in and claiming I’m short on IQ points is an insult. Your selective outrage is amusing though.
So calling someone a racist isn’t an insult because it’s an insult that too many people use? Yeah that makes sense...

He called Bernie a sell out then called me a sell out for voting for Hillary which I didn’t even do.

Those are insults. Trying to claim otherwise is just silly. Just like Cletus randomly jumping in and claiming I’m short on IQ points is an insult. Your selective outrage is amusing though.

I don't believe this for one second. With all the stuff you've commented on about the election, I find it hard to believe that you didn't vote for Hillary.
So calling someone a racist isn’t an insult because it’s an insult that too many people use? Yeah that makes sense...

He called Bernie a sell out then called me a sell out for voting for Hillary which I didn’t even do.

Those are insults. Trying to claim otherwise is just silly. Just like Cletus randomly jumping in and claiming I’m short on IQ points is an insult. Your selective outrage is amusing though.
Outrage, no. Having fun pulling your chain and calling you out for your lack of social skills, yes.
I don't think he voted for Hillary. I'd guess he either wrote in Bernie or didn't vote.

That's possible. I have no proof that he voted for Hillary. All I have is his posting history, which has been nothing but never-Trump. He's never given Trump credit for anything, even Trump's work to help Black Americans. This is why I call him a racist, because he believes in his ideology more than he believes in the liberties of said Black Americans. You can quote that to him if you want, but don't get yourself put on his blacklist. LULZ!
I'd rather have this thread instead of 500 political threads. I think it's actually been good for the board to consolidate all the politics into this thread. It makes the board easier to navigate and has kept other threads free of politics for the most part.

Yeah this thread and the consolidation was a great idea. I sorta know what I'm getting into when I click it and nothing really rattles me because I expect the obscene.
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Heres what troubles me wayyyyy more than trump’s alleged racism or misogyny. In his cabinet meeting yesterday he told 13 outright lies. We’re not talking splitting hairs in vocabulary or data interpretation we’re talking plain as day falsehoods and bullshit claims. As hes done hundreds if not thousands of times. He claimed credit for permitting a power company. Obama admin permitted them as the company itself acknowledged. He claimed asylum seekers return to court 2% of the time. Its actually 87%. And the idiotic claims go on and on....Either hes getting horrible info and hes stupid enough to believe it or hes just making shit up. Not sure which is worse. You can come back with “all politicians lie” and thats fair to some extent. But his penchant for lying far surpasses any president since i’ve been paying attention. Hopefully his cabinet has fact checkers they use. Its pretty horrifying to think national policy decisions would be predicated on fake news.
Heres what troubles me wayyyyy more than trump’s alleged racism or misogyny. In his cabinet meeting yesterday he told 13 outright lies. We’re not talking splitting hairs in vocabulary or data interpretation we’re talking plain as day falsehoods and bullshit claims. As hes done hundreds if not thousands of times. He claimed credit for permitting a power company. Obama admin permitted them as the company itself acknowledged. He claimed asylum seekers return to court 2% of the time. Its actually 87%. And the idiotic claims go on and on....Either hes getting horrible info and hes stupid enough to believe it or hes just making shit up. Not sure which is worse. You can come back with “all politicians lie” and thats fair to some extent. But his penchant for lying far surpasses any president since i’ve been paying attention. Hopefully his cabinet has fact checkers they use. Its pretty horrifying to think national policy decisions would be predicated on fake news.

he's a pathological liar, no doubt.

"You can come back with “all politicians lie” and thats fair to some extent" -- "to some extent" is a massive understatement. Every single POTUS has made policy decisions based on his personal preferences, fake news and politics, that is not news.


On another note, as expected, the Dems "Trump is a racist" attack is back firing. These dumb asses just never learn. You CANNOT stop the Trump Train bc of the economic success, but by all means, keep trying.

"As if on cue, a new Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted Monday and Tuesday showed Trump’s net approval among Republicans rising in the wake of the controversy."
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The three votes in the poll are:

1 - Me - which is obviously for real
2 - BillyL - the vote took place after he left the board so obviously someone took the screen name and was just having some fun with you, unless of course you believe that Billy reported you
3 - Slackbot - do you even know Slackbot?

One person reported you. It was me. Stop acting like you were under assault. And even if you were, instead of making excuses, try to be more likable and maybe these things won't happen to you.
Don't @ me bro!
Of course most aren’t going to admit to complaining because it makes them look bad.
But Ben Carson is just an Uncle Tom. As is that Bob Johnson fellow. And Kanye. And all the other black folks that have supported Trump. They're all Uncle Toms. Any black person that dares to highlight the good things happening in the black community is an Uncle Tom.

you're a racist
Considering the fact that Ben Carson actually believes the world was literally created in 7 days... he probably shouldn't be considered a credible source on anything outside of brain surgery. Is trump a racist? Probably not. But pretty much every racist in America loves him.

Considering the fact that Ben Carson actually believes the world was literally created in 7 days... he probably shouldn't be considered a credible source on anything outside of brain surgery. Is trump a racist? Probably not. But pretty much every racist in America loves him.


so to be clear, you discredit him because he believes the Bible is true?
My views on the Bible are well documented. Science has clearly proven the world was not created in seven days lol

you believe a scientist, Carson believes God ... no big deal - and certainly no reason to discredit someone's intellect entirely (other than, as you said, the brain surgeon part).
But at the same time, could you understand those who are outraged if he lied about something they cared about?

They all lie. That's why I don't listen to them anymore and I just pay attention to what they actually do. Maybe that's a cynical take, but I tend to be cynical when it comes to politicians.
My views on the Bible are well documented. Science has clearly proven the world was not created in seven days lol

I don't think that many people take the Bible literally. I'm sure that some do, but I don't think it's commonplace. Religion is nothing more than people looking for answers. It's a collective, which is why it compares so well to socialism.
you believe a scientist, Carson believes God ... no big deal - and certainly no reason to discredit someone's intellect entirely (other than, as you said, the brain surgeon part).

I don’t believe a scientist. I believe the scientific method. Critical review of evidence and repeatable experiments than can actually prove something. That’s completely different than a dogmatic belief in an old book written by people who thought the earth was the center of the universe.

Also, Ben Carson is a wealthy surgeon. It’s probably safe to assume he doesn’t have his finger on the pulse of struggling black communities. Lots of black folks completely disagree with his assessment. Just because someone is black and has an opinion on the black community doesn’t mean it is an accurate opinion.

I’m not claiming trump is a racist. Or that he’s opposed to helping poor black folks. As long as they’re nowhere near his country club I’m sure he doesn’t have a problem with them.

And tbh he’s done plenty to discredit his own intellect. He’s a brilliant surgeon. But many people are only good at one thing, and I think he’s one of them.

Unemployment started trending down long before trump took office. There’s no discontinuity that would suggest he’s responsible for that trend increasing.
I don’t believe a scientist. I believe the scientific method. Critical review of evidence and repeatable experiments than can actually prove something. That’s completely different than a dogmatic belief in an old book written by people who thought the earth was the center of the universe.

Also, Ben Carson is a wealthy surgeon. It’s probably safe to assume he doesn’t have his finger on the pulse of struggling black communities. Lots of black folks completely disagree with his assessment. Just because someone is black and has an opinion on the black community doesn’t mean it is an accurate opinion.

I’m not claiming trump is a racist. Or that he’s opposed to helping poor black folks. As long as they’re nowhere near his country club I’m sure he doesn’t have a problem with them.

And tbh he’s done plenty to discredit his own intellect. He’s a brilliant surgeon. But many people are only good at one thing, and I think he’s one of them.

Unemployment started trending down long before trump took office. There’s no discontinuity that would suggest he’s responsible for that trend increasing.

That method has been shown to be bought at a certain price.
So i watched the rally last night. Pence is a very polished and charismatic speaker. He used a lot of hyperbole but i was ready to pounce on any lies and honestly i heard none. Trump however needs a speech writer. He rambles, repeats himself, and basically blabs bumper sticker sayings. But the crowd loved him so i guess it works. It was all just a harmless feel good trump circle jerk til the “send her home chant” started. I mean whats the end game here? Deport us citizens critical of the president to their ancestral homes? Establish a theocracy? Didnt watch any more after that.
so to be clear, you discredit him because he believes the Bible is true?

I discredit him cause he believes the earth is 5000 yrs old, humans were created from god spit and dirt, and all land life on earth descended from animals marooned on a boat in turkey 4000yrs ago. Brain surgeon, rocket scientist, idgaf, if you believe that science denying bullshit (as he has said he does) you’re a cult dwelling deluded nutjob and you have zero credibility with me about anything.